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Thread: Need Advice

  1. #1
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    Need Advice

    Okay ladies and gentlemen, need a little relationship advice. My girlfriend has recently broke up with me, well yesterday actully.

    Why did she end a year and a half relationship?

    She wanted to meet her old online BF and try a relationship with him for a week (he's from Ohio, we live in Indiana)

    She told me that he's staying a week at her house to find out of their physically compatible, if they are then she was going to stay with him, if not she was going to go back to me.

    I right away told her to choose, either me her boyfriend of a year and a half or someone she has never met before.

    She chose him. She's meeting him at the airshow today, I really don't know what to do, I still love her but don't know if I should try to salvage the relationship somehow, beat the everliving **** out of him and wash my hands of it, Or what.
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  2. #2
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    i dont know if this will help...she sounds fickle and if you and her would get back together who knows if down the road she decides to do this again? i have heard soo much about people going online meeting people and it breaking up their relationships.
    i am the older generation so it's hard these days to figure people out. i have been married to same guy for 31 yrs now(wow i cant believe doesnt seem that long ago).
    in my day that would be called "cheating" maybe things are different now i dont know, maybe things can work out if you BOTH want it to. i am a forgiving person but i told my hubby along time ago that was one thing i wouldnt stand for him going out on me. so maybe, i am not the person to give you advice. i feel for you i really do. what it comes down to its your decision. myself i would have a hard time trusting her dont u think? alot to think about i know..but if it is to be it will be

  3. #3
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    1st off.
    She's awful. I'm literally 20 years older than you and have been down that road. Not saying I'm smarter. Just saying it took me a lot of tries to not only figure what to do, but what NOT to do.
    I'm gonna say unkind (but fair and true) things about her. Try not to get pis**d. Just read on.

    "online BF" . What the hell is that? Did you know she was doing that? Means she can't be trusted.

    "She told me that he's staying a week at her house to find out of their physically compatible, if they are then she was going to stay with him, if not she was going to go back to me'
    1st, Iwwwww. Beyotch. 2nd. Your second choice. I dont care if your fat, skinny, zitfaced, poor. Doesn't matter. You don't deserve to be second choice. Means she has zero respect for you and an overinflated opinion of herself. No matter what happens, MOVE ON. Don't let the "i'll never get laid again" blues make you lose your self respect. You will get laid, get a new girl, whatever, eventually.

    "I right away told her to choose, either me her boyfriend of a year and a half or someone she has never met before"
    I say, YOU choose. to kick her to the curb permanently. It will only end eventually. You will regret going back to her (essentially, on your knees, feeling like a chump loser, embarassed in front of your friends). You will get torn up with resentment and self loathing

    "She chose him."
    GOOD. She had no character. your GF is supposed to be one of your best friends(if not you best friend period). You should accept nothing less. Unless your a total j*rk off, you don't deserve it. Even if you SEE yourself as a loser, you preobably AREN"T. Though getting treated like that will make you feel that way.

    "I still love her but don't know if I should try to salvage the relationship somehow, beat the everliving **** out of him and wash my hands of it, Or what."
    Wash your hands. Maybe use your sad situation in a sympathy approach to get a new and better babe. The guy is a jerk, but he's not your friend. She is (or was). Most likely, their thing won't work out. if she comes back beggin. just tell her to slide on, You are too good for her and your NOBODY'S fool (or 2nd choice). Yeah, you still love her, but sometimes love can be only there because you were lonely/desperate/horny, or all 3. Maybe she was NEVER what you wanted her to be. Think on your relationship. There was probably all kinds of indictaors she was awful, selfish and no empathy. telling her to go screw will inflate your self respect to proprtions you can't imagine. Take control of your situation, it can turn your whole life around..

    I got dissed hard a few times in High scool and when I when I started college, but when I was 21 or so I got down like you wouldn't believe. I had a girl I LIVED with (when I was 19) fly on Xmas day to go screw her ex and took my $$ with her. I was like oh woes is me, I'm a loser, what's wrong with me. What was wrong with me was that I didn't realize that SHE was evil and self centered and I was only guilty of a bad choice in a partner and maybe low self esteem (I deserve this).

