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Thread: some rather ridiculous comments...

  1. #1
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    some rather ridiculous comments...

    on ghey08 on imdb.

    by djblack1313 (Sun Feb 10 2008 23:03:46)
    just watched and i must admit i totally liked it. i'll definately buy on DVD. i know i'll get slammed for saying good things about it, but... oh well. the gore factor was great (i liked the spear thing Nick Cannon uses at one point. decaping and half decaping zombies.) i thought the acting (for the most part) was pretty good. the vegetarian Bud part is SOOOO minimal, it's not a distraction or ruin the movie (IMO). also, it's not the teeny bopper zombie cast i thought it was going to be like. for people who like action packed zombie/infection movies w/ good direction and good gore, i urge you to watch/rent/buy this movie. i'm not a plant from the studio either! LOL. i'm totally suprised i really liked this flick.
    yeah i'm not plant from the studio the vegetarian zombie part was minimal? has this guy been smoking draino or what??

    by duglittle (Tue Feb 12 2008 00:53:15)
    I also liked it. Much better than i was expecting. One thing that bothers my though, why call it Day of the Dead when 80% of the movie takes place throughout the night

    you've got to be kidding me right

    by supertom44 1 day ago (Fri Feb 22 2008 01:27:22)
    Well said.
    Im glad im not the only one who liked this film, I watched it not expecting much after reading some reviews but I really enjoyed this film, Ill happily buy it on dvd.
    Yeh the zombies weren't like traditional zombies but thats what I liked was nice to see a change.
    another one happily encouraging people to spend money on this.

    this dude gives it a 10/10
    by hardrocker22488 5 days ago (Mon Feb 18 2008 00:49:59)
    This movie was hella awesome. They actually gave a reason and explanation to why the zombie infection happened. In 28 Days and Weeks Later, there are not zombies, they are infected with Rage, in the Dead series, they are infected with a biological agent that wasn't rage. This movie was great. Good story, better plot, good explanation. I gave this movie a 10 out of 10. Personally I don't read reviews, everyone has their own opinion, and it probably isn't the exact same as yours would be if you were to see the film or show in question. I'd put this up there as one of my all time favorite zombie films with Dawn of The Dead.
    this one makes my brain hurt:
    by Snowfirewolf 1 day ago (Thu Feb 21 2008 19:19:30)
    Okay, I just know I'm going to get slammed for this post, but that's all right, no hard feelings to anyone who does decide to tear me apart. xD; Everyone has different opinions, but if you do disagree, at least be literate and succinct about it please.

    Anyway! On to why I liked it.
    I thought it was obviously not an incredible movie but probably would have made some money at the box office if it went to theaters. It definitely does not deserve this imdb rating. There are movies FAR FAR FAR worse than this one. Like, WAY worse. If this is the worst movie you have ever seen, then consider yourself lucky. First, there are probably a few things you need to know about me:
    I've never seen the original.
    I have seen Land of the Dead and Dawn of the Dead remakes.
    I have seen a lot of movies worse than this one. Also better movies. I'm not trying to say this movie was AWESOME, but it doesn't deserve the crap it's getting.

    As far as characters go I was impressed. There was a variety of people who you could tell had backgrounds and pasts and interacted well with each other. However the pasts were a little vague, there was no flashbacks or spoon feeding to the audience and not everything got resolved (which is how real life works) but you could tell the writers did it on purpose. I liked how, besides the girl in the woods at the beginning, they all put up a fight. They didn't just sit there and get eaten. Also, there were a few times when I thought a character in the movie was doomed. They were all alone, the music was getting creepy and I rolled my eyes and thought well there goes another one but they actually saved themselves. Which I thought added another dimension because the deaths weren't quite as predictable. That isn't saying much in a zombie movie because I mean really, the math is simple. Cast - half of cast = ending.

    The dialog flowed well between the characters and some of it was pretty funny. I didn't see anything wrong with it at least. None of the lines really stuck out as being cheesy or terrible. The plot was okay. Not great. Not god awful though.

