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Thread: TWD 3x06 "Hounded" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #61

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    People just look for things to complain about the show around here. Just stop watching.
    But.....but......we like it!!!

    They need to paint the walls in their cell block! And everyone needs to have a bin with their name on it. To hold their butt wipes and hard candies. And now that Carol is back she can do her fucking job! Washing everyones unmentionables and bathing Herschel.
    Last edited by babomb; 22-Nov-2012 at 10:33 PM. Reason: .

  2. #62
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    But.....but......we like it!!!

    They need to paint the walls in their cell block! And everyone needs to have a bin with their name on it. To hold their butt wipes and hard candies. And now that Carol is back she can do her fucking job! Washing everyones unmentionables and bathing Herschel.
    Eh, my last post was a bit harsh I apologize. I have issues with things like "Zombie Smells for a camo and the occasional plot hole, not how good Maggie looks or how old the actress who plays Carol is.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  3. #63

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Eh, my last post was a bit harsh I apologize. I have issues with things like "Zombie Smells for a camo and the occasional plot hole, not how good Maggie looks or how old the actress who plays Carol is.
    No worries here. We all nitpick, but it's not like anyone is saying the show should be boycotted over these little issues. Nobodies gripes are more valid than anyone elses.

  4. #64
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Eh, my last post was a bit harsh I apologize. I have issues with things like "Zombie Smells for a camo and the occasional plot hole, not how good Maggie looks or how old the actress who plays Carol is.
    Well as far as Maggie is concerned: when people are surviving the zombie apocalypse and run around with fucking eyeliner and a haircut and all, ... it doesn't really bother me but it IS kinda ridiculous. Nitpicking? Sure. It's all in good cheer though. Love the series. It's got really well done zombies!

    Still: Michonne? SWoooooosHHHH. Just rewatched that opening scene and can't get over how ridiculous that was. Seriously: how much of a headstart did she get while Merle was playing in the zombie thunderdome last episode? And they still track her down rather easily, no? Despite these guys not really looking like Davy Crockett. Why does she go through all those lenghts cutting up the zombies to spell out that warning? Does she want to be tracked to have that little Lone Wolf moment? And why go for anyone BUT the leader of the guys tracking her? It looks like some choices in this series are made with regards to how cool things will look and nothing more. Let's have the samurai chick cut up some guys or some walkers every episode!!! Swooooooosh. Now you see her now you don't

    When all else fails there is still the talkshow to explain stuff.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Still: Michonne? SWoooooosHHHH. Just rewatched that opening scene and can't get over how ridiculous that was. Seriously: how much of a headstart did she get while Merle was playing in the zombie thunderdome last episode? And they still track her down rather easily, no? Despite these guys not really looking like Davy Crockett. Why does she go through all those lenghts cutting up the zombies to spell out that warning? Does she want to be tracked to have that little Lone Wolf moment? And why go for anyone BUT the leader of the guys tracking her? It looks like some choices in this series are made with regards to how cool things will look and nothing more. Let's have the samurai chick cut up some guys or some walkers every episode!!! Swooooooosh. Now you see her now you don't.
    Good point(s)!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  6. #66
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Sometimes I feel like you guys dwell too much on the minor details. Of course it's normal to have criticisms, but c''s a TV series. It will never be absolutely perfect...

  7. #67
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Sometimes I feel like you guys dwell too much on the minor details. Of course it's normal to have criticisms, but c''s a TV series. It will never be absolutely perfect...

    The perspective is thrown out-of-whack at times. The show gets so much right, that genuine complaints are rare, it's usually small nitpicky things - it's important to have perspective, but sometimes it's personal views. I don't agree with the Lori/Carol/Andrea hate for instance, while some hold very strong opinions in regards to them.

    My view on the nitpicky things is, if they do bother me, then it's a case of "yeah, must try harder next time in that respect, but the rest of the episode was fine and dandy" - for example, last week's episode left a few questions over the mechanics of the situation that weren't telegraphed as neatly as they could/should have been ... that aside, it was still a solid episode, and superior to most TV out there.

    We've landed a beauty with TWD, and they genuinely seek to improve themselves. They didn't drag out Carol's disappearance (although they could have better telegraphed to the audience why the group wasn't fussed with finding a body - just a single line that directly addressed that question would have been golden), and they didn't drag out the telephone thing either - something that could have easily become very silly indeed. It's key to not let the audience get ahead of the show and be hanging around waiting for the show itself to catch up with the viewer - the show should always strive to be ahead of the viewer, and they're definitely doing a tip-top job at that this season.

  8. #68
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Sometimes I feel like you guys dwell too much on the minor details. Of course it's normal to have criticisms, but c''s a TV series. It will never be absolutely perfect...
    I wouldn't call Michonne's characterisation and the whole opening scene of last episode a minor detail?
    Mind you, it doesn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the series. Said enjoyment doesn't make me blind for some of the show's faults either.
    I'm not here to nitpick but to discuss and celebrate the show with fellow Romero fans ...
    Last edited by krisvds; 24-Nov-2012 at 06:30 PM. Reason: .