    Good Luck to you, bro.

    If you do take her back, I swear to god, I'm gonna reach through my DSL cable and Slap some sense into you
    Last edited by coma; 01-Jul-2006 at 06:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    Thank's guys. I just need to move on I think, **** her.
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  5. #5
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Move on, and laugh in her face when she returns. Find another mate at once, that is the only cure for that churning feeling in your gut. Unfortunately, your ex is a bad person, and should never be trusted, or let back into your life in an intimate fashion again. Seriously, cut your ties or you will be put in further dispair.

  6. #6
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Dump her, then in a few months when she wants you back... Get a friend, set a avideo recorder and tell her the only way you will get back with her is if she lets you and your homeboy tag team her.

    Then when you are done... Kick her ass out, sell the tape to the Smut World porn shop downtown for $20 and a case of beer.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  7. #7
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    You can go the "angry sex" route but that can make your messy feelings way too complicated. Usually the angry sex thing can work if, for example, you broke up because you fought alot or a specific argument. But this is a much more painful situation.

  8. #8
    Dying Graebel's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG
    Then when you are done... Kick her ass out, sell the tape to the Smut World porn shop downtown for $20 and a case of beer.

    Seriously though, if there are problems like this and you're only 17 think about what will happen after you're married for seven years with kids and realize that you've hated the b*%#h all along because she's still unfaithful. Dump her and don't look back.

  9. #9
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    i'm glad to see the world hasnt changed lol..i was trying to be kind before..i was trying to say it nicely to get rid of her. if you think about it, she wasnt yours to begin with if she could be persuaded soo easily to go off with someone she has never even met before especially online. ya just dont know what kind of freaks there online (present company excluded). besides if you would take her back after her having sex who knows what kind of disease she would bring back to sound like a nice person you will find someone better in time.

  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'd say "f*ck her" (not literally), that is just bang out of order quite frankly, what she did. I say, even though it'll hurt as you're the innocent party, but drop her like a hot potato and let her make the biggest mistake of her life. When she comes crawling back laugh in her face, if she really was deserving of you then she'd have stayed, but she clearly doesn't deserve you and you certainly don't need someone who'd do such a horrid thing as that.

    Kick her ass out and never look back, unless you want to laugh in her "I've made the biggest mistake ever" face, before walking on.

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    if she needs to consider at all then theres no future plus the whole online boyfreinds creepy in the truest sense, like all the other guys i say tell her to **** off, even whenh she comes back saying he turned out to be a 93 year old man from a retirement home

  12. #12
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    Her first mistake is doing this to you, her second mistake is thinking that she can do this to you.

    In no way should you take her back, if she calls up crying then laugh at her and hang up.

    Seriously, what a bitch.

  13. #13
    Just been bitten MapMan's Avatar

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    Been down that road except I was married with a kid when it happened. Be thankful that you were not married. Move on my friend there are plenty of other women out there. I know you will dwell on it and it does hurt. You will recover. There is romance at the end of the tunnel. Now that the Dr. Phil crap has been said, go out and have fun. Spend that cash on yourself or a hooker. Good luck!!

  14. #14
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    I can just imagine if my boyfriend tried this with me:

    "Hey Sweetie, I just wanted to let you know that I'm hooking up with an old online girlfriend for a week. Yeah, we're getting a room for a week and if I decide I like screwing her better than I like screwing you, I'm leaving you for her. If I like screwing you better, I'll come back here and we'll live happily ever after."

    Typing it out makes me laugh. He'd be so very picking his crap up out of the yard in the middle of the the rain. How disgusting is this? How horrible person is this girl? My advice...CUT ALL TIES. Don't stick around to "show her what for," don't give her the time of day, don't discuss anything...she doesn't even need to know what a ****head she is. Just drop her, drop it, and never look back. Whatever you think is love right now you'll see in just a short period of time was only attachment and a fear of change--trust me on this.

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  15. #15
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Move on

    it is not easy but it is best

    my freind lost his girl to a guy
    who used to call her up and give obscene phone calls
    it was his buddys older brother

    she left him for
    a guy who used to talk dirty to her on the phone
    he met a much better girl later

    so will you


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