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Thread: WORLD WAR Z... and Me.

  1. #1
    Just been bitten

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    WORLD WAR Z... and Me.

    Well, hello everyone. It has been a while since I have posted, but I do pop in to read what a lot of you have to say.

    Everyone knows that Glasgow was used to film a segment of WWZ, and well me being the massive 'Z' fan that I am had delcared to all who would listen that I would be getting myself down to that set each and every day.
    Family and friend, workmates & and scared random folk were told how I was going to find a way to get a part on this movie!
    "wow, you can get to be a zombie!" said those that didnt run away.
    "Fuck off... I am getting me a part as a US soldier... S.W.A.T team member... or even a brass baws regular guntotting Police Officer!!!", would be my reply. (sorry mum)
    If I was getting a part on a zombie movie I wasnt going to be the gay arse first bitten, nor was I going to be one of the fleeing crown screaming and looking scared. No. I was going to be kickass.
    So time went by and the media was filled with the news of the impending visit.
    So... Fast forward to the first day of shooting and...

    I had a string of visitors at my hospital bed telling me how fucking awesome it was.
    Even people that had little or no interest in movies, let alone zomibe movies had gone to the set and saw people running, an American Flag flying high above Glasgow City Chambers (like some psuedo Red Dawn gig). They saw soldiers fighting zombies, they saw police men with body armour line up across the street in a formation befitting the movie 'Zulu'! (y'know? The front row kneeling and back row standing shooty formation).

    I was gutted, simply gutted.

    How did I miss out on all this fun you all ask, well basically I am a fanny. A selfish fanny that put my wants before the needs of my family.
    Rather than stay at home, I decided to go out for a drive. I wasn't feeling well, but I had be at home all weekend looking after the kids. I just wanted an hour to myself.

    So I was travelling along the M8 motorway when I suddenly felt sick and rather than spill my load over the car interior, I exited my car...

    BOOOMF... followed by some very violent tumbling and a few seconds later I am lying on the road with my leg hanging off at the knee and a broken shoulder and fore arm. I spent a long time in hospital and one of my stays was during the WWZ shoot.

    It all seems so stupid. My leg injuries were misdiagnosed and tomorrow I go an learn my fate. I am lucky to be alive. Everyone has told me so. The surgeons, my doctors, the psychiatrists. Everyone. None to anyone's knowledge has survived being hit by a truck on a motorway, but I did and it hurt

    So, there you go. The one and only time a big budget zombie movie is made in Scotland, and no more than a gnat's chuff away from my house and I am lucky to have missed it all.

    That was World War Z and me. Shite, eh?

  2. #2
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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    Jan 2012
    United States
    Look on the bright side, it could have been worse...

    There you are, lying on the side of the road. Leg mangled. Shoulder broken. Unable to move.

    You cry out for help but none comes.

    A noise. Shuffling. Coming from the nearby brush.

    Is help coming?

    You tun to look.

    You don't believe what you see. A person. No, half a person. A decaying legless corpse dragging itself by its hands, slowly crawling towards you.

    Pain shoots through your body as you try to move. You can't.

    Minute by minute. Inch by inch. The corpse drags itself closer.

    All you can do is lie there and watch in horror.

    The corpse reaches your legs, bites in.

    You scream out.

    The corpse continues to gnaw away on your leg.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Tough break, man. Certainly glad you survived the accident, though! What a story.
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  4. #4
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    United States
    The corpse has now worked it's way up to your thigh.


    Yes, my zombies burp.

    You should have bled out by now. Suspension of disbelief.

  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Feb 2006
    United States
    Sorry to hear about your troubles. As you already hinted're actually very lucky. I hope you're able to see the good side of all this and I wish you the best!

  6. #6
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
    Super Moderator

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    Mid-Hudson Valley, NY
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    Screw any book or movie about zombies, I'm just glad you're on the mend. My complete and best wishes for a full recovery!

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ocala, Florida
    United States
    I'll add my best wishes as well Magic,
    Unfortunately, and I hate to be a downer and all, but you're just NOT going to mend back to 100%. To be sure with great commitment to your physical therapy regimen to come, plus supplemental exercises you stand an excellent chance of making it back to 90% of the pre-collision you...perhaps even 95%, but there's going to be lifelong residual pain sadly. Don't know ya, and certainly don't know what has or hasn't already gone through your mind, but as someone whose body has suffered a similar scale of injury (while in my prime-of-life no less) I can tell you that's a given. Long after the overt injuries have mended, you'll still be in the midst of an ongoing battle with the Great Enemy, Pain. How you fare with that will depend entirely on your ability to maintain a constructive state of mind and hope. Allow me to extend my sincerest hope that you beat the odds, maintain an excellent outlook, and ultimately go on to live a long and once again healthy, pain free, life.

    My sincere empathy.


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