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Thread: Pregnant US man hails 'miracle' - Ummm... NAH!

  1. #46
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadJonas190 View Post
    I'm not just talking about this post, in nearly every post you make you present your opinions as if they are facts, often using the word fact in reference to an opinion. It's as if your opinion is the only reality and there is not another explanation other than the opinion you present. Even if somebody proves you wrong (and im not talking about this instance) you will argue as if you are still right.

    In this instance though, it seems that you keep degrading people with this condition instead of recognizing the problem as a problem that has a cure, even if it is not something agreeable to you.

    But like I said before, your entertaining in a Bill O'Riley no spin zone kind of way. I will actually admit that I like to read your posts, they keep me entertained when im bored sometimes.
    man don't even waste your time. if he feels that the thoughts, feelings and concerns of other people are petty compared to his need to be right, that is his problem not ours.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #47
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Personally I think man = man
    women = women
    they can all get as freaky as they want, have whatever surgery they want, but it does not change this in any way or form... it is what it is.

    But at the end of the day it is also my own business if I want to be a women or a man or anything else that I want to be and at the end of the day if I am not hurting or pushing my views onto anyone then I am free to practise that as I please without being judged for it. I have gay friends (no transgendered ones yet !!!) and though I dont personally agree with the lifestyle they follow as far as I am concerend they are still human, good to hang out with and still have money so I would be happy doing business with them...

  3. #48
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dommm View Post
    Personally I think man = man
    women = women
    they can all get as freaky as they want, have whatever surgery they want, but it does not change this in any way or form... it is what it is.

    But at the end of the day it is also my own business if I want to be a women or a man or anything else that I want to be and at the end of the day if I am not hurting or pushing my views onto anyone then I am free to practise that as I please without being judged for it. I have gay friends (no transgendered ones yet !!!) and though I dont personally agree with the lifestyle they follow as far as I am concerend they are still human, good to hang out with and still have money so I would be happy doing business with them...
    I'm the same way. That's what I don't understand about some gays. They give you all this "we just want to be treated equal" stuff and then flaunt around their homosexuality and intentionally TRY to draw attention to themselves.

    If you want to be gay, fine... be gay. I I may not agree with it, but I'm not going to hate you for it. Just for the most part keep it to yourself. I don't go around acting different so that everyone around me knows that i'm straight....

  4. #49
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I think I may have transgender dymorphia or whatever the f*ck it is called. I feel the need to read vogue magazine, and buy strawberry flavoured lysol aerosol spray cans. F*ck guys..I just..I jst can'thelp but feel that I am a women trapped in a mans body..or..a man trapped in a slightly manly womenly body..or a women trapped inside of a slightly male body, with hair in all the wrong places....or a man trapped inside of a mans body...OH GOD WHY CAN'T I HAVE A SHRED OF NORMALCY IN MY LIFE.

    Why must i not have breasts...of a vag-ag-age...why do i have these dangly bits...I don't want them, you hear that God?! Take these dangly bits and stick em up ur arse! WHY COULD'NT I HAVE BEEN A WOMEN INSTEAD OF THIS HORRIBLE MAN-BEAST LIKE F*CK.

    Thats it, f*ck this penis s*it; I'm cutting it off and digging a hole where my testes used to be, and am going to take estrogen caplets. Maybe then i'll be that pretty little girl i've always wanted to be

  5. #50
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    I had a feeling you were fruity. Now its in the open.

  6. #51
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    No Mo isnt fruity, I tried to get him to do gay porn
    to make some extra money, but he wouldnt.

    imagine putting your sexual preference before money?

    and yes some gay people flame real hard and as tolerant as
    I am to any sexual lifestyle i get annoyed when i hear things like
    a friend of mine saying he got his girlfriend pregnant accidentally and
    princess earl says "well, thats what you get for having sex with a woman"

    but i get equally annoyed by striaght guys who have to prove how striaght
    they are like Mike who always would come up to you and say
    "I was just with Kathy, dont believe me? Smell my finger." and he would
    shove said finger into your face to sniff. And when he would call you up
    he would brag about his penis size with the immortal words
    "its as big as that phone you got in your hands"

    both types of homo and hetero people are annoying

    And wheter people like khardis want to call transgenderism mutilation
    or whatever it is a proven medical and mental condition.

