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Thread: I didn't like Clerks 2 at all.

  1. #1
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I didn't like Clerks 2 at all.

    Damn all of you that told me it was smart like the original Clerks. That's the only point that sold me on renting this piece of crap. I could go on forever about how much I didn't like this movie (and I like Smith's films). I'll list a couple of things that pissed me off:

    -Randall was the only good character. Jay & Silent Bob were different than usual; flat and dull.

    -The movie was not smart, at all. It was basically just one long-running sex joke.

    -How many times did they say "ass to mouth" in that one scene? 16? Not funny at all. Actually, for some reason, it made me feel awkward.

    -A dance scene on the roof? Come on! What happened to a hockey game?!?!

    I'm sure there are those of you here that like this movie... and I curse you all for tricking me into viewing it.

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    No one ever said it was the same film.

    I didn't see anyone say it, anyway.

  3. #3
    Dying tju1973's Avatar

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    I love Kevin Smith, but...

    After Chasing Amy, I began to lose interest. Dogma was a little preachy,Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was a little to slam bang make fun of the whole series stuff, Jersey Girl-- nuff said...

    I loved Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy was FN awesome--- oh well, other would be good to make even one great flick--

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  4. #4
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    thought it was the best one since chasing amy tbh, but i see what youre saying, was a bit weak. another romance story. jesus kevin, we get it, youve been in love. how many romantic movies will he have to do before it's out of his system. did generally feel a bit muted too.

    but apart from that i liked it, i felt j&sb were a bit more sober than the lurid caricatures they eventually became, the silence of the lambs thing had me laughing. liked the low key feel of the film (er, even though i just said it was a bit,anyway), and the lord of the rings bit was excellent. certainly felt more kevin smith-y than the last 3 movies.

    also, used to have a clerkin job way back when, and me & my coworker used to say how close to reality the film was. the shop eventually shut and i went off started to do something with my life, but we occasionally pass the boarded up shop and remark "wow, still havent done anything to that shop yet" - so a couple bits in the film raised a smile for me personally.

    he should call it quits on the askewniverse now though.
    Last edited by _liam_; 17-Jan-2007 at 01:46 AM.

  5. #5
    It was okay, no great shakes. Definitely nowhere near as good as Chasing Amy or Mallrats but kinda I liked it. I thought Rosario Dawson was pretty good but yeah, Jay and Silent Bob were definitely not themselves this time around.

    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    How many times did they say "ass to mouth" in that one scene? 16? Not funny at all. Actually, for some reason, it made me feel awkward.
    That is the most un-metal thing I've ever heard you say.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Agreed, Smith stated emphatically that it wasn't the first movie. I thought Clerks 2 was superb, a real return to form, and it is a smart movie, but it's smart about being 30 - not smart about being 20.

    If it was just people going on about Star Wars contractors and how many dicks got sucked all the time then people would be complaining it's just trying to be Clerks 1, but Clerks 2 most definately isn't trying to be Clerks 1, it's being itself - Clerks 2.

    The dance sequence is a representation of Dante falling in love with Becky. The roof is a simple call back to the first, a little nod, but I doubt at 33 they'd still be wanting to play hockey on a roof when they've got a whole parking lot out back with no cars ... and do they evens till like to play hockey? Maybe they just didn't have the time on that day.

    It's a great movie in my opinion, it gives Dante and particularly the traditionally emotionally-void (beyond anger and frustration) some depth.

    Jay & Bob have also grown as characters throughout the series, they're no longer the abrasive louts in the first - although Bob was never abrasive beyond the suggestion of a raised back hand. In fact, Jay & Bob were at their most aggressive in Clerks and that's it, beyond that film they're generally more subtle, but just as vulgar.

    Like I said before, I thought it was a great movie, but whatever ... each to their own ... different strokes for different folks ... and other such semi-sex-related comments.


    Liam - I think for now the Askewniverse is closed, but not completely. In Smith's words he's "left a few pages", as he said he might return to do a Clerks 3 to reflect being in his 40s (which I think is a great idea).

    Romantic ... Smith?

    Clerks - no romance, just a tie between two girls.
    Mallrats - two teen couples, but it's pretty basic teen drama style romance (if you can call it "romance")
    Chasing Amy - actually rather deep in terms of relationships, I'd consider Amy to be his first proper exploration of relationships and love.
    Dogma - where's the romance? Big rubber poop monsters and religious shenanigans...
    Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back - Jay wants to bone Justice ...
    Jersey Girl (outside of the Askewniverse) - to be honest I find it quite touching, it's not really about man/woman relationships, it's about fatherhood.

    There might be some truth in the romantic comment, but I don't think it's really a big Smith thing throughout his films, Clerks 2 has the most "romantic/love" content since Chasing Amy in my opinion.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 17-Jan-2007 at 11:01 AM.

  7. #7
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    There might be some truth in the romantic comment, but I don't think it's really a big Smith thing throughout his films, Clerks 2 has the most "romantic/love" content since Chasing Amy in my opinion.
    That's the main reason I hated Chasing Amy, and the main reason why Clerks 2 gets on my nerves in places. It's trying too hard to be a love story AND a comedy - he should've either gone full comedy or full love story. They spent too much time on 'love' and not enough time on 'funny'

    and whoever said it first, you're right - J&SB just weren't that funny in this one. Sure, the silence of the lambs joke ("would you **** me? I would") was hilarious - other than that, I hate to say it, but since Jay cleaned up his act, he just doesn't seem as funny anymore.

