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Thread: Running Zombies... Them ZUMBEES be Running (Spoilers)

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Running Zombies... Them ZUMBEES be Running (Spoilers)

    Still a kick ass episode and I like the action oriented ending. How many people were on the edge of their seats when the zombies were coming into the loading dock as they were jumping in the truck?????
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    Being Attacked White_Zombie's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Still a kick ass episode and I like the action oriented ending. How many people were on the edge of their seats when the zombies were coming into the loading dock as they were jumping in the truck?????
    I was man, i got a good chuckle when it started to rain out! I was like what are they gonna do next?! haha

  3. #3

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    Hell yes I was,
    And as Darabont and Kirkman said, max zombie speed is Cemetery Zombie from Night. Yes, a few pushed that boundary too far, but for limited durations. I actually had more issue with how many were spry enough to
    Clamber up that chainlink fence our Hero and Glenn went over to get the keys/truck. Wasn't a rare one either, like at the fire escape/ladder. Like a good half dozen came on up and woulda come over except for the bullets in the brain that 5 of the 6 caught

    All in all, I really enjoyed this episode. Loved how they really analyzed their predicament, and the obvious soon-to-occur drama concerning Rick. Yes, YES, I just KNOW some "Purists" are going to have issue with what Rick's "escape plan" entailed, but as someone else recently mentioned when this very issue was raised, it IS a supported-in-the-comic event. How it all came apart was a nice touch, but if I have ANY problem it isn't with this episode but the crap the scenes from Episode 3 related to Mr. Psycho Bigot Dixon is impending. Convenient for Dixon too.

    Overall, I declare Episode 2 to be a fine continuation from Episode 1, in the same level of quality, drama and intensity. Not to mention the excellent characterization, and the buildup to a certain dramatic clash in the offing.
    Methinks that Shane is about to have a VERY BAD day, and if he doesn't then Rick's wife is nothing but a faithless whore. It's one thing if she's decided to cleave to a strong male figure capable of providing protection and comfort in this apocalypse due to believing her husband dead, but if she so much as HESITATES/Waffles when Rick shows up, then to Hell with that whore.

    In case you can't tell, I have rather strong feelings about some of the show's dramatic points. All to the series good if I do say so.
    BTW, know it's a winning-the-lottery long shot, but I wonder how many of you decided to enter the content for a Stagger-On role as a Walking Dead zombie/Walker extra like I did?

    Episode 2: 5 out of 5 Zombie Heads. Couldn't have asked for much more. Direct yet compelling. Satisfyingly visceral, and an excellent springboard for the next episode. I really found myself getting attached to Glen and wanting him not to die in the same way I want Rick to survive. Had a serious dread Darabont would off him for precisely that reason.

    Hell, the kid had me at his stated reason for sticking his neck out on Rick's behalf. Loved that.

  4. #4
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I am digging Glen's character too. I am eager for Episode 3 already and as soon as Extras are announced for the Blu-Ray that fucker will be ordered.

    I have read the comic a good bit and if they stick to the storyline it should be just as good in TV format for all the non comic fans out there.
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  5. #5
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    Is T-Dog supposed to be Tyreese? Dude did ok, it's not that, and I personally didn't have a problem with it, but my girlfriend was pretty feckin livid over the Lori/Shane thing. The only thing that gave me pause was the zombie hurdling the fence. I know we don't know the reasons for the dead walking, not from the comic or the show, but that kinda did pull me out a bit. Yeah, some of the zeds were a little too athletic, but that's only when there's num nums nearby, otherwise, like the scene when Glenn and Rick come up from under the bus, they're shambling, some even crawling about.

    I also think it's good that they're kinda dragging things out, setting things up and just letting em play out..we don't know if Lori thinks Rick is dead, yet she's acting like a cat in heat..I dunno, it DOES sorta bother me, but I really do think that's the point and I hope we'll get a payoff.

    Also, all the unfamiliar faces that weren't in the comic? I'm kinda wondering..Wiltshire Estates?
    If Kim Kardashian died tommorrow from a dick overdose I'd call her a dumb whore and move on, because that's what she was - Darth Los

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    I have three theories about the Lori + Shane "intimacy" and Shane's obvious fathering behavior towards Carl.
    1) Shane is a complete wretched bastard, and told Lori that Rick was dead when he either knew for a fact he wasn't, or genuinely didn't know one way or another. If this be the case, Rick will be well justified in capping his ex-friend in the brainpan within minutes of arrival at the campsite.

