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Thread: making a zombie movie

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    making a zombie movie

    im just wondering if you have any ideas about the script that i am posting
    im a 13 year old filmaker and havea dad who owns a tv production company so i have access to pro HD cameras and a full avid editing suite

    plz post cooments on the script

    the movie opens in a familys back yard there is a boy named ash a little girl and a mom and a dad named kevin. they are barbqueing steaks the camera follows ash as he walks into the garage and goes to get something cut o a shot of a zombie running into thier backyard cut back inside the garage ash is grabing a tool then a high pitched scream is heard the camer turns to a medium close up of ash looling through a hole in the door he sees the zombie biting the mothers neck spewing blood out of his mouth and there is blood squirting out of the wound she falls down cut to a shot following behind a zombie the zombie runs bites the girl on the neck more blood squirts out the girl falls down dead then cut to a shot of kevin grabing a steak knife from the barbque and stabing the zombie through the eye then ash comes out of the garage and then cut to a medium long shot of the mother and the girl getting up the dad walks over to them then they both start attacking him he is telling them "let me ****ing go' but they dont stop close up shots following the action off them scrambling around on the floor them spewing blood. ash takes a crowbar and smashes their skulls with lots of blood.. kevin gets up and is kinda shaking cut to a shot tilting from feet to head at a medium speed he is covered in blood and brain matter. they go inside and lock the door cut to a shot of kevin calling 911 the message on the line says that they are currently busy he waits on they phone for 30 seconds. he slams the phone down


    "what the **** is ****ing going on"

    . outside they hear screams and sirens and gunshots. cut to a montage of zombie attacks including a man with a shot gun is shooting the zombies running towards him more zombies are coming from the sides and he starts panicing as the zombies are getting closer shooting one shot after another and saying "****ing **** you mother****in assholes he then starts to walk backwards continuing to shoot then a zombie jumps on his back he tries to shake him off then the zombie bites his ear the skin streches then he slowly falls backwards as the zombies all jump on him cut to a shot from the side showing the zombies in a circle all around him tearing out organs and there is lotsa blood spraying up`, a woman and her son are running from a group of the infected the woman trips

    no honey just keep going
    the son runs back towards his mom as the zombies attack them they start biting the womans face while they eat the sons leggs

    it is the next day ash and Kevin are watching the news
    ash gets up
    **** this i cant stand watching the god damn tv anymore im going out side
    to see for my self whats going on

    you cant go out there

    im going to the backyard ill be back

    ash gets up and leaves the room

    continuos hand held shot following ash walking out side
    ash hears a noise turns around and sees a zombie running at him the zombie pushes him to the ground they roll around the zombie is spitting blood
    they continue to roll around

    help someone help this ****in things going to kill me
    then just as the zombie is about to bite his neck the zombie gets shot in the heart covering ash in blood

    did you get any blood in your eyes or mouth

    no **** no wait why do you care

    its a virus its transmitted by blood

    but if its a virus then why after you die you get back up

    because if you get bit and you die but the virus starts a chemical reaction in your body that causes your heart to start beating again and makes you go ****in insane

    how the **** do you know all this ****

    my dad he was a biological weapon engineer he told me about this virus the iranians were designing that is suposed to infect a mass populace very quickly and cause the infected to go and infect more people

    then why the **** is it here in toronto

    i dont know and because i know your going to ask there is no ****ing cure no vaccine nothing

    so your pretty much saying that we are totally ****ed

    yep we are so ****ing screwed

    im sorry i forgot to say thanks for saving my ****in life

    no problem

    so wheres your family

    there dead their all ****in dead

    do ya wanta stay with us


    they start to walk inside shot of the camera zooming out from the body showing a hole in the zombies chest and the ground covered in blood

    cut to a shot of ash and max walking inside

    dad this is max he is stayin with us

    hey thanks for lettin g me stay here

    max knows why these ****in things are here

    cut to a shot of them sitting at the kitchen table

    its been two ****ing days and still no help we have got to do some thing

    i agree what do we need to do

    we have to first fill up any containers we have with water because we dont know when the water supply will run out

    ok ill do that

    we`ve got to round up all the weapons and ammo\

    cut to the next day looking up at them looking at a table

    ok as far as guns we`ve got 3 m4s 2 shotguns 4 berretas 2 m1911s
    2 walther p99s

    ok we each get an m4 me and ash get a shot gun we each get a berreta
    ash and max get a m1911 and me and george get a walther

    we dont have nearly enough food

    in 3 days lets go to the grocery stor in the car get a bunch of food

    ash max

    cut to 2 days later max and ash are watching a movie and then the power gets shut off

    what the hell was that

    i dont ****in know

    kevin walks in the room with a flashlight

    are you guys ok

    yeah were fine

    i think we just blew a fuse ill go down and reset the breakers

    shot following kevin as he decends down the stairs he walks into the room with the fuses there is no sound whatsoever exept for his foot steps and breathing he moves the flashlight around the room sees nothing and opens the box with the fuses he hears something he turns around and a zombie jumps down from a peice of funature and pulls him down the zombie spits blood he starts smashing the zombies head with the back of it until he cracks the skull and screws up the brain he resets the circuts and the lights comeback on

    what the hell happened to you

    max can you hand me a towel


    the next night

    they are in the kitchen getting on gear and loadin weapons

    all ready to go

    **** yeah lets kick some zombie ass

    lets get the hell outa here

    they go outside there are no zombies on the street they walk to the car open up the doors and get in

    cut to a shot of them pulling in to the parking lot they get out and 15 zombies start running after them they start shooting them then run into the store one of them pulls out a shotgun and blows a zombie head off

    man i blew the mother ****ers head off

    they run into the store and start loading up carts with food

    they drive down the street and see the street fairly clear but still a few zombies they open up the windows and begin fireing on the zombies they get out and open the trunk and carry the stuff in while max covers them

