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Thread: maybe its just me... and it usually is...

  1. #16
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Mushrooms. I farking HATE mushrooms. Why do people like eating a fungus? It makes no sense to me.

  2. #17
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    I love mushrooms.

    Especially when fried with steak and onions....

    good in soups....

    cream of mushroom is good.....

    and apparently strange fungus growing on spagetti is not toxic
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  3. #18
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    I can not stand Tofu. Its consistancy is like gelatanous snot and its flavor is quite disgusting. I was duped recently and they put it in my chicken Pad Thai. I thought it was a mushroom becuase of how they cut it, but it was so freaking disgusting.

    I was quite sad with that meal.
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  4. #19
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    if zombies ever exist...

    Terran is going to be the designated food tester of his band of survivors.

    I agree mushrooms can be grody... I hate the way once you cut them the color changes instantly... I dont get people who say how 'woodsie' they are... if I wanted to eat trees i'd be outside pulling bark off a eucalyptus tree and snarfing it down for a snack with a rice cake...

    and speaking of rice cakes... WTF IS WITH THOSE they're bloody awful! And I love that women buy them in flavors like carmel... did it occur to you that when you cover them with artificial carmel flavor its no longer good for you... not that it was to start with...

    not sure if I mentioned it before... but escargot and caviar are hideous! I had a caviar omlette and it was so awful... I tried it a few other times and different varieties at business parties but .. yeah you dont want it... as for escargot my family loves it I dont... I can get past them being snails I mean I ate snake and that wasn't bad... but no... its just ucky
    You smell that? That's the smell of spring, and I love it. You know what I love to do in spring? I love to come out into the woods, to walk amongst the budding trees, to smell and taste the hint of renewal that hovers in the air like a heady perfume, and to listen to the song of the birds who have returned from their long sojourn south. And bury the people I killed during the winter...

  5. #20
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Hmm I just love all food I guess cause a lot of this stuff people hate I like....

    I think Tofu is awsome...I made this killer fried sandwhich with it...and its also cool in soups and salads....

    I used to love eating Rice Cakes....Id put some peanut butter on them and they were great....

    and escargot and caviar ...delicious....

    Then again...look at whos talking...I want to eat tarantulas!...

    Looks its even deep fried!
    Last edited by Terran; 03-Jun-2007 at 12:53 PM.
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  6. #21
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Plateful o' penicillian !

    Quote Originally Posted by Terran View Post
    I once ate moldy spagetti sauce its a pretty funny story actually....

    I woke up in the middle of the night hungry....

    I knew we had some spagetti sauce in the all I needed to do was cook up some noodles and microwave the sauce.....

    I walk into the kitchen and its the middle of the its dark....I dont feel like turning on the lights because itll hurt my eyes.....
    So Im boiling the noodles....I open the fridge and get out the sauce....The room is very dimly lit....I open the gladware container that the sauce is in and I think "Oh jeeze the fridge is acting up again with its temperature all out of wack....look it made the sauce get frost on it"....
    I think nothing of it and spoon it out into a bowl and microwave it....

    I mix it with the sauce and add some parmesan cheese...
    I eat a couple bites.....and I think ....yeuck this takes funny....well I guess it just needs more cheese....I add more parmesan....
    I repeat that step several times adding more and more cheese......Ive eaten like half the huge plate of spagetti by now...and finally I give up...this spagetti just tastes too funny!....maybe its because of all this parmesan....

    I get up to clean up my plates....I havent put the top back on the container of the spagetti sauce yet....I open the fridge and the fridge light illuminates the sauce in the container....!!!!
    This was the most foul thing I had ever seen.....There must have been several different types of fungus growing in this thing.....
    • Towards the center of the container this thick white carpet had grown in little rice shapes mold covering the sauce....(In the dim light this was what I thought was frost)....

    • speckaled throughout was little translucent tubes with tiney black heads on the tip....

    • and all around the edges there was a dense red fur almost like cotton candy that grew so tall that it almost escaped the container....

    • There were little patches elsewhere in this "ecosystem" of orange and purple but hardly noticable compared to the majority of the growth......

    I felt so sick not because my stomach was upset but because I ate half a plate of sauce.....

    Strangley enough though I didnt have any diarrhea ...or vomit or strange dreams or anything.....other than being completely grossed out and eating something completely nasty nothing bad happened to me
    EWWW! But I bet you didnt catch a cold or anything for a while...
    When ever I make something to eat in the middle of the night, I am turning on the lights!
    "Goodbye , I am gone."


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