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Thread: What do you Americans make of this Trump derangement syndrome (TDS)?

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    i really really really hate to jump back into this, but i've heard enough bullshit from blind that i can't help myself. i don't claim to be nor do i want to be a flag humping far-right idiot, but to me the democrats have gone so far off course to what really matters to this country... my views are probably enough for you to break out your giant generalizing paintbrush and label me as a nazi/bigot/racist/homophobe/xenophobe/cis-gender piece of white trash (or whatever term you like to demonize those who don't follow your worldviews), and if that's the case then go fuck yourself but here it goes:

    how do you know for a fact that trump has a copy of mein kampf on his nightstand as you claim? again, i'm no fan of the man, so i'm not defending him, but what you wrote sounds like total hysterical bullshit to me....and now on to my main beef, concerning patriotism and the like: what the fuck is wrong with being a nationalist? since you're so concerned with dictionary definitions (except when you are more concerned with feelings rather than facts, that is) i'm seeing it as someone who has pride in their country and thinks that their country should be able to determine what is best for itself, and not be subject to ruling by some outside entities. and how is what our current president is doing any more violent in that regard than any of his predecessors?

    i really think that your holier-than-thou democrats are in great danger of losing the next round of elections because of how far to the left they are going. i really don't think that the majority of america is interested in opening the borders and providing free healthcare for anybody who wants to come here, giving people money to stay at home and do nothing, or erasing our fucking hard-fought history just because some people may be offended by what it took to get to where we are today. our history in this country is far from flawless, but what country can claim that they are a perfect utopia with an impeccable record? we've still got a lot of work to do, but you can't honestly say that the majority of the citizens here have it worse now that trump is in office. if the exact same shit was going on and the only difference was that hillary clinton was the commander-in-chief, i really doubt there'd be nearly as much pissing and moaning and doomsday-alarming going on at all.

    sorry for the rant, and please don't get your panties in a bunch, it's just that i think you are very delusional in many ways and are living in an imaginary world that really doesn't exist. there probably never will be a utopia, and the left seems hell-bent on completely destroying our country and culture with all of their lofty aspirations to achieve it that are probably never going to come true. do you seriously believe that if the ridiculous green new deal bullshit was to come to fruition that the rest of the world would just fall in line as well and we could save the planet from the climate apocalypse they are predicting in 12 years? and there are tons of people right here who are legit citizens who need help....why the hell should we just take in every person in the world and take care of all their needs? have you ever heard of the lifeboat analogy? there's only room for so many...and i do agree there is an offensive amount of income inequality and disparity going on, but there are plenty of people who we should be helping before we go and try to save the entire fucking world.

    edit: i really don't want to go tit-for-tat and go on about all this shit till the next round of elections, but i've got a pretty strong sense of pride and served my country in the armed forces and honestly believe that it's a great place with an inherently flawed, but still redeemable story...and i can only sit by for so long while people constantly bitch and bad-mouth it and what's happening with it these days. sincere apologies to anyone i've offended or angered. different strokes for different folks, i suppose.
    What bullshit is that, exactly? You'll have to be more specific. Fuck the Dems. I'm not one. I don't condone their behavior the vast majority of the time. But that's a different issue. ...For someone named "Professor Chaos" you sure don't seem to understand anarchy one bit. :/ Also, looking real secure there in your position going on the offensive. *rolls eyes* That's not the point. News sources have made this claim. If they're lying, that's on them.

    What's good about this country in particular? Why take pride in the place of your birth: something completely outside of your control? You didn't invent this place yourself, Prof, so why take ownership and pride in it? Also, it was founded on genocide and slavery, so... There's that. So, why do you think that a) a country is some sort of conscious entity(?) and b) why are you so afraid of "globalism"? How would it possibly be any worse than what we're doing now? The thing with Trump is that he's okay with fascists and white nationalists and the KKK. Obama certainly wasn't, and W was too stupid to be for anything, presumably. But whatever, I know I'm talking to a wall.

