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Thread: How much is gasoline going for where you live?

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    That's the problem with Britain right now, nobody gets riled up about anything anymore...but then even if we did, we wouldn't be allowed to protest outside Downing Street or Parliament thanks to LABOUR who refuse to listen to their opposition - bastards, it's clear they haven't heard of democracy or common sense isn't it?

    Or when the public does get uppity about something, it's an issue which isn't within our country and it's something that even a million people won't stop (i.e. the anti-war demonstrations, they had what, a million people marching in London - did that stop it? No - aside from the fact the war was already done and dusted by that stage and it had become a post-war occupation). It's the same thing with students - they could have stopped Top Up Fees - but what were they too busy protesting? Yes, you guessed it, the war - they all hopped on the war bandwagon to look cool ... and be in the protest nearest the bar and with the most weed being passed around. It's true, it happened at my uni, it was pathetic.

    The UK is taking all these tax hikes, ridiculous levels of beurocracy, Big Brother nannying and and endless list of country-raping actions that LABOUR have brought in to f*ck us all over.

    Guaranteed, in twenty years time this LABOUR gubment will go down as one of the worst in history, this current time will be seen as a very dark spot on the face of British politics and the UK in general. All these people get so uppity about Thatcher - yes she didn't do everything right, NOBODY does EVERYTHING right - but a certain party is doing 99% of things WRONG. As for Thatcher - at least she had 'balls' (figuratively speaking), it wasn't about winning over tabloid headlines and saying "something has to be done" (and then doing NOTHING) everytime a gubmnet-led mess hits the press.

    While the current state of the country is a complete shambles, I can find some humour (immense humour actually) in the fact that Labour's record-breaking third term has fallen into such a pit of ass-rape within a year. Roll on the next general election says I, let's sort this bloody country out again!

    And here's some maths (yes, with an "s") for our American chums...

    At the cheapest here in the UK we're paying around £3.70 per GALLON, which is around $6.90 - essentially $7 - per GALLON in dollar-amundos. $3 a gallon doesn't sound so bad now does it?

    $3 a gallon is around £1.60 a gallon into pound-amundos - so per litre that'd be around £0.42, less than half our daily price.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 01-Jun-2006 at 04:30 PM.

  2. #17
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    if things are that crappy on your side of the atlantic take a ride over here. where a conservative govt- one with the white house, both houses of congress, and the supreme court in its nasty paws are making a complete shambles out of everything millions of us hold dear.

    everything bush has done has either turned to dog doo or has some sinister implication behind it. from govt. supported gay bashing to an all out assault on civil rights

    this is the govt that has given us guantanamo bay, secret CIA detentions in foreign countries, a disasterously expensive (both in human terms & money) war in iraq, domestic spying, harrassment of journalists, strong arming senators and reps who don't toe the line provided by the govt., using al qaeda & "terrorism" as a boogeyman to justify a whole cavalcade of bull, and the torture of detainees.

    all the while wages and the standard of living for millions of americans continue to decline. 40 million americans have absolutely no health insurance at all and cannot get access to the same level of care that folks with insurance.

    this is not the same country that i grew up loving.

    i would find it laughable (if it didn't make me want to cry) that this govt can spend over 200 billion dollars on iraq but cannot provide health care for its citizens and won't subsidize daycare for single parents (the us is the ONLY western country not to do so).

    thankfully my wife is a canadian citizen (so is my son) and i am pushing very hard for her to find a job in canada so we can get the hell out of here. i refuse to raise a child in a country that is going down the path the US is.
    Last edited by Mike70; 01-Jun-2006 at 04:48 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #18
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    That's the problem with Britain right now, nobody gets riled up about anything anymore...but then even if we did, we wouldn't be allowed to protest outside Downing Street or Parliament thanks to LABOUR who refuse to listen to their opposition - bastards, it's clear they haven't heard of democracy or common sense isn't it?

    Or when the public does get uppity about something, it's an issue which isn't within our country and it's something that even a million people won't stop (i.e. the anti-war demonstrations, they had what, a million people marching in London - did that stop it? No - aside from the fact the war was already done and dusted by that stage and it had become a post-war occupation). It's the same thing with students - they could have stopped Top Up Fees - but what were they too busy protesting? Yes, you guessed it, the war - they all hopped on the war bandwagon to look cool ... and be in the protest nearest the bar and with the most weed being passed around. It's true, it happened at my uni, it was pathetic.

