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Thread: While we're on the subject of rotting corpses, let's discuss the PS3...

  1. #1

    While we're on the subject of rotting corpses, let's discuss the PS3...

    I really do believe Sony have blown it. We all knew that the PS3 was delayed until March in the UK but now insiders have revealed that there simply aren't enough blue laser diodes to go round. The same insider also stated that roughly half of Sony's orders will be met by Xmas and that they have stopped shipping the diodes to other companies to safeguard Sony's supply. This will probably mean that the amount of PS3's shipping in the US will be drastically cut down to keep Japanese pre-orders at a maximum (remember the 360 shortage on release in Europe?). Anyway, it looks like another 360 victory this Xmas and I'm sure the Microsoft team are cracking open the bubbly!
    Last edited by capncnut; 16-Oct-2006 at 05:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    I'm sure Microsoft & Nintendo are just loving any trip up that Sony is having with the PS3, of which there have been many.

    I thought that MS & Nintendo were going to win this holiday season before & this just seals it for me.

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    as a games company sony is washed up microsoft and nintendo are the only two companys we need and if a certain games thread regulars avatar is right who knows how that may end up?

  4. #4

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    PS3 will sell because it's meant to be better then the 360 and is cool. A couple of months ago a PS mag printed a four page article and had the folowing to say about PS3's arrivals
    Xbox 360 - botched launch mean it will never find it's footing.
    Wii - dead on arrival, developers pissing thjemselves laughing at remote and say they cant port games because of it.
    PC - doomed, PS3 can offer everything they do and will be cheaper.
    Then E3 came and the usual stuff about PS2 and PS3 previews came up but absolutely no further comparison to the competition, no form of trash talk only things like it being worth waiting for, value for money, the best choice.
    Sony has made many mistakes with this, one exec said the competiton alienated their userbases with their prices! They might want to pull their heads out their arses once in a while.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Rottedfreak View Post
    Xbox 360 - botched launch mean it will never find it's footing.
    Wii - dead on arrival, developers pissing thjemselves laughing at remote and say they cant port games because of it.
    360 has BOTH feet firmly on the ground at the moment, trust - Sony are quaking it. As for the Wii, most people I talk to say it's their console of choice. Sony have done nothing more than rip off these two full stop.

    The PS3 pads don't even have rumble 'cos a vibrator company was gonna sue 'em! Hehe.
    Last edited by capncnut; 16-Oct-2006 at 06:30 PM.

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rottedfreak View Post
    Xbox 360 - botched launch mean it will never find it's footing.
    Wii - dead on arrival, developers pissing thjemselves laughing at remote and say they cant port games because of it.
    PC - doomed, PS3 can offer everything they do and will be cheaper.

    everything there is bull, i smell a sony fanboy.

    360 wasnt a botched arrival, espeically compared to the ps2
    the wii is far from dead on arrival even on the most sony leaning forums people would rather have a wii over a ps3 ,i know i would
    and how can the pc be "doomed", its not a game's console?

    once again,

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    once again,
    And again.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Oh go on, one more -

    PC will never be doomed. PC gaming is always ahead of the console curve, that's the great thing about the constant adaptability - which however is something only serious/hard-core gamers can be bothered with. I'm a serious FPS nut, so it's been FPS gaming for me ever since we got our first PC (I've only owned one console - Mega Drive 2).

    PC gaming will never die - it's been at the sheer, cutting edge for so many years now. By the time a console has gotten a couple of years old, they're still working with the same tech, just getting a bit more out of it gradually - PC gamers however are making huge Half Life 2 style leaps and bounds.

    Nintendo have their own niche market, so they'll be around for a long time. Sony are targeting the Western market in a much more brutally corporate fashion and have been met with some unfortunate (for them) competition in the form of Microsoft, who have seen the Western market and seized it as they themselves are a Western corporation.

    We had an Xbox at uni and it was so much fun, serious fun (all guns and cars ... some football). The Wii and Nintendo in general target the family arena or group gaming on the softer side of things. MS and Sony (although them less so) target the adult market a lot more with violence, guns, bloodshed, sex and yet more gory violence ... oh how good it is too.

    But PC will never die - just look at Crysis - it's the next big thing to hit gaming and it's coming soon - to PC.

    Half Life 2 smacked gaming upside the head big style two years ago ... it's only just been ported to 360, beforehand on Xbox after a significant wait and at a lot lower resolution - another thing the PC has over the consoles. While consoles can now get you to the clarity of 1024 resolution, PC gaming is up to and possibly beyond 1600 ... with High Dynamic Range lighting.

  9. #9
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    I'm happy with my 360. I have no interest in PS3 at this time. Sorry Sony. Just wasn't impressed with the games besides Fall of Man. 360 has a better line up this x-mas. If somone gave me a PS3 I would most likely sell it to some sucker on ebay.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    If somone gave me a PS3 I would most likely sell it to some sucker on ebay.
    Or if you want some terribly expensive fun you could always take a sledge hammer to it... "...this one's for the DreamCast!"

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    YES!, thatd be great since my brother did in fact smash my dreamcast with a sledgehammer!

  12. #12
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    MZ is correct - these bozos who think that PC gaming is going out the window because of a console system are competely and utterly out of their freakin' mind. Sure, you can play some awesome games on the PS3 i'm sure, but you will never rival the ability of a PC with a console. In two years while that PS3 is still working on that same hardware & video card, I'll have an nvidia 8900 GT card in my machine that will make the PS3 look like a friggin' Atari 2600.

    PC gaming history? Don't think so. Nice try, but those console fanboys need to check their brain at the door next time.

    ::shakes head:: where do people come up with this sh*t?

  13. #13
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    I couldn't bring myself to smash a PS3. The profit margin earned would be too great. I'd end up kicking myself in the ass for it. I still have a DC, btw.

  14. #14
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    everything there is bull, i smell a sony fanboy.

    360 wasnt a botched arrival, espeically compared to the ps2
    the wii is far from dead on arrival even on the most sony leaning forums people would rather have a wii over a ps3 ,i know i would
    and how can the pc be "doomed", its not a game's console?
    Same thing I was going to say. Total fanboy.

    If the 360 was so "botched on arrival" please tell me how it was virtually impossible to find a farking store carrying an XBOX 360 system for months after it's release.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    i smell a sony fanboy...
    ...and Blu-Ray smells like the Betamax!


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