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Thread: New Short Story (non-zombie)

  1. #1
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    New Short Story (non-zombie)

    Here is the first part of a short story I am currently writing. Just thought I'd post it to get some feedback on how it's going. The basic concept of the story is that the narrator tells a series of horrific urban legends involving industrial accidents (some based on real events, such as this first one) to a listener who remains silent (it's really the reader). The stories become more and more gruesome and horrifying, until finally climaxing with an extremely disturbing, horrific and tragic event which, it is finally revealed...

    was witnessed by, and involved to some degree, the narrator himself, rather than being a friend-of-a-friend story, and sheds a different light on the narrator's whole conversation

    Basically, the stories-within-the-story are told in a very simple conversational manner, similar in style to oral storytelling, with little interludes that are a little deeper and more like philosophical musings on the phenomena of urban legends (but still in the first-person). I just want to know, really, does it work for you? Does anything about it suck, and if so what? Any feedback - positive or negative - would be very much appreciated.

    What follows is maybe the first quarter of the story, but seems like a good (and reasonably self-contained plot-wise) hpoint at which to stop and get some feedback. Be warned, it's partly based on a real Urban Legend and it's a little bit gross.


    Industrial Accident

    Do you really want to hear? Are you looking for a juicy little urban tale, something with a snappy twist ending to give you a shiver and a new anecdote to entertain your slack-jawed friends? Friend-of-a-friend stories; buddy, I know a few of those, if that’s what you want. You laugh and shake your head, but you know you want to hear them. The nastier the better. Don’t be ashamed, it’s natural. There’s an angry red hole in all of our heads that pines for the sword and the flint-tipped spear, the screams of pain and the hot flow of blood. Think about it - three million years of hunting, fighting and killing our way down from the trees, conquering mountains and oceans and deserts along the way, free as beasts and facing violent death with every fucking step. And all so you could sit in a crowded office, strapped into a microphone, droning on and on about insurance and credit cards to disembodied voices who hate your guts.

    So sure, if you’ll listen, I’ll tell. I’ll start you off easy. See how you go with this one, first.

    You’ve heard the one about the guy’s nuts and the drive-belt, right? You know the one I’m talking about: some dude hobbles into an E.R. ward – it’s in the States somewhere – he’s pale and trembling, and his clammy skin is slick with sweat. Nurse says: “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you sick?”

    The guy doesn’t reply for a few seconds. His eyes scan the floor. With his hunched shoulders and his hands thrust into the pockets of his dirty grey duffel coat, he looks a little bit someone you might meet in some bushes near a playground.

    Eventually, he murmurs something: “Not sick. Hurt.”

    So the nurse asks him what happened, but the wide-eyed guy just shakes his head and stares at his boots. “I want to speak to a man doctor. Someone who takes care of men’s troubles,” he groans, and sinks his hands deeper into his coat.

    Finally, the nurse manages to find a male urologist, who leads them both into an examination room. The doctor coaxes the guy into taking off the overcoat. One button at a time, grinding his teeth in agony, he unfastens the front of his jacket. The first thing to strike the medics, as the garment falls open to them, is the large, unnatural-looking bulge in the man’s crotch; the second thing, following immediately, is the smell. A rotten, foetid stench, like a urinal clogged with fish guts, even the poor bastard with the lump in his trousers looks up from the floor, for the first time since arriving, just to tilt his nose away from the source of the obnoxious fug.

    The doctor swallows the acidic lump in his throat and asks the trembling man to take a seat on the stretcher and drop his pants. But the guy is in too much pain to sit, and his trembling fingers fail to navigate his zip. As the patient whimpers like a baby, the medics gently, gingerly manoeuvre him out of his pus-encrusted jeans.

    So now the guy is standing there in the middle of the room, trousers at his ankles, gazing down at his crotch and unravelling four yards of bloodied, stinking gauze from around something that looks like a featherless turkey crushed by a bus. The guy’s testicles are swollen to about the size of a honeydew melon, or rather one of them is, the other is missing entirely. The remaining tissue is bruised black-and-blue, and bloated with purulent fluid that oozes from a huge ragged wound across the left hand side of his groin. Upon closer inspection the doctor discovers that whole bloody mess is also riddled with a dozen or so rusty industrial wall staples.

    So this guy, it seems, has a lot of explaining to do.

    Turns out the stupid prick worked in a machine shop. Bit of a loner, never hit the bars with his colleagues, didn’t sneer and guffaw when they bragged about their sexual exploits, rarely ate with them. And, he wasn’t interested in sports. I guess they figured he was a weirdo, probably a queer. He was so meek that even pranks and taunts quickly exhausted their entertainment value, and so, by and large, they left him to his own devices. One day, while working through his lunch break, he discovered, quite by accident, that holding certain parts of himself against a moving canvas drive-belt felt… well, kinda nice.

    Before long, this act became part of his work routine: every day, while his colleagues went out to lunch, he would voluntarily stay behind, just like a truly dedicated employee, and stick his dick under the lathe.

    During the last of his ‘daily grinds’, a full week before he finally sought medical help, he lost concentration just long enough for the lower part of his genitals to become snagged in the pulley wheel. The sharp, rapidly-spinning metal scissored across his tender extremities with such violence that it propelled the man’s entire body halfway across the room, and fired his left testicle into the ceiling so hard it became lodged there.

