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Thread: Die Hard 4 - Oh dear?

  1. #61
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mutineer View Post
    Calling DIE HARD ****ing legendary is about as accurate a statement as I can think of. DIE HARD redefined the genre. It is literally, in all respects, the perfect movie.

    Saying that 3 walks hand in hand with it is like saying Lucas new Star Wars films are as good as the original Star Wars films. If you were not fortunate to see DIE HARD on the big screen; that is a shame.
    It's just my opinion that the third is equally as good as the first(both directed by Mctiernan certainly helped). Just like it's my opinion that saying the first is "the perfect movie" is pretty far fetched. It's a friggin awesome action movie with many great features....but it's far from the perfect film, to me.

    In fact, as much as I love action films, I don't think any of them have or will ever be a perfect film to me. Is "Die Hard" enjoyable? Hell yeah. Well made? Hell yeah. Perfect? Maybe for the action genre....but not films in general.

  2. #62
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    So. It is a frigginly-awesome, enjoyably-well made film with great features, but far from perfect; except maybe in the action genre.

    Of course it's your opinion. You said it.

    I don't think of films in terms of a genre; if it is perfect, it just is.

    Aliens, Die Hard, Jaws, Schindler's List, Halloween, Braveheart, Apacalypse Now, Star Wars (I could go on and on of course)

    ... some films just leave you in a state of a complete experience and Die Hard just nailed it. Whether one thinks this highly or not is irrelevant, but saying its sequels were on par with the orginal leaves me scratching my head.

    But hey; if we all thought the same, we'd be bored would'nt we?


    John McTiernan was on a roll (and at the top of his game there for a spell) in the decade:

    Predator in 1987
    Die Hard in 1988
    The Hunt for Red October in 1990

    The vastly underrated The 13th Warrior came in 1999.
    Last edited by Mutineer; 07-May-2007 at 01:33 AM.

  3. #63
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    die hard 3 (im still callin' it "with a vest on" mz, damn that film prof. ) was just die hard, meets buddy cop films, plus the whole terrorist thing, but on a citywide scale not just one local, adn the chemistry between willis and jackson was awesome, i think i may enjoy it a little more than the first, but only cus ive watched em all to death.

    aah, die hard, the ultimate christmas movie

    EDIT- something i just thought id throw into the mix, die hard was rated an 18 in the 80's, times have changed adn you see way worse violence in the two towers, which was a 12A, so judging it by todays pg-13 and not the pg-13 of the same time die hard was released may mean theres nothing to worry about.
    Last edited by Danny; 07-May-2007 at 04:06 AM.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    CAPN, this is a Legacy they're a screwing with.
    I never really cared for Die Hard much but I can see why those films appeal to so many people. I bet there's just one use of 'Yippee Ki-Yay Motherf**ker' in the new film but the 'f**ker' bit is blurred out by an explosion or something.

    Actually, that would be kinda sad.
    Last edited by capncnut; 08-May-2007 at 01:38 PM.

  5. #65
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hellsing, erm ... Two Towers didn't have people being shot in the head, nor did it have people getting their kneecaps shot out in really splooshy blood squibbage, same goes for the guy on the table, and then a body gets lobbed onto a police car while there's a lot of swearing going on...and then he sits extracting shards of glass from his blood-gushin' feet. Today Die Hard would get a 15, but a harder 15.

    Two Towers had Orcs and stuff, so it was violence against non-humans for the most part - man versus monster and vice versa, which automatically drops the rating bar, so ... nyah ... I reckon they're not really comparable.

    lol, that film prof of yours......I remember he made some assumption or something about a film and I remember you telling me what he said with a rockbrow going on and I remember being what he said was complete bollocks...not sure what it was now...but I always found that funny for some reason...

    Deej - indeed, that's a great line in the film.

  6. #66
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    The original Die Hard would never pass for PG-13. It was not extremely violent, but definetly more violent than a LOTR film.

  7. #67
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    The original Die Hard would never pass for PG-13. It was not extremely violent, but definetly more violent than a LOTR film.
    In terms of violence.....I think "Die Hard" would pass as PG13 today. The violence isn't all that bad. It would get an R for the cursing, though. The small drug use, quick shot of breasts, and the shooting wouldn't qualify as R these days. The only thing in that film that could do it would be the use the word "f*ck".

  8. #68
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Apparently Brucie is setting up some kind of preview showing for Harry Knowles and is banging on about how the action had him on the edge of his seat, well I'm sorry, but R rated action is always better than PG-13 action.

    PG-13 action can be good, even great, but Die Hard ... dude, that's an R rated franchise, leave it be, don't puss out... At least Rocky Balboa stayed true to the franchise and knocked sh*t out of the park.


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