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Thread: Kick Ass/The Hurt Locker/Shutter Island/Green thoughts...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Post Kick Ass/The Hurt Locker/Shutter Island/Green thoughts...

    Kick Ass:

    Surrounded by a 'moral panic' storm-in-a-teacup (mainly because of Chloe Moretz's part as Hit Girl), it's not as gory or mouthy as you might have thought from the "rabble rabble" approach of some killjoys in the tablod 'meeja'.

    Mind you, there's a gut-load of violence and a mouth-ful of bad language on offer ...
    The Hurt Locker:

    On sale and after it did so well at the Oscars, I figured it was about time I caught up with the belle of this year's movie ball. I've not got an awful lot to say, but I dig it. There are parts of the second half where you begin to think "well that's just REALLY reckless" and you start to distance yourself, but this brief portion of the film lies sandwiched between tense and thrilling bomb defusal sequences.
    Shutter Island:

    I've been waiting for a really good mental asylum movie for a fair while now ... an odd statement to make, perhaps, but it's true nonetheless. Specifically a good horror movie set in a mental asylum, and with Shutter Island I've pretty much got it.
    Green Zone:

    Perhaps it's telling that it's taken me almost two weeks to get around to saying something about Green Zone, but I really couldn't think of much to say. It's what I like to call, an "Iraq-tion" movie (combining Iraq and Action) ... although if you don't pronounce that perfectly you'll just sound like a bit of a pervert.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I haven't seen The Hurt Locker yet but I know Bob Murawski won an oscar for editing it.

    Check out his thank you cam speech where he thanks Fulci, Rudi Ray Moore, and Duke Mitchell (among many others).


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