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Thread: my life is twilight...ugh

  1. #1
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    my life is twilight...ugh

    take a gander at this. a friend linked me this on facebook and i thought i'd share. fucking ridiculous.

    Today I realized that since I started reading the Twilight books, every time my husband and I argue or he says something mean to me, all I can think of is "Edward would never say that/ treat me like that." MLIT
    "Today I asked my boyfriend if he would hold ice to his lips for a minute before he kissed me, so I could pretend I was kissing Edward. He did. MLIT "
    I was born on the same exact day as Taylor Lautner in Grand Rapids Michigan. My friends will go to no end to find out if we met as babies. I am secretly pleased. MLIT
    and on and on and on....
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    This is weird. I literally just finished talking about this on a Ghostbusters forum i visit. So i'll just copy and paste my response from there...

    Ya know.....I don't understand why most guys are so offended by Twilight. Nobody is forcing you to watch it. If girls have fun with it, then so be it. Let them have their fun. Some people would say it's ridiculous how crazy we are about Ghostbusters. Same with the fans of Star Wars or Star Trek.

    And as I've heard it put before...that's all Twilight is. It's Star Wars for teenage girls and their mothers.

    We make replica proton packs, guys. Think about it. We're no different than they are. Just different preferences in films...
    Same goes for us here. We're crazy about Romero's films. And unless I'm mistaken, I'm pretty sure there's a thread here about the dead films playing roles in our everyday lives. Quotes, situations, etc. Just like these kids.

    Let the girls have their movies. It makes them happy. My wife loves the stuff and I'm very happy for her. I have GB and other movies....she has Twilight.
    Last edited by bassman; 02-Dec-2009 at 03:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Twitching BillyRay's Avatar

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    Wow...just when I thought the Twinks coudn't get any sadder.

    I'm not salty about the Twilight fad.
    (After all, they're not making them for me - so why get nervous)

    But wow...

    What if zombie fans did the same thing?

    "When my mother and I argue or she says mean things to me, all I can think of is "I should stab her to death with a trowel in the cellar and eat her vital organs."

    "So I was at the mall, and this Hari Krishna got too close, so I blew his head off. Then I looted."
    Those aren't real problems, Sam.

  4. #4
    Chasing Prey

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    Yeah but our movies are fucking awesome, Twilight is....well...just shit really.

    it's all about credibility...

    LOL I'm kidding...I'm not saying Diary has any credibility at all...

    Twilight is a drama with vampires...who aren't really vampires...all the movies are, is a sort of realising of what I percieve to be an adolescent fantasy involving the romanticised idealogy of vampirism...just done in the language of your average American teen girl...I just called it "dawsons creek with vampires". I'm sure the books have a lot of lore and mythology and hopefully some details that flesh out what the movie realised as very boring characters - but either way I've no interest in it, and I don't see why people are going so mental over it - but similarly, whatever floats your boat - it appeals to a certain demographic that you'd probably be hard pressed to discover the existence of here.
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  5. #5
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Today I realized that since I started reading the Twilight books, every time my husband and I argue or he says something mean to me, all I can think of is "Edward would never say that/ treat me like that." MLIT
    Ugh...yeah because "Edward" is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER, JACKASS!!!

    When "Edward" starts getting out in the real world & busting his sparkly ass to earn a living & pay the bills then we've got some room for comparison.

    (and fiction is the only place where this pure, true perfect love(er) exists folks. Real life is a hard, ugly, monotonous grind that sucks all the joy out of you & spits out your desiccated husk. Wonder how "Edward" would feel about that.)

    Somebody needs to grow up & get a good hard slap on the ass by reality. Mr. Shatner, if you will...?

    GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!

    ---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Let the girls have their movies. It makes them happy. My wife loves the stuff and I'm very happy for her. I have GB and other movies....she has Twilight.
    Oh I'm all for "live & let live/to each their own", but too much of ANYTHING is too much. "Twilight" like any other pop culture phenomenon has it's share of fringe loonies. But your point is well taken.

  6. #6
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    It's quite ironic that you post a picture from one of the biggest and geekiest fan-driven franchises in history into a thread making fun of another set of fans.

    I will say this....the fourth film in the Twilight series should be a blast if they follow the book. Read this article for a good laugh and to see what I mean. Can you imagine that shit on screen? I'm calling it film ever.

