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Thread: Red State - official movie trailer...

  1. #31
    Being Attacked AfterMovieDiner's Avatar

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    If his films have no audience and he has no cultural significance, why all the hate or criticism? Let him do what he wants to do, let him split Hit Somebody into 43 parts, project it on the back wall of his house and invite one fan at a time to experience it with him over and over again till the day he dies if he wants to.

    Kill Bill, personally, I think, needed a good editor and Tarantino needs someone to tap him on the shoulder and say, listen buddy your shit does stink like the rest of us pal, ok? There was a great movie hiding in that winding mess of two movies but he was just so in love with himself that we had to sit through this epic waste of time.
    However, if that's what he wanted to do and fans lined up to see it (my hypocritical self included) then who ultimately cares?

    We don't know what Hit Somebody is going to be like and unlike Tarantino it is going to, reportedly, be Smith's last film so, as a fan, I actually welcome the two part thing because it means that really he has two more films to go and I don't have to panic just yet. As for the finished product, I will pass judgement when I have actually seen it.

    As for Red State, I have seen it, it IS good, it's NOT what you think it's going to be and when it's over I had a mixture of elation and sadness as Smith has made leaps and bounds as a film maker, is a truly talented writer and if this is what he can do then he shouldn't be quitting. Just my two cents worth...
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  2. #32
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Whoa....touched a fanboy nerve, did I?

    I just don't see something like this holding an audience for two whole films, that's all. It's based on a five minute song for Pete's sake. I'll see it and I hope for the best though.

    And for the record, i'm not a big fan of Kill Bill. Tarantino just has a larger fanbase that would warrant a film being split into two. Smith's....not so much. I think he's losing more by the day, actually.
    Last edited by bassman; 16-Aug-2011 at 04:37 PM. Reason: .

  3. #33
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AfterMovieDiner View Post
    Kill Bill, personally, I think, needed a good editor and Tarantino needs someone to tap him on the shoulder and say, listen buddy your shit does stink like the rest of us pal, ok? There was a great movie hiding in that winding mess of two movies but he was just so in love with himself that we had to sit through this epic waste of time.
    However, if that's what he wanted to do and fans lined up to see it (my hypocritical self included) then who ultimately cares?
    I think "Kill Bill" is probably Tarantino's best work, I absolutely digged it, and consider it only as 1 film as opposed to 2. As far as Tarantino goes though, yeah, I think the guy has a massive ego. His films can also be quite boring too. A Tarantino film is 80% yakking about nonsense for 80% of the film and then 20% of really "cool stuff" happening that makes up for the other 80% of nonsensical yakking about nothing important. I think he writes dialogue for characters sometimes just to hear them speak because he's so impressed with the character he created.

    I do like the fact as a Knoxvillian myself that he mentions Knoxville in all of his films (either directly or indirectly) as he was born here and this is his native town. I gotta give the man respect for that.

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  4. #34
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Whoa....touched a fanboy nerve, did I?
    *wads up a newspaper and smacks bassman on the nose*


    Quote Originally Posted by bassman
    I just don't see something like this holding an audience for two whole films, that's all. It's based on a five minute song for Pete's sake.
    While I don't disagree with you, remember that "Pirates" (the first movie) was made based on a 10 minute Disney ride, and it did rather well. Of course, they also had budget and a better director workin' on that, so....

    Nah, i don't see him holding people's interest for one film of this, much less two. I think "Hit Somebody" is just him doing a film for himself. It's a very self-serving project, but if he can do it, more power to him, I'm just not gonna go see it (no interest in hockey here).

    So, does that remove my "Smith Nutswiger Status" I've been given (not by you bass, but by others) or what? For the record, I also despised Chasing Amy and Jersey Girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    I think "Kill Bill" is probably Tarantino's best work, I absolutely digged it, and consider it only as 1 film as opposed to 2.
    I do too, but jumpin' jesus on a pogo stick, there was a LOT that could've been cut out of both of them and still make a single, coherent flick that kicked ass.

    Not that they don't kick ass as-is, it's just... jesus, it's a lot to digest!

    At least both Kill Bill films didn't drag their ass like fucking Death Proof and Inglorious Basterds - christ almighty, could there be more useless talking in these films that doesn't move the plot along one bit or what? Good lord, Quentin! Stay off the coke!

    Last edited by LouCipherr; 16-Aug-2011 at 07:13 PM. Reason: Does it REALLY matter? Seriously? Sheesh...

  5. #35
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    I like the Kill Bill films. Over-indulgent? Hell yeah, but I like the long, windy trip they go on.

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  6. #36
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Could the Kill Bill flicks have been trimmed down? I think the first was just fine - but the second could have benefitted from some fettling down. While I didn't mind the low-key ending (low key in terms of action), I can see why it would have annoyed/disappointed many people that there wasn't a big ruck to finish it all off.

    As for Death Proof - I fucking LOVE that movie. Seriously. I fucking love that flick. I've watched it several times now, in both short and extended versions, and I love it. One of my most favourite QT flicks.

    Inglourious Basterds - yes, it could have been less chatty (apparently QT did trim down the script! ), and I wanted more of the titular 'Basterds', but I still really dug that flick. I think some of the big conversations scenes could have been handled a little bit more efficiently - such as the scene in the basement pub. Some scenes benefitted from lengthier chats - such as the opening - which is a real masterclass in tension building between two characters, one with something to hide, and another with something to discover. However, the scene in the restaurant where they discuss using the woman's cinema is longer than it needs to be, as is the basement bar sequence, and a few snips here and there throughout could have further tightened the pace a bit ... he has gotten wordier with each film, so I think QT would benefit from exercising himself in the art of efficiency. Not undercutting himself, but just not overdoing the talking either - and also, some more action would be nice. Kill Bill was a spiffing example of his skill at creating a kick arse action set piece - the pace of the action, and what's happening in the action itself, is like a version of talking ... ... except it's fists and feet and guns and so on causing grief.


    Back to Hit Somebody - I know very little indeed about ice hockey, but if everybody who was into ice hockey went to see it, I'm sure it'd do alright for itself ... plus if he's bringing in all of the people from his filmmaking career to play roles throughout, he'll rope in his regular customers too - and possibly a few more newbies who get attracted to a certain name attached to the project.

  7. #37
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Could the Kill Bill flicks have been trimmed down? I think the first was just fine - but the second could have benefitted from some fettling down. While I didn't mind the low-key ending (low key in terms of action), I can see why it would have annoyed/disappointed many people that there wasn't a big ruck to finish it all off.
    I had no problem with the ending, but QT has this thing about conversations and dialogue that go on and on and have no bearing on the story at hand. My time is imporant (to me), so don't waste the shit with inane conversation!

    As for Death Proof - I fucking LOVE that movie. Seriously. I fucking love that flick. I've watched it several times now, in both short and extended versions, and I love it. One of my most favourite QT flicks.
    Dear lord, MZ! All that boring talk between the girls, was that shit REALLY necessary?! Where's the "yawn" smiley when I need 'im?!

    Inglourious Basterds - yes, it could have been less chatty (apparently QT did trim down the script! ), and I wanted more of the titular 'Basterds', but I still really dug that flick.
    I think Brad Pitt is the best part of this film, and boy does it pain me to say that.. If we could've had more of him and the Basterds in that movie then it would've been fantastic! Sorta like Pulp Fiction - had that movie only been about Jules & Vincent, it would've been my favorite movie of all time.

  8. #38
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    I actually like Tarantino dialogue. I tend to find it at turns normal and bizarre, yet just about always engaging. Many people have tried to copy it, with very mixed results.

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