    All in all I would recommend it to anyone who likes zombies.
    NOTE: i took these comments from a very long post. these seemed to be the pertinent points. the bold/italics/underlined characters i have added as well.

    and now for the obvious question:
    by Mps8549 (Tue Feb 12 2008 05:30:09)
    So how much did you guys get paid for these comments?
    Last edited by Mike70; 23-Feb-2008 at 06:23 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #2
    Yeah, Scip. Every one of those posts look highly suspicious to me and I'm inclined to agree that they could well be associated with the makers of the movie. Wait until it's released on DVD and watch those comments dissolve under the lava of flame posts.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Oh my gawd...PLANT! PLANT!


    Geeeeez...they tried it here, they're trying it there, what f*cking losers.

    At least if they just admitted they made a turd, then they'd be able to retain a modicum of respect ... then said modicum would be confiscated, because these twats just name-rape the sh*t out of GAR's work.


    I've had this particular line from one of Dico's raps in my head all night, but it's kinda fitting for this situation...

    "I get paid off the sh*t I made..."

    Although in Ghey08's case, it's just tragic.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Feb-2008 at 08:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Yeah. I noticed those comments as well. That djblack character is all over the zombie related boards but he's not trying to promote DOTD. I think he's just a teenage idiot really.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  5. #5
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Or, they may, you know, like the movie. all I'm saying is don't automatically assume everyone who likes the movie a "plant".

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    Or, they may, you know, like the movie. all I'm saying is don't automatically assume everyone who likes the movie a "plant".
    He's entitled to his opinion, this dumb teenager who likes the movie, as are the rest of us. It's easy to assume he's either a plant or an idiot because the movie is a piece of ****.

    Originally Posted by Khardis
    Its obvious you don't know many black people then. Black isn't a skin color.

    Where did this quote come from? Black isn't a skin color?

  7. #7
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    i'm aware of that Jim, I'm just pointing out the fact that assuming they are all plants is slightly odd. I haven't seen the movie myself btw, but i'd imagine that I would change my opinion if i viewed it.

    I don't wanna get into the quote though, I'll just direct you too a thread entitled "Obama" for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure, whichever you feel entitled too after you view the thread).

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    i'm aware of that Jim, I'm just pointing out the fact that assuming they are all plants is slightly odd. I haven't seen the movie myself btw, but i'd imagine that I would change my opinion if i viewed it.

    I don't wanna get into the quote though, I'll just direct you too a thread entitled "Obama" for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure, whichever you feel entitled too after you view the thread).
    First time I've ever looked at the political side of this website, wasn't even aware it existed.

    You know, I've learned that its not worth getting your blood pressure up over issues that will never be resolved. Clueless people will always walk the earth in their own personal fantasy land.

    Concerning this horrible remake, I'm going to just pretend it doesn't exist.

  9. #9
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    A few of those folks could be plants, to be sure, but so many of the posters over at IMDB are such major idiots and brain dead tweens that it would not surprise me if these posts are the real deal.

    I mean a lot of people at IMDB gave positive feedback about SWIMFAN and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! The horror!!!!!!
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  10. #10
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yojimbo View Post
    A few of those folks could be plants, to be sure, but so many of the posters over at IMDB are such major idiots and brain dead tweens that it would not surprise me if these posts are the real deal.

    I mean a lot of people at IMDB gave positive feedback about SWIMFAN and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! The horror!!!!!!
    i leave it up to each of us to decide how fishy they are. i simply think they (having watched this abomination myself) are ridiculous.

    the ones i find most suspect are the ones that are encouraging people to go out and spend money on this celluloid abortion at something like $26 a pop.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  11. #11
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    I always suspect ANYONE who assures everyone that they would buy a dvd of a movie getting bad reviews of being a plant.

  12. #12
    Twitching jdog's Avatar

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    thats some of the funniest comments i have ever read. these guys must work for the promo team for the day re-make lol
    we keep it real gangsta down here in canada. ehh

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    thats some of the funniest comments i have ever read. these guys must work for the promo team for the day re-make lol
    And whatever they're being paid, it's too much!

    You can't promote this garbage, it's a fetid turd.

  14. #14
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    fetid, eh? sounds pretty good to me! haven't seen it, but it can't be ALL bad, right? Right?

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    fetid, eh? sounds pretty good to me! haven't seen it, but it can't be ALL bad, right? Right?
    It can ... and it is.

    Ditch cash on it and you're a fool, a FOOL!


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