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Thread: How to prepare for the zombie apocalypse? CDC has you covered!

  1. #1
    Dead Mr.G's Avatar

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    How to prepare for the zombie apocalypse? CDC has you covered!

    I'd post the official link but it's too busy!
    Last edited by Mr.G; 18-May-2011 at 10:57 PM. Reason: wrong word

  2. #2
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    “Essentially the kits and many of the messages are the same”
    And if that doesn't work they'll lock you inside and blow you up... hmmm...

  3. #3
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    I Love the realistic look they take at the situation though, it was a fun thing to see from the CDC.

    Well, we’re here to answer that question for you, and hopefully share a few tips about preparing for real emergencies too!
    Disaster or Blackout Emergency Supplies

    Some of the supplies for your emergency kit

    Better Safe than Sorry

    So what do you need to do before zombies…or hurricanes or pandemics for example, actually happen? First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house. This includes things like water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp (or in the event of a natural disaster, it will buy you some time until you are able to make your way to an evacuation shelter or utility lines are restored). Below are a few items you should include in your kit, for a full list visit the CDC Emergency page.

    Water (1 gallon per person per day)
    Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)
    Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)
    Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.)
    Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)
    Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
    Important documents (copies of your driver’s license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)
    First Aid supplies (although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane)

    Once you’ve made your emergency kit, you should sit down with your family and come up with an emergency plan. This includes where you would go and who you would call if zombies started appearing outside your door step. You can also implement this plan if there is a flood, earthquake, or other emergency.

    Identify the types of emergencies that are possible in your area. Besides a zombie apocalypse, this may include floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes. If you are unsure contact your local Red Cross chapter for more information.
    Picture of Family by mailbox

    Family members meeting by their mailbox. You should pick two meeting places, one close to your home and one farther away
    Pick a meeting place for your family to regroup in case zombies invade your home…or your town evacuates because of a hurricane. Pick one place right outside your home for sudden emergencies and one place outside of your neighborhood in case you are unable to return home right away.
    Identify your emergency contacts. Make a list of local contacts like the police, fire department, and your local zombie response team. Also identify an out-of-state contact that you can call during an emergency to let the rest of your family know you are ok.
    Plan your evacuation route. When zombies are hungry they won’t stop until they get food (i.e., brains), which means you need to get out of town fast! Plan where you would go and multiple routes you would take ahead of time so that the flesh eaters don’t have a chance! This is also helpful when natural disasters strike and you have to take shelter fast.

    Also never fear, the CDC IS ready.
    Last edited by Thorn; 19-May-2011 at 12:45 PM. Reason: to bold

  4. #4
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    U.S. government outlines zombie apocalypse plan

    Nice article... Hope its not a dupe but enjoy!

    U.S. government outlines zombie apocalypse planJosh Visser, News Staff

    Date: Wednesday May. 18, 2011 10:34 PM ET

    Terrorism, massive debt, zombies -- there seems to be no end to the threats facing the United States government.

    So while U.S. President Barack Obama prepares for his re-election campaign in… wait a second, zombies?

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a lengthy blog post this week on how to survive a zombie apocalypse -- the normally serious scientists taking a new approach to educating the public on emergency awareness.

    Dave Daigle, a longtime CDC spokesperson, told MSNBC he was looking at new ways to engage with people with an old message.

    And zombies, as they should be, are on everyone's mind.

    Zombies, which are the new vampires, which were the new aliens, which were the new-old zombies, have come back in vogue in entertainment, thanks to the "28 Days Later" movies and "The Walking Dead" comic and television series.

    Indeed, the CDC actually played a major role in the season one finale of "The Walking Dead" and the organization promises "if zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease."

    Tips from the CDC on how to survive the zombie apocalypse:

    Create an emergency kit consisting of: Water (four litres,) food (non-perishable items), medications, tools (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio), sanitation items (soap, etc,) extra clothes and bedding, documents (ID, passport) and a First Aid kit (for treating non-zombie bites.)
    Identify possible threats in your neighbourhood
    Pick a meeting place for family
    Plan an evacuation route

    My own tips (as gathered from a lifetime of zombie preparation through pop culture):

    Run up the stairs. Zombies can't get you there.
    That cute girl in the office will try to eat you. Ignore her.
    Get out of the city! Farms rule!
    That roguish guy "out for himself" will try to save you in the end.
    Swords > guns.

  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Last edited by bassman; 19-May-2011 at 02:18 PM. Reason: .

  6. #6
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    Just posted a Dupe of this...Sorry...

  7. #7

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    Not one word about weapons? They're obviously not taking the threat seriously.
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria


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