    Isnt any major surgury multilating in some way?
    a colostomy doesnt multlate the body?
    diabetic amputee due to nueropathy is mutilating?

    and you say well those arent mental illness,
    but you think that these people dont sufffer from depression
    and other psycholical ailments due to the disease or treatment?

    none of your arguements hold any water
    i am sorry if you are right all the time, but are not

    take comfort in this thought:
    in some alternate world you ARE right about everything
    and you are living very happily.

    Ahh reality isnt what it used to be.

  7. #52
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    both types of homo and hetero people are annoying
    I hear that.

    I don't see why being gay to some people means 'doing a Marco' (as in Marco from Big Brother UK 5 - excessively stereotypical doesn't even cover it ... nor does excessively annoying). It makes no sense to act in such a manner just because you're gay - for those who do anyway - makes no sense to me. There's being a bit avant-garde (fine with me) if you will, and then there's Marco off BB UK 5 ... I mean, what does it achieve? Why is it necessary?

    Anyone prancing around with a deliberately hyper-active style, with a high-pitched voice, acting like a f*cking child on a bag of sugar, annoys the piss out of me. If you saw some random person doing that in the street, regardless of where they like to stick their willies/tongues/fingers/sex accessories, you'd wanna punch them and tell them to stop being such a twat.


    Equally, I too can't be doing with straight people shagging their way around town/the city/the world like it's going out of fashion and thinking it's so amazing like nobody has ever done it before. Yes - you like dick, or you like minge - get over it, and wear some friggin' johnnies once in a while so you don't put us normal people at risk of your chuddy-rot.

    Ugh - both sides of sexual arrogance/excessive cartoonishness annoys the crap out of me.

    Anyway ... in conclusion, to each their own ... just don't act like a twat about it.

  8. #53
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadJonas190 View Post
    I'm not just talking about this post, in nearly every post you make you present your opinions as if they are facts, often using the word fact in reference to an opinion. It's as if your opinion is the only reality and there is not another explanation other than the opinion you present. Even if somebody proves you wrong (and im not talking about this instance) you will argue as if you are still right.

    In this instance though, it seems that you keep degrading people with this condition instead of recognizing the problem as a problem that has a cure, even if it is not something agreeable to you.

    But like I said before, your entertaining in a Bill O'Riley no spin zone kind of way. I will actually admit that I like to read your posts, they keep me entertained when im bored sometimes.
    I agreed that it was a PROBLEM, its a mental problem. As I stated numerous times in this very thread. This isn't an opinion, its a fact, medical science has said that its a mental problem. Clearly one bad enough that one of the methods for a "cure" is to mutilate an otherwise physically healthy body.

    Your opinion on how I present my opinions in other threads has no bearing in THIS thread, so please try to stick to the subject, OR stop personally attacking me for the sake of argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    I think I may have transgender dymorphia or whatever the f*ck it is called. I feel the need to read vogue magazine, and buy strawberry flavoured lysol aerosol spray cans. F*ck guys..I just..I jst can'thelp but feel that I am a women trapped in a mans body..or..a man trapped in a slightly manly womenly body..or a women trapped inside of a slightly male body, with hair in all the wrong places....or a man trapped inside of a mans body...OH GOD WHY CAN'T I HAVE A SHRED OF NORMALCY IN MY LIFE.

    Why must i not have breasts...of a vag-ag-age...why do i have these dangly bits...I don't want them, you hear that God?! Take these dangly bits and stick em up ur arse! WHY COULD'NT I HAVE BEEN A WOMEN INSTEAD OF THIS HORRIBLE MAN-BEAST LIKE F*CK.

    Thats it, f*ck this penis s*it; I'm cutting it off and digging a hole where my testes used to be, and am going to take estrogen caplets. Maybe then i'll be that pretty little girl i've always wanted to be
    Its so true! I can understand your feelings, I for one have always felt that I was a dolphin in a human body, I mean... I should be swimming in the sea and eating herring all day... If only there was an operation to fix that!