    Who's going left? Do you even have a real concept of what that would look like? Why shouldn't we eliminate borders and provide universal health care? I'm not in favor of money as a concept, no. No one ever "does nothing", no matter if they're under the oppressive yoke of capitalist masters or not. Also, no one is interested in "erasing history", no matter how much the right-wing media wants to call it that to smear us. This nation has a past, but that doesn't mean we have to have a statue for every famous fucking slave-owner, now does it? No one's burning down museums or history books. Do I look like I'm interested in the majority? I'm interested in literally everyone. Why would you settle for less? Lack of ambition, or lack of compassion? Hmm, no, I would bitch about Hillary. She's terrible. Bernie should have won. Lesser of all evils, but still lesser.

    How am I delusional? You say this without any specific citations. A country and culture are two different things. Abolish all nations and borders. Because honestly, why not? They're just there to cause violence. Better to try for an impossible dream than to accept one's miserable existence and embrace mediocre ambivalence, I say. I mean no, any change now would probably be too little too late for this planet, concerning all the damage capitalists have done to it in the past century or more and moving on into the foreseeable future. But again, we could at least try. ...The whole world isn't asking to be saved by the USA, so where's that delusion coming from? Isn't every human a legit human? Or are some more equal than others? Humans take care of each other; it's what we're made to do. It's how our species survives. Build another lifeboat then. Or equally distribute life preservers. Something. Seems like a poor analogy that no, I'm not familiar with. ...If we evenly distributed the wealth and resources of the planet, then everyone would probably have enough.

    Why, again, do you have pride in a country you didn't choose (presumably) or make yourself? Wouldn't your devotions be better served with a different focus? Say, unprejudiced humanitarian efforts? I know I myself often commit the sin of apathy (most cardinal of sins!), yet I at least know enough to not support a nation that excels in oppressing the downtrodden and disadvantaged above all. Is Trump helping to redeem this nation in the eyes of the rest of the world? Is he really? So, don't take the criticism of a country you just so happen to circumstantially have an emotional connection to so personally, maybe. I'm not going to invade your home and burn your flag, man. Chill out.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    You're going to have to be a lot more specific in here because it appears as if all you're doing is dodging questions. First off, you seem to be shifting the goal post here and including everything you disagree with Trump on to allow you to hold him to a higher standard than any other US president in history when it comes to "winning the election" - which is just unfair and I can't take that seriously.

    Second, I have read the dictionary definition of a fascist - which you refer to but never quote. So here it is:

    a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
    (often initial capital letter) a member of a fascist movement or party.
    a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.

    So here we go, he's obviously not a sympathizer of fascism.
    He's not a member of any fascist movement.
    He's not dictatorial.

    So that leaves "A person with extreme right-wing views". That's a very broad concept - but even if we go by the assumed GAL TAN (that is; speaking only of social issues) scale here Trump isn't very far to the right. If he's an extreme right-wing, then what do we call the nazis? I'd wish for you to come from a place of open mind here and try to be open to the decades of political debate that's preceeded this. Fascist has become a buzzword for closeminded left wing liberal arts students in the latest years. A derogative term applied to anything to the right of the political center. Just like when Ben Shapiro calls Bill de Blasio a communist, I can't take anyone seriously who calls Trump a fascist.
    And all you're doing is stonewalling. Two can play at that game. A standstill here? Sure, I don't mind one. Don't forget, Bush II didn't win his first election either. So I hold that against him as well. Are we just presuming that Trump has no free will or individual autonomy? He could have conceded the win to Clinton, who had the popular vote, but he did not, so great is his ego. To ignore this is folly.

    Not a sympathizer of fascism? ...Arguable, yet he is an adamant proponent of nationalism and imperialism, which... is... less bad, somehow? Not sure how you came to that conclusion. I mean if we're honest, capitalism is just fascism lite in a lot of ways, yeah? ...Trump, who puts his name on all his businesses and buildings, who loves signing things even if he doesn't know what they are, who tends to decree things that he actually doesn't have the power to act on... Sure, he's not dictatorial, okay (never mind that he's best friends with Putin, a clear dictator).