    ` come on hurry up the the infected are getting too ****in

    they head inside and begin to lay the food out on the table they begin to disscus where they should go from here

    i dont think we can stay here much longer

    why cant we?

    hey look theres a girl out there

    we see infected chicks all the time

    shes not infected

    max turns his head to the window

    kevin there really is a chick there

    ash grabs a gun off the table and opens up the door and runs down the street

    ahhh can someone ****in help me

    ash runs towards the girl while blasting the zombie with his shot gun as he gets closer a zombie runs towards the girl when it is 2 feet away ash shoots the zombie in the chest covering Cherry with blood
    he grabs her hand and pulls her up the street towards the house he gets her inside
    they sit down in the living room max and kevin come in

    so whats your name?

    its Cherry

    continues on next post

  2. #2
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    so Cherry how the hell did you get here

    i was at my 14th birthday party when some **** head decided
    to crash it but he started spiting blood everywhere he bit a bunch of my friends then they got back up and started chasing me that was a day ago ive been running ever since

    ash gets up and gets a cloth for Cherry

    heres a cloth i thought you might need it seeing that you are covered in blood and chunks of flesh


    so back to what we were talking about before i think we should go up north to orilla

    i really dont want to go up there

    my dad does have a point theres less people up there so
    that means a lot less zombies hey Cherry what do you think

    i dont know i guess if there are less of those things it would be better

    so i guess were going when do you want to go

    how about 3 or 4 days

    ok hey max come with me i want you to help me round up some batteries

    max and kevin leave the room

    thanks for um saving me

    your welcome

    come over here

    ash gets up and sits beside Cherry

    what do you want

    just to thank you

    but you already..

    Cherry gives ash a hug they stay like this for a while kevin walks by the door

    what are you doing

    just thanking him

    dad can you kinda go away

    uhh sure

    2 days later

    ash and Cherry and max are outside they are practicing shooting for targets they are using an infected tied to a tree

    so Cherry to get good hits never shoot on full auto
    just use semi or burst


    ash takes a shot at the infected and hits it right in the balls blood shoots out the zombie spits blood and shakes very violently

    nice shot man

    you know im a way better shot than you

    the next day
    inside they are getting all the supplies ready to load in the car

    are you guys ready to go

    yeah we are

    they grab some guns and start shooting zombies while kevin loads the car

    they are sitting inside the car now they are going past farms

    on our way to the house can we stop in town i want to pick up some stuff

    can we please


    ok but i dont want anyone going anywhere alone

    the car pulls into the town the sun is setting they pull up in front of a conveinence store the streets are empty they get out witth their weapons drawn they walk up to the door break open a lock and walk in they cover their noses because there is rotten food and the clerk is lying dead on the ground they walk around ash grabs a bunch of popand chips and they leave the store once outside they hear growls and footsteps of the infected runing down the street they jump in the car and drive off

    man there were a lot of them back there

    were almost here

    when they turn down the street they see many zombies they roll down the windows and begin to shoot the zombies many of the zombies run towards them some of them get shot

    i dont think we can get all of them

    ok new plan lets run these ****ers down

    kevin floors the car and they get faster then they hit two zombies one of them goes flying away the other rolls on the hood
    and gets up and spits blood on the windsheild kevin brakes hard and the zombie goes flying off the hood and slams into two other zombies

    look that zombie looks like a stripper but she only has one leg

    ive seen some crazy **** before but i have never seen me a one legged stripper

    they pull into the drive way and get out and shoot the zombies that are left.

    come on lets go we gotta unload the stuff before the next wave of infected get here

    they grab stuff and run to the door kevin pulls out a key and uses it on the lock they walk inside and set the stuff down

    **** i forgot to lock the car

    he walks out side he goes up to the car and presses the lock button nothing happens he tries it again still nothing then he spins around and sees 5 or 6 zombies coming after him

    hey guys a little help

    ash and max run out with thier weapons they shoot the zombies but the one that is left jumps on kevin and spits blood in his eyes

    ash i love you

    dad whats wrong

    im infected


    kevin starts shaking and screaming he begins to spit blood he gets up and starts banging on the car he smashes his head on the hood spits blood all over the winsheild he claws at the skin on his arms causing them to bleed he spits blood all over the ground

    we have to kill him

    cant we just tie him up

    im not going to be the one to do it

    ` ash
    but he`s my dad

    that things not you dad anymore

    kevin continues to thrash on the ground

    ash walks over to kevin and smashes the back of his head with the butt of his gun kevin falls down

