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Thread: First Look at "Predators"

  1. #1
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    First Look at "Predators"

    Here are some camera-phone set pics:

    And a response from someone involved with the film:

    It has come to my attention that over the course of the last 36 hours some images have leaked from our set and made there way to various internet news agencies and as can be expected with the online community these days of course the pictures were immediately met with negativity and vitriol. I have spent a considerable amount of time on the set of this very difficult yet rewarding production in a capacity that I am not at liberty to expound upon for various and obvious reasons but thought it was very important that I reach out to set the record straight about some things.

    * Many jumpred at the chance to criticize the quality of the images despite the fact that they very obviously are not official production stills and were not taken with the intention of being released to you the public. While it has not yet been figured out the parties responsible for getting these out to the internet it should not take rocket scientists or special investigators to realize that these were probably taken with a camera phone. Judging the quality of the finished product and jumping to conclusions on the look of the finalized film at this juncture and based on this evidence alone is an injustice to all parties involved.

    * There have also been comments from many that say some of the Predator designs make them look to be transgendered or that they are in high heels and some other such absurdities. Again I cant stress enough how those pictures were probably taken for personal purposes and should not have been released to the public because they are misleading and not representative of what is really going on with the creatures. While there are some slight and some rather very large differences between some the creature designs I can assure everybody that this project is being handled by very talented people with a great care and respect for this property and that none of the creatures designs will look like street walkers or any other stupid thing that some commentors here or there may want to have you believe. The internet has been screaming for practical effects since as far back as 2002 or 2003 when images and clips first started pouring from the first avp and the team in place here is delivering those practical effects. Is that going to pacify the internet community? I dont even know if that is possible to be honest but I do know that feedback and thoughts on how to get this thing right have been weighed and considered to a degree that many will never know. I can not and will not go into great detail but I will say that fans of the design done by Stan Winston so many years ago have a lot to look forward to. There is going to be as little cgi as possible because nearly every single aspect of ths production is a back to basics approach. Nimrod is laying everything he has as a filmmaker on the line to ensure that he delivers something not only faithful to the original but something that also strives to surpass it while still staying true to the spirit of what made Predator so effective and special in the first place.

    * Been lots of chatter about the Predators looking too small. Trust when I say nothing could be farther from true. These monsters are just as big as they are nasty! I am talking well over 7 feet and some even larger! Yes. Huge. And at the risk of sounding like a broken record let me just once again say you should not jump to conclusions based on the crude and unfortunate snaps circulating out there now. There is so much magic and technique from behind the lens to create what the viewer ends up seeing that it makes almost no sense to invest in any of the happenings at such an early stage of a movie production even though it can be some fun. Be patient. Great things will come to those who wait.

    * Of course I am not aware of everything that goes on behind closed doors but some suggestions and implications about certain actors appearing drugged or under the influence in certain shots have upset me on a personal level because each and every one of these warriors have been nothing but absolutely professional when they show up to work. Yes they are tough and yes they can be a rowdy and raucous group as well . That does not change that they are where they are to perform a service. Movie sets are not fraternity parties or the back of a rock concert tour bus or anything else you may have been led to believe. While making movies can be big fun and am absolute dream that many of us feel privileged to be a part of at the end of the day it still a work environment not unlike what many of you are probably familiar with. We have lawyers and suits from the insurance companies around us at all times and there would just be no way for people to get away with even a small fraction of the fantastic and outrageous things that some seemed to have created in their heads.

    * Last I want to touch on is that while it is pretty great to see such passion for movies and entertainment in general that fans want to follow things at nearly all stages of development I think it could be of benefit for everyone for them to try and do away with all this awful negativity. Films are such a special thing and we are all truly so blessed to be given the good fortune of having such things in our lives. Next time you may get the urge to lash out at a certain casting decision or something that is only a small piece of a much larger puzzle just try to fight that impulse for a moment and focus on a positive instead. Not only do I think it will you help you as an indivdual but it will also do so much for the over all community.

    Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to read and better understand the realities of the situation. I look forward to the opportunity when everyone gets to see for themselves just how amazing this project is and see just how lucky I am to be part of its making.

    God bless.
    Attached Images

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Feb 2006
    United States
    Why is it that we always get a billion threads for the same subject?

    The search button is failing.

    Anyway....looks good.

  3. #3
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    Feb 2006
    london, england
    iv got high hopes for this film so fingers crossed that they dont drop the ball on this one


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