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Thread: TWD 3x08 "Made To Suffer" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 3x08 "Made To Suffer" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

    The eighth episode of season three, and the mid-season finale as well - keep your discussion of 3x08 to this thread, don't post about it in the shoutbox, and as always keep any future comic book storylines/spoilers within "spoiler tags" (if you don't know how to use spoiler tags, go to the HPOTD FAQ and look up the section on 'BB Codes') - and finally, ENJOY THE DISCUSSION!

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    I've been seeing some foreign promos from over at ZS. Alot happens tonight!! Some deaths, some new arrivals...

    Last edited by babomb; 02-Dec-2012 at 02:44 PM. Reason: spoiler tags

  3. #3
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    BaBomb. That preview video is a spoiler. Edit it mate.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  4. #4

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    Done. I didn't think it was a spoiler since it's a trailer for 3x08...

  5. #5
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    Done. I didn't think it was a spoiler since it's a trailer for 3x08...
    Yeah I know but some people don't even watch the trailers so better to spoiler it as it involves a certain character in the preview still.
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  6. #6

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    I was doing some quick searches about tonights episode and I came across a horrible discussion. It was nothing but women discussing last weeks episode and expectations regarding the new one. I read the entire 1st page. I really wish i hadn't!
    In the last few episodes we here have discussed how some choices were most likely made to censor certain aspects for the female viewers. Well, this page was THE discussion to illustrate this. These women were talking about how some of them chose not to watch the last few episodes because they feared what would happen when the baby was born, and the rape scene.
    They talked about how they were so upset about how the comic book fans(they called this fandom) must have a general hate for women. Because they hated Lori, hate Andrea, hate Carol and Michonne. And how people are even hating on Maggie for giving up the prison.
    Much of the discussion revolved around what a cute couple Glenn and Maggie are, how they're perfect for each other, and how great the scene was where Glenn gives Maggie his shirt after she's brought in the room shirtless.
    They're having an online prayer circle to pray for Daryl so that Merle doesn't manipulate or hurt him like he did Glenn!!!
    They also nitpick about things there, like we do here, except they nitpick about how Andrea never has roots showing in her hair, and how Carol's hair never grows, and how Herschels hair is a long ponytail which is gross.
    It was a site where women discuss celebrity gossip and popular TV. Every other phrase was "I know, right" or "ikr".
    They even made up one of those couple names like they give to celebrity couples, "MichAndrea"...

    Reading that shit is the single worst thing that's ever happened to me in regard to this show!!
    The worst part is that there seems to be a trend starting that points to the writers making decisions on behalf of these kind of people. If this show starts going downhill fast, these people are the reason why!
    SOB!!! I'll never search for spoilers again!!!
    Last edited by babomb; 02-Dec-2012 at 06:24 PM. Reason: .

  7. #7
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    I was doing some quick searches about tonights episode and I came across a horrible discussion. It was nothing but women discussing last weeks episode and expectations regarding the new one. I read the entire 1st page. I really wish i hadn't!
    In the last few episodes we here have discussed how some choices were most likely made to censor certain aspects for the female viewers. Well, this page was THE discussion to illustrate this. These women were talking about how some of them chose not to watch the last few episodes because they feared what would happen when the baby was born, and the rape scene.
    They talked about how they were so upset about how the comic book fans(they called this fandom) must have a general hate for women. Because they hated Lori, hate Andrea, hate Carol and Michonne. And how people are even hating on Maggie for giving up the prison.
    Much of the discussion revolved around what a cute couple Glenn and Maggie are, how they're perfect for each other, and how great the scene was where Glenn gives Maggie his shirt after she's brought in the room shirtless.
    They're having an online prayer circle to pray for Daryl so that Merle doesn't manipulate or hurt him like he did Glenn!!!
    They also nitpick about things there, like we do here, except they nitpick about how Andrea never has roots showing in her hair, and how Carol's hair never grows, and how Herschels hair is a long ponytail which is gross.
    It was a site where women discuss celebrity gossip and popular TV. Every other phrase was "I know, right" or "ikr".
    They even made up one of those couple names like they give to celebrity couples, "MichAndrea"...