    someone get me some rope

    Cherry runs out with some rope

    they are inside now kevin is tied up on the ground
    ash is sitting at the table with glazed eyes Cherry walks over

    ash you okay

    what do you think my dad just turned into a ****ing infected

    she gives ash a hug

    its okay we will find out how to cure this

    yeah ok im ****in hungry

    ill make you something

    cherry gets up and goes through the food

    do you want kraft dinner or soup

  3. #3
    Dead Trencher's Avatar

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    Mar 2006
    Whenever I hear "a thirteen year old could write a better script" from now on I will think of this. You just wrote a better script than all the low budget zombie films I have seen the last five years. And that is a lot. This is great stuff, I really like the old school attitude you have in this manuscript.
    I say you should try to make this movie, even if you do not get to sell it it will still be good practice for you. The guy who made signs started making movies when he was about your age and I think that the guy who made star wars also started that young.
    If I am to give you practical advice I would say take out the swearing and maybe the part where you have to kill your zombie dad. He is the one who wll borrow you the camera and stuff after all heh heh. Also dont bite over more than you can chew try to keep it short at least for your first movies. And if people complains over your spelling errors then remember that beeing a good speller have never earned a person millions of dollars but beeing a creative writer or director has.
    Good luck onward!

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat

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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Trencher View Post
    Whenever I hear "a thirteen year old could write a better script" from now on I will think of this. You just wrote a better script than all the low budget zombie films I have seen the last five years. And that is a lot. This is great stuff, I really like the old school attitude you have in this manuscript.
    I say you should try to make this movie, even if you do not get to sell it it will still be good practice for you. The guy who made signs started making movies when he was about your age and I think that the guy who made star wars also started that young.
    If I am to give you practical advice I would say take out the swearing and maybe the part where you have to kill your zombie dad. He is the one who wll borrow you the camera and stuff after all heh heh. Also dont bite over more than you can chew try to keep it short at least for your first movies. And if people complains over your spelling errors then remember that beeing a good speller have never earned a person millions of dollars but beeing a creative writer or director has.
    Good luck onward!
    thanks for the advice

    oh and i forgot the catch is we only have 5 grand to do it
    Last edited by georgefox; 16-Dec-2007 at 03:09 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  5. #5
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    as a low budget filmmaker myself I read your script and I want to say first that taking on a project at 13 is a noble effort and I wish you tons of luck, but I need to give you some advice on your script. I had some issues with my first film and they were related tot he script and I realized the mistakes I made so I want to help you avoid those same mistakes.

    1. No parent would ever allow their 13-14 year old child talk like this in front of them. The language you have them using is too unrealistic. I really don't know of a father of a 13 yr old who would allow his child to say Goddamn, and f**k and whatever curse words as free flowing as you have them doing it. Tame down the language

    2. Naming your characters Ash and Cherry, is nice when making an homage fan film to Evil Dead and grindhouse, but again in a zombie film even low budget this is an un-needed cliche and very eye rolling. People will tear this apart based on the fact you have pre-teens named ash and cherry. Although zombie films are a fantasy based gimmick, they need to be grounded in as much reality as possible. Change the characters names.

    3. When Cherry hugs Ash and the dad walks by and questions what they are doing... Ummm, no parent would let children this young keep doing and they sure as hell wouldn't just walk away even if the kid asked him to do that.

    4. Don't use the word zombies at anytime in your script. Remember people don't know what they really are and it is good to just refer to them as "things" or "monsters"

    5. Having ash Brag he is a better shot than max when max says to him "Nice Shot" is crude and rude. You are trying to establish ash as a hero, not an asshole. So change that line. You have the potential for a good character and a likable one but that line of dialog made him come off like an ass.

    6. Having the father drive through a group of zombies... Not going to happen on a $5,000 budget. Having him maybe run over one zombie is doable, but a group... no way. Because of your age you will never get the streets closed or the insurance to back this up, not too mention the cost of the insurance to do this type of stunt will suck up the entire $5K and more. One thing I learned is you have to keep the script in tone with your budget. a Mistake I made on Deadlands: the Rising. While I was able to get a lot of stunts done, certain things had to be dropped or toned down to fit the budget.

    7. Using dialog from Planet Terror is not going to really help you. I can see you really enjoy that film because a lot of the dialog and scenes are direct lifts. it is ok to reference a favorite film, but to blatantly borrow from it.... is a big no no.

    8. Ash's dad has just turned into one of the infect and in less than a minute you have him acting like it is no big thing. Any 13 yr old who loses a parent, no matter how tough they are is not going to be functional or rational that fast.

    You have a good concept behind the story, but not a lot of thought was put into how to make the concept flow correctly. Keep in mind you yourself are 13 years old, and with how fast the zombie infection starts and how fast the story progresses you have ash going from being a normal kid to RAMBO in 2 days time.

    You have $5,000.00 to work with, which is good, but keep in mind a few things. Of that $5,000 how much are you going to need for production insurance, make-up FX, food for the cast & crew, equipment.

    A decent camera will suck up a fifth of your budget ($1,000) a really good camera will take up half.

    Make-up FX... Though you never give a definitive count of zombies I potentially see the need for 100+ at certain points in the script. Make-up supplies for 100+ zombies is going to run $500-$700 at a minimum, and keep this in mind, you won't get every shot you need in one day so you have to be able to get those 100+ back and make them up again.

