I wanted to tell everyone here about a contest happening with Mail Order Zombie right now. If you've listened to Episode 14, you would have heard that I'm giving away two copies of the 4-Headshot-rated zombie film Evil from TLA Releasing, and I'm also going to be throwing in a zombie mini-comic (Zombie Chicken #0 by B. Zedan) that I picked up at the Stumptown Comics Fest in with the prize packs as well. Contest details on how to enter (it's pretty much a trivia contest, but the trivia subject is the Mail Order Zombie podcast itself!) were first announced in Episode 14 (May 1st) of Mail Order Zombie, I'll mention it again in Episode 15 (scheduled for May 8th), and I'll be accepting entries until Wednesday, May 14th. If I get more than two correct answers/entries, I'll draw randomly from the winners.
