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Thread: Do kid's friends still go on holiday with their friend's parents?

  1. #16
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    I feel sorry for the girl. Imagine having a dad like that!

    I was reading a psychoanalytic (Freudian) account of the dynamics of the rows between teenage girls and their dads a while ago, I forget where now. It's pretty weird
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  2. #17
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I never went on holiday with other kids parents, at most a day trip somewhere. No doubt there's over protection these days, especially as every man on the planet is a paedophile and get stabbed in the face by vengeful mothers if they even so much as take a passing and completely innocent glance at a child...paedo-panic!

    There was research done recently about what you'd do if you were in a mall and a kid was on their own, the men mostly said they'd either leave the kid well alone, or get a woman to look after the child ... political correctness and paedo-panic gone wild, see? It's also discrimination, like a woman isn't equally as capable of being a kiddy fiddler?!


    Went off on a rant there, sorry.

  3. #18
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    it's really bad, I think that sort of attitude leaves more children at risk than anything else. The image of the paedophile as a monster, an alien, stalking your kids in a big dirty mac and thick glasses, is very damaging. It makes it harder to associate the word with fathers, brothers, uncles, mother's boyfriends, the nice old biffer next door who watches the kids for you while you go shopping and so on, and it's those people who are found guilty of child molestation the most.

    Notice I said get found guilty the most- as we all know, crime stats don't necessarily reflect actual crime I'm guessing more fat, bespectacled, middle-aged men get found guilty than young, clean-cut, fresh-faced executives too. Just a thought.

    It's also been suggested in some study (I don't remember the author but I'll look it up if anyone wants it) that female child molesters tend to go about it in "less obvious" ways, which makes it harder to identify, by both the child and others.

    What a cheerful post
    La freak, c'est chic!


  4. #19
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    It's just scarey now to leave your kids with people anymore you dont know who to trust with your kids/grandkids...people are soo freaky!!
    I was watching this documentary on tv it was about paedifiles...I always said they should catch them and castrate them, well, that wouldnt work either.
    They interviewed some paedifiles, they were saying that you could castrate them but it still wouldnt stop the impulse that they have to do the sick stuff that they do to children!
    The documentary also said that they put them on drugs to stop their libido and I guess that helps a good bit IF they take the meds!
    There is a website you can go on I believe its called Megans law you can look up your state (in USA) and see if there are any registered paedifiles in your area!
    Sorry, I too got off on a tangent I have a grandchild and I pity the freak that ever tried anything on her!!!

    Anyway on topic: When I was a kid I went on day trips with my best friends family all the time not long vacations!
    We never took our kids friends on vacations with us because we didnt take vacations we couldnt afford to go! We mostly took day trips!

  5. #20
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    I went on vacations/holiday with my friends all of the time growing up and had quite a few friends go with my family when we would go. It was never a big deal then, but I can see people being over protective now with everything being more out in the media than it used to be.

    I really wouldn't have a problem if I had kids and they wanted to go with their friends on vacation as long as I knew the parents well.
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  6. #21
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    I never did this nor anny of my friends growing up. I would never do it if i had kids and I was a parent. Too much room for liability and law suits. What if something happened to the kid under your care?

  7. #22
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Crud I deleted a long response to this thread accidently...i dont want to have to retype it Ill try to sum my original response all up

    Do kid's friends still go on holiday with their friend's parents?

    Yes as far as I can tell they still do....

    My parents did it....and all my friends parents did it....

    All the worry about molestation is a bit misplaced....for the most part it should be an easy thing to adjust for....

    1) Everything depends on the age and maturity of the child..
    2) Only let your kids go on vacation with families with kids in the same age range as your child....
    3) only let your kids go on vacation with families with kids that your child considers a friend...if your child is to young to "consider" things then they are to young to go on vacation without you....
    4)Only let your kids go on vacation with families that you feel comfortable with...
    5)Give children detailed information about molestation and what to do.....

    I think that should cover anything....anything I miss?
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  8. #23
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terran View Post
    5)Give children detailed information about molestation and what to do.....
    that's a good idea, get your kid to molest the other kid first, what are the chances of it happening to your kid then?

    see what i did there
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  9. #24
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    If you accidentally delete all the text, but the window is still open, if you didn't try it already, try pressing CTRL+Z to undo the previous action. I've done it a few times, especially when writing a long response, I select all then copy, but somethings before pressing the End key, I start typing or press backspace as I'd just made a spelling mistake, and all the text vanishes - CTRL+Z is what you need.


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