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Thread: Snakes and Mongeese, the never ending saga of tuition assistance

  1. #1
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    Snakes and Mongeese, the never ending saga of tuition assistance

    This is mostly a rant. I just need to vent a bit.

    Like a never ending snow storm, sent barreling over a shit mountain while wood chucks, chuck nightmares into a river of bloated crust filled syphilis.

    I continue to be sandblasted by never ending waves of fecal matter from the VA office. That's right Ivy Tech community college this is about you, and my seemingly never ending process of getting fist fucked like a Mexican burn victim on the Day of the dead.

    It all comes back to the the little buddy known as Tuition Assistance. Do I really need it? At this point? No I don't, but I think I can bang the system into shitting out some more money for me. Why even try you ask? Well why not, its perfectly legal. In the words of the immortal ice cube, "if you don't pimp the system then youse a hoe."

    Even the act of getting Tuition Assistance from the Guard was a pain the ass. Since not only does the Army have my name wrong (There is no JR in my name. let alone is it my FIRST NAME)

    They not only failed to put in a waiver I submitted last April, but also, in a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED moment, lost it in the sea of paperwork. I had to dig through a mountain of forms to find my copy of it, and after all that work. I wasn't about to not use the thing.

    The Government only pays me to be a hoe one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Not nearly enough to put up with this bullshit.

    I already have my tuition paid for by the child of a disabled vet grant. (My dads a Nam vet)

    I already have my books paid for by the pell grants.

    the Tuition assistance should in theory free up the money to go into my account, so I will have enough gas money to get their until my GI bill bullshit processes.

    Picture in your head a slimy bit of human existence whose soul purpose on this floating bit of rock is to help with veterans affairs. You even have a lacky that short of snorting school funds off overpriced Asian call girls doesn't do a damn thing.

    The aid says he's in the national guard and has never heard of tuition assistance, which makes me weep for his unit.

    This VA creature doesn't even know that national guard tuition assistance exists, let alone how to put it in the system. He then in a fit of blurbering double speak sends you to the business office.

    The nice people at the business office are confused and do their best to help you. Veterans affairs are not their thing, so they tell you to speak to the VA rep.

    He grunts a bit, his slimy tentacles slapping wildly over the keyboard in frustration sends you back.
    The nice people at the business office don't know what to do. They send you back.

    Till you grip your hair in total frustration and attempt to solve it once and for all by giving copies of your paperwork to every living person in the school. The custodian was more helpful then this fellow. It was satisfying to watch my tuition assistance receipt float in a mop bucket full of refuse swept off that shit stained school. At least I knew it was in good company.

    i gave my paperwork to him on November 29th for my GI bill, kicker, and tuition assistance.
    December 16th I gave him the same set of papers again and my schedule.

    Today in an attempt to get a parking pass(Done!) and get my Student ID(of course the machine was broken).

    I found this all out. I will still be able to start school on Monday.
    Finally he says he put everything in. We will see how long this lasts before I end up writing another one of these.
    But I still have the nagging feeling in the back of my head that something terrible is going to happen, and a whale from space is going to crash into my car or something terribly random will keep me from going on Monday.

    I hate everything in the history of everything, ever.
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  2. #2
    Chasing Prey

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    May 2007
    financial aid is crazy hard to get,man. i met all the requirements for it back in collge and they still gave me shit about ok ing the book vouchers and etc etc

  3. #3
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    that's quite the opposite of the experiences i've had with the colleges i've attended and my education benefits.

    being a veteran who did 4 years active duty, my tuition is 100% free for any school that receives any money from the state. i've never had any problems at all with veteran's affairs reps at my schools, and never had any problems with my gi bill monthly benefits. any time i've had a to speak with the VA, they are always very respectful and helpful. in fact, i was even given an extra year of the gi bill since they switched it to the "post 9-11 gi bill" last year, so i'm getting a whole extra year of $$$$.

    it basically breaks down like this: 4 years of active duty + honorable discharge = they pay me monthly to go to school for free.

    sorry your experiences haven't turned out so well. be diligent about it, things will work out. and be sure to use your education benefits, knowledge is power, brother.

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    anything involving schooling and fees is worse than the fucking dmv. not by much but god-damn!

    I was pretty lucky, but a friend of mine, known to most as shaggy, was the only other guy to actually graduate in our class. thing is he got told he got his student loan, the one he had to reapply for 3 times due to errors on there end, to late, so he had to pay it back before he could graduate and receive his degree. and not pay it back in increments like the actual tuition fees like i am, no, he has to pay all his fees in one payment of 9 grand. poor motherfucker comes from a poorer background than me and to this day hes still working his ass off in safeway to get the degree he rightfully earned and worked hard on the same film sets as me to earn.

    i miss going to uni and hanging around with mates in that environment but fuck all the paperwork up the ass with a rusty coathanger.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Exatreides View Post
    This is mostly a rant. I just need to vent a bit.
    I hope that rant was as cathartic for you to write as it was entertaining to read. And I hope you're able to get your aid situation worked out quickly from here out.
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria


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