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Thread: What are your views on the P$3?

  1. #1
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    What are your views on the P$3?

    Here are last months NPD sales for game systems.

    November 2008 Hardware Sales

    * Wii -- 2,040,000
    * Nintendo DS -- 1,570,000
    * Xbox 360 -- 836,000
    * PlayStation Portable -- 421,000
    * PlayStation 3 -- 378,000
    * PlayStation 2 -- 206,000

    Since those numbers have been released, CNN Money has gone as far as calling the PS3 a sinking ship (read article here ). Combine the lack of sales last month, Sony laying off 16,000 people world wide and the lack of games I do not think that things are going to pick up for Sony anytime soon.

    I don't want to see all the people out of work, but if Sony were to fall I wouldn't feel too bad. I have had a few big problems with their customer service department, including one person telling me that I could pay $50 over the phone with my credit card or $75 check or money order by mail to get my PS2 fixed for the disk read error and there was no guarantee they would fix it because I got my play time out of it. This was the second time in a year I had to send it in for the disk read error, which they lost a class action lawsuit over and were required by court order to fix it for free for a period of time (and the second time mine broke that order had just expired). On top of that, every single Sony product I have bought and registered has ended up with me getting a letter in the mail about some class action lawsuit because they used known defective parts when building the products. The only Sony products I have bought that did not stop working in an unusually short period of time was my CD Burner (still works great 6 years later) and my digital camera (which did result in my getting one of the lawsuit letters regarding defective lcd screens).

    So yeah, if the PS3 fails like it seems to be doing, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

    Another question, has anybody else noticed the decline in PS3 sales as the prices of Blu Ray players drop lower than the cost of the PS3? I have been doing my own personal survey at work when people get Blu Ray movies and ask if their player is a PS3 or a stand alone Blu Ray player. Up until 2 or 3 months ago 9 out of 10 said it was a PS3 and now it's about 50/50. Any thoughts on this?

    And for the record, even though I have a large dislike for Sony, I will admit that Blu Ray is impressive, they actually did a good job with that one.
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  2. #2
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    ps3 has been dead for quite some time in my book. i can only name two people who own one, and one of those dudes won his in a random drawing. the only reason he kept it is for the blu-ray player. he still plays his 360 quite a bit, but has yet to buy a single ps3 title. almost everyone of my friends who plays video games has an xbox360, none of them were even interested in the ps3 when it an ungodly price....with very few games that weren't already available on 360.

  3. #3

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    Here's my view on gaming in whole,
    If you want a console with traditional games get a 360, can't go wrong, the problem is that PS3 and 360 are the same thing, some screen resolution and bigger storage just aren't as big a draw as Sony hoped and their losing exclusives and killer apps fast no thanks to high development costs I reckon Metal Gear Solid 4 is the next to go. Blu Ray's okay but not the leap that VHS to DVDs were and people just aren't about to replace their collections yet.
    Wii has been well supported by Nintendo but there's been no first party game of interest this christmas for Wii or DS, no Mario, Zelda or Metroid and western third party developers really need to invest in more traditional games then they have been on both the big N's systems. I suppose The Conduit is a start.

  4. #4
    The PS3 is a stinking pile of turd. I won mine in a competition and traded it in less than a month later. I bought Elder Scrolls IV on it and couldn't really tell the difference between the 360 version I had. I bought a few more games over the month and none of them were really mindshattering. Also, it's an overcomplicated brick, just too much to wade through before actually playing a game.

    Metal Gear Solid 4 was the great hope for Sony and it was FAR from game of the year. In fact, I wouldn't even put it in the top ten. I like to play games, not watch 40 minutes of cutscenes followed by 10 minutes gameplay. Gran Turismo is the only thing they have left now and, to be honest, that title has had it's day.

    Blu-Ray is cool and all, but it's not going to take over DVD - that's quite apparent.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well, BR won't take over yet.

    They came too early with BR on the PS3 I think. BR is more expensive than DVD, the vast majority of people don't have the sheer size of TV screen to make it worthwhile.

    The PS3 has too much stuff with it, it's too much of a technological showcase, it's too many things (or trying to be), when people just want a games machine - step forward, the Xbox360.

    The only problem with 360 is the technical problems, which they'll definitely fix the f*ck out of for their next console.

    I don't know of any of my mates having a PS3, they've all got 360s and/or Wiis. Just looking at Console Wars, it's clear who's in third place. Sony made one blunder after another with the PS3, and their arrogance and presumed right of place has seen them end up in third.

  6. #6
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I quite like the PS3 from playing on a friends a few times, but in all honesty i completely lost interest in console gaming with the last generation (ps2 etc),mainly down to the fact i discovered how damn good & versatile proper PC gaming is!Buy a good well researched PC and it will last you longer than any generation of console,people bitch that you constantly have to upgrade your pc every couple of months to play decent games but thats a load of sh*te,mines 15 months old now & im still running the latest stuff on max settings

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    I quite like the PS3 from playing on a friends a few times, but in all honesty i completely lost interest in console gaming with the last generation (ps2 etc),mainly down to the fact i discovered how damn good & versatile proper PC gaming is!Buy a good well researched PC and it will last you longer than any generation of console,people bitch that you constantly have to upgrade your pc every couple of months to play decent games but thats a load of sh*te,mines 15 months old now & im still running the latest stuff on max settings
    Which is exactly why I researched the ass out of my new rig (currently being built), because it has to last me at least five years, but preferably further, and be open to the odd additional tweak (e.g. SLI) further down the road.

