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Thread: Grave Encounters

  1. #1

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    Grave Encounters

    It's hard to describe this film, it is a mockumentary and takes a swing at the likes of Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures.

  2. #2
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    looks pretty sweet....

    Looks like that Lost Tapes show sorta...

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i heard about this a while ago. was going through some of my half finished scripts with friends and we got to one i almost finished about ghost hunting gone wrong with a real ghost and then one of my mates said 'oh dude, dont bother its just grave encounters" havent checked it out yet, but the demon face thing is off putting.

  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Wait a tick. Maybe i'm missing something, but I didn't see anything "mockumentary" about that. It looked like it was trying to duplicate those ghost hunting shows and Paranormal Activity. It didn't seem to be mocking anything. It looks like another crap film trying to cash in on the "OMG, what's that sound?!?" hand-held movie craze of recent years.

    This Is Spinal Tap is a mockumentary. This is just tween entertainment...
    Last edited by bassman; 17-Aug-2011 at 01:45 PM. Reason: .

  5. #5

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    The film features all the footage they'd use for the show and all the stuff they wouldn't before they become hysterical over the fact their in a real paranormal situation.
    Last edited by Rottedfreak; 17-Aug-2011 at 02:15 PM. Reason: vf

  6. #6
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Looks very entertaining to me. I've had this one (along with a few hundred other films) in my Netflix queue for some time and I'm looking forward to it!

    Sadly, the cinema verite-lite films released the last decade or so are just about the only real horror films we get anymore. So, I enjoy them quite a bit. Quite a few of them coming out this year I'm really excited about (and will be added to my Halloween marathon movie fest for this next year): "Apollo 18", "Area 51", "The Greys", "The Tapes", and a few others I'm anxiously anticipating.

    Last edited by JDFP; 17-Aug-2011 at 03:15 PM. Reason: aye
    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Looks very entertaining to me. I've had this one (along with a few hundred other films) in my Netflix queue for some time and I'm looking forward to it!

    Sadly, the cinema verite-lite films released the last decade or so are just about the only real horror films we get anymore. So, I enjoy them quite a bit. Quite a few of them coming out this year I'm really excited about (and will be added to my Halloween marathon movie fest for this next year): "Apollo 18", "Area 51", "The Greys", "The Tapes", and a few others I'm anxiously anticipating.

    thats because they are a armchair haunted house ride. most other films try 'horror' not 'scary' movie and as such rely on revulsion instead of fear. PA2 scares with a door opening. saw repulses with self mutilation. thats just how its done today.

  8. #8
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    "shhhh....I heard something!"
    "Like...OMG....WHAT WAS THAT?"
    *chair slides quickly across the room*
    "AHHHH....i'm so scared! What is that?"
    *A body in the corner of the room turns to reveal a poorly cgi-ed face with black eyes and a large mouth. Abrupt cut to credits*

    There. I just saved everyone from having to see this thing. Save your money.

    Last edited by bassman; 17-Aug-2011 at 04:22 PM. Reason: .

  9. #9

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    My fave part was when they find a gardener and go
    Host: "you ever seen a ghost?"
    Gardener: "No it's my first day."
    Host: " 'sigh' Here's twenty bucks."
    Second take
    Host: "so have you ever seen a ghost in the ten years you have worked here?"
    Gardener: "Yeah. Over there. Very scary."
    Host: "There we have it folks, undeniable proof of paranormal activity outside those walls."

    It reminded me of the Supernatural episode Ghostfacers and i'll bet if that show did Ghostfacers 2 with them exploring the asylum from season 1 it would be a million times better.
    Last edited by Rottedfreak; 17-Aug-2011 at 04:46 PM. Reason: vza

  10. #10
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    thats because they are a armchair haunted house ride. most other films try 'horror' not 'scary' movie and as such rely on revulsion instead of fear. PA2 scares with a door opening. saw repulses with self mutilation. thats just how its done today.
    Right on the mark, Danny, and I fully agree with you. Seeing someone sliced to pieces doesn't make something a good horror film, it just makes it bloody and disgusting. A good horror film is made with a good storyline and good characters. "The Exorcist", by modern standards, has very little blood and guts but is scary as hell. "The Blair Witch Project" which I think is probably the best horror film of the 90's is the same, very little gore and guts but an excellent story that scares the bejesus out of me -- then again, we know how the forum is split on that one!

