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Thread: its official ive run out of steam

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    its official ive run out of steam

    now a year back i was dreaming of making the next romero level zombie epic ,as most in the film maker thread have, but with so many out there, ndie and mainstream ive just completely ran out of enthusiasm, this happening to anyone else?
    after watching "the very worst...gore movies" on sky one and being reminded of those "deep south going off the main route" films like the hills have eyes and texas chainsaw massacre i thinking of sstarting a script more like that, only in england i bet thered be something a bit wierder, maybe a group of victorian aristocrats that have been living ni a manor in the mountains (yes england has a few) for centuries, inbreeding for "pure blood" and killing hikers and eating em.
    now i wrote that off the top of my head in the last few seconds and i just think that shows that ,for me at least, the zombie film genre are running out of steam wereas other ideas like isolation horror and disaster moives are now all pretty old (around the 70's-80's) that there ready to make some kinda comeback.

    anyone else think that?, theres onl so much zombie script one guy can write y'know?

    bring on the murderous hillbillys!

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Yeh I've ran out of steam on some stories, back in the day when I used to do a lot of fiction writing I did zombie story after zombie story. I was also planning on doing a trilogy of zombie scripts called "They Walk". I did the first, then do two parts of the second and then gave up, lol.

    I was going to do a zombie short this summer, but I couldn't make the idea work and it'd be just too similar to Trapped, so I'm going to do a different idea I had before.

    As for the hillbilly type thing, you should take a trip into the Forrest of Dean. Around these 'ere parts it's got a reputation for inbreeding and mountain activities, they're stuck out in the middle of the woods, they don't have a hospital now so they have their babies at home. They have mining rights for 'pure blood' people which date back centuries and so forth ... and you can't understand a word they say. Yeh, the Forrest of Dean is a freaky place...

  3. #3
    Just been bitten deadwrtr's Avatar

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    You can't write material like this!

    Alexander Sawney Bean was - legend tells - the head of an incestuous cannibalistic family, who oversaw a 25-year reign of murder and robbery from a hidden sea cave on the Ayrshire/Galloway coast in the 15th century. The cave most readily associated with Sawney and his nefarious clan is close to Ballantrae on Bennane head in Ayrshire, although other sea caves along the Ayrshire and Galloway coast have also been associated with the story.

    Now this is horror... real life is more frightening than fiction any day of the week. I think a re-telling of the Donner Party situation would be an excellent story... but what if they were eaten by the walking dead? Or werewolves? Or even hungry vampires ala 30 Days of night?

    Yeah, there's material out there. Just look at your headlines in the daily news.

    - The woman who cut the arms off her baby
    - The beheadings in Iraq
    - The natural disasters in various parts of the world.

    Let your mind soar...

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    okay i really think im gonna start a hills have eyes style horror set in england, you should see the forests weve got in the centre of england, not blair witch **** its like dense **** were you find all kinds of stuff walking around staffordshire ive found:

    a large stone cross on a pedestal near a stream
    a gallows
    some old gobblestone road
    a mansion, but supposedly a mad hobo lived there so i didnt go in but it had a massive lake
    a completely abandoned army base from wwII
    numerous satanic and ....'wiccan' crap over the years from candles to bloody teddy bears nailed to trees
    a wicker man.......just kidding

    but theres tons of stuff and easy ways to get lost for days in england, which gets more likely the more north you go as towns and areas get more spaced apart than down in the ''laughn-dan' area so i think its about time some british guys started doing real horror based in england, becuase lets face it all those nutters in america probably got there genes from there ancestors over here.
    in fact urban legend states that you can trace the family from the texas cahinsaw back to the wurzles

    "oh ive got a lurverly com-bine- 'arvester an ill give you der key"

    look em up. its like shire music and ****.

    but i couldnt make a british werewolf film as thats a staple for england now.

    England has werewolves
    america has psycho killers
    australia has zombies
    western europe has vampires
    Asia has........creepy young girls in white dress'

    allthough we alternate between them this is pretty much the staple of each country when it comes to horror films so i dotn wanna do a werewolf one.
    and for those who dont know the idea for the hills have eyes is based on a scottish family from like the 14th century or something, that did worse stuff and killed travelers so the caves in the hills were they lived were mapped really late on for fear of the cartographer being eaten by the latest generation of these mad scots that 'et' people.

    so im pretty set on a cannibal one.

  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    "Steam will rise,
    Esteem will rise"

    - Silverchair (Steam Will Rise)

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    ....i dont get it.

  7. #7
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    It's a song and that's the chorus. You know, you said you've run out of stea....................Nevermind..

    In other words, you'll come around.

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    after loking at all the cheap ass zombie flicks on i film not bladdy likely man, i still love to watch zombie films and stuff but for now at least im completely done with ideas for zombie shorts.

    now im working on the hills have eyes set in england with the dingles from emmerdale as the cannibles.

    just kidding, but id pay to see that.

  9. #9
    Being Attacked EvilBread's Avatar

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    How about just letting the zombie need just stew at the back of your mind as you work on other ideas? I know some of my best ideas have occured when I have been thinking about something else.

    Or, the best scripts and films I have seen are the ones in which the writer/director know their worlds, in other words done research into their area. How about going down to the library or looking on the net for zombie related articles? Doesn't have to be films, could be mythological folk tales, legends about zombies, or just an image that inspires you. That is what I am currently working on with my werewolf script. Researching into the werewolf instead of watching films and trying to think of films which have inspired me.
    Sound is more important than picture.

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  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm the same way, I get ideas when I'm not even meaning to come up with one. Usually when I'm trying to go to sleep at that moment my mind goes blank. Or other times I sit there and think of something, a new idea for a current script or whatever, and the idea won't stop evolving to the point where I have to force myself to stop thinking so I can go and do something else.

    For instance, the script I'm writing at the moment (finished the 2nd draft a couple of hours ago infact) I spent about 2 months just jotting down ideas before I started writing it, to get my scopes set correctly on the vibe I was after.

    And indeed, real life is often the best inspiration. Knowing the world you're writing is great, like they say - write about what you know, and that's what I'm doing at the moment and it's working.

  11. #11
    Being Attacked EvilBread's Avatar

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    Yup, I usually find I get great ideas just before I fall asleep. Thats the reason I have a note pad and pen next to my bed at all times. Although I think a dictaphone would be better as you can get it on something before you fall asleep.
    Sound is more important than picture.

    Get the money on the screen

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    thats true i get mine right before bed and ive got 5 note books ,each around 500 pages filled with notes, small pieces of script ,pictures, rough guidelines, incomprehensible babble, storylines that often weave together and ive been keeping these since about 2003 so theres a lot of stuff there for me to use and its great to look back on random ideas, one of which i submitted for my film coursework and got 21 out of 30 so that whent well, considering it was last minute.

    heres a link to the sotry i was on about earlier.
    Last edited by Danny; 13-Jun-2006 at 01:29 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  13. #13
    Just been bitten Pistolero Films's Avatar

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    Everyone runs outta steam, especially if you are working or thinking of different projects...set it aside, make a time commitment to work on it later and proceed with your other ideas.

    I've always got a few things on the go...dont worry about it too much!

  14. #14
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Exactly what Pistolero said.

    I have 5 ideas for different films going on in my head constantly, but I can only do so much with my real job.

    Set aside sometime and just start writing. It doesn't matter if it is in sequence or not... Just write. Then piece it all together later.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  15. #15
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    WTF? I just realized that I was given negative rep for this thread.

    Now my feelings are hurt

    Last edited by bassman; 13-Jun-2006 at 05:13 PM.


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