    My previous rig (and current rig, used for everything that isn't editing and gaming ... although I'm still editing on it for the moment until the new one turns up) only had the RAM doubled and the graphics card changed. That was it in terms of upgrades.

    This time I've spent twice as much, but it's very beastly. I've gone high-end-nay-higher on this one, my previous one was more of a mid-range model/level of spec.

    So yeah, this whole "upgrade it every month, and within a week it's out of date" type stereotyping is ill-informed and simplistic, especially considering that console games are all built on PCs in the first place.

    The plus side of a console though, is the lack of having to bother about your spec once your rig is older, PC gaming certainly demands more thought over-the-piece (in terms of the culture, and being able to game on a PC, and modding and so on), PC gaming is definitely a more hardcore crowd mostly ... well, on the higher end anyway, any old chump can play The Sims 2.

    I'll definitely enjoy having the ability to get into some hardcore PC gaming when I want to again, but to also have the more relaxed (generally) gaming atmosphere of my 360, so I've got the best of both worlds.

    Ya-boo-sucks to the PS3 I rekon, Sony screwed the pooch left-right-and-centre on that one, it's not gone well has it?

  8. #8
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    When I was younger and the xbox came out I was like "never will I switch over." Now I've relized the error of my ways and say "Never will I switch back to sony."

  9. #9
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    The ps3 is a good unit...haven't heard about their red ring of death have we...

    It is a good unit due mainly to the blue ray. It is the next big thing and having a game station that plays pretty good games and the blue ray player at the same time is a plus plus in my book.

    I do not own a PS3 but I do have a 360...which is awesome! I went the whole PC route for a long time and realized how finicky they were. Not to say that they haven't advanced and perhaps one day I will return. I use my PC for work and internet and my 360 for gaming, mainly online. My kids like the selection of games for the 360.

    I would consider a PS3 at some point, maybe in the next wave of gaming rigs. They just don't have any must have titles right now.

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    im thinking about getting one for the , lets face it, minimal number of good exclusives and the bluray player but its the gamecube of this generation, its a great console with a great number of games but its competition has way more going for it yknow?
    if they did like ms and made the bluray and optional external addon i think it would be in a much better state but it launched too late with too little big name exclusives, and its never going to come close to the numbers of the playstation 2.

    -and god knows the impact ff13 on the 360 is gonna be bad, i can see imports going into japan the day of release.
    Last edited by Danny; 15-Dec-2008 at 05:36 PM.

  11. #11
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    its the gamecube of this generation...

    its a great console with a great number of games but its competition has way more going for it yknow?
    Agreed! And to a degree, I'm happy. Healthy competition and healthy business are great, but it is kind of nice owning a single game system, having another in the house and owning a PC and not feeling I'm missing out on some sort of gamer entertainment by not having yet another game system.

    Hopefully, Sony can weather the storm and get back to the drawing board.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  12. #12
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    The only reason I'd have to buy a PS3 would be for 'Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5'. I just re-bought a PS2 and Persona 4 last week, and I'm blown away at how a Japanese-style RPG can feel so fresh and fun. It shares my Game of the Year spot with Left 4 Dead.

    Blu-Ray is great and all, but I believe that digital distribution and downloading HD movies is the future.

    Edit: Also, having a high-end PC is all but worthless nowadays, what's there to play on the platform besides Crysis and the upcoming Starcraft 2? MMO's? Bleh.
    Last edited by CoinReturn; 15-Dec-2008 at 07:48 PM.

  13. #13
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post

    Edit: Also, having a high-end PC is all but worthless nowadays, what's there to play on the platform besides Crysis and the upcoming Starcraft 2? MMO's? Bleh.
    company of heroes,crysis,far cry 2,fallout 3,the ridiculously huge back catalogue of PC games of all genres,all the stuff created by the modding community,Operation flashpoint 2 when its released,the medieval series,all the upcoming pc games etc etc... and although a some of those games are available on the consoles,the PC does it better

  14. #14
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    company of heroes,crysis,far cry 2,fallout 3,the ridiculously huge back catalogue of PC games of all genres,all the stuff created by the modding community,Operation flashpoint 2 when its released,the medieval series,all the upcoming pc games etc etc... and although a some of those games are available on the consoles,the PC does it better
    And to add that list, real quick...

    The whole Total War series (though not quite as good after the original Medieval Total War was released), anything Paradox games puts out (Hearts of Iron series, Victoria series, Europa Universalis), MMOs (as just because they are not to some people's taste, is not to say they are worthless for the rest of us).

    A hell a lot of tactical or strategic simulator games that, as Tricky mentioned, can thankfully quite often be modded up to snuff, or modded for variant content.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ooh, Coin stuck his foot in that one. Bravo Tricky & Aces.

    Also add in that PCs just are better for shooters (let's no argue, PC just is better for shooters), and that console games are built on PCs in the first place, and well ... shut yo' mouf.


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