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Thread: Finally Found My Looting Spot

  1. #1
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Finally Found My Looting Spot

    I took a trip yesterday, and, just by chance, found the outbreak shelter I can't get near my home.

    In my area, there isn't a damn thing a far as supplies. But I took a trip to Ocala (Florida), and happened upon one of these:

    The store is HUGE! Browse the online items, then figure - oh, let's say - about 1,000x the selection (online is just bare-bones). Put it this way: when I walked down the main aisle, the first display item I saw at the back end was a .50 cal rifle (about 1,500 dollars). Now, that's the way to make an impression on a browsing shopper.

    Everything we need, from firearms (including semi-auto assault rifles; they don't have the full-auto, military grade stuff thanks to the Democrats) to all the fishing gear you can imagine, to small boats! Hunting supplies, outdoor camping/survival equipment...everything.

    And the icing on the cake? The shopping center only has one other store: a Northern Tools outlet! Generators, plumbing, lifts, winches, every power tool you can imagine. And every non-powered tool, too.

    Run there, and we're set. Only thing missing is the raw material (like lumber) to build the place into a fortress.

    ...the one drawback is that it's about 40 miles from my house. I'll have to battle through one hell of a zombie gauntlet to reach it.

  2. #2
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    ...the one drawback is that it's about 40 miles from my house. I'll have to battle through one hell of a zombie gauntlet to reach it.
    I think that the 50,000+ population of Ocala will beat you to the store! And if you made it there, the zombies might be the least of your problems!

    You could try going to Silver Springs instead. Get yourself on one of the glass bottom boats...that way you could even see the "underwater zombies" if they were planning an attack !!

  3. #3
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Well, the good thing is that Ocala's layout is in my favor. A lot of that population is 20 miles away from the center of town. People were drunk when they designed the place: you've got a business cluster all along the interstate, and then the residents are stuck on the far end. The "city" is about 20 miles from end to end.

    Another bonus to the loction is the reason I was there in the first place: the farm and construction equipment auction. If the outbreak goes down on the second Friday of a month, we've got literally hundreds of heavy tractors, steam shovels, bulldozers, loaders, you-name-it. Just about a mile down the street from this weaponry bonanza.

    Depending on the "rules" for this outbreak, something else will help: the main "industry" of that town is horse farming! Lots of horses; if the zombies eat those, it will occupy them for quite awhile (I figure even a large group would take at least an hour to devour a horse). That takes some heat off us living folks.

    Of course, with my rotten luck, the zombies will be strictly people-eaters.
    Last edited by SRP76; 11-Jan-2009 at 07:18 AM.

  4. #4
    Being Attacked deadkrank's Avatar

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    St.Louis Mills

    My looting spot would probably be St.Louis Mills? Its a huge outlet mall down in St.Louis. Theres a huge hunting store in the mall full of weapons. Dont remember the name of store? But it's a huge store.
    But seeing as this mall is in the city it would probably be full of St.Louis zombies? But the mall is pretty huge. Plenty of running room. And plenty places to hide. Its my favorite mall in The St.Louis area.

  5. #5
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    the main "industry" of that town is horse farming! Lots of horses; if the zombies eat those, it will occupy them for quite awhile (I figure even a large group would take at least an hour to devour a horse). That takes some heat off us living folks.
    Sounds like good country. Personally, I always hope enough of the horses will get away so that they can be caught for later use by survivors, but having a town full of livestock to get munched on (assuming the zeds go after animals), would be mighty convenient as a head start for the still breathing long pork.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  6. #6
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    SRP76, have you ever been to the Volusia Mall in Daytona? That is the closet mall to me. It is not a 2-story mall, only 1 story. The 6 department stores each have 2 floors. One thing that I always thought was cool about of the stores right in the middle (they have changed names so much I forget which one it is now) has windows overlooking the central area of the mall. At first, they just used just for...."dressing". They couldnt use the windows to display items for sale, because you couldnt see it too close from the ground, so they just had drapes and some manequins up there. Now I think they have changed it to a hair salon (which is funny. Hey, I need a haircut...lets go to Macy's! ) But in any event, if that mall was used as a refuge, that would be the store to have as your base. No way to get to the second floor unless you are already in the store, and the windows would provide a good look into the main area of the mall.


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