    Lying alone on the dusty concrete floor, stunned horror slowly gave way to the sickening realisation – his co-workers would soon be returning from their break. He imagined them blundering through the door, still chattering and chortling at some puerile joke, to find him lying spread-eagled on the floor with his mangled reproductive organs hanging out of his overalls. Welcome back guys, guess what I’ve been doing!

    Surging on adrenaline, the guy clambered back to his feet. The initial white-hot burst of agony had almost subsided; his heart battered like a pneumatic drill, his legs felt like they had all the weight-bearing strength of foam-rubber, but the blinding pain in his groin had settled to a deep, dull ache.

    Maybe it wasn’t as bad as he thought… oh please, please. He stood there shaking, gripping a workbench, afraid to look south. Blinking tears from his eyes, he ventured a trembling hand downwards. As his fingers reached the top of his open fly, he heard a wet sound - spat! spat! -bon the floor, and for a burning moment an image flashed through his mind of a raw, bloody gorge where his genitals had once been.

    His fingers made contact with something. He exhaled a little. The main attraction, raw and badly grazed, was still there, at least. Now to check the jewels. He knew he was bleeding from something, but maybe (please, God!) it was just a… Aargh!!

    He cried out as his index finger contacted something soft and damp and agonizing. The pain overrode his cowardice and his eyes snapped down onto his machine-chewed groin. The sight, perhaps not has horrific as the Giegeresqe picture his imagination had painted, was nonetheless nauseating. His scrotum was still in place, thank the heavens, though bloodied and oddly misshapen. A filthy zig-zag perforation ran diagonally across it, and through the red blood and brown grease he glimpsed the light pink of knotted veins exposed to the world for the first time.

    Continues below...
    Last edited by krakenslayer; 27-Sep-2009 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #2
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Oh Jesus Christ! This was really fucking bad: parts of him that should be inside were… outside. He was going to need help, medical attention, but that meant telling his colleagues what had happened, which in turn meant admitting what he had been doing. Perhaps his boss would fire him, or maybe even send him to a shrink, or have him arrested. More horrific was the inevitable humiliation in the face of his peers; word would spread quickly throughout the small working-class community in which he lived, and soon his mechanical liaisons would be the talk of the town – his elderly mother would know every last gory detail of the story before the day was out.

    Had he lost his mind? How could any intelligent being ever see itself placing a delicate part of its anatomy near a machine built to grind solid metal cylinders, and freely and rationally come to the conclusion that the rewards of such an act could, in any way, outweigh the potential cost. How could he have been so incredibly stupid?

    But surely there was no other way, he was gashed wide open, he needed help. There was really no question… was there? He suddenly remembered, as a child, seeing his drunken father trying to fit shelves in the kitchen of his family home. His fumbling old man had cut a two inch-long wound in the back of his arm with a hacksaw, and the boy had watched in disgusted awe as his dad doused the damaged flesh with vodka and, to a steady stream of expletives, set to work sewing it back together with needle and thread. Was this really so different… really?

    There wasn’t much time. Through welling tears, his desperate eyes swept the room, coming to rest on a bottle of alcoholic hand-wash and a heavy-duty staple gun, which, by sheer serendipity, sat together on a nearby workbench. As he waddled over, he reached into his overalls and pulled the belt from his jeans. He was terrified, but surely the pain he was about to experience was preferable to the emotional agony he would be forced to endure if he did not see this through. Nevertheless, he hesitated as he laid his mangled extremities on the workbench and unscrewed the bottle-cap. He wanted to weep and scream and vomit all at once, something in him even tried to laugh at the absurdity of it all, but he gritted his teeth and smothered his feelings with a wince and a groan as he bit down on the leather belt and began to pour…

    The pain was like nothing he could have imagined. Up until that point he had been shielded from the worst of it by the adrenaline surging inside him; but, now as the alcoholic liquid swilled across his wounds, it seemed every nerve ending in his crotch was lighting up like an oxy-acetylene blowtorch. He bit down so hard on the strip of leather that his incisors met in the middle. Once again, he very nearly passed out.

    As the wave of pain and nausea abated, he was surprised to hear a deep, nervous chuckle rise from the pit of his quivering belly. With each spasm of laughter the twisting, stabbing sensation in his groin flared again, but he did not stop. He remembered his mother’s fiery warning to him as a teenager, that the Lord would blind his eyes if he was temped to defile his body in such a manner. Now, as he pressed two ragged flaps of bruised flesh together with the head of a staple-gun and began to depress the trigger, he came to the conclusion that the Almighty was much, much more cunning in his torments than his dear old mother would ever have believed.


    Last edited by krakenslayer; 27-Sep-2009 at 07:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    Dude, that was absolutely sick. In a good way.

    The buildup to what was going to happen was done in a way that, if any man saw this on film, they would be mumering under their breath "don't do it dude, don't freaking do it"

    We had a guy at my last job that lost half a thumb to a very similar pully system. Seeing that effect was bad enough, but to just imagine that happening to any guy's...ahem...personal areas made me cringe.

    Finally, the description of the aftermath effects in the beginning was done in a way that it could clearly picture in my head, and it wasn't a pleasant sight. And the ending with the contemplation of divine punishment for engaging in a rather taboo act was just icing on the cake.

    As a short story horror tale, spot on.

  4. #4
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    That's very much man, I really appreciate the positive feedback! I'll get to work on the next part of the story, although I'm not sure exactly what the second "accident" anecdote will be (although the one with final twist is all planned out). It needs to be even more gruesome, perhaps involving a death, but less perverted and more tragic than the first. I'll think it over today.


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