    Perhaps he isn't a "far-right extremist", but he certainly hasn't shown yet any resistance against those who clearly are. Bedfellows, and whatnot. Again, you seem to be defending Trump, a demonstrable piece of human garbage, just like Hillary, et. al. Fair enough, I'll try to keep an open mind. Name three good things Trump has done while in office, that positively impact the lives of the disadvantaged in society. I'll wait. And if it please you, I'll just leave Trump as a dangerous and contemptible asshole, and not use the words you're triggered by. Sorry about that.

  2. #47
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    OMG! What have I done!

    I have no issue with heated debates, and indeed I'm knee deep in this one too! But just a reminder to keep things civil, and TBH, as long as things stay contained in this thread, and fairly reasonable, I don't have a problem...

    THAT SAID... I think it would be wise if I close this thread down at the end of the weekend just to ensure disagreements come to an end.

    ps: Trump 2020!

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    No Neil. It was embarrassing. I'm all for Brexiteers stating their cases for leaving, but bullshit like Widdecombe's gibberish is unneeded, to say the least.
    I enjoyed it... Especially given the actual context of the nonsense going on at the EU at that moment which they were complaining about
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    To be clear:
    He's an idiot.
    Oh, I don't think he's an idiot. I think he's a liar. A liar who's managed to monetise clickbait outrage politics that appeals to the nouveau right. Those edgy kids who think being a "conservative" is the new cool (despite being blissfully ignorant of what real conservatism actually is). His appeal is largely contained to 20 something American YouTubers, thankfully. But, it's lamentable that he garners such a following in the first place.

    I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while, but his mask continually slipped. Now I just think he's a fraud who's making money of the gullible and the outraged.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  4. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    ps: Trump 2020!

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  5. #50
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  6. #51
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    For someone named "Professor Chaos" you sure don't seem to understand anarchy one bit. :/ Also, looking real secure there in your position going on the offensive. *rolls eyes*
    the name is a south park reference. i wasn't trying to really go on the offensive, but rather be defensive of a place i call home and am proud to be from while keeping it civil and not getting myself banned from these forums that i really like, but since you asked for it:

    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    How am I delusional? You say this without any specific citations.

    you were born with a penis and think you are a female. clearly your sense of reality is pretty fucked and it's hard to take much of anything you say seriously.

    i'm done with this conversation. we obviously don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things and it's not worth the time or energy to me.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 09-Jul-2019 at 09:54 PM. Reason: .

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    the name is a south park reference. i wasn't trying to really go on the offensive, but rather be defensive of a place i call home and am proud to be from while keeping it civil and not getting myself banned from these forums that i really like, but since you asked for it:

    you were born with a penis and think you are a female. clearly your sense of reality is pretty fucked and it's hard to take much of anything you say seriously.

    i'm done with this conversation. we obviously don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things and it's not worth the time or energy to me.
    Ah, so you're waving the white flag, AND being a transphobe to boot. Clearly the mature response to my many reasonable points. *eye rolling continues in earnest* Since when are these forums about South Park? Also, transphobia isn't very punk rock, so perhaps you should change your profile image, lest you give folks the wrong impression. Let me ask you this... What exactly is it that makes someone a man or a woman? Have you never heard of intersex people, the hijra of India, or two-spirit people native to North America? Trans people have been around for literally thousands of years. Maybe keep up with the times. Also I would like to point out that you're the first one to go "below the belt", so to speak. :/ Life must be tough for a bigot like you, eh? I hope Neil doesn't condone this last post, otherwise I might actually have to leave this place for good, regardless of my fondness and history. Seriously, you could've told me you hated me sooner. Would've saved time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    OMG! What have I done!

    I have no issue with heated debates, and indeed I'm knee deep in this one too! But just a reminder to keep things civil, and TBH, as long as things stay contained in this thread, and fairly reasonable, I don't have a problem...

