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Thread: Battlefield 3 (video game)

  1. #61
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Mr Clean, I'll have to remember to add you next time I'm on. You're going to be picking up the full game, right?

  2. #62
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Mr Clean, I'll have to remember to add you next time I'm on. You're going to be picking up the full game, right?
    Oh Yeah. I already made one friend on Beta. The more the merrier!

    Already preordered it before Beta came out. I just hope I get my 50" plasma back before Oct 25. I was playing beta on a 32ish POS T.V and struggling to adjust to non-HD quality. I was getting soooo pissed when I couldn't see the guy hiding in the bushes killing me because of the tv quality.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 02-Oct-2011 at 09:06 PM. Reason: ...

  3. #63
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    so, i tried the beta, and it really didn't strike me as being all that different from BF:BC2. what's so new and updated about this?

    not bashing it, i just wasn't that impressed with it. probably gonna sit this one out.

  4. #64
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Yeah, downloaded it yesterday and played off and on throughout the day. Man, am I rusty, but the game is damned fun. Hope to play with some of you guys.

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    so, i tried the beta, and it really didn't strike me as being all that different from BF:BC2. what's so new and updated about this?

    not bashing it, i just wasn't that impressed with it. probably gonna sit this one out.
    I kind of got the same impression, myself. Some cool tweaks and I'll be all about just being able to play new maps with better options, but it seemed more of the same to me (again, not a bad thing necessarily).

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  5. #65
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    like i said, i'm not knocking on it, or claiming CoD dominance over battlefield or anything like that. i didn't really give it a lot of time, but i suppose it could be fun. when aces and i teamed up on some BC2, it was a good time, but i really don't like playing the same map twice (particularly when matches last like 30 mins each), and only having limited classes, game types, and crappy squad options make me drift towards the CoD franchise.

    i'm not buying MW3, mind you, as i've got too many other games to play these days to purchase something like that. plus i've still got tons of zombie mayhem in black ops to catch up on.

    probably no new FPS games for me anytime soon.

  6. #66
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Are you guys playing the PC version or on the consoles then? I'm just wondering how demanding it is on the ol' hardware, my recently deceased PC is being reincarnated at the moment with a Phenom II quad core (955 black edition) but other than that my system is staying on the old spec, 4gb ram & a GTX275 gfx card, so will BF3 run ok on that or is it a "rich kid spec" game?

  7. #67
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Are you guys playing the PC version or on the consoles then? I'm just wondering how demanding it is on the ol' hardware, my recently deceased PC is being reincarnated at the moment with a Phenom II quad core (955 black edition) but other than that my system is staying on the old spec, 4gb ram & a GTX275 gfx card, so will BF3 run ok on that or is it a "rich kid spec" game?
    Christ, if a game can't run on that, it's piss-poorly optimised, I'd have thought.

  8. #68
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Christ, if a game can't run on that, it's piss-poorly optimised, I'd have thought.
    I hope thats the case, bad company 2 was running on max settings without a hitch prior to my mobo dying so if like people are saying this is very similar then I'll have no problem with this upgraded rig when I get it back. Its just from watching the teaser trailers it looked to be very "next gen" in terms of graphics, so I was thinking my 4 year old rig may struggle with it, but I have no choice but to upgrade now. I'm not too happy about it as I cant really afford it, but I'm sure once I'm ripping all the latest games a new one I'll forget about the price....

  9. #69
    Chasing Prey

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    A friend of mine is running this game on a Phenom 3.2ghz quad with a GTX460 and 8gb DDR3 and it get's "highest" settings.
    I'm playing it on a GTX590 and it obviously runs at Ultra settings, with no hitches.

    But in the beta, high and ultra mode look similar and to be honest, the graphics are piss-poor on this game from what I've seen so far. The beta is without destruction, too.

    The multiplayer "battlelog" thing means you access the MP games through a web browser - it's buggy, too complicated, and you have to disable your virus scanner to make it see party invites.

    Gamepad support is in the beta, with no aim assist - still its possible to play the game and enjoy it with a gamepad - if this makes it to the final release, I'll most probably buy it. But if it stays remotely the same as this horrendous beta, Dice can fuck off. They always sell out their customers and I'd put real money on the final release being very similar to this pile of unplayable crap.

    -- -------- Post added at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 AM ----------

    as you can tell I'm far from impressed regarding this game. I know it's just a beta, but we're technically days from release and this is how they whet the appetites of the hardcore fans?

    I could talk for hours about that battlelog. What an unbelievable abortion it is. Couple that with the fact that not all the gamepad buttons are mapped, you can't navigate menus with it, plus my consistent bug across all games that "hides" the mouse pointer in game menus (any help on that one??) means i have to ALT+Tab into windowed mode to change class.

    F**k it, this game unforunately, at the moment, f**king sucks. It looks like Call of Duty 2 and plays like Army of Two. I genuinely hate it. So this has left me waiting for online reviews and opinions of mates who know how picky I am with my £39.99. DICE have been consistently inconsistent since day one. If it's not "no points after death" it's all the servers closing after midnight. This game has displayed all the same traits that DICE have put in their games since I've started playing BF. They make no efforts to fix things, never communicate with their customer base, and basically leave everyone to rot with a buggy game.
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  10. #70
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    In one week and 16 hours I will be playing the shit out of this game!

    Sym, you can't be that upset over the Beta. It was a TRUE Beta, not what companies have started doing over the past several years, and a demo which they disguise as a beta. Also, that build of the game was finished in late August, giving them nearly 2 whole months of time to continue working [around the clock] on stuff. On top of it all, I saw a list of shit they had already fixed at the end of Beta and it was everything I had complained about/seen complained about, and then some.