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    No Mo isnt fruity, I tried to get him to do gay porn
    to make some extra money, but he wouldnt.

    imagine putting your sexual preference before money?

    and yes some gay people flame real hard and as tolerant as
    I am to any sexual lifestyle i get annoyed when i hear things like
    a friend of mine saying he got his girlfriend pregnant accidentally and
    princess earl says "well, thats what you get for having sex with a woman"

    but i get equally annoyed by striaght guys who have to prove how striaght
    they are like Mike who always would come up to you and say
    "I was just with Kathy, dont believe me? Smell my finger." and he would
    shove said finger into your face to sniff. And when he would call you up
    he would brag about his penis size with the immortal words
    "its as big as that phone you got in your hands"

    both types of homo and hetero people are annoying

    And wheter people like khardis want to call transgenderism mutilation
    or whatever it is a proven medical and mental condition.

    Isnt any major surgury multilating in some way?
    a colostomy doesnt multlate the body?
    diabetic amputee due to nueropathy is mutilating?

    and you say well those arent mental illness,
    but you think that these people dont sufffer from depression
    and other psycholical ailments due to the disease or treatment?

    none of your arguements hold any water
    i am sorry if you are right all the time, but are not

    take comfort in this thought:
    in some alternate world you ARE right about everything
    and you are living very happily.

    Ahh reality isnt what it used to be.
    Having your infected appendix removed because its physically poisonous is not mutilation. Cutting open your penis and removing your testicles so you feel better emotionally is. I am sorry, its just common sense.

    As for being right etc, I dunno, thats your bag. I just give my thoughts, wether or not you like them is not my problem. I don't care what you or other people think about me and the things I think and say. I enjoy my life and I am happy I make ample money, I have a loving girlfriend who is attractive, I have meaningful relationships with friends and family, I'm self reliant and I can get things done to advance myself in life. If this bothers you (and it does apparently, you cant seem to stop criticizing me for my attitude which is a reflection of all those things I just mentioned.) Then perhaps you should seek out emotional help from a trained professional. Or stick to the topic at hand.

    Back on topic, I know that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, I have stated no less than a dozen times in this very thread that simple fact. Maybe instead of writing volumes of text repeating some things I already mentioned back to me and criticizing me you could go back and read a little instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I hear that.

    I don't see why being gay to some people means 'doing a Marco' (as in Marco from Big Brother UK 5 - excessively stereotypical doesn't even cover it ... nor does excessively annoying). It makes no sense to act in such a manner just because you're gay - for those who do anyway - makes no sense to me. There's being a bit avant-garde (fine with me) if you will, and then there's Marco off BB UK 5 ... I mean, what does it achieve? Why is it necessary?

    Anyone prancing around with a deliberately hyper-active style, with a high-pitched voice, acting like a f*cking child on a bag of sugar, annoys the piss out of me. If you saw some random person doing that in the street, regardless of where they like to stick their willies/tongues/fingers/sex accessories, you'd wanna punch them and tell them to stop being such a twat.


    Equally, I too can't be doing with straight people shagging their way around town/the city/the world like it's going out of fashion and thinking it's so amazing like nobody has ever done it before. Yes - you like dick, or you like minge - get over it, and wear some friggin' johnnies once in a while so you don't put us normal people at risk of your chuddy-rot.

    Ugh - both sides of sexual arrogance/excessive cartoonishness annoys the crap out of me.

    Anyway ... in conclusion, to each their own ... just don't act like a twat about it.

    I don't really like flamboyance myself personally, but I think I can understand it. Being gay while not quite as taboo as it used to be is still shunned greatly in probably every human group on earth. As such there is a lot of baggage just with gay people discovering that they are in fact gay. I will tell you a little something personal-ish. My younger brother is gay. He doesn't act flamboyant at all, but he certainly feels confident in what he is. He didn't always though, in fact when he 1st "came out" to our family he was extremely depressed, ashamed, worried, etc etc. Which actually angered me that he would think that we would love him any less because of it. But he was still struggling with it internally, and I could see this, i know him very well, i watched him grow up. I've known him every day of his life.