    FOOD - I guessing none of the actors will get paid, so in order to make them feel needed and as a way of thanking them you have to feed them. On my new film trapped the night I had 100 zombies it cost me $90.00 to feed the zombies and the other 25 people in the cast & crew. Pizza isn't going to always cut it, but it is doable. If you do pizza have your mom or dad call around to pizza places and explain you are making a film and in trade for screen credit could they give you pizza at a discount. Domino's and Papa Johns did this for us on Deadlands: The Rising.

    Equipment - From the looks of your script you are going to need lighting and a generator. Any old generator will not work. You need to rent a quiet generator so it doesn't interfere with sound. Generator rental can cost about $100 a day. A regular generator for home use will not work because they are too loud, you will need to contact a film equipment rental house.

    STUNTS - your current script requires stunt driving and stunt people (Running over zombies) and the closing of a road. Most communities will not just close a road during the day so you can shoot a movie because of the impact it can have on a community. also you are doing a very dangerous stunt which will require general liability insurance of at least $5,000,000, plus workmans comp in case anyone gets hurt.

    Here is my suggestion... tone down the story as best you can. The dialog is very unrealistic. Finding a convenience store to shoot at might not be a problem... so keep that in your story, but have the zombies swarm the parking lot and make your escape more impossible. The closing of a street isn't that easy. I got lucky in Deadlands with the 4 lane highway because it actually was a dead end road that went nowhere. If you use friends work with them on camera. I used close friends for Deadlands and had to give them extra takes until they felt comfortable to make it seem more believable. So rehearse as much as possible.

    Also don't forget using friends means you have to get their parents permission, and they will have to sign a waiver to let their child participate. No distributor would touch a filmed filled with people under 18 unless you can supply the needed consent forms because of child labor laws.

    I don't want this to discourage you, as i want to help you and see you make your dream come true. When members make a comment saying your script is better than half the low budget stuff they have watched shows to me they know nothing about the filmmaking process other wise they would not have made that comment. This is not going to be an easy task man... making a film takes a lot of time and a lot of patience. You have to be quick and dirty but you also have to make sure it looks good and doesn't look hokey.

    If you have any questions just post them. there are enough filmmakers in this forum that can help point you in the right direction.

    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  6. #6
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    gary thx for advice
    first we alredy have an hd camera
    the level of swearing needs to be toned down
    as for the driving it is shot on avery quiet street up north and can be done with really cheap dummies
    ash is supposed to be kinda an ass
    the part where cherry hugs ash by this point the dad is problaby detreriorating and he can see that we may be the last left so he would want the earth to repopulate not now but later

    and about make up i have some experience with zombies using latex appliances and tissue paper also the zombies are just covered in blood mostly and do not look very dead more like 28 days zombies

    as for the amount of zombies you will never see more than 10 at once and for much of it it will be dark so i can use zombies over again

    and for consent the kids parents i know very well and they would easily sign a consent form

    and i am putting filming on hold for a few years because i want to perfect the script and get more money

    my dad who was working with stride gum said that he asked them about funding this because they are funding many viral videos and they said they might consider it
    Last edited by georgefox; 17-Dec-2007 at 08:45 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  7. #7
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Reviesd script

    the movie opens in a familys back yard there is a boy named GEORGE a little girl and a mom and a dad named kevin. they are barbqueing steaks the camera follows GEORGE as he walks into the garage and goes to get something cut o a shot of a zombie running into thier backyard cut back inside the garage GEORGE is grabing a tool then a high pitched scream is heard the camer turns to a medium close up of GEORGE looling through a hole in the door he sees the zombie biting the mothers neck spewing blood out of his mouth and there is blood squirting out of the wound she falls down cut to a shot following behind a zombie the zombie runs bites the girl on the neck more blood squirts out the girl falls down dead then cut to a shot of kevin grabing a steak knife from the barbque and stabing the zombie through the eye then GEORGE comes out of the garage and then cut to a medium long shot of the mother and the girl getting up the dad walks over to them then they both start attacking him he is telling them "let me ****ing go' but they dont stop close up shots following the action off them scrambling around on the floor them spewing blood. GEORGE takes a crowbar and smGEORGEes their skulls with lots of blood.. kevin gets up and is kinda shaking cut to a shot tilting from feet to head at a medium speed he is covered in blood and brain matter. they go inside and lock the door cut to a shot of kevin calling 911 the message on the line says that they are currently busy he waits on they phone for 30 seconds. he slams the phone down and starts screaming "what the **** is ****ing going on"
    he starts to cry. outside they hear screams and sirens and gunshots. cut to a montage of zombie attacks including a man with a shot gun is shooting the zombies running towards him more zombies are coming from the sides and he starts panicing as the zombies are getting closer shooting one shot after another and saying "****ing **** you mother****in assholes he then starts to walk backwards continuing to shoot then a zombie jumps on his back he tries to shake him off then the zombie bites his ear the skin streches then he slowly falls backwards as the zombies all jump on him cut to a shot from the side showing the zombies in a circle all around him tearing out organs and there is lotsa blood spraying up`

