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Thread: In The Editing Room..

  1. #1
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    In The Editing Room..

    I am too lazy and busy (lol) to make a post production video diary. Its one thing to edit a feature legnth movie, its another thing all together to find the energy to edit a simple two minute video. But for some odd ball reason I have no problem just typing away...funny how that works. Not only that, but i cant find a really decent thing to do a production diary if somebody wants me to blab on camera for a couple minutes, ask me a question and I will go to town lol.

    So i've been editing away here, for what seems like a bloody long time. I finished a rough cut of Escalation in four days, albeit that was four days of non stop editing. You'd think it would be easy to give your movie an older look and feel, nah, it takes twice as much time...things need to be rendered and yadda yadda yadda. On the plus side there will be a couple screenings of the movie up in here in good ol' Guelph this february, so that at least gives me some sort of target deadline.

    I am really happy with the overall look of the movie. Much like Escalation, I kinda wanted to shoot the movie to have a sort of documentary feel to it. To me Night '68 always had that sort of vibe too it, however I think that was mostly because of the low budget. I have been showing close friends clips from the flick, and the response has been good (thank god) or they are being biased. I had a friend and fellow film maker tell me one scene was just brutal enough to be walk out worthy...this made me smile. However he could have just been telling me this to make me happy. But overall, I am pleased with how the flick is turning out. I have been reading online and on these forums that most fans prefer characters and interaction over the gore, so I hope this movie will be able to please.

    Last edited by livingdeadboy; 22-Jan-2007 at 07:49 PM.

  2. #2
    I'm sure it will LDB, I've been looking forward to your movie for a while now. All this talk of "walk out-able" scenes only makes me wanna see it more!

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well ... there's nothing wrong with lashings of gore if the story is already in place.

    Tell me about it, editing is a major process and really quite draining - especially after you've done all the filming, now you need to edit the whole thing too ... yipes.

    It's taken me longer than initially anticipated to edit "I Am Zombie Man 2", just because of the nature of the scenes, as well as the main fact of it being January (when I'm usually lazing around watching DVDs) and me having to switch gears from "shooting mode" to "editing mode".

    I've managed to get back into the editing zone again, but that in itself brings new challenges/problems, and there's plenty of little problems to work around (not with the film, but with the editing process) ... but then again, I'm the sort who'd rather get out and shoot what's needed and then hand it on - but I don't have someone to hand it on to, so I have to edit (on top of a bunch of other bits and pieces) ... I guess it's my inate lack of patience that is the root of it ... mind you, I like the sense of achievement at the end, and sometimes it can be really fun to edit together disparate footage and create the visual representation of what you've written on the page...

    Hmmm...a conclusion to all this? Er ... not really.

    But I know what you mean, the last thing you wanna do is document the editing process when you're smack bang in the middle of it (after having done all the filming), what I like to do is just film behind the scenes type stuff during the filming process, and collect that in with out-takes and alternate takes/clips to make a all-in-one document ... that's what I'll be doing for the DVD after IAZM2 itself is edited.

  4. #4
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    well at least you have the will to shoot behind the scenes stuff M.Z., i never do lol. Everytime I head into a production we always say we will get behind the scenes stuff...but we never do. The one day we finally got some sort of footage on set was the day i handed the cam over to a friend.

    On a completley un-related note, I got sick of editing so I snuck off to see The Hitcher 2007. While not a great movie, it had one scene (spoiler) where John Ryder takes out a little fleet of cop cars to the song closer by Nine Inch Nails. It takes a lot to get me all got up in a scene in a theatre, but that did a pretty damn good job.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    hehe, well, it's just running the camera constantly. If there's something that catches my eye while we're just waiting around for something (make up for example) then I'll film it. It's not really "this is exactly how we made this" kind of journey, it's more a collection of in-between moments with no interviews (that'd require more time and effort that isn't available at that stage ) ... so yeah, kind of a semblance of moments, in-betweens and out-takes...


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