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Thread: Living Dead Press is now accepting submissions for zombie stories

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Living Dead Press is now accepting submissions for zombie stories

    Hey, guys, this is updated as of May 13th
    Living Dead Press is looking for a few good zombie short stories for a new anthology due out in a two months.
    fast or slow zombies are fine.
    if you go to website, ignore the submissions rules as that is for another book.
    this is for Dead worlds Volume 2.
    as of this posting we need 10 to 12 stories or so. 3 to 6,000 words but can go over.
    pure zombie stuff please. for submissions contact.
    Last edited by livingdeadpress; 14-May-2009 at 03:10 AM.

  2. #2
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by livingdeadpress View Post
    Hey, guys,
    Living Dead Press is looking for a few good zombie short stories for a new anthology due out in a few months.
    As of right now we need about 10 to 12 stories. Two authors have already been accepted, one being A. Giangregorio. If you want to see your words in print please go to and go to SUBMISSIONS for all the rules and what we need and are looking for.
    Hmm... interesting. 1 cent is not a lot per word, but it might be worth it to see my name in print...

  3. #3
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Dear Krakenslayer,
    Thanks for your interest but we are only looking for submissions from U.S. address' right now. Dealing with customs and the like for different reasons, well, sorry to say at this time its not worth the effort, perhaps at a later time.

    Also, a quick update on submissions. So far we've found five stories that now have homes and once we get what we need the book will go into publication and editing, so thanks to everyone who has submitted in the past two days.
    But fear not, If we get a lot of really good ones we'll just make another anthology.
    And to you writers out there who don't want your work messed with. All we will do is copy edit your story. If there's too much wrong with it then we won't take it, so the words the writer puts on the paper will be his words and not an editor's who believes he knows what should be in your story.
    Last edited by livingdeadpress; 08-Mar-2009 at 05:12 PM. Reason: extra info


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