    Ultimately, gore / blood and guts and FX special-effects nonsense just doesn't enter into the equation at all for me really, it's just about telling a good story and having good characters whether the film cost $500,000 to make or $500 million to make.

    Most of the low-budget cinema-verite films deliver like "BWP' and "The Last Exorcism" and "Quarantine" as being chilling and entertaining and scary. Big budget bloodfests like "Saw" and "Hostel" on the other hand, no thanks, disgusting does not equal better.

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  11. #11
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Though I might have a general disdain for the manner in which these sorts of films are currently coming out of the mill, I do find they can be pretty entertaining if done well. Frankly, I can easily get into the spirit of a lot of these sorts of movies and shows, yeah there's eye-rolling to be done, but it can also deliver some hair on end mood-setting if I suspend disbelief and suspension of disbelief is a state a tad easier to attain with this style of least for me.

    This however:

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    shhhh....I heard something!"
    "Like...OMG....WHAT WAS THAT?"
    *chair slides quickly across the room*
    "AHHHH....i'm so scared! What is that?"
    *A body in the corner of the room turns to reveal a poorly cgi-ed face with black eyes and a large mouth. Abrupt cut to credits*
    Is definitely a good bet.

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  12. #12
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Most of the low-budget cinema-verite films deliver like "BWP' and "The Last Exorcism" and "Quarantine" as being chilling and entertaining and scary. Big budget bloodfests like "Saw" and "Hostel" on the other hand, no thanks, disgusting does not equal better.
    I disagree that either of them deliver, really. Either way you cut it, both styles of films are nothing more than cheap thrills. Unfortunately, they're just the only two styles offered these days. To sound like an old man: They sure don't make 'em like they used to!

    With the exception of the first Saw film, which was actually a good thriller and not gore for the sake of gore, the rest of them are just disgust films. Just like all the "found footage" films are nothing more than 'cat jumps from the darkness' scares. Both styles have outstayed their welcome, but the found footage thing is especially getting old. I we've got one that's found footage from the moon? Really?!?
    Last edited by bassman; 17-Aug-2011 at 06:23 PM. Reason: .

  13. #13
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I disagree that either of them deliver, really. Either way you cut it, both styles of films are nothing more than cheap thrills.

    Really not a bad thing, in my opinion. While I appreciate a more cerebral horror that takes it's time, draws you in, builds on plot and/or characters, I don't think too many people are going to the sort of films we're discussing expecting Hamlet and feeling short-sheeted after the fact. These sorts of things work for a lot of people because of the basic emotions and themes they tap into and play upon.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  14. #14
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Oh no, I get that. They work for lots of people. Obviously that's why they keep making them. Nothing wrong with cheap entertainment every now and again. Although I do wish we could see more genuine horror films.

    I've just noticed that everytime anyone speaks negatively about these found footage films, JD is quick to compare and contrast them with the recent torture porn craze. I'm only saying that they're fairly similar when you think about it. Neither are slow cerebral horror films like the days of old, but just cheap thrills. Only one is mutilation while the other is just "BOO!" with no pay off. I could do just fine with seeing both styles fade away for a while. On the other hand I was never a fan of the slasher craze from the 80's/90's, so I guess i'm just up the creek without a paddle.

    BTW - love the Rushmore sig.
    Last edited by bassman; 17-Aug-2011 at 06:51 PM. Reason: .

  15. #15
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rottedfreak View Post
    It reminded me of the Supernatural episode Ghostfacers and i'll bet if that show did Ghostfacers 2 with them exploring the asylum from season 1 it would be a million times better.
    One of our very own long-time forum residents, here at HPotD, was a director/producer of Ghostfacers! Haven't seen him around here in quite some time, though...


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