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Thread: Took my first flying lesson.. any aspiring pilots on HPotD?

  1. #1
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Took my first flying lesson.. any aspiring pilots on HPotD?

    Well, on September 3rd, I took my first flying lesson. Yeah, that's right, you heard correctly: the skies are no longer safe with Lou behind the yolk!

    Long story short (if that's even possible for me): My wife knows about my flying obsession. I have a few radio controlled planes and have always been obsessed with flying, so for my birthday last March, my wife decides to get me a gift certificate for a 1 hour introductory flight lesson. On Sept. 3rd, I went up in the sky in this:

    It was a 1984 Cessna C-172P Skyhawk... and before you go "omg, it's a plane from 1984?!" Yes, planes aren't like cars. Planes have their motors rebuilt every couple of years and go though rigorous inspections, so a 1984 plane is a whole different beast than a 1984 car - a plane from 1984 isn't exactly considered an antique!

    The most amazing thing about this flight was the fact that the instructor made me do EVERYTHING with the exception of landing the plane. Here we are at the end of the runway, getting ready to take off, and the conversation goes like this:

    Instructor: When I tell you, give it full throttle.
    Me: Ok.
    Instructor: Full throttle, go.
    Me: <puts plane at full throttle, plane begins to cruise down the runway>
    Instructor: Ok, see that treeline up ahead? We should be up to speed at that point (72mph) to take off. Pull back on the yolk when you get there, easy does it.
    Me: Wait, you want me to pull back and take the plane off?
    Instructor: Yup.

    I considered this a "introductory" flight, I had no idea the guy was going to make me do everything!

    So we take off, everything went very smoothly as I already understood the concept of flying because of my radio controlled planes. The control surfaces on the RC planes are the same on a real plane (Elevator, Ailerons, Rudder, Throttle), but it's just a completely different perspective when you're in the pilots seat! The only trouble I had was remembering all the instruments on the instrument panel. I knew what they were all for, but I didn't have the panel memorized so sometimes I'd have to look around a bit to find something. No biggie, I got used to it quick.

    We stayed around 1500-3000ft and flew over the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland a few times (the airport was around 20 miles away from it). A TOTAL BLAST! Talk about a thrill ride! Rollercoasters ain't got shit on a single prop Cessna cruising at 2000ft and at around 120mph!

    Once back on the ground, I discussed getting my license with the instructor. Unfortunately, I don't have the time (takes about 70 hours total of on-the-ground instruction/classes, solo flights and flights with an instructor) nor the money (about $8000-9000 to get a license just to fly the single-prop planes), but if I did I'd probably go for it.

    So anyone here ever flown a plane or have their pilots license? By far one of the most fun experiences I've ever had!
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 19-Sep-2011 at 03:02 PM. Reason: flying bacon

  2. #2
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I've never flown a plane myself but would like to at some point! I did however leap out of a Russian built Let-410 at 15,500ft a couple of years ago which was the best experience of my life, I was rattling with adrenaline for at least a fortnight afterwards and as soon as I have the cash spare I'll be doing it again!

  3. #3
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Thats awesome Lou. Im ridiculously jealous.
    I don't think thats something i could do. Im scared of heights and the thought of being in control of my fate up in the air scares the shit out of me. Mind you, that phobia of heights didn't stop me jumping out of a plane on my 18th birthday before i'd even taken a normal commercial flight. I have no problem flying now cause i've done it so much but the take off and landing part still bothers me a little.
    Shame you can't afford to continue it. Maybe buy yourself a Lear jet if you hit the lottery eh?
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  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Very cool. I once had the EXACT same thing happen when I was flying in a similar plane. A few friends and myself were going to a local airfield for a flight around town. At this point I had never flown in any kind of plane, so I didn't give a damn about the front seat. My buddies argued over the front seat for what felt like hours leading up to the flight, so the pilot made us draw straws. As luck would have it, I got the front seat when I didn't even really want it.

    We get on the runway, he has me announce the number of the plane and runway to the tower, hits the throttle, then tells me to gently pull it back and take us off. I was about 9-11 years old at the time and had never left the ground in any sort of plane. It was probably the most frightening, yet exhilerating experience of my life. My first time in a plane and I was getting to control it at that early of an age. I've wanted to do it again ever since, but haven't got around to it. Unfortunately the local pilot that took us up was killed in a plane crash a few years later...

  5. #5
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    I've never flown a plane myself but would like to at some point! I did however leap out of a Russian built Let-410 at 15,500ft a couple of years ago which was the best experience of my life, I was rattling with adrenaline for at least a fortnight afterwards and as soon as I have the cash spare I'll be doing it again!
    OMG, now see, I feel it's much easier to fly a plane than jump out of one - THAT is insane to me, even though parachuting is one of the items on my bucket list!

    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Thats awesome Lou. Im ridiculously jealous.
    I don't think thats something i could do. Im scared of heights and the thought of being in control of my fate up in the air scares the shit out of me. Mind you, that phobia of heights didn't stop me jumping out of a plane on my 18th birthday before i'd even taken a normal commercial flight. I have no problem flying now cause i've done it so much but the take off and landing part still bothers me a little.
    Shame you can't afford to continue it. Maybe buy yourself a Lear jet if you hit the lottery eh?
    Man, I was nervous as hell when I first got there, but I kept telling myself "dude, it's EXACTLY the same as flying your RC planes" - problem is, I wreck some of my Radio Controlled planes (when I'm flying it like a nut and I knew not to do that in a plane I'm actually inside of!) so that didn't help. Once we got inside, my instructor was very business-like. He wasn't messing around - and I thank him for that! He was straight-forward, and really put me at ease except for the whole "you are the one who's going to take the plane off the runway" thing!