    GEORGE gets up
    **** this i cant stand watching the god damn tv anymore im going out side
    to see for my self whats going on

    you cant go out there

    im going to the backyard ill be back

    GEORGE gets up and leaves the room

    continuos hand held shot following GEORGE walking out side
    GEORGE hears a noise turns around and sees a zombie running at him the zombie pushes him to the ground they roll around the zombie is spitting blood
    they continue to roll around

    help someone help this ****in things going to kill me
    then just as the zombie is about to bite his neck the zombie gets shot in the heart covering GEORGE in blood

    did you get any blood in your eyes or mouth

    no **** no wait why do you care

    its a virus its transmitted by blood

    but if its a virus then why after you die you get back up

    because if you get bit and you die but the virus starts a chemical reaction in your body that causes your heart to start beating again and makes you go ****in insane

    how the **** do you know all this ****

    my dad he was a biological weapon engineer he told me about this virus the iranians were designing that is suposed to infect a mass populace very quickly and cause the infected to go and infect more people

    then why the **** is it here in toronto

    i dont know and because i know your going to ask there is no ****ing cure no vaccine nothing

    so your pretty much saying that we are totally ****ed

    yep we are so ****ing screwed

    im sorry i forgot to say thanks for saving my ****in life

    no problem

    so wheres your family

    there dead their all ****in dead

    do ya wanta stay with us


    they start to walk inside shot of the camera zooming out from the body showing a hole in the zombies chest and the ground covered in blood

    cut to a shot of GEORGE and max walking inside

    dad this is max he is stayin with us

    hey thanks for lettin g me stay here

    max knows why these ****in things are here

    cut to a shot of them sitting at the kitchen table

    its been two ****ing days and still no help we have got to do some thing

    i agree what do we need to do

    we have to first fill up any containers we have with water because we dont know when the water supply will run out

    ok ill do that

    we`ve got to round up all the weapons and ammo\

    cut to the next day looking up at them looking at a table

    ok as far as guns we`ve got 3 m4s 2 shotguns 4 berretas 2 m1911s
    2 walther p99s

    ok we each get an m4 me and GEORGE get a shot gun we each get a berreta
    GEORGE and max get a m1911 and me and george get a walther

    we dont have nearly enough food

    in 3 days lets go to the grocery stor in the car get a bunch of food

    GEORGE max

    cut to 2 days later max and GEORGE are watching a movie and then the power gets shut off

    what the hell was that

    i dont ****in know

    kevin walks in the room with a flGEORGElight

    are you guys ok

    yeah were fine

    i think we just blew a fuse ill go down and reset the breakers

    shot following kevin as he decends down the stairs he walks into the room with the fuses there is no sound whatsoever exept for his foot steps and breathing he moves the flGEORGElight around the room sees nothing and opens the box with the fuses he hears something he turns around and a zombie jumps down from a peice of funature and pulls him down the zombie spits blood he starts smGEORGEing the zombies head with the back of it until he cracks the skull and screws up the brain he resets the circuts and the lights comeback on

    what the hell happened to you

    max can you hand me a towel


    the next night

    they are in the kitchen getting on gear and loadin weapons

    all ready to go

    **** yeah lets kick some zombie ass

    lets get the hell outa here

    they go outside there are no zombies on the street they walk to the car open up the doors and get in

    cut to a shot of them pulling in to the parking lot they get out and 15 zombies start running after them they start shooting them then run into the store one of them pulls out a shotgun and blows a zombie head off

    man i blew the mother ****ers head off

    they run into the store and start loading up carts with food

    they drive down the street and see the street fairly clear but still a few zombies they open up the windows and begin fireing on the zombies they get out and open the trunk and carry the stuff in while max covers them

    ` come on hurry up the the infected are getting too ****in

    they head inside and begin to lay the food out on the table they begin to disscus where they should go from here

    i dont think we can stay here much longer

    why cant we?

    hey look theres a girl out there

    we see infected chicks all the time

    shes not infected

    max turns his head to the window

    kevin there really is a chick there

    GEORGE grabs a gun off the table and opens up the door and runs down the street

    ahhh can someone ****in help me

    GEORGE runs towards the girl while blasting the zombie with his shot gun as he gets closer a zombie runs towards the girl when it is 2 feet away GEORGE shoots the zombie in the chest covering JESSICA with blood
    he grabs her hand and pulls her up the street towards the house he gets her inside
    they sit down in the living room max and kevin come in

    so whats your name?

    its JESSICA

    so JESSICA how the hell did you get here

    i was at my 14th birthday party when some **** head decided
    to crGEORGE it but he started spiting blood everywhere he bit a bunch of my friends then they got back up and started chasing me that was a day ago ive been running ever since

