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Thread: Top Three Games of the Current Generation

  1. #1

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    Top Three Games of the Current Generation

    The title of the thread pretty much says it all. What are your top three games of the current generation of consoles? After all, we've all got fond memories of gaming during the days of yore, but what recent games have blown you away? To add a counterpoint, what are the three most overrated games of the current generation?

    Here's mine, in no particular order:

    Best Games

    1. Bioshock. For me, this is the best FPS of not only the current generation, but possibly of all time. The plot was fantastic, the characters were complex, and the level of customization and variety was incredible. While the sequel didn't measure up (that's what happens when another studio steps in), the original was an instant classic and a must play for anyone who enjoys the genre. Bioshock Infinite is my most anticipated game currently.

    2. Uncharted 2. This is the game that showcases what the action/adventure genre in gaming should be all about. It's like being an active participant in an Indiana Jones movie. Just mind-blowing.

    3. Portal 2. This game is simply a masterpiece. I bought this game with extremely high expectations, and it surpassed every single one of them. It might just have the best script in the history of gaming, and the puzzles are complicated and yet never frustrating and always rewarding.

    Overrated Games

    1. Mass Effect 2. Yes, it was a good game. I'm not debating that. I do, however, believe that it's massively (pun unintended, unless it was funny; if it was, it was totally intended) overrated. The story isn't this huge masterpiece that some people make it out to be, and the action sequences were a bit slow-paced for my taste. Again, it's worth owning, but it's still overrated.

    2. Little Big Planet. I'll be honest, I really don't get the hype over this game. The only reason that I still own it at this point is because it's a safe game to play around the kids.

    3. Halo 3. I'm singling out Halo 3 from the rest of the franchise because it's the most overrated of the bunch. Halo Reach was much better than I thought it would be, and Halo 2 was hugely influential and enjoyable. Halo 3, on the other hand, just felt like more of the same.

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    1: Valkyria Chornicles. Totally underrated water colour shaded strategy rpg that juxtaposed teen anime bullshit with harsh world war 1 era storys about loss and border clashes, excellent ps3 exclusive and my game of 2008.
    2: Heavy Rain. story kind of has a few gaping chasm like plot holes but as an experience? truly stand alone and i loved every minute of it.
    3: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. haters gonna hate, i know it wasnt the ideal ending kojima wanted but it brought 25 years of gaming full circle and ties everything up. Sure it was bloated and overly long but it was a swansong to an old heros final battle and every little touch to it made me love it even more.

    -not intentionally aiming for ps3 exclusives, but i aint much of a wii or pc gamer- thought mario galaxy deserves a mention at this gens best platformer and a superb soundtrack, but the xbox hasn't really had any truly stellar exclusive experiences and most multiplatform ones seem kinda...janky, like they dont have some dedicated process that focussed its creation. Plenty of excellent 360 games, more than the ps3 in quantity, but just not my favourites.

    overrated games?

    call o duty modern warfare: more brown/ foreign people to shoot prestige edition can suck it. The series should have ended at cod2, not this bloated multiplayer bro-down monster its become.
    little big planet, touted as a be all end all mascot title for the ps3 and in the end its a impressive design kit for people who enjoy that sort of thing but as a videogame? a pretty shitty physics platformer.
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R as an experience walking through the radioactive/ paranormal zone is a site to behold. As a videogame its an average shooter that survival nuts cheese their panties over. it looks great but the controls are kind of ass and the story is bland and uninteresting. I like the IDEA of stalker, the execution left me ...not underwhelmed, just wondering why so many folks went so crazy over the first game.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    Plenty of excellent 360 games, more than the ps3 in quantity, but just not my favourites.
    I agree completely. X-Box 360 seems to have a higher quantity of top notch games, but the top notch games that are on the Playstation 3 are better than what's on the 360. It's a quality over quantity thing for me, which is why I tend to focus on the PS3.

    Good call on Heavy Rain. It's criminal how unappreciated it is.

    On an interesting note, I almost put Fallout 3 on my overrated list. Is it a good game? Absolutely. It has some pacing issues, though (the first quarter to half of the game is pretty damn slow-paced), and I personally think that Borderlands did a lot of the same things better. Actually, Borderlands didn't get nearly as much credit as it deserves.

  4. #4
    Being Attacked

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    My top three are
    1. Fallout 3-I have a ridiculous amount of timeplayed on this game due to being able to do so many things and I've literatelly spent 15 straight hours just exploring. Such a great game in my opinion, just amazing.
    2. BioShock-I still sometimes find myself just thinking about the story and idea to this game. The story of this game is just a masterpiece, and to me the Andrew Ryan character was legendary and same with Fontaine/Atlas. To go along with the amazing story, is awesome and creative gameplay. I also enjoyed BioShock 2 a lot.
    3. Call of Duty Modern Warfare-Okay I know I'm going to get some major heat for this one (considering a guy has this on his most overrated games) but I'm a teenager, so when I first got my Xbox live, this was the game I started playing. This is what got me hooked to online gaming, and the online is amazing. The maps are memorable and lasting, I still scrim in this game all the time with buddies. Come on, such an enjoyable game, not to mention to single player was well done too.