    The UK is taking all these tax hikes, ridiculous levels of beurocracy, Big Brother nannying and and endless list of country-raping actions that LABOUR have brought in to f*ck us all over.

    Guaranteed, in twenty years time this LABOUR gubment will go down as one of the worst in history, this current time will be seen as a very dark spot on the face of British politics and the UK in general. All these people get so uppity about Thatcher - yes she didn't do everything right, NOBODY does EVERYTHING right - but a certain party is doing 99% of things WRONG. As for Thatcher - at least she had 'balls' (figuratively speaking), it wasn't about winning over tabloid headlines and saying "something has to be done" (and then doing NOTHING) everytime a gubmnet-led mess hits the press.

    While the current state of the country is a complete shambles, I can find some humour (immense humour actually) in the fact that Labour's record-breaking third term has fallen into such a pit of ass-rape within a year. Roll on the next general election says I, let's sort this bloody country out again!
    Your LABOUR gov't and our Republican party seem to be about the same. Everything you mentioned is exactly the same BS we suffer through here on a daily basis while that asshat of a president sits all nice and cozy in his oval office.

    Is LABOUR your Liberal party? Because they sound awfully conservative to me.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  4. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG
    You have tha back asswards. It is the conservatives who do that in the USA. They have the guns and the big SUV's and pick-up trucks. The Liberals here drive the more economic means of transportation because of their concern and involvement in the Global Warming trends, wastes of oil etc etc.

    When you think conservative in this country it is the value system, not the economic system. The Republicans are conservative on the values of LAW and religion, but are the biggest wasters of oil and money (see war and gas) More republicans drive the SUV's and big pick-up trucks in the USA than any single group in america.
    It's always been the complete opposite around here. I've always seen giant SUV's with Kerry/Edwards stickers on them and a whole lot of small cars with Bush/Cheney stickers. The thing that gets me about liberals around here is that they complain about a lot of things but when asked for a solution they're empty-handed and try to keep on complaining. I'll admit that the Republican Party is in shambles at the moment, but I still have my trust in them and I don't think the far left has any idea what to do about anything.

  5. #20
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zombie04
    It's always been the complete opposite around here. I've always seen giant SUV's with Kerry/Edwards stickers on them and a whole lot of small cars with Bush/Cheney stickers. The thing that gets me about liberals around here is that they complain about a lot of things but when asked for a solution they're empty-handed and try to keep on complaining. I'll admit that the Republican Party is in shambles at the moment, but I still have my trust in them and I don't think the far left has any idea what to do about anything.

    Which is why I re-registered as an Independent. I am at the point to say screw it to both parties and just sit back and see who I end upo liking the most. I will be honest in saying the Repubs will not get my vote in 2008 and are pretty much guaranteed to be on the unemployment line come 2009.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  6. #21
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    ahhh the smell of fresh bi-partisan bickering... it smell like apathy!

    sory to ruin the party but, curbing car emmissions are not the end all be all solution to greenhouse gasses that your being sold.

  7. #22
    Dead erisi236's Avatar

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    a "how much is gas in your area" thread turns into a "Conservatives/Bush sucks" thread.

    only on the internet...

    "To further complicate, I will now state, that your convictions lack definition and form."

  8. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG
    Which is why I re-registered as an Independent. I am at the point to say screw it to both parties and just sit back and see who I end upo liking the most. I will be honest in saying the Repubs will not get my vote in 2008 and are pretty much guaranteed to be on the unemployment line come 2009.
    In all honesty, I do support who I like rather than just by party. However, I tend to put my trust in conservatives or Republicans on a national level but I do support a whole lot of local democrats. But really it all depends on who I trust.

  9. #24
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, no we have a whole separate party for the Liberals - the "Liberal Democrats" - although if they were truly Liberal surely they should have allowed the gay guy to become their leader rather than some old fart called Ming Campbell.

    Labour are - apparently - 'for the common man', i.e. the working classes - funny then that the party is run by a bunch of lawyers who are paid annual salleries that would take your McDonald's burger jockey years to earn - and that's not including all the perks laid on the side for politicians. Labour have done nothing but abuse their power (such as outlawing protesting outside parliament and Downing Street! Where did freedom of speech go?!). Darth Brown has created a bunch of civil servant jobs (i.e. red tape beurocrats) to essentually BUY votes. Their "cash for peerages" thing has been all across the news and they've had to give away all their funds they got that way - which has led to them needing to have auctions ... at which they'll gladly auction a copy of The Hutton Report (which documents the death/suicide of a highly respected British scientist) SIGNED by Cherie Blair. Yes, they actually thought that was a good idea and saw no problem with the utterly crass and dispicable actions.

