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Thread: Inappropriate or criminal?

  1. #46
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Oh good they ARE still illegalizing being a young male. Good for a second there I thought they were going to let them off light and stop all the drug pushing on young boys and making them feel out of place. The feminazi agenda marches on!

    Quote Originally Posted by darth los View Post
    Yeah that would be kinda nuts. But seriously this country needs a serious debate on what the hell is going on with our youth and what we need to do about it. It's geting to the point where stories like this are commonplace and don't even shock you anymore. we've come to expect this kind of behavior from them and that is unacceptable.
    Its a couple of 13 year old boys getting yucks slapping girls asses. They should get in school suspension for a week.

    You know what will solve this? When one of these brain surgeons slaps a girl on the butt and her boyfriend breaks their asses in return. Everything else is BS.

    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    Thats because
    not thirty!
    Wow. I guess some of you popped out of your Mom fully formed. Thats very fortunate of you to have known everything you know now your whole life. When I was 13 i was still considering if I wanted to still play with my Micronauts and what was that wierd stuff that came out my ding dong occasionally at night.

    I didnt see anything in the posted article about repeat behavior. Did I miss something?
    Btw, I highly doubt he will be slapping assess any time soon. I dont think I am an apologist by any means. You can charge a child with an adult sized penalty, but they are still children and that should always be a consideration. He wasnt caught raping babies or chopping up hoboes.

    Yeah that is a lame excuse. What does he think he is? Thirteen? Grow up, dammit.

    You guys all forget Kids were sh*tty when I was 13 in 1980. Nothings changed. In a lot of ways, around here, its gotten WAY BETTER. Sure Kids are rude dicks. But it bothers me more because Im older and I want those damn kids off my lawn.
    And you cant have your ball back. It went in my yard so its MINE!!!!
    For sure, I think i was a pretty mature 13 year old, and I was still playing video games and football and not much else. I didnt really know much else.
    Last edited by Khardis; 02-Aug-2007 at 10:45 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  2. #47
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    all i know is that guy (channels mz over crystal ball) hobnoviously did not own a top hat OR play guitar hero 2, cus everyone knows if you dont have either your a pervert
    *goes all glassy eyed during the channelling*

    Damn, I must be a perv then, cos I don't have a top hat, nor Guitar Hero 2. I do have STALKER - so that makes me really freaking cool.

    Sounds like these kids are just social retards, kids do daft things. There's a difference between a slap on the ass (especially if the "social hello" thing is true) and a slap which goes:

    *fingers tickle where they shouldn't be tickling
    *hand slides off

    In other words, the pervert's ass slap...

    Here in the UK this week there was a Channel 4 reporter in Oxford doing a piece to camera about the flooding and some bloke came sauntering up from behind (clearly a cheeky chappy who was a bit pissed, was carrying a beer in one hand) and as he passed by he pinched her ass.

    She was a total professional though, barely noticed it and kept going, now that's professional reporting right thar.

    They're trying to track the guy down, but she isn't pressing charges.

    Some cocky, drunk bloke sees a camera and decides to act the fool, it's not the first time it's happened and it's not the last time either.

  3. #48
    Dead dmbfanintn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    For sure, I think i was a pretty mature 13 year old, and I was still playing video games and football and not much else. I didnt really know much else.

    You also think you're a pretty mature 26 year old.......
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  4. #49
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmbfanintn View Post
    You also think you're a pretty mature 26 year old.......
    Hey nice troll attempt. shouldn't you be seething with hatred over your upcoming loss of liberal power in 08? I want you to stare at a picture of Bush for 5 minutes today and fill you heart with hate ok?

  5. #50
    Dead dmbfanintn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    shouldn't you be seething with hatred over your upcoming loss of liberal power in 08?
    What???? Dont you mean the loss of GOP power in 08?

    Surely you dont think the rethuglicans will win 08.....surely???
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  6. #51
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    dmb, Khardis - either step away from, and ignore each other - or the thread will end up getting locked.

    Stick to the thread and leave the personal bitching at home, nobody else cares to see it.


  7. #52
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    dmb, Khardis - either step away from, and ignore each other - or the thread will end up getting locked.

    Stick to the thread and leave the personal bitching at home, nobody else cares to see it.

    Why the hell are you telling me? He started flaming me, not the other way around.

  8. #53
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Wrinkled shirt & smirking nurt muncher...

    I observed from the photo some interesting things :the boy is( as most have stated ), laughing like hes going to disneylard.
    Coma said its, "getting out of lockdown relief."He is right.
    I would smile too , but much later after the guilt and shame wore off a few months later.
    I was taught very early to respect others, not to be indulgent with other peoples personal space.
    The boy is wearing a shirt so wrinkled, it looks like it was shat out of cows bum.His mom is crying in the background, maybe just maybe its lousy parenting?
    His father (not to be too jugemental) looks to be the type that would humiliate just about any woman he could , and might pay a hooker once in a while to let him.
    The wrinkled shirt, hmmm.You would think his mum or dad would've brought him an ironed button down shirt to appear in court. Its common sense, I am sure it seems pedantic, but the kid has not a worry in the world.
    Its like he is thinking to himself,"Where more girl-butt to slap?"
    It is a parents responsiblity to guide a child.They cant blame anyone but themselves, and the kid, for what happened.
    Being physically familiar with a girl that is not your sweetheart, is repugnant.
    But thier parents may be caught off gaurd, " We didnt know to tell him to be respectful of other peoples personal space." Bollocks!(sorry to borrow that)
    A kid tripped my 12 year-old daughter a few months ago, I was on the back porch and saw it .
    I asked the kid if he believed in God, he said "uh I dunno."
    I said , "Make peace with him, cause what you do to others is gonna come back and bite you." I talked with his mum & dad and they were so apologetic and were smaking the kid , then I felt kinda bad but no body fvcks w/ my child.
    My daughter says he is terrified of her now.
    Last edited by DVW5150; 03-Aug-2007 at 01:37 AM. Reason: burnt weenie samitch
    "Goodbye , I am gone."

  9. #54
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I told both of you, as you both bitched at each other, I don't care who started. There's someone to start, and someone to return the ball.

    Issue closed.

  10. #55
    Dead dmbfanintn's Avatar

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    Loud and Clear, sir!!

    You can expect full compliance out of me! Never ever would I question the mods or ignore thier warnings. Nor would I b!tch about what they have asked me to do.

    Thank you for keeping the boards clean, thank you for keeping me in line.
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