    THAT SAID... I think it would be wise if I close this thread down at the end of the weekend just to ensure disagreements come to an end.

    ps: Trump 2020!

    I enjoyed it... Especially given the actual context of the nonsense going on at the EU at that moment which they were complaining about
    I mean, if you really didn't want my opinion Neil, you shouldn't have asked for it. Turns out some of us are very opinionated. *shrugs*

  8. #53
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    i didn't realize that we had to have usernames specifically tied to george romero films....does that go for signatures as well or should i put some my little pony shit up too? i'm not waving a white flag, just trying to not get kicked out of this place by walking away from this shit before it becomes a toxic nuclear wasteland.

    and my life is great, thanks for your concern. good luck with yours.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 09-Jul-2019 at 10:17 PM. Reason: .

  9. #54

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  10. #55
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    This thread's getting carried away and folks aren't covering themselves in much glory.

    Prof - I'm not the sort of person to tell another how to think, but I will say that blind's sexuality has nothing to do with this topic, so it was inappropriate to bring that into the discussion. I would appreciate it if you apologised to blind2d.

    Ned - I know you like to really jab into topics with other members sometimes, but please try to act with a bit more cordiality. As we have seen many times over the years at HPOTD, heated debates about politics to trivial movie discussions can very easily slip into the personal.

    Blind - if you always take the position of "I'm right, you're wrong", chances are that's going to throw up defenses rather than open up a discussion, and ultimately you're gonna have a bad time.

    Please, everyone, act civil towards one another, resist the urge to sling mud, listen to what each other has to say, and debate with respect and clarity.

    Thank you.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    This thread's getting carried away and folks aren't covering themselves in much glory.

    Prof - I'm not the sort of person to tell another how to think, but I will say that blind's sexuality has nothing to do with this topic, so it was inappropriate to bring that into the discussion. I would appreciate it if you apologised to blind2d.

    Ned - I know you like to really jab into topics with other members sometimes, but please try to act with a bit more cordiality. As we have seen many times over the years at HPOTD, heated debates about politics to trivial movie discussions can very easily slip into the personal.

    Blind - if you always take the position of "I'm right, you're wrong", chances are that's going to throw up defenses rather than open up a discussion, and ultimately you're gonna have a bad time.

    Please, everyone, act civil towards one another, resist the urge to sling mud, listen to what each other has to say, and debate with respect and clarity.

    Thank you.
    Thank you Minion. I do apologize for having such an unwavering stance, or at least coming across as perhaps unduly self-righteous. I do realize I'm flawed just like everyone else, and could in fact be wrong. As for 'glory'... IDK what that is, but I don't want to lose friends (though I think the Prof ship has sailed). Regardless, gender identity is not the same thing as sexuality, but thank you for trying, comrade.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Thank you Minion. I do apologize for having such an unwavering stance, or at least coming across as perhaps unduly self-righteous. I do realize I'm flawed just like everyone else, and could in fact be wrong. As for 'glory'... IDK what that is, but I don't want to lose friends (though I think the Prof ship has sailed). Regardless, gender identity is not the same thing as sexuality, but thank you for trying, comrade.
    1) The phrase "to cover oneself in glory" (I'm assuming you've not heard the phrase before) is to be 'successful or impressive', so the inverse of covering oneself in glory is, well, this thread.

    2) Aye, fair catch. Much like sex and gender are two different things, sexuality and gender are also two different things.

    With so much terminology and nuance in today's age, and even when checking, re-checking, re-re-checking, re-re-re-checking (and so on) what I type (not specific to this type of stuff, mind, as I've always sought to make myself understood as best as possible because I despise being misunderstood, or worse still, misrepresented - I've literally spent 25 minutes drafting this post), it's easy to exchange terms. Moreso when distracted with stress over some fucking bullshit nonsense (that's totally disconnected from HPOTD forum life), the sort of crap normal people can handle just fine, but which has me fretting for an entire damn month in advance.