  9. #69
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    An excellent episode! TWD is the only TV show I look forward to each week & is much better than a lot of the zombie/infected movies I've seen. IMHO the acting is also mostly top notch, and the effects/make-up similarly superb.

    The pacing of this episode was just right, they could have dragged out the search for Michonne, but just cutting straight to the action worked fine and the I thought 'body-parts' message in this episode was a neat 'sick' touch.

    Merle is also clearly smarter than he lets on - the way he could/couldn't pronounce that new guy's name, was another memorable nuance. His 'left handed' shooting also seems to be a bit off!

    The discussion on the use of zombie guts for camouflage, got me wondering how zombies in general can differentiate the living from the dead... I mean I'd expect all their senses to start degrading, especially their eyesight, as eyeballs would probably be one of the first to shrink & the cornea/lens would presumably cloud over.... and then according to the Vision Council of America 75% of US adults need some sort of corrective vision anyway, so without their glasses/contact lenses, many of the zombies may be fumbling around blind without any further eye degradation. (Perhaps that explains the generic zombie genre 'arms out front' stance).... The zombies use of smell & sound to detect their next meal, seems quite logical and TWD's use of gut camouflage is IMHO another neat innovation of the show.

    Not having read the comics, Rick's telephone calls I think worked well as a metaphor for his grieving / soul searching. Also glad to see Carol back - holed up after a narrow escape, weaponless, and probably thinking that the rest of the group had met a messy end....

    Can't wait till next week...


    PS: For me there was only one tiny thing in this episode that jarred my suspension of disbelief.... and that was the plants in the garden, in particular the flowering buddleia (also shown in 3x04) which just seems to be a bit early in the year given the group at the end of the second series were in Autumn & a previous conversation between Andrea/Michonne suggests they'd been on the road 7-8 months. Mega Trivial I know, but I think says a great deal about the general high quality of the show.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Well as far as Maggie is concerned: when people are surviving the zombie apocalypse and run around with fucking eyeliner and a haircut and all, ... it doesn't really bother me but it IS kinda ridiculous. Nitpicking? Sure. It's all in good cheer though. Love the series. It's got really well done zombies!

    Still: Michonne? SWoooooosHHHH. Just rewatched that opening scene and can't get over how ridiculous that was. Seriously: how much of a headstart did she get while Merle was playing in the zombie thunderdome last episode? And they still track her down rather easily, no? Despite these guys not really looking like Davy Crockett. Why does she go through all those lenghts cutting up the zombies to spell out that warning? Does she want to be tracked to have that little Lone Wolf moment? And why go for anyone BUT the leader of the guys tracking her? It looks like some choices in this series are made with regards to how cool things will look and nothing more. Let's have the samurai chick cut up some guys or some walkers every episode!!! Swooooooosh. Now you see her now you don't

    When all else fails there is still the talkshow to explain stuff.
    Im thinking Michonne fully expected them to come after her. So her view is why not set up an ambush and maybe aquire some supplies/weapons. The sword is great but if she had a gun she could have easily taken them all out. The body parts were a great idea on her part and they served their intended purpose. She drew their attention in and the 3 completely focused on the parts. Shows Merle isnt as smart of a tracker/hunter because if he was smart he would have immediately been looking around.

    But regarding the ninja skills and going into a fight with 3 armed men with a sword is definitely for tv and not much for the realm of reality. I agree with you they should tone that down a bit. But in my own hypocracy I am starting to like Michonne more.

    And as others have said I will still give this show a pass because its greatness and things they get right far outweight the mis steps.

  11. #71
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    This season so far is my favourite, hope it continues to be this good for the rest of the episodes.

  12. #72
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Michonne doesn't bother me cause that's pretty much how she is in the comics. A little over the top? Sure. However, I'm loving this season.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  13. #73

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    The Maggie looking too clean thing is noticeable to me. Nothing major.
    But the other shit I said about them sitting around eating, and painting their cell block was not meant to be taken seriously.

  14. #74
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzbomb View Post
    The discussion on the use of zombie guts for camouflage, got me wondering how zombies in general can differentiate the living from the dead... I mean I'd expect all their senses to start degrading, especially their eyesight, as eyeballs would probably be one of the first to shrink & the cornea/lens would presumably cloud over.... and then according to the Vision Council of America 75% of US adults need some sort of corrective vision anyway, so without their glasses/contact lenses, many of the zombies may be fumbling around blind without any further eye degradation. (Perhaps that explains the generic zombie genre 'arms out front' stance).... The zombies use of smell & sound to detect their next meal, seems quite logical and TWD's use of gut camouflage is IMHO another neat innovation of the show.
    It's ridiculous, I know, to be discussing such nonsense, but this aspect of 'The Walking Dead' really drives me up the wall. I can let a lot of things go in the show, but the super zombie smell is just an appallingly bad idea.

    I think zombies shouldn't be privy to super senses in "death", that were denied to them in life. The idea that something could smell another thing because it doesn't stink of death is absurd. The "stinkier" smell of the rotting corpses would mask the "cleaner" smell of the humans anyway, regardless of whether the victim had guts splashed over them or not.

