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Thread: the world is full of strange, strange things...

  1. #1
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Mar 2006

    the world is full of strange, strange things...

    here's a few of them:

    Parents of the 450 pupils (aged 3 to 11) at Applecroft primary school in Welwyn Garden City, England, were given individualized yearbooks recently with all the children's faces obscured by black bars over the eyes (except for photos of the recipient's own children, which had no obstructions). The precautions (described by one parent as "creepy," like kids were "prisoner(s)") were ordered by headmistress Vicky Parsley, who feared that clear photos of children would inevitably wind up in child pornography. Last year, Parsley famously prohibited parents from taking photographs during school plays -- of their kids or any others -- for the same fear. [Daily Mail, 11-27-10]
    Nicholas Hodge, 31, was arrested in Winona County, Minn., in November after he entered the home of an acquaintance at 2:40 a.m. and refused to leave, complaining that a person who lived there owed him something. According to the deputy's report, Hodge was cuffed while sitting on a toilet "in the kitchen." The deputy added, "I'm not sure why they had a toilet in the kitchen." [Winona Daily News, 11-28-10]
    a personal favorite because i cannot stand canines:

    In November, outgoing Florida Gov. Charlie Crist initiated pardon proceedings (granted in December) excusing now-deceased singer Jim Morrison of The Doors for his 1969 indecent-exposure conviction in Miami Beach. However, Crist has ignored petitions from still-living, still-incarcerated convicts who almost certainly suffered unfair prosecutions. Orlando Sentinel crusader Scott Maxwell has reported on several dozen people convicted in part by trainer Bill Preston's dogs, who supposedly tracked crime-scene scents through water and other obstacles, sometimes months later and despite much site contamination, directly to the defendant on trial. Judge after judge permitted Preston's "expert" testimony until one demanded a live courtroom test, which Preston's dog utterly failed. In 2009 two convicts were released after DNA tests proved the dog's sniffs were erroneous, but as many as 60 similar convictions still stand. [Orlando Sentinel, 11-18-10]
    Bonnie Usher, 43, was arrested in Manchester, N.H., in November and charged with robbing a Rite Aid pharmacy after being spotted in her car fleeing the store's parking lot. The robber's easy-to-remember license plate: "B-USHER." [WMUR-TV (Manchester), 11-12-10]
    this one is just flat out fucking disgusting:

    Alan Patton, 59, of Dublin, Ohio, was arrested again in November -- this time under the state's newly passed "Alan Patton" law (inspired by his earlier arrest) for hanging around men's rooms to collect (and then consume) fresh urine from young boys. Earlier laws afforded insufficient punishment, legislators had said, leading to the new law. Explained one detective, after Patton's 2006 arrest, "Listening to him describe (his fetish), it's like listening to a crack or cocaine addict. He's addicted to children's urine." [Columbus Dispatch, 11-6-10]
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #2
    Banned User

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    United States
    Addicted to kids' urine? What the...?
    Anyway, that first one... wow, interesting...


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