    I don't mind Clerks 2, but it's low on the "Smith Totem Pole" for me - along with Chasing Amy and Jersey Girl (gag me with a pitchfork, they were both horrible. I have no idea what people see in either.. )


  8. #8
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Yes, Smith had the love story between Becky and Dante....but some of you are missing the TRUE love story of the movie. Dante and Randal.

    The movie is more about them growing as friends and coming to terms that they need each other. The Becky thing is kind of a side item(a boom chee!).

    And I really don't understand how some of yous guys are saying that Mallrats is one of his best. It's funny, don't get me wrong. It's a fun movie to watch. I even have a framed poster of it in my gameroom. But it's really not a well made movie all around. Even Smith admits that it's a pretty crappy movie when you think about it.

  9. #9
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I stopped watching Kevin Smith after Jay and Silent Bob Strikes back. That asshole has stolen enough of my time.

  10. #10
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I'm not completely dissing this movie, mind you. There were a few parts that had me laughing wayyy harder than I do at most films:

    -The Lord Of The Rings argument.

    -"Pillow Pants" scene!!!

    -The whole "porch monkey" bit.

    -Pretty much anything Randall said (just like in the first one; he's, in my opinion, the best character in Smith's Jersey series).

  11. #11
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    -"Pillow Pants" scene!!!

    I almost pissed myself when I saw this in theater because I was laughing so hard. The look of terror on Randall's face is genious.

  12. #12
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    hehe yeh, and i could be mistaken but i think i heard some music from "the shining"...

    i did find the whole donkey ****ing bit funny too. but then i still watch beavis & butthead and fart on my friends, so i guess that's to be expected.

    "they should have a solid plastic cage like magneto had in x men 2 NARRHHHH"

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Indeed that is the track from The Shining (the lighting in that scene is also based partly on the Lloyd the bartender scene in The Shining as well.

    Randal's genuine look of fright, the fact that he really is unnerved is just fantastic, usually he's the one unnerving people (e.g. in the comic "Where's the Beef?" when he tells *mind goes totally blank* ... ELIAS!!! ... that he let a girl give him a golden shower ... then she let him F-her-in-the-A )

    There's a deleted scene on the DVD (deleted because it was too Clerks 1, it didn't fit the themes of Clerks 2) in which Randal does his patented 'wind up Dante with absurdly over-the-top theory' jibber-jabber after Dante reveals he jerked off in the women's toilets - this then leads Randal to theories Dante ending up knocking up his mother via the toilet seat spoodge-juice-residue, and thus alluding to the "sex nuts and retard strong" statement.

    Zak Knutson (the Donkey F*cker) was brilliant in that role, it was just hilarious. All the little touches that (as you see on the DVD) were mainly off-the-cuff, are fantastic, eg:

    The over-zealous head-rock followed by "HEYYY!!!"

    The "I miss my donkey".

    "Hey, f*cko, it's interspecies erotica!"

    "Ooh, cake...ahhhhhhh."

    And so forth. Comedy gold.

    And indeed, like Bassman said, the main love story is Dante & Randal ... hey bassman, were you touched when Randal gets serious for a change in the jail cell and expresses himself without any sarcasm or jokes?

    Overall Clerks 2 was superb, a real return to form for Smith and a good ending (for now) to the to look forward to:

    1) The animated Clerks movie (sub-titled "Sell Out" at the moment)
    2) Smith's next live-action movie - this time - HORROR.

  14. #14
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    I like all of his movies, including Jersey Girl (carlin!). I think Mall Rats was his weakest because it was kind of dopey and the lead character sucked.
    I think Clerks 2 was actually about Dantes conlict about what one thinks they SHOULD do and be as opposed to what they WANT to do and be.

    When I was in my early 30s I had an asshole GF and a real crisis mentally about where I was in my life concerning flunky jobs and lost potential, so I related. I also appreciated Kevin Smith taking his view into adulthood instead of keeping the films in the 16-24 demographic That gets ultra lame when you are no longer a kid. I dont care about some kid losing his cherry like in most sex comedies.
    I also dont see any conflict between romaince and comedy.It worked for me.
    I dont think it was his strongest film (i like Jay and Bob) but I think its a worthy addition. I thought Chasing Amy was marred by a very immature view of relationships. Part Astute observation part "I have never been laid"
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  15. #15
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    ... hey bassman, were you touched when Randal gets serious for a change in the jail cell and expresses himself without any sarcasm or jokes?
    Yeah....had a brief moment of sympathy and almost teared up a little.

    Randal: "Would you guys cover you're ears?"
    *Jay and Bob cover their ears*
    Randal: "You're my best friend and I love a totally heterosexual way"
    Jay: "pfft....yeah right"

    But yeah, ol Jeff Anderson pulled out all the stops there. I was impressed. Especially because he's not a "real actor", as he says.


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