    Reading that shit is the single worst thing that's ever happened to me in regard to this show!!
    The worst part is that there seems to be a trend starting that points to the writers making decisions on behalf of these kind of people. If this show starts going downhill fast, these people are the reason why!
    SOB!!! I'll never search for spoilers again!!!
    Steer clear of IMDb then. TWD forum is infested with trolls with very little moderation. Whole episode synopsis' for the last 2 episodes have been floating around the internet for a while now if that's what you're after. I had episode 4 ruined for me by some prick putting Lori and T Dogs death in the thread title and I was not happy. The person who did it still didn't understand what they had done wrong despite the shitstorm that rained down on them. Away from this forum, this show has some of the dumbest viewers I've ever come across. They seem incapable of picking up whats going on and complain that the show is stupid because they weren't paying attention. Some even record it and fast forward through the talking parts because they're "boring" and then complain when they get lost in the story. Im not joking or exaggerating. These are people I've interacted with over the last few years and it makes my blood boil sometimes. The Talking Dead, while good sometimes, seems to exist purely to explain to the stupid people what happened.
    Rant over.
    Can't wait for tonights finale. I can then change my avatar to a certain character whose a big favourite of mine.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  8. #8
    Banned joeharley666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post

    Steer clear of IMDb then. TWD forum is infested with trolls with very little moderation. Whole episode synopsis' for the last 2 episodes have been floating around the internet for a while now if that's what you're after. I had episode 4 ruined for me by some prick putting Lori and T Dogs death in the thread title and I was not happy. The person who did it still didn't understand what they had done wrong despite the shitstorm that rained down on them. Away from this forum, this show has some of the dumbest viewers I've ever come across. They seem incapable of picking up whats going on and complain that the show is stupid because they weren't paying attention. Some even record it and fast forward through the talking parts because they're "boring" and then complain when they get lost in the story. Im not joking or exaggerating. These are people I've interacted with over the last few years and it makes my blood boil sometimes. The Talking Dead, while good sometimes, seems to exist purely to explain to the stupid people what happened.
    Rant over.
    Can't wait for tonights finale. I can then change my avatar to a certain character whose a big favourite of mine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post

    Steer clear of IMDb then. TWD forum is infested with trolls with very little moderation. Whole episode synopsis' for the last 2 episodes have been floating around the internet for a while now if that's what you're after. I had episode 4 ruined for me by some prick putting Lori and T Dogs death in the thread title and I was not happy. The person who did it still didn't understand what they had done wrong despite the shitstorm that rained down on them. Away from this forum, this show has some of the dumbest viewers I've ever come across. They seem incapable of picking up whats going on and complain that the show is stupid because they weren't paying attention. Some even record it and fast forward through the talking parts because they're "boring" and then complain when they get lost in the story. Im not joking or exaggerating. These are people I've interacted with over the last few years and it makes my blood boil sometimes. The Talking Dead, while good sometimes, seems to exist purely to explain to the stupid people what happened.
    Rant over.
    Can't wait for tonights finale. I can then change my avatar to a certain character whose a big favourite of mine.
    So then there's a whole other site filled with idiots!? These people are gonna ruin this show for us! The only other site I've been to is the official TWD forums where bassman is a mod. The only thing I saw there was a bunch of die hard fans condemning the entire show over small trivial details that differed between the comic and the show. Seemed like a decent forum for the most part. Nothing like this one though.
    I've wondered if there were folks monitoring forums to find out what fans thought about the show, or what fans wanted to see. And I'm sure there are, but they most likely focus on what's said on facebook and twitter for the most part.

    This was one of the comments that irritated me:
    I hated Lori and Carol in the comic, loved Michonne and Andrea there. Hate all but Michonne in the tv series.

    But ia, most of TWD fandom hates women. That's why I just read the comics quietly in my corner and stay away from it. Some things they say upset me a lot.
    Last edited by babomb; 02-Dec-2012 at 10:07 PM. Reason: words

  10. #10
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    BaBomb. That preview video is a spoiler. Edit it mate.
    to be fair, though, the title of this thread indicates that it does include spoilers....sorry, just playing devil's advocate here.

    regarding the dolts on imdb boards, they are probably also the type who go for the whole "AMC STORY SYNC!!!!!!!!!!!!START YOUR TWO-SCREEN EXPERIENCE" and use social media sites like twitter and facebook while the episode airs to join the discussion with all the other ADD-infected morons.

    i don't really understand why AMC feels it's necessary to have this sort of crap going on during their show or what kind of people would want to sit there and fool with their laptops while trying to watch a show like this that requires the viewer to pay close attention....then again, i really don't care for/understand the whole social media brouhaha anyhow.