    3) I trust you're not being condescending/whatever when you say "but thank you for trying, comrade" - it's impossible to sense intonation through text on a screen.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    I mean, if you really didn't want my opinion Neil, you shouldn't have asked for it. Turns out some of us are very opinionated. *shrugs*
    Read my comment (made to everyone in the thread alike)...

    Now read your response...

    I have to ask, why did you feel the need to play a victim? The comment clearly wasn't about you? The comment clearly wasn't aimed (specifically) at you? It wasn't pro or anti Trump for example in anyway?

    Do you not find it questionable that your immediate reaction to a general comment, aimed at no one in particular, is to take it personally? Why? And TBH, it even seems to then include a small dig at me? Again when the comment is aimed at no one in particular, about nothing in particular other than asking (all) folks just to "keep things real"...?

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    This thread's getting carried away and folks aren't covering themselves in much glory.
    Agreed... Hence why it'll be closing in a day or two...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  14. #59
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    And all you're doing is stonewalling. Two can play at that game. A standstill here? Sure, I don't mind one. Don't forget, Bush II didn't win his first election either. So I hold that against him as well. Are we just presuming that Trump has no free will or individual autonomy? He could have conceded the win to Clinton, who had the popular vote, but he did not, so great is his ego. To ignore this is folly.

    Not a sympathizer of fascism? ...Arguable, yet he is an adamant proponent of nationalism and imperialism, which... is... less bad, somehow? Not sure how you came to that conclusion. I mean if we're honest, capitalism is just fascism lite in a lot of ways, yeah? ...Trump, who puts his name on all his businesses and buildings, who loves signing things even if he doesn't know what they are, who tends to decree things that he actually doesn't have the power to act on... Sure, he's not dictatorial, okay (never mind that he's best friends with Putin, a clear dictator).

    Perhaps he isn't a "far-right extremist", but he certainly hasn't shown yet any resistance against those who clearly are. Bedfellows, and whatnot. Again, you seem to be defending Trump, a demonstrable piece of human garbage, just like Hillary, et. al. Fair enough, I'll try to keep an open mind. Name three good things Trump has done while in office, that positively impact the lives of the disadvantaged in society. I'll wait. And if it please you, I'll just leave Trump as a dangerous and contemptible asshole, and not use the words you're triggered by. Sorry about that.

    Don't shift the goalpost. I was simply pointing out that Trump won the US election - fair and square. I'm not going to make this into a debate about the electoral system.

    Also, Imperialist is another label which I don't think you understand what it means. Imperialism means projecting your own culture onto others through (often) violent means. Trump has demonstrantly been the least imperialist president in the last thirty years.

    I've already pointed out why he's not a fascist. You've been unable to define a fascist, and you concede that he's none of the things that define a fascist. Yet you still call him a fascist. I believe my work here is done, because you're basically admitting that you are wrong - while still pushing the agenda.

    Also, I'm not defending Trump. I'm simply pointing out all your false claims. If you want to critique Donald Trump, then do it properly and people will listen. But all you're doing is just making stuff up - kinda like he is.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ned - I know you like to really jab into topics with other members sometimes, but please try to act with a bit more cordiality. As we have seen many times over the years at HPOTD, heated debates about politics to trivial movie discussions can very easily slip into the personal.
    I haven't called anyone any names, except Ben Shapiro, so honestly I can't really say I understand what you're referring too. If you want me to change anything about how I express myself you're going to have to be more specific - in which case I'd be willing to comply.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 10-Jul-2019 at 09:36 PM. Reason: fdsfs

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Read my comment (made to everyone in the thread alike)...

    Now read your response...

    I have to ask, why did you feel the need to play a victim? The comment clearly wasn't about you? The comment clearly wasn't aimed (specifically) at you? It wasn't pro or anti Trump for example in anyway?