  7. #7
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    It's quite ironic that you post a picture from one of the biggest and geekiest fan-driven franchises in history into a thread making fun of another set of fans.
    And the point he made in the SNL skit, which this was in reference to, was dead on: get a life. It's fine to be "into" anything, but if you're basing your whole life around it? I stand by the comparison of one set of crazed obsessed fans to another 100%.

  8. #8
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    It's quite ironic that you post a picture from one of the biggest and geekiest fan-driven franchises in history into a thread making fun of another set of fans.
    making fun of the idiocy of teenagers becomes a sort of hobby as you get older. i despise teen angst in all its forms and that is why i cannot stand anything to do with twilight.
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  9. #9
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    making fun of the idiocy of teenagers becomes a sort of hobby as you get older. i despise teen angst in all its forms and that is why i cannot stand anything to do with twilight.
    *sings Linkin Park* to Mike
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  10. #10
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    The only thing that bugs me about the "Twilight" series is how some idiots think it's the greatest vampire works ever written in the history of fiction, which just makes me shake my head and want to puke. Sorry, Stephanie Meyer, but Anne Rice, Poppy Z. Brite, Bram Stoker, Briam Lumley, and about 1,000 other writers would kick your ass in writing any day of the week, and Anne Rice's vampires would kill yours in about .0001 seconds. Man, who wouldn't love to see Lestat or Armand rip out Edward's throat when he starts whining? Stephanie Meyer may tell an interesting story that social outcast teenaged girls get into, but she doesn't write it very well. Stephen King has even called her out a few times in saying, basically, that her writing sucks, which it does.

    On that note, "Twilight" isn't even creative as a story. The show "The Vampire Diaries" (which is far better done than "Twilight") is based on a similar story to "Twilight". It's an idea that has been done hundreds of times -- A story about a vampire falling in love with a mortal, wow, no one would ever think of that! (sigh). And then to make matters worse, Meyer's vampires aren't real vampires anyway.

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  11. #11
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Stephen King has even called her out a few times in saying, basically, that her writing sucks, which it does.

    Coming from the man who wrote "Insomnia" I find that mightily rich!
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  12. #12
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I was at the mall on the day that Twilight opened, it was like any other day. it was cold, and bright outside, and my eyes, unaccustomed to the sun, were in a constant state of pain. I strolled to the food court so I could satiate my desire for pizza and donuts, when a terrifying site unravelled with each step I took. There was a line stretching some hundred or so feet, of girls, not yet in high school (or at the very least, in grade 9) camping out, complete with blankets, board games, and pillows. Their purpose? To ensure that they would get a ticket to see the new Twilight movie.

    The film wouldn't start for another 8 hours.

    It was also a school day. My knees weakened at the site, and I grasped onto a nearby table to hold me up, its surface slick with pizza sauce and drying pepsi. "This can't be happening" I thought to myself. surely, they were in line to see "2012" or even "planet 51". A second glance at the crowd destroyed my hope in those answers. I steadied my knees as well as I could, and made my way towards the pizza place. I couldn't bear to look at the crowd. The chatty, angsty teens wearing their Edward t-shirts, playing their Twilight board games, and chatting about how much of a man slut Bella is for loving their dear Vampire. The thoughts drove me mad, and in my madness, I noticed another disturbing thing.

    There were just as many old people in the food court as there was teenagers in the movie line. The stench of old spice overpowered me as I noticed that they were not eating, no, the old men were simply staring. Staring into the mass of young, nubile girls that made up the line.

    I learned something that day, and it is a lesson that will be carried with me forever. Young girls like Twilight, and so they camp out hours in advance to see it. Old men enjoy staring at young girls, and will sit there doing nothing but that. These movies bring the worst out in people, and truly should stop being made.

  13. #13
    Chasing Prey

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    LOL mo, that's the single best argument for why these films are wank!
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  14. #14
    Twitching BillyRay's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    Their purpose? To ensure that they would get a ticket to see the new Twilight movie.

    The film wouldn't start for another 8 hours.
    And this is different from folks camping out for Star Wars how?

    Lets face it, the target audience for the films/novels are probably still into ponies.

    Case in point:
    Those aren't real problems, Sam.

  15. #15
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    Coming from the man who wrote "Insomnia" I find that mightily rich!
    What? Insomnia is great. . . a bit slow, but great still.

    And as far as twilight goes, well the big difference between us as zombie fans and the little girls as twilight fans is that we are innundated with twilight crap in the media, constantly. The media panders to little girls, not so much to us. Fuck Twilight, fuck it up it's stupid sparkly ass.
    Last edited by clanglee; 03-Dec-2009 at 12:39 AM.
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