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Thread: Northern Command

  1. #1
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Northern Command

    Okay, this unit -- the First RAIDERS, the "most bloodied unit in Iraq" -- is going to "lend a hand" to local law enforcement in case of an emergency situation inside the US.

    "The plan is drawing skepticism from some observers who are concerned that the unit has been training with equipment generally used in law enforcement, including beanbag bullets, Tasers, spike strips and roadblocks."



    I smell a conspiracy brewing, Dub.

  2. #2
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    "We need a lot more in our toolbox in order to deal with angry people on the street," said Col. Barry Johnson of U.S. Army North.
    This is the scariest thing I've read in a long, long time. Not the above quote, mind you, the whole damn, wicked, festering thing.

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  3. #3
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    This is the scariest thing I've read in a long, long time. Not the above quote, mind you, the whole damn, wicked, festering thing.
    Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

    Strange that the powers that be would wait until just before the election to announce this particular force to the general public. I wonder if the subtle "hints" of possible rioting by Obama supporters if he loses had anything to do with this? I'm not saying that this is the case, I'm just throwing out the idea as a topic for further discussion.

    Doesn't the entire concept of a regular Army reaction force to be used for civilian crowd control fly in the face of the Posse Comitatus Act?

    See this article:

    "But does the act present a major barrier at the National Command Authority level to use of military forces in the battle against terrorism? The numerous exceptions and policy shifts carried out over the past 20 years strongly indicate that it does not. Could anyone seriously suggest that it is appropriate to use the military to interdict drugs and illegal aliens but preclude the military from countering terrorist threats that employ weapons of mass destruction? For two decades the military has been increasingly used as an auxiliary to civilian law enforcement when the capabilities of the police have been exceeded. Under both the statutory and constitutional exceptions that have permitted the use of the military in law enforcement since 1980, the president has ample authority to employ the military in homeland defense against the threat of weapons of mass destruction in terrorist hands."

    Depending on who holds power in the White House, the term "terrorist" could have a very broad meaning. I think we here in America are about to move into an era of "very interesting" history in the making.


  4. #4
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i just went back and deleted an out of control election rant that would likely have had this thread closed within the next day for it turning into a politcal crap-throwing session. sorry.

    *walks away*
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 01-Nov-2008 at 03:56 AM.

  5. #5
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post

    i just went back and deleted an out of control election rant that would likely have had this thread closed within the next day for it turning into a politcal crap-throwing session. sorry.

    *walks away*
    Prof, thanks for the private view of your "rant". It was actually NOT. You should have gone ahead and posted it.

    Something like this is this is not a Republican vs Democrat, or a Black vs White (or Hispanic, or Asian) issue. THEY (those big, bad boogie men we allow to rule over us) are one on this ... two sides of a tarnished coin.

    There is no way that the "Shrub" and his Republican cronies could have gotten this into place without the consent of the Democrats. It doesn't matter whether Obama, or McCain wins, this force of smiling, happy, helping hands is on stand-by to assist us in our time of need, if and when that time of need comes.

    Did you also know that Northern Command has a Rules of Engagement annex in their handbook which allows the use of live ammunition against unruly civilians during times of unrest?

    Very interesting.

    Bean bags, Tasers, and spike strips against "protesters".

    Live ammo against "resisters".

    Is this the price we pay domestically for our meddling overseas?

    I just wish that the American people could put their (our) differences aside, and take a really close look at what is going on here.



    Ps -- Prof, this election is not the "turning point" on this issue. Be watchful, certainly, but not overly concerned. "They" still have a long (a really long) way to go, before you need fear them "kicking your door in". The US Military is primarily manned by decent men and women who will "shoot those giving the orders, or simply refuse to obey the orders" before they shoot their fellow Americans.

    And, always remember, they will run out of persons willing to "kick in doors" long before we run out of people willing to resist.

    In America "they" cannot win.

    Oh yeah ...

    Last edited by strayrider; 01-Nov-2008 at 06:26 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  6. #6
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    I'm in the Military mind you and the national guard.

    Under the 10th amendment and if the Governor declares martial law, as a member of the national guard I can legally shoot civilians. ( Kent state was legal in that aspect)

    However, that is the national guard. We handle crowds and martial Law, not the federal government. To put that in the power of the federal government curtails the ability of a Governor to control his own state. Say he doesn't want to declare martial law, but federal troops are already shooting and rampaging through the streets.