    Also, what is buggy about Bad Company 2? Maybe it's because I play it on XBOX, but I've experienced several updates for it. Even one a few months ago, which is surprising considering how close to BF3 it was. DICE does care about their customers... notice how they released FREE map packs for Bad Company 2. Think you'll ever see Infinity Ward/Treyarch/Activision do this?

    I know I'm sounding like a fanboy, but I'm not; I've bought every CoD game since CoD4. (however, I'm pretty certain I'm done with that franchise)

  11. #71
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    In one week and 16 hours I will be playing the shit out of this game!

    Sym, you can't be that upset over the Beta. It was a TRUE Beta, not what companies have started doing over the past several years, and a demo which they disguise as a beta. Also, that build of the game was finished in late August, giving them nearly 2 whole months of time to continue working [around the clock] on stuff. On top of it all, I saw a list of shit they had already fixed at the end of Beta and it was everything I had complained about/seen complained about, and then some.

    Also, what is buggy about Bad Company 2? Maybe it's because I play it on XBOX, but I've experienced several updates for it. Even one a few months ago, which is surprising considering how close to BF3 it was. DICE does care about their customers... notice how they released FREE map packs for Bad Company 2. Think you'll ever see Infinity Ward/Treyarch/Activision do this?

    I know I'm sounding like a fanboy, but I'm not; I've bought every CoD game since CoD4. (however, I'm pretty certain I'm done with that franchise)
    Yeah I know its a beta and all that...its just that, to be completely honest, even if the game had the graphics of The Witcher 2 I would still find the thing unplayable.

    It's horrible through and through. The new class system is horrible, the team spawning is horrible, the maps they chose to get me excited (the train station one and the 64 player bigger one) are to be honest, rubbish, boring, bland, just plainly uninteresting environments - destructive or not.

    BFBC2 was massively buggy was an AMAZING game. I hate COD games, they are the worst example of an over commercialised gaming industry built solely to satisfy 12 year old boys. BFBC2 is far more adult - but even with that it was bugged out to fuck. No points after death rule springs to mind - with the first YEAR of the game being played and losing thousands and thousands of points because a tank with four people rolled over your landmine just after you took a completely unrelated shot in the head somewhere else. And yeah...I was playing BFBC2 on the xbox 360....

    It was things like that, and the team points exploits, the spawn camping, the over abundance of snipers, and the worst of all of them - and this is a problem still evident in the BF3 beta AND bfbc2 - is that you can't under any circumstances, join a game with more than 4 people in it after 23:30pm. Ridiculous.

    Avoiding this game like the proverbial plague. Pre-order cancelled a LONG time ago, and am glad I did. Skyrim FTW! Dice, in my opinion, just don't give a fuck. They release "free" map packs that were already on the disk. They incentivised the used game market to buy it new by offering these free maps thereby harming the used game market further (not that this is the only time this has happened, but straw, donkeys, backs). The game modes with BFBC2 were limited and always have been, and most of their new "maps" were just new versions of old maps in different game modes.

    They also removed the suicide bomber thing for a while, not sure if they put it back in. But what a great idea, load up an ATV with C4, drive into the enemy base and blow yourself and everyone up around's not like that's not a really clever way of adding a new level into the game. But nah...Dice didn't like that one!

    yeah, not impressed unfortunately...I'll for sure, 100% be skipping this game...also the gamepad thing is a pain in the bottom to me, and that issue aint gonna be fixed by anyone. The PC games industry is more than happy to let a massive amount of people fall by the wayside simply because they want a superior quality gaming experience. The amount of people plugging in xbox controllers to their PCs whilst playing games on a 50" plasma TV connected to their PC, is more than anyone really cares to consider. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people use an xbox gamepad to play PC games. Gamepad only servers would have been nice. But no.

    And don't even start me on that abortion that is the battlelog. HTML based web server browsing and partying that doesn't for even a second work properly with an anti-virus installed. Awful.
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  12. #72
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    I'm so hyped! The beta compared to the full release is like night and day according to those who've played it at recent expos and press events. Kharg Island and Damavand Peak sound like awesome maps, the latter containing a 500m base jump down the side of a cliff to secure objectives.

    Also, if you're planning on playing the 360 version, it comes with 2 disks, singleplayer and multiplayer. If you install the singleplayer disk, it allows the 360 to stream high resolution textures to the multiplayer portion, so free up some hard drive space!

    One more week!

  13. #73
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Sym, I guess Dice/EA really just left the PC in the dust, then? Because I get tons of after-death kills/points nearly every time I play. I also get kills/killed by an ATV loaded with C4.

    Also, in BF3's defense on the squad spawning thing. Again, it was just beta - that's nothing like how it is in the final version.

    I just hope you have a change of heart after you see the final game in motion.

    Anyway, this next video is for Coin and MrClean

  14. #74
    Chasing Prey

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    yeah it took them about a year but they finally reinstated Points after Death - due to about 700 pages of threads on their website demanding it....!

    I dunno, too many hurdles for me to overcome on this one.... a massive shame, I'm quite down about it....but it's £40 that I could spend on, quite frankly, getting a tramp to cut my bollocks off, fashion a cunt, and stick it to my forehead...for a far more gratifying experience
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  15. #75
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Well I have faith that you'll change your mind. Especially after you hear how many times I kick Coin and MrClean's asses.


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