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Thread: a brief movie review session

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    a brief movie review session

    1: the strangers - So i finally saw this movie and right off the bat i was terrified. of what was on screen?, no way, but by the premise. This is something anyone who lives alone, or even just owns a home fears at some fundamental level. and that is home invasion by some sick fucks who will terrorize and harm you, purely because "you were home".
    -and thats all this really is, these arent your typical slasher bad guys, they have no connection with the two victims, there not secret relatives after revenge, or jilted lovers presumed dead, there just there, not only to kill, but to draw out a full nights worth or driving these people over the edge of terror, to bordering on a catatonic state.
    like i said you can understand why its scary from the premise alone.
    of course the strangers themselves are creepy enough, a young woman with a plastic babys mask, an older woman with a betty boop mask and a tall man in a suit with a burlap sack on his head with a poorly made face cut out the front. these are so freaky they send a shiver down your spine.
    whats worse is they dont track you down andkill you, they spend a good 20 mins getting right up to liv tyler, f'ing with her and withdrawing to the woods outside.
    they steal her phone, draw messages on the windows, hide in rooms, not to kill them, just to be there without them ever knowing.
    the camerawork was a little shaky but for a directorial debut you could do much worse.
    it does fall into cliches by the end, the female (and it always has to be the woman doesnt it?) trips and hurts her ankle, the killer gets behind them, they turn and the killer is gone, and worst of all, the guy with the shotgun will be "back in a second".
    but thats few and far between, the actual violence is not inherently scary, but like i said the premise is terrifying enough to be the scariest film ive seen in a good while so its well worth checking out.

    2: 28 weeks later - "finally!" your thinking, i know it took some time but i finally sat down to watch this and honestly, short review this time, meh sums it up, it relys to heavily on the original work to be a stand alone movie, it uses the same locals and soundtrack and just seems like a dvd extra or tv adaption of the same situation, these some vague idea that a boy has the cure but by the end were back to the beginning of the first one so it leaves you feeling cheated and unsatisfied, the acting and camerawork si solid enough but a lackluster plot drags this one way down.

    3: strange wilderness - right off the bad, avoid this movie, there is no saving this from cliche jokes, terrible acting and lackluster directing that would make the director or scary movie 4 shake his head in distain, talent like jonah hill is wasted in a film that should never have been made. the laughs are in the trailer, and thats all of them. all 5 of them.

    4: the number 23 - now after frankly terrible reviews i put this way off, but after watching eternal sunshine i count watch a jim carrey comedy anymore so i sought this out instead, what i found was not a boring cliche ridden mess as most reviews have dubbed it but an intriguing and stylish thriller were there is no antagonist. the plot was riveting and i remained entrhalled througout, the direction and cinematography makes it feel like two movies, one is the real world, one is the world in the book called "the number 23". carrey is great, not as good as in sunshine but again shoes hes one hell of an actor when he's not literally talking out of his ass. this is a must for thriller fans in need of something thats more mystery and less gore, totally recommended by me.

    5: the mist - man o man was i looking forward to this, i heard some bad reviews about this , mostly about the effects but now its FINALLY out on dvd in the uk i snapped this bitch up and gave it a look.
    honestly im hit and miss about the adations of kings works but this is from the guy who did the green mile and shawshank so i knew i would be enthralled by the midway point, and i wasnt mistaken. the basic idea is the human fear of the unknown, what lies beyond what we can see, outside our "safety zone".
    in the mist a terrible storm heralds the coming of a mist that hides creatures form another reality lurking within. the creatures are superbly designed nightmares, from chittering spiders with a humanoid face, to hulking goliaths lurking in the parking lots to somethings tht are literally form your wildest nightmares.
    now if you dont know by now im not only a big king fan but a silent hill fan, and this was hills inspiration and you could really tell. he setting si chilling, not scary, make ya jump horror, but a creeping chill that allows you to put yourself in the movie as an extra cast member and feel just as on edge as them. the plot about the religious nut who rallys a cult following in the store is hit adn miss with me but the predicament adn the sheer idea of something so unnatural happening was riveting to me and im sure youll dig it too.


  2. #2
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    jesus h. christ in a chariot driven sidecar, that trailer for "the strangers" made me think of three things:

    a. i need to get my hands on this film.
    b. this is the reason everyone needs to own more than one shotgun.
    c. maybe the laws in kentucky and texas about being able to shoot and kill anyone on your property after dark without warning aren't so archaic after all.

    damnation that was a great trailer. if the film sucks i'll hold you personally responsible for my time lost.
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  3. #3
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    You disappoint on your 28 Weeks Later review, Hells. I liked it, though the plot does have obvious holes (albeit not nearly as many as some people claim to find).

    Just because of you, however, I'll be making an extra special effort to check out the Strangers (it was on my extreme back burner list) and the Mist, which I'm encouraged to see you enjoyed (though I worry your opinion may be tinged by Silent Hill fandom--no offense meant, at all ).

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  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I thought The Strangers blew. On of the worst by-the-books, made for the youngsters horror films I've ever seen.