  11. #11
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    to be fair, though, the title of this thread indicates that it does include spoilers....sorry, just playing devil's advocate here.
    Yeah. Its a difficult one Prof. The spoiler thing should only apply AFTER the show has aired. Some of us like to come in here for a bit of a pre show chat and I'm sure if anyone who popped in was spoiled by people discussing leaked character deaths, before the episode has been shown, they would rightly be very pissed off.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Yeah. Its a difficult one Prof. The spoiler thing should only apply AFTER the show has aired. Some of us like to come in here for a bit of a pre show chat and I'm sure if anyone who popped in was spoiled by people discussing leaked character deaths, before the episode has been shown, they would rightly be very pissed off.
    I don't want to ruin anyones viewing pleasures or anything like that. I'm not bothered by spoilers myself. I know the general direction the storyline goes in up until what would be the end of season 5, according to the comics anyway. And it really doesn't matter to me who dies in the show or if I know beforehand they're gonna die. It's seeing it play out that matters to me.
    Kind of like a rollercoaster ride. You can watch it from the ground a million times, but it will never ruin the actual experience for you.

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    The thing is this,
    It becomes easy to ignore as a regular here, but as the majority of the people in the world are of barely average intelligence, with a much larger % beneath average intelligence than the % which is of above average intelligence, the majority of people one will encounter on the internet are quite literally unintelligent.

    There's nothing we can do but accept that fact and try to avoid the worst of the stupidity. People who can't be bothered to truly keep up with a plot, but then want to critique the show? Give me a break. People quibbling about Andrea's roots, Carol's hair length or the "grossness" of Herschel's ponytail are IMHO literally subhuman troll garbage, whose only conceivable useful trait is serving as a self-image booster for someone with actual intelligence. (I mean, how can you look at the BS they spew and NOT feel superior?)

    The vast majority of people have always been relatively stupid, it's just that now that, as Al Pacino observed while portraying a certain Man of Wealth and Taste...The Web allows the most unworthy, substandard thinking to be disseminated to the masses at the touch of a button.

    TWD fans are misogynists? I could make a far stronger case that any misogyny is on the part of the writers not the fans. After all, we're simply reacting to what they create. Most of the time as they intend for us to react. If they have a female character make a decision that large elements of the viewing or reading fanbase can't respect, then it only makes sense there will be a corresponding drop in the level of esteem in which that character is held.

    Oh poor Maggie. She was abused and either threatened with or actually raped. Horrible, HORRIBLE ACTS. Yet Glenn was subjected to as much or arguably worse than Maggie was, and he didn't talk. Maggie chose to prolong Glenn's life at the cost of severely imperiling the lives of the entirety of their group, including her father and sister as many have mentioned. Being pissed at the Maggie character for allowing the coercion of a sociopath to bear fruit is NOT hating women for being women. Nearly all of my close friends are women, and THEY are the ones most infuriated by the perceived pass Maggie gets from many women for giving up the group and the location of their safehouse. Not unusual, since most strong capable women I know detest the hypocrisy SOME women live by...the entire "Conditional Equality" Ie: We want to be treated like the equals of any man....unless there's a benefit to be had in assuming the traditional female role of generations past. Such as getting a man to fling himself into danger to protect them. Then, assuming the man prevails over the threat, that kind of woman will once again demand to be treated as an equal.

    Forget men, that kind of flip-flopping ethical relativism can't be respected by ANYONE regardless of their gender. So of course a hypocrite will espouse opinions abrasive at best to the intelligent mind, and infuriating at worst.

    After all, the FANS of the comic and show didn't decide there'd be a character like the Governor, or that he'd use sexual abuse as a coercive tool against Maggie. The writers did...

    So really, best not to even give such stupidity a berth in your consciousness. It's impossible to destroy, so all one can do is avoid it as best one can.

  14. #14
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    i know we are still in season 3, but can we expect a fourth season?

  15. #15
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    Why must you mess with Daryl Dixon? Well that is frustrating cliffhanger. Sensed it was coming when Daryl was covering the escape rocking the AK. But the ending credits showed a smoke or CS gas attack at the pit.


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