    Anyway to cut to the chase, he struggled with it, and what being gay means for a long time as a person until he finally came to grips with it. And now he is fine. He isn't ashamed, or upset he just accepts it. Which once all that grief was out of his way let him function more a normal person again and not someone who was hurting emotionally.

    I think this is what a lot of overtly flamboyant types have to deal with, and 1 way of coping with all those negative feelings is to just go nuts with it and turn the bad into some sort of pseudo-image, if you can OWN your situation, it cant hurt you anymore. My brother dealt with it in a more internal way as thats the way we all are as people, we don't emote all over the place, some people do though and a method for dealing with a lot in life can be to in some cases act flamboyant. Well thats my take on it anyway.

    So while I may dislike it, I can certainly understand it to a degree.
    Last edited by Khardis; 11-Apr-2008 at 09:25 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  9. #54
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Originally Posted by Khardis
    I agreed that it was a PROBLEM, its a mental problem. As I stated numerous times in this very thread. This isn't an opinion, its a fact, medical science has said that its a mental problem. Clearly one bad enough that one of the methods for a "cure" is to mutilate an otherwise physically healthy body.

    *You are wrong. Gender Dysphoria is a symptom of a biological condition. I already agreed that GID is in the DSM, but mental disorders dont cause hormone imbalances and other proven medical maladies.

    Originally Posted by Khardis
    Your opinion on how I present my opinions in other threads has no bearing in THIS thread, so please try to stick to the subject, OR stop personally attacking me for the sake of argument.

    *Of course you are going to get response to how you present yourself. no one likes a know it all. do you? And i hope you dont believe I am just trying to fight with you for the sake of fighting. Honestly i do consider you intelligent and wish you were a bit more open to discussion as opposed to arguing.

    Originally Posted by Khardis
    Its so true! I can understand your feelings, I for one have always felt that I was a dolphin in a human body, I mean... I should be swimming in the sea and eating herring all day... If only there was an operation to fix that!

    *see, now that is making fun of others who you claim have mental problems.
    not a very high road to take.

    Originally Posted by Khardis
    Having your infected appendix removed because its physically poisonous is not mutilation. Cutting open your penis and removing your testicles so you feel better emotionally is. I am sorry, its just common sense.

    *It goes deeper than a feel good thing. you must be aware of that.
    frankly that statement is beneath you.

    Originally Posted by Khardis
    As for being right etc, I dunno, thats your bag. I just give my thoughts, wether or not you like them is not my problem. I don't care what you or other people think about me and the things I think and say. I enjoy my life and I am happy I make ample money, I have a loving girlfriend who is attractive, I have meaningful relationships with friends and family, I'm self reliant and I can get things done to advance myself in life. If this bothers you (and it does apparently, you cant seem to stop criticizing me for my attitude which is a reflection of all those things I just mentioned.) Then perhaps you should seek out emotional help from a trained professional. Or stick to the topic at hand.

    *you dont give thoughts, you give facts, without a thought of them being wrong in even the slightest way. I know i am wrong at times, often too. this is a concept that you seem to lack and many here have picked up on it and are discouraged by. and the fact you dont care if anyone likes it just re-enforces your lack of objectiveness. and honestly I dont need a shrink because i dont care how you live your life, i only care you interact with us. i am glad you are happy.

    Originally Posted by Khardis
    Back on topic, I know that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, I have stated no less than a dozen times in this very thread that simple fact. Maybe instead of writing volumes of text repeating some things I already mentioned back to me and criticizing me you could go back and read a little instead.

    *I have read the works of Harry Benjamin, the pioneer in the field and have been to transgendered workshops as part of college classes. have you?
    I also have read much of the work of Alfred Kinsey. Yes I do have a college degree, you didnt get the only one.

    Originally Posted by Khardis
    Anyway to cut to the chase, he struggled with it, and what being gay means for a long time as a person until he finally came to grips with it. And now he is fine. He isn't ashamed, or upset he just accepts it. Which once all that grief was out of his way let him function more a normal person again and not someone who was hurting emotionally.

    *I am glad you were there for your brother and he is well. I hope the best for him.

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