    GEORGE gets up and gets a cloth for JESSICA

    heres a cloth i thought you might need it seeing that you are covered in blood and chunks of flesh


    so back to what we were talking about before i think we should go up north to orilla

    i really dont want to go up there

    my dad does have a point theres less people up there so
    that means a lot less zombies hey JESSICA what do you think

    i dont know i guess if there are less of those things it would be better

    so i guess were going when do you want to go

    how about 3 or 4 days

    ok hey max come with me i want you to help me round up some batteries

    max and kevin leave the room

    thanks for um saving me

    your welcome

  8. #8
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    2 days later

    GEORGE and JESSICA and max are outside they are practicing shooting for targets they are using an infected tied to a tree

    so JESSICA to get good hits never shoot on full auto
    just use semi or burst


    GEORGE takes a shot at the infected and hits it right in the balls blood shoots out the zombie spits blood and shakes very violently

    nice shot man

    you know im a way better shot than you

    the next day
    inside they are getting all the supplies ready to load in the car

    are you guys ready to go

    yeah we are

    they grab some guns and start shooting zombies while kevin loads the car

    they are sitting inside the car now they are going past farms

    on our way to the house can we stop in town i want to pick up some stuff

    can we please


    ok but i dont want anyone going anywhere alone

    the car pulls into the town the sun is setting they pull up in front of a conveinence store the streets are empty they get out witth their weapons drawn they walk up to the door break open a lock and walk in they cover their noses because there is rotten food and the clerk is lying dead on the ground they walk around GEORGE grabs a bunch of popand chips and they leave the store once outside they hear growls and footsteps of the infected runing down the street they jump in the car and drive off

    man there were a lot of them back there

    were almost here

    when they turn down the street they see many zombies they roll down the windows and begin to shoot the zombies many of the zombies run towards them some of them get shot

    i dont think we can get all of them

    ok new plan lets run these ****ers down

    kevin floors the car and they get faster then they hit two zombies one of them goes flying away the other rolls on the hood
    and gets up and spits blood on the windsheild kevin brakes hard and the zombie goes flying off the hood and slams into two other zombies

    look that zombie looks like a stripper but she only has one leg

    they pull into the drive way and get out and shoot the zombies that are left.

    come on lets go we gotta unload the stuff before the next wave of infected get here

    they grab stuff and run to the door kevin pulls out a key and uses it on the lock they walk inside and set the stuff down

    **** i forgot to lock the car

    he walks out side he goes up to the car and presses the lock button nothing happens he tries it again still nothing then he spins around and sees 5 or 6 zombies coming after him

    hey guys a little help

    GEORGE and max run out with thier weapons they shoot the zombies but the one that is left jumps on kevin and spits blood in his eyes

    GEORGE i love you

    dad whats wrong

    im infected


    kevin starts shaking and screaming he begins to spit blood he gets up and starts banging on the car he smGEORGEes his head on the hood spits blood all over the winsheild he claws at the skin on his arms causing them to bleed he spits blood all over the ground

    we have to kill him

    cant we just tie him up

    im not going to be the one to do it

    my dad is ****ing infected

    ` max
    we have to kill him or he is going to kill us

    ****ing ****

    if you wont do it I will I don’t want to end up like that


    he doesn’t even want to be one of those ****ing things

    if you kill him I will ****ing kill you

    calm down im just going to shoot him in the head he wont feel a thing

    but he`s my dad

    that thing is not your dad anymore

    kevin continues to thrGEORGE on the ground

    GEORGE walks over to kevin and smGEORGEes the back of his head with the butt of his gun kevin falls down

    someone get me some rope

    JESSICA runs out with some rope

    they are inside now kevin is tied up on the ground
    GEORGE is sitting at the table with glazed eyes JESSICA walks over

    GEORGE you okay

    what do you think my dad just turned into a ****ing infected

    she gives GEORGE a hug

    its okay we will find out how to cure this

    yeah ok im ****in hungry

    ill make you something

    JESSICA gets up and goes through the boxes they brought

    i dont think that there is nearly enough food here to last us

    what can we do we cant go back in town alone

    and im tired of eating canned crap

    why dont we make a garden

    how are we spossed to go outside

    why dont we put up a fence we only need to put it up on 3 sides because were on a lake

    kevin thrGEORGEes on the ground a few times then goes still

    where are we suposed to get a fence

    in town

    but we cant just walk in there

    i play a lot of driving games

    cut to a shot inside of the car with max sitting in the drivers seat

    drivings a lot harder in real life

    well what did you think

    i dont relly feel safe

    GEORGE takes a sniper rifle rols down the windows aims and fires at a zombie running beside the car blowing its arm off much blood sprays from the wound

    look theres a hardware store

    they pull in the parking lot a zombie sees them and runs at them JESSICA takes out a magmum revolver and shoots it in the head causing blood to spray out of the back of the head onto the side of a white van

    nice shot

    15 minutes later they walk out of the store carrying a chainlink fence

    its the evening they pull into the driveway of their house and unload the equipment

    while we were there i thought i would pickup some seeds to plant because you guys are always bitching about no fresh food

    we gotta do something about your dad

    why dont we just take him outside

    okay but im not touching him i dont want to get bit and turn into one of those ****ers

    ill just knock him out and carry him out

    GEORGE takes a baseball bat and walks up to kevin and hits him on the back of the head he lies down and some blood comes out of his mouth

    GEORGE drags him out back and leaves him there

    there problem solved

    lets go to bed

    outside at night kevin is on the ground tied up he begins to move he shakes violently blood sprays out of his mouth he growls cut to a shot of two zombies reacting to the growl then they begin to run towards the sound