    Speaking of Mrs Tony, they spent £8,000 (almost $15,000) on her hair for last year's general election - and she still looked like she'd been dragged backwards through a hedge. Meanwhile the Conservative leader's wife (at the time before Cameron took over) had ONE £60 hair cut, and it looked far better and was by no means overpriced.

    Labour are also the ones who are still trying to hammer through this dispicable plan to introduce Identity Cards, even though the country doesn't want them and has said so on numerous occasions (their purpose is non-existent, their 'purpose' has changed several times). Labour are also currently attempting to outlaw certain types of pornography which depict rough - yet fully consensual - sex. Their proposal even admits there is NO evidence to support their proposed outlawing - which would criminalise countless citizens from watching a normal Hollywood movie if applied. The proposal is PURELY based on taste, not evidence, which is shocking in itself.

    Labour have completely destroyed a whole generation's education with constant, out-of-touch-with-reality, meddling. University students now have to pay "top up fees", which essentially means they've gotta pay twice as much as I had to - I was fortunate enough to just miss that dropped bomb.

    The Home Office are in a complete mire of turd right now. They released over 1,000 foreign (and illegal) CRIMINALS (including murderers, armed robbers, rapists and paedophiles) onto our streets - what's the bigger kicker? They don't know where they've all gone! What's a bigger kicker? There's actually more than 1,000 out there. Another big kicker? They, like America, have no idea how many illegal immigrants are in the UK - how did this happen? LABOUR introduced an "open door policy" on our borders, great eh? What was especially humorous/appalling was that the CLEANERS of the Home Office itself are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. One of the people in charge of deporting illegal immigrants is ... you guessed it ... an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT ... who exchanged documentation to other illegals for sex. Yes indeedy, the system works oh-so well under LABOUR doesn't it?

    Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott was caught with his pants down having an affair (hypocritcally after he'd shouted out against Conservative government members having affairs in the early 1990s), he had his duties stripped away in a Labour cabinet reshuffle (which was on the day after local elections which stripped away a huge swathe of Labour control in many areas and handed it almost all over to the Conservative party - woohoo says I, seriously, I'm a Conservative Party supporter) to distract the papers from their failure to keep a hold of these regions they previously owned strongly. But you know what, the Deputy PM was still afforded a king's ransom sallary, he kept his TWO Jaguars and still got to keep his TWO fancy pads to live in - this week he was photographed played Croquet (a game of the upper classes) on his lawn when he should have been working - that'll go down well with the working classes eh? lol.

    This gubment is a total shambles, this is the first time EVER they've achieved a third term, and within the first year of that 'historic' third term they've completely crumbled - they were already going before that, but now it's like a slow motion car crash you can't help but watch with utter fascination.

    While the Conservative Party doesn't do everything right (who does?) they're the only people who can sort sh*t out. You see basically we have a cycle in the UK. Labour come in and f*ck everything up and after two terms of bullsh*t the public vote in the Conservatives to fix everything Labour broke while in control. The Conservatives last stint lasted almost 20 years, and then *sigh* Labour get back in and yep - f*ck it all up - so fingers crossed a Conservative government come in at the next election to fix this country again.

    As for the Liberals, they just don't work, Liberals as a whole just don't work. They'd only work in a society which is 100% Liberal and many of their policies are too "softly softly", and government isn't a playground. While they have some good ideas and policies, I have no faith whatsoever in them achieving them and putting them into practice - the last time the Liberals were in power it was World War 1 (after which - I think anyway - they merged with the Social Democrats to become the Liberal Democrats ... but that might have happened before, not sure).

    Also, we have the UK Independent Party, The Green Party and The British National Party ... yep, it's a FIVE party 'system', but in reality it's a TWO party system.


    I've jibber jabbed long enough, lol. But yes, the sooner both our gubments are booted the better.

  10. #25

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    well this discussion clearly got off topic quick. so to end the political mumbo jumbo let's just say partisan extremism and government red tape are bad. are we happy?

  11. #26
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    terrorist is the new word for commie.
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  12. #27
    Being Attacked livingdead7's Avatar

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    Lets get back to the gas prices subject, Speaking of politics only breeds resentment, hate, and violence.

    Paranoia Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A break from reality! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paranoia nurtures him!


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