    As for the Mist, I liked that one alot. Loved the ending.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    made for the youngsters
    The Strangers ... ... made for hoodies and SAW 5 fans?!

    Are you high? It's soooooo not that kinda movie...and while I liked it, I wasn't balled over by it, but I certainly appreciated the proper tension building and story, as well as the pacing and direction.

  6. #6
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Story? What fucking story, man?

    "What's that?!?", "You hear something?", "What's that?!?!" for 90 minutes or more.

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Story? What fucking story, man?

    "What's that?!?", "You hear something?", "What's that?!?!" for 90 minutes or more.
    Yes, it was a simple story, or plot rather ... or shall I say, I liked the script for it.

    Although I did find that it dragged a bit in the middle and there was a bit too much of all that appearing/disappearing act stuff. There needed to be another level sooner to keep it swimming along, I thought.

    But I certainly don't consider it to be a movie made for "teh kidzorz" or anything. It's so not that movie.

  8. #8
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    I like Strange Wilderness...

    It was a brainless movie that was funny...plain and simple. I laughed and Laughed! 28 Weeks was OK, but I a nit picky about these type of movies.

    I will have to rent the strangers...thanks for the reviews

  9. #9
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    2. "28 Weeks" - Meh indeed. Beginning was good, all the way up to the mid point, then....blah. I really hated how the dad just "magically" happened to appear everywhere they went. Must have attended the Jason Voorhees School of Stalking.

    4. "The Number 23" - I dug until the end, which seemed a little too feel good & cop out-ish. I blame Joel Schumacher. I blame him for most things though, most because he deserves it.

    5. "The Mist" - I REALLY dug. Only gripes were the CGI was obvious enough a time or two to be REALLY distracting & initially I HATED the ending (even though it was powerful & haunted me for days), just because it was such a departure from one of my favorite King stories. I really dug the original ending for it's "Dawn" like vibe of open-ended-vague-hope-in-the-face-of-certain-doom. Plus it was such a slap to have a movie that was 99% faithful throughout take such a radical turn at the end. But I've since come to terms with it. I just have to keep in mind the book and the movie are two separate, different things.

  10. #10
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    2. "28 Weeks" - Meh indeed. Beginning was good, all the way up to the mid point, then....blah. I really hated how the dad just "magically" happened to appear everywhere they went. Must have attended the Jason Voorhees School of Stalking.
    I don't know. When someone sees something beyond credulity that doesn't interact with them there is either usually a supernatural explanation,'s a cinematic tool, such as foreshadowing etc. that is used as a storytelling device.

    I know a lot of people had problems with this part of the movie and ultimately it is either a wonky script or poorly indicated (unclear) aspect of the narrative, which would then be the director's fault. Either way, I assumed it was the kid seeing things, knowing his Dad was out there and letting the stress of the situation and his imagination run wild.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  11. #11
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Here is a brief review of a film i went to see tonight...

    The Spirit - dogshit dildo film featuring fit ladies & samuel L jackson in eyeshadow,utter tripe im afraid!

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I don't know. When someone sees something beyond credulity that doesn't interact with them there is either usually a supernatural explanation,'s a cinematic tool, such as foreshadowing etc. that is used as a storytelling device.

    I know a lot of people had problems with this part of the movie and ultimately it is either a wonky script or poorly indicated (unclear) aspect of the narrative, which would then be the director's fault. Either way, I assumed it was the kid seeing things, knowing his Dad was out there and letting the stress of the situation and his imagination run wild.
    Hmm...good an explanation as any I s'pose. It was shot very literally though, 'specially the last time they meet, so for me it was just distracting & stretched credibility too far.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Here is a brief review of a film i went to see tonight...

    The Spirit - dogshit dildo film featuring fit ladies & samuel L jackson in eyeshadow,utter tripe im afraid!

    Pity. I was wondering about this one & "The Day The Earth Stood Still" as well. I figured the latter, if not both were probably shite, yet somehow I still want to see them....?
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 05-Jan-2009 at 10:17 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  13. #13
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Hmm...good an explanation as any I s'pose. It was shot very literally though, 'specially the last time they meet, so for me it was just distracting & stretched credibility too far.
    I agree it was a weak point for the film. To me, it was one of two weak points that I was able to overlook, because I liked the other part, but films are subjective and i understand how it's just a bit much for some.

    And, Tricky, you confirmed my suspicions about The Spirit...looked like a bunch of try-too-hard, noir-wanabe, tripe

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  14. #14
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    It's like "Sin City" meets "300"... so, yeh, "Spirit" is bloody awful.
    Agreed on The Mist, Moon... disliked the different ending in the movie, but still good.
    Stranger 23, eh? Have to check that out...

  15. #15
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Day the Earth stood Still. . . not bad. A completely forgetable but very entertaining movie. I liked it. Just won't care to see it again.

    The Mist was one of my favorite recent horror movies. Excellent adaptation.

    28 Weeks. . I liked it. . it just didn't seem to have the same spirit as the first.

    I heard from a very trusted source that the Strangers sucked donkey balls. I might have to rent it just to find out for sure.

    As sad as it is. . I am actually looking forward to My Bloody Valentine 3D. . . should be fun!!
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