    Modern Warfare 2- In my opinion, this was a game for people who were horrible at Call of Duty 4, not only did they eliminate the importance of gun skill, they made it easy for bad players. Not to mention this game was infested with quick scope loving toddlers. The single player was alright, but went WAY over the top.
    Mass Effect 2-I traded in eight games for this, and I've only played it like a total of 10 hours and I've owned it for months now. Even though I played Mass Effect 1 and beat it, to be honest the Mass Effect games are just another Fallout or Elder Scrolls but just harder to access and comprehend (takes longer). Too pretentious in my opinion.
    Grand Theft Auto IV- Who doesn't have fun with these games? I know I had fun messing around with buddies, but come on this game won so many awards and was praised so highly, but it's just too realistic to the point where it kind of drags some of the fun out of it. Still a great game, just a bit overrated.

  5. #5
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AngryNeighbour View Post
    to be honest the Mass Effect games are just another Fallout or Elder Scrolls but just harder to access and comprehend (takes longer). .
    Not at all. . . .Fallout and Elder Scrolls are both way more complicated, control and quest wise , than Mass effect. ME was just more user friendly than either of those games.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  6. #6
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I feel a bit ashamed to toss my top three into the fold because i'm not a "serious" gamer, but here are mine...

    1. Red Dead Redemption - Living out the life of a cowboy. Is there more to say?

    2. Batman: Arkham Asylum - I'm biased on this one because I love Batman. Regardless, it's awesome. Can't wait for the sequel, 'Arkham City'.

    3. Ghostbusters: The Video Game - Again....biased. I've lived and breathed Ghostbusters for as long as I can remember, so this game is a no brainer. Not perfect by any means, but great for a fan like me. Also, without a doubt one of, if not THE, best movie-based game of all time.

  7. #7
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    I'll echo bassman here for my top three. And whoever said Bioshock. That's a great game.

    1. Ghostbusters
    2. Bioshock
    3. (Ohhh... something random...) Super Mario Galaxy.
    Those were the three best. Oh, Portal ties with Ghostbusters, as well. Now for three most overestimated... or something... I really can't think straight right now...
    1. Halo (any and all)
    2. GTA (any and all)
    3. Any not mentioned FPS. And Minecraft. Minecraft is lame. Don't play it. Faulk that game.

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    3. And Minecraft. Minecraft is lame. Don't play it. Faulk that game.

  9. #9
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Ask me again when this Fall's amazingly epic crop of games are released. Some of you will probably be changing your lists around!

  10. #10
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Not at all. . . .Fallout and Elder Scrolls are both way more complicated, control and quest wise , than Mass effect. ME was just more user friendly than either of those games.
    Whaaaatt?! Idk, Mass Effect I actually hate the parts where you have to fight, I don't find the action in that game satisfying at all. Apart from that I found the menues took me too long to get used to, like team commands, power ups, getting resources from other planets and so on...I would to love hear your reasons on how Fallout is more complicated though.

  11. #11
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AngryNeighbour View Post
    Whaaaatt?! Idk, Mass Effect I actually hate the parts where you have to fight, I don't find the action in that game satisfying at all. Apart from that I found the menues took me too long to get used to, like team commands, power ups, getting resources from other planets and so on...I would to love hear your reasons on how Fallout is more complicated though.
    In Oblivion and to a lesser extent, Fallout you have a lot more micromanagement. .. . weight carried issues, etc etc. . . .also they were more opened ended. The ME games are pretty linear. More like watching a movie than playing a game sometimes.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  12. #12
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Best Games

    1. Mass Effect
    2. Bioshock
    3. Red Dead Redemption

    Overrated Games

    1. Halo(s) (I have played the <poop> out of some Halo games but yeah overrated.)
    2. Call of Duty Series (I have played the <poop> out of some COD games. People don't understand the meaning of stop while your ahead.)
    3. Medal of Honor (I'll never recover from this <poop> storm :P)

  13. #13
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    Yeeeeah... Not sure at all what that video thingy means, Hellsing. I assume it is a great compliment to me as an intelligent human being.

  14. #14
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    In Oblivion and to a lesser extent, Fallout you have a lot more micromanagement. .. . weight carried issues, etc etc. . . .also they were more opened ended. The ME games are pretty linear. More like watching a movie than playing a game sometimes.
    Yeah that's true, but I think there's just more to think about in Mass Effect than in Fallout, like the only thing you need to really think about is weight and supplies (which can be found everywhere). Open ended in my opinion just opens up the game to more mindless exploration. Walking around and killing things by hitting left bumper and not even having to aim or shoot isnt too complicated to me.
    But I see what you're saying. Just different tastes, although I did enjoy Mass Effect one and ME2 was alright.

  15. #15
    Chasing Prey

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    1) Fallout 3/New Vegas (equally as good as each other)
    2) Battlefield Bad Company 2
    3) Portal 2

    Over rated:
    Crysis 2
    Red Dead Redemption
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