    What are his options? Order the guard to help them? Order them to stop them?

    Don't be alarmed though, some folks in my unit have already talked about a scenario like this. We have all agreed that we would never shoot fellow Americans, and that we would stand together and not alone if the issue ever came up
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  7. #7
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    And, always remember, they will run out of persons willing to "kick in doors" long before we run out of people willing to resist.
    Never underestimate the jack-booted thug mentality and the allure of power on the weak minded. As long as there is someone yearning for a paycheck or an avenue of redress to soothe old wounds there will be individuals ready at the drop of a hat to take freedom from their fellow countrymen.

    For the occasion I have brought home my M-4 carbine, two 100-round BETA mags and 220 rounds of Lake City penetrator ammo, just in case. I won't be calling the police, but I'm ready for riots in my area, as the signs have all been out for months that there WILL BE riots, whether Obama wins or loses (they'll be called celebrations if he wins and riots if he loses).

    The cause for the riots will be the theft of the election, if he loses. Remember the polls from CBS and other "straight" news organizations that showed Obama with a double digit lead? The polls that oversampled Democrats and blacks in them? Those polls, along with exit polls that will be skewed heavily in the same manner, will contribute to the feeling of injustice and thievery that blacks will feel after the election. In the '04 election the exit polls showed Kerry with a sizable lead over Bush, only to be completely and utterly wrong as Bush walked away with 3 million more votes than Kerry.

    Of course if Obama wins, his mobs of zombie supports--some of whom believe that they'll never have to fill up their gas tank or pay their mortgage again--will celebrate in the streets, figuring the country now belongs to them.

    Oops, we still have a few more months of Bush!

    Personally, I'm packing heat on election day, taking a detour around the ghetto. and keeping the M-4 with a loaded mag within close reach, just in case. I hope the people in Delray bragging around rioting are lying; I hope the democratic pundits threatening riots if he loses are lying; I hope the police officers who warned me of celebratory riots are wrong; but I'm not taking any chances.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  8. #8
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcades057 View Post
    Never underestimate the jack-booted thug mentality and the allure of power on the weak minded. As long as there is someone yearning for a paycheck or an avenue of redress to soothe old wounds there will be individuals ready at the drop of a hat to take freedom from their fellow countrymen.

    For the occasion I have brought home my M-4 carbine, two 100-round BETA mags and 220 rounds of Lake City penetrator ammo, just in case. I won't be calling the police, but I'm ready for riots in my area, as the signs have all been out for months that there WILL BE riots, whether Obama wins or loses (they'll be called celebrations if he wins and riots if he loses).

    The cause for the riots will be the theft of the election, if he loses. Remember the polls from CBS and other "straight" news organizations that showed Obama with a double digit lead? The polls that oversampled Democrats and blacks in them? Those polls, along with exit polls that will be skewed heavily in the same manner, will contribute to the feeling of injustice and thievery that blacks will feel after the election. In the '04 election the exit polls showed Kerry with a sizable lead over Bush, only to be completely and utterly wrong as Bush walked away with 3 million more votes than Kerry.

    Of course if Obama wins, his mobs of zombie supports--some of whom believe that they'll never have to fill up their gas tank or pay their mortgage again--will celebrate in the streets, figuring the country now belongs to them.

    Oops, we still have a few more months of Bush!

    Personally, I'm packing heat on election day, taking a detour around the ghetto. and keeping the M-4 with a loaded mag within close reach, just in case. I hope the people in Delray bragging around rioting are lying; I hope the democratic pundits threatening riots if he loses are lying; I hope the police officers who warned me of celebratory riots are wrong; but I'm not taking any chances.
    I hope you're wrong about all of this rioting business. If not, I'll be caught up in the middle of things as my job takes me right into the heart of the ghetto. Watch for me on CNN being swamped, stormed, beaten, kicked, and pelted with bottles ... even if all this happens I still would not support Federal storm troops coming in and saving my butt. Local police and National Guard would be fine.


    As for some being more than willing to take away freedom ... you're right. But, consider this, there are over 30-million legitimate gun owners in America. If a mere 5% chose to resist that would mean approximately 1.5 million "rebels" for the Feds to contend with ... not something they could deal with overnight.

  9. #9
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    I just wish that the American people could put their (our) differences aside, and take a really close look at what is going on here.
    People have been talking about this sort of thing for years, but they are typically dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" by the majority living in denial.


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