    2) LORI was the one, that for whatever reason believed Rick to be dead, and given the zombie apocalypse latched on to Shane both as a friend she and Rick had in common, and as someone who could be a comfort to her, a protector for her and Carl, and a father for her boy. Cold as it may seem, when times were harsher it was NOT uncommon for women to be in the tent of their husband's brother before their husband's body was in full rigor say, after a battle, in order to consummate the new relationship and secure a new source of protection, provider and social position for her and her children. Many men considered it to be their obligation in point of fact to take a brother/very close friend/brother-in-arms's wife/mate on as a wife or additional wife in the event that this brother/friend/comrade died, as a means to be secure in their OWN MIND that if something happened to THEM that their brother/brother-in-arms would do the same for THEIR wife and offspring.

    3) Lori needed no belief that Rick was dead, and is in fact a pragmatic, cold-blooded whore that deserves to have her genitals and womb torn from her living body and consumed by a Walker for being such a faithless slut with such an obviously devoted husband and father of her child going through Hell and High Water to find her and Carl. If this be the case, then Rick would be well-justified in dragging her back to the border of Atlanta, duct-taping her to an abandoned car, and finding a working battery/car that'll start and turning its radio on at max volume and leave her for the Walkers.

    <---- Believes that Death-By-Torture is appropriate when EITHER a Husband OR Wife betrays a Mate who obviously loves and is devoted to them. It's one thing to step out if both parties are aware the marriage has become a sham/shell that just hasn't been officially dissolved for whatever reason. It's the 21st century and shit happens.

    It's ANOTHER THING ENTIRELY to profoundly betray a Spouse that obviously loves and is devoted to you, and that you openly give them every reason to believe you are equally devoted to and in love with, when all the while you are going behind their back and doing things you KNOW would/will SPLINTER their heart, and perhaps permanently damage their ability to open up to or trust another future partner who actually WOULDN'T betray them. Not to mention how selfish it is to do something that will tear apart the world of your child/children by ending the marriage and thereby create emotional baggage for those children to be burdened with.

    In any case, it will be interesting to see how it shakes out when Rick comes face to face with his alleged best friend and his sought after wife and son. Not sure if
    I'm going to care for some B.S caused by Dixon's brother and any hostiles aligned with those brothers. Out of all the characters Rick encountered in Atlanta, Dixon was the only one who came off as a cookie-cutter archetype of a Good Ole' Boy White Trash, hyper-violent, egotistical Uber-Bigot. The scene with T-Dog dropping the key was supposed to be a cruel blow by fate to undercut T-Dog's relenting and intending to go back and uncuff Dixon. Instead it was simply a relief. I can handle human antagonists and human vs. human conflict in my zombie apocalypses just fine. All I ask is that the antagonist be more than a paper-thin motivation/source of violence/injury/death for no better reason than the automaton-like working of a flat archetype. I fear Dixon's brother may be just that, but as I try to be fair-minded and have only a pair of what I've found to be overall excellent episodes, I am prepared for now to take it on faith that The Walking Dead will rise above such a petty pitfall. I mean c'mon, Dixon's language was so unimaginatively bigoted, I was surprised he wasn't referring to T-Dog as a "Darkie".

    Still, awesome episode that sated my desire to see how Rick would extricate himself from the dire straits he was in at the end of the premier. Glen is a real gem, the actor's subtle contributions to the role and his dialog delivery was just awesome. Glen very quickly became a character I found myself going "Nooo, don't kill Glen, NOT GLEN!" Which of course is what it's all about. Drawing us in and making us care.

  7. #7
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    As I have read the comic I know what happens with the Lori/Shane/Rick love triangle... I am however curious as to how Frank Darabont tinkered with it for the show. I wanna say i know this this and this is going to happen, but Frank has made some changes that go away from the comic, and they are great changes BTW... so again I wait, rather impatiently for what transpires on Next Sundays episode.

    After watching the second episode again, i will say there was some great tense moments and edge of your seat moments, but it did lack a bit of the atmosphere from Episode #1, however, I still think it was a kick ass episode in the show and I give it a solid B+ to the A+ Episode #1 gets.

    I will also say that I am very impressed with the make-up FX for the zombies. Hard to believe Nicotero, who also did Land of the Dead, has done so much better work on this show. The zombies look fantastic, menacing and the mix of wounds and zombie behaviors have been a great change from the normal behaviors we are used too.

    I will say though I was hoping the long haired zombie in the suit from the bus would have made another appearance in this episode. he was so creepy at the end of Episode #1 as Rick closed the tank hatch and the zombie came into focus almost establishing himself as a sort of leader, although Darabont doesn't seem to be going that way with the series, the guy who played him did a fantastic job with his zombie walk and mannerisms.
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