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Thread: Gonna try and get more traffic here-

  1. #1
    Being Attacked Tricia Martin's Avatar

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    Gonna try and get more traffic here-

    This place is great! The only thing I have to say is that I find it sad that there seem to only be like 5 people really active at any given time here. Some really cool groups with no one posting in them. Hell- I made a group for the NOTLD chapel and am STILL the only member. I've decided to try and pimp this site out everywhere I can. It has potential to be really awesome- we just gotta' get some bodies in here. If anyone even reads this, I hope you agree with me and help do the same. So sad that some posts are YEARS old....sigh...
    Just had to say what I was thinkin'. Have a most interesting day!

  2. #2
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    There used to be a lot of traffic here actually, it just seems to have died down a lot over the past year or so! A lot of it being fall outs among members, specifically around political debates, and said members now refuse to post in any of those threads or indeed in other threads where people they dont like have being posting in, its a shame really!

  3. #3
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Also, whenever a debate gets to complicated and convoluted or petty I usually lose interest and stop posting.

  4. #4
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    I don't know if it would serve us best to be "pimped out". Certainly, more discussion is always a plus - but we're a fairly tight knit group here. The people that didn't belong have left - those of us who are here now are people who want to be here. Certainly, there's occasionally the member squabble over something - but those of us here now are all adults and even if/when we have a disagreement regarding something we generally resolve such issues in adult-like fashion.

    I'd rather be a regular here on a site where 5-10 members regularly participate and give thoughts as opposed to another forum (like say the boards for Bloody Disgusting) where you have a few hundred people randomly throwing shit around and really have no use for discussion as it's nearly impossible to keep track of what is going on.

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  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post

    I'd rather be a regular here on a site where 5-10 members regularly participate and give thoughts as opposed to another forum (like say the boards for Bloody Disgusting) where you have a few hundred people randomly throwing shit around and really have no use for discussion as it's nearly impossible to keep track of what is going on.
    This. I'm all for more people joining, I just don't want them all to be IMDB type morons like you see everywhere else.

    Besides, this place has it's high and low points. When a new Romero film or new TWD episodes pick up, traffic will do the same.
    Last edited by bassman; 07-Jan-2012 at 03:14 PM. Reason: .

  6. #6
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    I'd rather be a regular here on a site where 5-10 members regularly participate and give thoughts as opposed to another forum (like say the boards for Bloody Disgusting) where you have a few hundred people randomly throwing shit around and really have no use for discussion as it's nearly impossible to keep track of what is going on.

    We do have a great group of folks here... Conversations are always diverse and interesting
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  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ebbs and flows is what HPOTD is about traffic wise. We have a tight-knit group of folks who are diehard HPOTD'ers. There are scuffles from time-to-time here-and-there, but HPOTD is most definitely very different from the vast majority of forums. You so often hear forums being characterised as havens for idiots, flamers, trolls and all the arseholes in-between - whereas HPOTD is quite a relaxed place most of the time.

    Some of the old guard have trickled away over the years (while some are still here), but personally I've been coming here since - IIRC - 1998. So this is now my 14th year coming to HPOTD, and while I've joined a few other forums along the way, this is the only one I've stuck with and continue to stick with. This place rocks ... sometimes newbies can find it intimidating as they're not "up-to-speed on HPOTD" so some folks can get a little ancy with them posting topics that have already been discussed to death, or repeating threads (but then the search function is still naff - I can never find any specific threads still to this day) ... and sometimes you get people who come along just to cause trouble (but they never last).

    I think we at HPOTD have a very strong group mentality - we very much welcome folks like you, Tricia - intelligent and pleasant posters are always welcome. The strength of our community here can be intimidating to some, and others can sometimes scupper themselves as they burst in all-guns-blazing expecting HPOTD to be like most other forums where everybody is flinging grief at one-another willy nilly ... well that just ain't HPOTD. We welcome vibrant discussion, but in a respectful manner.

    In years past we've had our run-ins with trolls and flamers, and I think we've all - collectively as a community - rowed against that kind of behaviour in order to preserve our own particular friendly brand of zombie-based discussion. The odd flare up now-and-then between members, but these are usually just minor spats that are easily smoothed over and forgotten about.

    Everyone has to join a forum for the first time at one point or another, and all you have to do to fit in is not be an idiot. So in summary, I think HPOTD is a fairly unique beast in terms of internet discussion forums ... and like I said, we very much welcome friendly and respectful new members.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 07-Jan-2012 at 04:44 PM.

  8. #8
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post

    Besides, this place has it's high and low points. When a new Romero film or new TWD episodes pick up, traffic will do the same.
    So true! This current lull of the last 4 weeks or so is at least partly due to the Holidays and a down cycle in activity after the 1st leg of Season 2 of the Walking Dead.

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  9. #9
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    This. I'm all for more people joining, I just don't want them all to be IMDB type morons like you see everywhere else.

    Besides, this place has it's high and low points. When a new Romero film or new TWD episodes pick up, traffic will do the same.
    Eh, I'm not so sure anymore. The first season of TWD saw a nice influx of new people (who since dropped off), but the second season didn't really see many new faces - those that ARE new since season two, generally only post in TWD forum, as well.

    I would like there to be A LOT more people here as long as, like you said, they aren't idiots/trolls (unless funny trolls).

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Every forum ebbs and flows but honestly i visit forums more quiet than this one.

    I'll stick to enjoying a forum thats like cheers, everyone knows everyones name after all these years and a fair few of us have been here now for over half a decade. I'd take any one of these folks over a million imdb retards.

    quality of posting is far better than quantity of what i believe the kids these days dub as 'shitposting'. Not every site must be like facebook, awash in a sea on constantly churning tides of low brow idiocy.
    Last edited by Danny; 07-Jan-2012 at 08:39 PM. Reason: sfsdfssdfsddf

  11. #11
    Dead Mr.G's Avatar

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    I'm not saying this site is close to death, far from it, but all things have a lifespan and looking over the topics on the forums, a lot has been covered. The newness has worn off for most members with discussions involving zed films, comics, books, etc and the topics have been digested multiple times and have been reanimated (I'm guilty here) many more. When new items occur, and I'm sure they will, traffic will pick up and I think that's the natural process.

    One reason (of many) I visit this site is the different people and opinions. I love how we share the same passion for a specific genre of horror. I don't want this place filled with people with an axe to grind or others who want to establish the biggest post count.
    Last edited by Mr.G; 08-Jan-2012 at 01:55 PM. Reason: XXX

  12. #12
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    I'll stick to enjoying a forum thats like cheers, everyone knows everyones name after all these years and a fair few of us have been here now for over half a decade. I'd take any one of these folks over a million imdb retards.
    I started lurking here a decade ago! I know a couple of people that were posters back then, still visit. Man, I can't believe it's been 10 years...

  13. #13
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I started lurking here a decade ago! I know a couple of people that were posters back then, still visit. Man, I can't believe it's been 10 years...
    i was in early high school back then, now ive been out of uni for 2 years!, how time flies.

  14. #14
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I remember joining this forum when us comrades were spreading fliers across Moscow about the evil of capitalism and the Romanovs. Seems like only yesterday.

  15. #15
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I remember joining this forum when us comrades were spreading fliers across Moscow about the evil of capitalism and the Romanovs. Seems like only yesterday.
    yeah, then we tried shooting and poisoning you and freezing you in a river.

    never did tell us how you macguyvered your way outta that one.


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