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Thread: I've just watched the new DOTD Trailer

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat MonkeyFarm's Avatar

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    I've just watched the new DOTD Trailer

    I know I am discussing old news, ain't been on here for a while.
    I have never seen a movie keep the same subject matter (Zombies) keep the name but have nothing to do with the original...probably just playing off the name.

    I will go and see this movie with a sence of dread and that i will be wasting my money but it had better be gory, I wanna see a loss of limbs, the chopping of heads and the biting of arms. I also want lots of head shots and brain matter because although I am judging a book by its cover but without these cool elements this movie is gonna suck ass like no zombie movie has sucked before. But it does have the token tough black army type dude I just hope he says motherfuker a few times.

    Plus who else thought the dawn remake and romeros latest zombie movie were poor?
    Your ignorance is exceeded only by your charm, Captain. How can we expect them to behave if we act barbarically ourselves

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyFarm View Post
    I will go and see this movie with a sence of dread and that i will be wasting my money but it had better be gory, I wanna see a loss of limbs, the chopping of heads and the biting of arms. I also want lots of head shots and brain matter because although...
    You are watching these movies for all the WRONG reasons, dude.

  3. #3
    Fresh Meat MonkeyFarm's Avatar

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    I disagree

    I don't watch GAR movies with these wishes in mind, its just obvious that the elements which make the originals so awsome will not be apart of this movie, its gonna suck I just believe that in order to be watchable or to slightly redeem itself it would need to be violent. Plus anyone who didn't think having the top of a zombies skull removed by a helecopter blade, having your intestines ripped open or killing a zombie using a surgical drill isin't cool is kinda weird
    Your ignorance is exceeded only by your charm, Captain. How can we expect them to behave if we act barbarically ourselves

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyFarm View Post
    I just believe that in order to be watchable or to slightly redeem itself it would need to be violent. Plus anyone who didn't think having the top of a zombies skull removed by a helecopter blade, having your intestines ripped open or killing a zombie using a surgical drill isn't cool is kinda weird.
    Speaking as a hardcore fan of the movies, I find all the blood and the violence the least interesting aspect of GAR's work. Okay, it IS nice when you see someone get brained with a machete or decapitated by a helicopter blade but I think the situations and the social commentaries far outweigh the gore personally.

  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Speaking as a hardcore fan of the movies, I find all the blood and the violence the least interesting aspect of GAR's work. Okay, it IS nice when you see someone get brained with a machete or decapitated by a helicopter blade but I think the situations and the social commentaries far outweigh the gore personally.

    I completely agree. It's definitely the least interesting aspect. I know some people like the gore because they're "Trolls" as Romero calls them, but the main reason I somewhat enjoy the gore is the special effects side to it. The "magic trick" of it all, if you will.

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    aye ditto for me too, its the people coping ,or snapping, not the gore i watch zombie movies for , thats why the walking dead comics are so popular and that can go issues without a single zombie sighting.

  7. #7
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I watch trashy films (not GAR films, mind you) because of the gore level many times. GAR itself doesn't really have that much gore compared to many other films. Many italian zombiefilms just pull out all the strings and that, to me, is pure gold when I'm bored.

    A couple of days ago I saw Terror Firmer for the first time. There's a brilliant film. I loved the gore in that one!

  8. #8
    Dying Bubdotd's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I completely agree. It's definitely the least interesting aspect. I know some people like the gore because they're "Trolls" as Romero calls them, but the main reason I somewhat enjoy the gore is the special effects side to it. The "magic trick" of it all, if you will.
    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Speaking as a hardcore fan of the movies, I find all the blood and the violence the least interesting aspect of GAR's work. Okay, it IS nice when you see someone get brained with a machete or decapitated by a helicopter blade but I think the situations and the social commentaries far outweigh the gore personally.

    I also completely agree.

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  9. #9
    Fresh Meat MonkeyFarm's Avatar

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    Don't get me wrong, I don't watch GAR movies for the gore, as it was said above that they are not THAT gory. It would be like saying I like watching basic instinct because of the hardcore porn. I like watching gory movies mostly because its an art form which as we all know Savini is a master and shows us this on many occations throughout the movies. I would also say that the political aspects of the movies are much more important in the movies for obvious reasons. But Do i believe that the day remake will effect me like a GAR way...I am judgeing a book by its cover but my gut feeling when seeing a trailer is generally if I presieve this movie to not have a deep, rich compelling story with intelligent character development what else is there left to satisfy me...Gore, brains and exit wounds...I can only hope
    Your ignorance is exceeded only by your charm, Captain. How can we expect them to behave if we act barbarically ourselves

  10. #10
    Fresh Meat

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    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyFarm View Post
    I know I am discussing old news, ain't been on here for a while.
    I have never seen a movie keep the same subject matter (Zombies) keep the name but have nothing to do with the original...probably just playing off the name.

    I will go and see this movie with a sence of dread and that i will be wasting my money but it had better be gory, I wanna see a loss of limbs, the chopping of heads and the biting of arms. I also want lots of head shots and brain matter because although I am judging a book by its cover but without these cool elements this movie is gonna suck ass like no zombie movie has sucked before. But it does have the token tough black army type dude I just hope he says motherfuker a few times.

    Plus who else thought the dawn remake and romeros latest zombie movie were poor?
    I'm not gonna see the Day of the Dead while i don'tmind the whole idea of a virus reaniamating the dead,hate and i do mean hate running zombies.
    as to Land of the Dead it RULEZ!!I'm 34,wasn't on the planet when Night showed at the theaters,was too young to go see Dawn of the Dead,was 13 in 1985 when the showed Day of the Dead,but wasn't allowed to go see it so i had to watch all 3 of them on VHS/DVD.I went and watched Land of the Dead and it was well worth the wait.

  11. #11
    Just been bitten Cartma7546's Avatar

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    My two cents

    I've cleaned out blockbuster when it comes to zombie movies and I always watch them with an open mind and just sit back and try to enjoy it. If it sucks I'll never watch it agian and if its good I'll buy the four disc dvd set with basicly the same movie on every dvd. But your never going to have fun at the movies dreading going to them. And as for the gore, to me its just icing on the cake. I watch them for the story line and to see how people survive in the situation laid upon them. And if they're just plain silly I laugh and put it on my **** list.
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  12. #12
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    A lot of people constantly mistake violence and gore for good and entertaining. One thing that really pisses me off is how gore and violence are considered the same thing.

    Yes you can't have gore with out the violence that caused it, but gore isn't everything. To me, violence is more frightening than gore. I think the key to a good horror film is the amount of violent content not how much blood one can spray all over the place.

    There is one exception to that rule, Dawn of the Dead 1978. That was a film that balanced violence and gore perfectly and it scared the f ucking sh!t out of audiences.
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  13. #13
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    surgical drill isin't cool

    What makes you so sure thats what it was?
    I am not a surgeon I own similar models.
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    Last edited by Bongholio; 23-Jan-2007 at 01:09 PM.


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