    Do you not find it questionable that your immediate reaction to a general comment, aimed at no one in particular, is to take it personally? Why? And TBH, it even seems to then include a small dig at me? Again when the comment is aimed at no one in particular, about nothing in particular other than asking (all) folks just to "keep things real"...?
    Didn't realize I was playing a victim. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll try not to in the future. Moving on, I... Wasn't trying to make this all about me? But you seem suspiciously pro-Trump in a lot of ways, Neil, you have to admit. Which... Is bad, to say the least. Also, I mentioned you specifically because you started this thread, Neil. And it was your comment I was responding to. Neil. Which is your name. Neil.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    1) The phrase "to cover oneself in glory" (I'm assuming you've not heard the phrase before) is to be 'successful or impressive', so the inverse of covering oneself in glory is, well, this thread.

    2) Aye, fair catch. Much like sex and gender are two different things, sexuality and gender are also two different things.

    With so much terminology and nuance in today's age, and even when checking, re-checking, re-re-checking, re-re-re-checking (and so on) what I type (not specific to this type of stuff, mind, as I've always sought to make myself understood as best as possible because I despise being misunderstood, or worse still, misrepresented - I've literally spent 25 minutes drafting this post), it's easy to exchange terms. Moreso when distracted with stress over some fucking bullshit nonsense (that's totally disconnected from HPOTD forum life), the sort of crap normal people can handle just fine, but which has me fretting for an entire damn month in advance.

    3) I trust you're not being condescending/whatever when you say "but thank you for trying, comrade" - it's impossible to sense intonation through text on a screen.
    1) I'm not familiar with that one, no. Sorry. Though, why should I care for personal glory? I suppose that's a philosophical question for another time, however.

    2) I see. And believe it or not, I understand, yes. Don't fear: you're not alone.

    3) Oh no, I was not trying to be condescending, I'm sorry. Honestly I do respect you, though it may not always come across how I intend it. I do hope we're friends, after all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Don't shift the goalpost. I was simply pointing out that Trump won the US election - fair and square. I'm not going to make this into a debate about the electoral system.

    Also, Imperialist is another label which I don't think you understand what it means. Imperialism means projecting your own culture onto others through (often) violent means. Trump has demonstrantly been the least imperialist president in the last thirty years.

    I've already pointed out why he's not a fascist. You've been unable to define a fascist, and you concede that he's none of the things that define a fascist. Yet you still call him a fascist. I believe my work here is done, because you're basically admitting that you are wrong - while still pushing the agenda.

    Also, I'm not defending Trump. I'm simply pointing out all your false claims. If you want to critique Donald Trump, then do it properly and people will listen. But all you're doing is just making stuff up - kinda like he is..
    Alright, maybe you don't understand what "shifting the goal posts" means? Or maybe I don't... Sorry. Yes, Trump won the electoral vote. Which is not a democratic system. So, if he wishes to represent a democracy, then in theory he would personally hold more regard for the popular vote, than the electoral college. Yet he did not. For he has no honor, nor high ideals. But perhaps this is mere spurious mud-slinging, baseless and biased. But yes, let us not get side-tracked.

    I'm curious how you don't find Trump to be very imperialist. Would you care to elaborate?

    ...Why should I do something for you that the dictionary has already done? I call him one because he has friends who are. He does not ostracize these men (and it's mostly men, isn't it?), nor does he lambast their detestable beliefs publicly, as a moral person might do. For this, I damn him. As would, I imagine, most who have standards and regard for others.

    ...Continuing on from that, why should my false claims about a demonstrable racist and evil man in general (since there are plenty of just as bad if not worse proven facts about the man I've not even brought up yet... many in fact) be of any concern to you? Am I a trusted news media source? What power do I personally have to influence public opinion, beyond my handful of facebook friends and other virtual strangers online? "Do it properly"? Fine, I'll throw a milkshake on him, shall I? Get murdered by the secret service. Sounds great. What did I personally make up out of thin air? I can't think of anything. Please again, if you wish, elaborate and I can address this concern.


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