    How they locate the victims should be by sound and vision and that should be limited too due to the natural degradation that occurs with rot. It's the general difference between "us and them" and how their victims react that should be the signifier for them.

    That...or just don't mention it in the story line.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  15. #75

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    To be fair,
    I think the whole "One generation forward" thing is sort of a very accurate real-world assessment that so many members of Gen X and Y have ended up useless drains on Mommy & Daddy's checkbooks well into their early 30s. Yes, before say 1999 you had "Career College Students" but they were a VERY DEFINED MINORITY, of individuals who had learned to game the system so they didn't have to move on and out into the real world.

    Once those holes were plugged in the collegic system I started to notice more and more of my peers doing things like 2yrs at community college (So as to be able to take advantage of Florida state law, which many states have versions of now, saying that if you get your Associate of Arts degree and are a legal resident of the State, then that state's Universities MUST accept you) then 3-4 more years at the nearest University to their parents/former primary caregivers home with an Undetermined/Undeclared Major and a part-time job to bolster Pell Grant + Financial Aid + Student Loans + Cash squeezed outta family....

    Then, EVENTUALLY...or rather FINALLY, the rug gets pulled out from under each and every one of them. The details differ. This one can't get enough $$ from the College anymore to make being a career student a viable "career"...that one basically ended up subject to a tough-love "Do something with your life or don't come around anymore" speech-intervention by their parents/primary caregivers...or they simply ::GASP:: finally grew beyond the repetitive user-centric lifestyle and decided to get up and do something.

    Even then the trend there was the same. After career College student you'd see lots of Associate of Sciences-based careers. (X-Ray Techs, Dental Assistants/Hygienists, Phlobotomists etc) Or there was always a mid-to-lateish 20s entry into the military to provide life-structure they were unable or unwilling to provide for themselves. (These are the folks who finish a stint in the service, the last six months to a year being a tail-end deployment to Iraq/Afghanistan, who then turn around and become (Paid) poster-children for Anti-War groups)

    The point of all this isn't an ideological rant. It's PERCEPTION. For reasons not well-quantified..some of which I just satirically illustrated, we Gen X-ers have never really shaken the Shallow Slacker tag that got slapped on us when we were teens. I think perhaps the reason you see blowback in things like commentary-heavy books/shows/movies is now that dismissive contempt with which Gen X in particular was regarded is morphing into a (for the older generations for one reason, and the younger generations for quite another) horrified panicked realization that we're reaching the age where our generation is becoming the motivating force in society. For ossified elements of our society, or very fluid but ultimately incompatible-in-outlook elements (the younger generations in particular) that's a very scary/upsetting reality to face.

    I think some writers, of scripts and novels alike use these cultural biases as a layer of subtext in building their characters. With people living so much longer these days, the generation from which you come is becoming a more markedly different aspect of the "human experience" all the time.

    Andrea....excellent in The was Dale, and Carol's very brief performances at the beginning and very end of said movie. The actress portraying her has demonstrated talent beyond what we're currently seeing in Season I'm honestly beginning to wonder if the writers aren't deliberately playing us by manipulating a residual dislike for the character in some vocal circles from Season 2 into an even more unpalatable personality in Season 3 for some as-yet-unrevealed reason. Why? Because SHE ISN'T THIS HORRIBLE AN ACTRESS!

    We should be asking ourselves why every little annoying thing about her has become magnified and inflated so quickly, amidst a ferociously-speeding plot. To what end, I honestly don't know. I just think there's more here than meets the eye. An opinion reinforced by the above commentary on my part, but not necessarily wedded to it.

    Note: When I said satirical, I didn't really support that properly. I'M a member Generation X, and went through years or behavior like what I described above I now cringe at the thought of. So it wasn't some sort of judgmental attack of ideology...more a self-depracating observation I happen to KNOW applies just as much to a significant % of the generation to which I belong. Felt this bit of source-clarification was necessary to illuminate what I was driving at and so the ideas being expressed would be taken for the intellectual observations and commentary (of a quite subjective nature, no argument) instead of just an anti-social rant.

    Honestly, anyone who's seen The Mist knows that both actresses currently portraying Andrea and Carol in TWD could be INSTANTLY 5x more likeable with no other change than insisting the writers block out more of what comes from them as body language, facial expression etc, as opposed to dialog. They both clearly possess the ability to convey complex emotional and psychological reactions to fictional events with few to zero words spoken on their part. The fact that these quantifiable elements of their repertoire as actors aren't currently in play is SO noticeable that it MUST BE a deliberate choice on the part of writers & director(s). Again, no idea to what end such a deliberate choice might be made in pursuit of...but I believe it's a fairly well-supported conclusion if one looks past the DELIBERATELY ENGENDERED irritation and shallowness (that the Andrea character in particular is currently spewing) to realize that if the actress is capable of a better performance, it isn't a mistake or an accident that she's coming across as a shallow, self-satisfied annoying little b!t&h at the moment.
    Last edited by Wyldwraith; 25-Nov-2012 at 04:45 PM. Reason: Important bit left out.


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