    GEORGE is sleeping in his room its light outside he slowly wakes up get out of bed puts on some pants and a shirt and goes down stairs down there he sees JESSICA and max sitting in the kitchen

    you slept late

    why what time is it


    im going to check on my dad

    GEORGE walks to the window GEORGE POV the ground is empty kevin is not there

    hey my dads not here

    well where the hell could he be you tied him up really tight right

    i think so

    how could he get out alone he must of somehow got another one to help

    i dont think there that smart

    why dont you go out and see if he just rolled someware

    anyways we have to go out to put up that fence

    they open up the door and bring out the fence suplies they begin by putting up the posts then put on the fence part

    finally we can spend sometime outside

    why dont we go swimming

    but the infected could mabey swim

    they cant swim there friggin retarded

    cut to them swimming in the water they are near the dock throwing a ball around

    the water feels great

    they are lying on the lawn chairs with pops beside them they are tanning

    kevin and 5 other zombies are running down a street kevin looks a a gun on the side walk he stops then growls and the other zombies stop and walk behind him kevin bends over and picks up the gun he holds it by the barrel and looks at it he swings it through the air and hits the ground he picks it up and looks down the barrel his other hand moves towards the trigger he looks away from the barrel and pulls the trigger and jumps back at the sound of the shot he continues to play with it finally holding it like you are supposed to the makes another growl and runs again the other zombies follow

  9. #9
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Deadlands, USA
    United States
    Hi George,

    its good you are going to perfect the script, just keep this in mind. You don't want to post your script online without the copyright filed first. Even though it is a message board, no one knows your real name and they can take your idea and you have no recourse if they do.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    simply walking into mordor
    ^ yeah dj beat me to it, copying your work in its entirety onto the net means its pretty easy pickings to be copied, you gotta treat this stuff like your a paranoid sum'bitch and act like its made of the rarest glass.

  11. #11
    Fresh Meat

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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Hi George,

    its good you are going to perfect the script, just keep this in mind. You don't want to post your script online without the copyright filed first. Even though it is a message board, no one knows your real name and they can take your idea and you have no recourse if they do.

    cant i just mail it to myself or do i need to send it to one of the copyright companies because you have to pay each time you change it so i dont relly want to

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Your 13 years old? keep up the good work....!!! Don't lose enthusiasm whatever you do!!

    Well done!!!!

  13. #13
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Deadlands, USA
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by georgefox View Post
    cant i just mail it to myself or do i need to send it to one of the copyright companies because you have to pay each time you change it so i dont relly want to
    The object is to finish the script period. to the point it needs no further re-writes. Copyright that version of the screenplay, then when you film the movie, if changes are made no biggie... you just modify your current certificate from Screenplay to Motion Picture.

    Just don't post it on the net anymore. Keep it to yourself.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  14. #14
    Just been bitten

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    Mar 2006
    Warning, I'm not a lawyer:

    From my understanding, posting it here is just as good as mailing it to yourself. Copyright is just that, a right. Having an official registered copyright is useful and important if you plan on distributing your work as it servers as official notice that this is your work. But if someone took your script and shot it scene for scene you could sue using this as proof. Would it be as simple or clear cut no but it's still protected.

    However, none of the ideas in your work are copyright able. So someone can take the basic overall plot, setting, etc and use it, without a problem as long as they don't use your character names and dialogue. So it's better to not post it for everyone to see.

    Again, Warning, I'm not a lawyer!

  15. #15
    Fresh Meat

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    Dec 2007
    heres the script with the ending but not yet complete


    the movie opens in a familys back yard there is a boy named GEORGE a little girl and a mom and a dad named KEVIN. they are barbqueing steaks

    SHOT the camera follows GEORGE as he walks into the garage and goes to get something
    CUT to a shot of a zombie running into thier backyard
    CUT back inside the garage GEORGE is grabing a tool

    ahhh ahh
    the camer turns to a medium close up of GEORGE looling through a hole in the door he sees the zombie biting the mothers neck spewing blood out of his mouth and there is blood squirting out of the wound she falls down cut to a shot following behind a zombie the zombie runs bites the girl on the neck more blood squirts out the girl falls down dead then cut to a shot of KEVIN grabing a steak knife from the barbque and stabing the zombie through the eye then GEORGE comes out of the garage and then cut to a medium long shot of the mother and the girl getting up the dad walks over to them then they both start attacking him he is telling them "let me ****ing go' but they dont stop close up shots following the action off them scrambling around on the floor them spewing blood. GEORGE takes a crowbar and smashes their skulls with lots of blood.. KEVIN gets up and is kinda shaking cut to a shot tilting from feet to head at a medium speed he is covered in blood and brain matter. they go inside and lock the door cut to a shot of KEVIN calling 911 the message on the line says that they are currently busy he waits on they phone for 30 seconds. he slams the phone down and starts screaming "what the **** is ****ing going on"
    he starts to cry. outside they hear screams and sirens and gunshots.

    MONTAGE: infected attacks


    a woman is running from two infected. the infected spit blood all over her back

    stop ****ing chasing me

    SHOT: handheld shot following behind the woman an infected jumps out in front of her and spits blood on her face

    she falls down and shakes violently on the ground and starts to cough up blood and then gets up and becomes infected


    a few zombies run down the street one of them gets shot in the heart and fall down

    SHOT: CUS of infected on ground it coughs up some blood then dies


    a zombie bites someones neck and lots of blood sprays out the person then falls to the ground a few seconds later he jumps up and growls then runs off


    an infected jumps off the roof of a car and lands on a man then the man tries to fight him off and punches the zombie in the face the zombie spits blood on his face and the man shakes on the ground then spits blood then pushes the infected off and

    SHOT the camera is in a car looking out the window inside is a family then an infectec bangs on the side window then spits blood on it

    SHOT CUS of an infected chewing on flesh

    SHOT: an infected eating intestines

    SHOT 2 infected spitting blood on 3 kids

    SHOT: CUS of an infected`s face on the left side of his face there is a large hole that you can see its teeth through

    SHOT: 3 infected running at the camera they get shot in the chest and fall to the ground


    **** this i cant stand watching the god damn tv anymore im going out side
    to see for my self whats going on

    you cant go out there

    im going to the backyard ill be back

    GEORGE gets up and leaves the room

    continuos hand held shot following GEORGE walking out side
    GEORGE hears a noise turns around and sees a zombie running at him the zombie pushes him to the ground they roll around the zombie is spitting blood
    they continue to roll around

    help someone help this ****in things going to kill me
    then just as the zombie is about to bite his neck the zombie gets shot in the heart covering GEORGE in blood

    did you get any blood in your eyes or mouth

    no **** no wait why do you care

    its a virus its transmitted by blood

    but if its a virus then why after you die you get back up

    because if you get bit and you die but the virus starts a chemical reaction in your body that causes your heart to start beating again and makes you go ****in insane

    how the **** do you know all this ****

    my dad he was a biological weapon engineer he told me about this virus the iranians were designing that is suposed to infect a mass populace very quickly and cause the infected to go and infect more people

    then why the **** is it here in toronto

    i dont know and because i know your going to ask there is no ****ing cure no vaccine nothing

    so your pretty much saying that we are totally ****ed

    yep we are so ****ing screwed

    im sorry i forgot to say thanks for saving my ****in life

    no problem

    so wheres your family

    there dead their all ****in dead

    do ya wanta stay with us


    they start to walk inside shot of the camera zooming out from the body showing a hole in the zombies chest and the ground covered in blood

    cut to a shot of GEORGE and max walking inside

    dad this is max he is stayin with us

    hey thanks for lettin g me stay here

    max knows why these ****in things are here

    cut to a shot of them sitting at the kitchen table

    its been two ****ing days and still no help we have got to do some thing

    i agree what do we need to do

    we have to first fill up any containers we have with water because we dont know when the water supply will run out

    ok ill do that

    we`ve got to round up all the weapons and ammo\

    cut to the next day looking up at them looking at a table

    ok as far as guns we`ve got 3 m4s 2 shotguns 4 berretas 2 m1911s
    2 walther p99s

    ok we each get an m4 me and GEORGE get a shot gun we each get a berreta
    GEORGE and max get a m1911 and me and GEORGE get a walther

    we dont have nearly enough food

    in 3 days lets go to the grocery stor in the car get a bunch of food

    GEORGE max

    cut to 2 days later max and GEORGE are watching a movie and then the power gets shut off

    what the hell was that

    i dont ****in know

    KEVIN walks in the room with a flashlight

    are you guys ok

    yeah were fine

    i think we just blew a fuse ill go down and reset the breakers

    shot following KEVIN as he decends down the stairs he walks into the room with the fuses there is no sound whatsoever exept for his foot steps and breathing he moves the flashlight around the room sees nothing and opens the box with the fuses he hears something he turns around and a zombie jumps down from a peice of funature and pulls him down the zombie spits blood he starts smashing the zombies head with the back of it until he cracks the skull and screws up the brain he resets the circuts and the lights comeback on

    what the hell happened to you

    max can you hand me a towel


    the next night

    they are in the kitchen getting on gear and loadin weapons

    all ready to go

    **** yeah lets kick some zombie ass

    lets get the hell outa here

    they go outside there are no zombies on the street they walk to the car open up the doors and get in

    cut to a shot of them pulling in to the parking lot they get out and 15 zombies start running after them they start shooting them then run into the store one of them pulls out a shotgun and blows a zombie head off

    man i blew the mother ****ers head off

    they run into the store and start loading up carts with food

    they drive down the street and see the street fairly clear but still a few zombies they open up the windows and begin fireing on the zombies they get out and open the trunk and carry the stuff in while max covers them

    ` come on hurry up the the infected are getting too ****in

    they head inside and begin to lay the food out on the table they begin to disscus where they should go from here

    i dont think we can stay here much longer

    why cant we?

    hey look theres a girl out there

    we see infected chicks all the time

    shes not infected

    max turns his head to the window

    KEVIN there really is a chick there

    GEORGE grabs a gun off the table and opens up the door and runs down the street

    ahhh can someone ****in help me

    GEORGE runs towards the girl while blasting the zombie with his shot gun as he gets closer a zombie runs towards the girl when it is 2 feet away GEORGE shoots the zombie in the chest covering JESSICA with blood
    he grabs her hand and pulls her up the street towards the house he gets her inside


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