    The takeoffs don't bother me, it's the landings that bug me. Even with my RC planes and my flight simulators (which I mess with a lot), landings are something I just cannot grasp for some reason. I'm glad my instructor took over for that or I'd be a grease spot on the runway!

    If I had my chance, I'd buy something like this Cessna C-172 or a Aeronca Champ. I have the Champ as an RC plane, and it's just a beautiful flying aircraft. I like the Piper Cub's, too, but the Champ has it beat by miles in comfort and ease of flying. Plus, the Champ is a tail-dragger, which means it'd make an excellent bush plane (ie: you can land it just about anywhere.. check out "Flying Wild Alaska" when it comes back on Discovery - those pilots land on mountain tops and valleys that just aren't made for planes! they're nuts!).

    It was a great experience - something everyone should do at least once if you're even remotely interested in flying. It only cost $200 for my 1 hour lesson, and that basically covers the plane rental ($131/hr) and the instructor ($50/hr) plus a bit for gas.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman
    I was about 9-11 years old at the time and had never left the ground in any sort of plane. It was probably the most frightening, yet exhilerating experience of my life. My first time in a plane and I was getting to control it at that early of an age. I've wanted to do it again ever since, but haven't got around to it.
    Awesome! That's how it was for me too. I almost said, "You want me to do what? Don't you value your life?!"

    While I doubt I'll get my license, I would do another one of these "introductory flights" again in a heartbeat
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 19-Sep-2011 at 03:33 PM. Reason: flying bacon brothers

  6. #6
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Well, on September 3rd, I took my first flying lesson.
    You're one of my favorite people (on the internet ), when the shit hits the fan, please whisk me away to safety in your winged chariot.

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  7. #7
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    I took lessons in college. I didn't get my license cause school was too much by itself for me to add on all the extra studying (and I was at my height of lazy at the time). But I got to the point that I was doing all the take-offs and landings on my own. It was quite remarkable to fly the plane.

    I've always wanted to get back to it as well. At this point, what would I do with it though? It's not like I need it for transportation. Or like I'd quit my job and fly as a career. It's quite expensive as a hobby.
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    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    The most amazing thing about this flight was the fact that the instructor made me do EVERYTHING with the exception of landing the plane.
    Cos, that's the hard part. Well, after flying in formation. But, when you're alone you don't need to worry about that.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  9. #9
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    You're one of my favorite people (on the internet ), when the shit hits the fan, please whisk me away to safety in your winged chariot.
    I would gladly do so, Aces, but I have no plane to my name! lol That being said, if I could find one to steal I'd have no problems getting it up and running and off the ground - but you're taking your life into your own hands flying with me, 'cause landing the thing is still and issue for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    I took lessons in college. I didn't get my license cause school was too much by itself for me to add on all the extra studying (and I was at my height of lazy at the time). But I got to the point that I was doing all the take-offs and landings on my own. It was quite remarkable to fly the plane.

    I've always wanted to get back to it as well. At this point, what would I do with it though? It's not like I need it for transportation. Or like I'd quit my job and fly as a career. It's quite expensive as a hobby.
    That's a good question. If I owned a plane, it would be different... but to start, I'd have to rent a plane - for $131/hr? Ho-ly shit. That makes weekend getaways impossible 'cause imagine the price - 24 hrs * $131/hr = $3,144 PER DAY! No thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Cos, that's the hard part.
    Yeah, landing does seem to be a bit of a 'precise' operation - then again, the instructor with me had me fly parallel to the runway/tarmac, then had us do a 180 turn a very short distance out. We lined up with the runway and were back on the ground before I could think "so, how do we do this 'landing' thing again?"

    Oh, before we left the ground, i asked the instructor how much gas this beast sucks up while flying. His answer? "about 8 gallons per hour"

    I'm not sure if that's good or not, considering airplane fuel when I was at the airport was about $6/gal for those single prop planes. That's $48/hr in gas. Geez, and I thought having to put 92 octane in my car was expensive!
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 19-Sep-2011 at 06:58 PM. Reason: bacon

  10. #10
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I would gladly do so, Aces, but I have no plane to my name!
    I suspected that could be a hiccup we'd have to deal with, so in the event you need to save me you have my permission to shoot someone in the face and steal their plane. I'll never tell.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  11. #11
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I suspected that could be a hiccup we'd have to deal with, so in the event you need to save me you have my permission to shoot someone in the face and steal their plane. I'll never tell.
    I'll keep that in mind.

  12. #12
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Just uploaded the video of my jump to youtube, enjoy! Bear in mind I hadnt slept a wink the night before so I look a bit rough & was in a slight daze, and check out the fear on my face as we make our way to the door, once we left the plane I loved it though!
    Last edited by Tricky; 19-Sep-2011 at 07:48 PM. Reason: ggggg

  13. #13
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Pity you had to listen to that shite music on the way down though Tricky. I'd have said "Slayer, or I'm not leaving the plane."

    Just joking. Looks fun, but I'm with Lou on this one. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane...madness.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  14. #14
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    ha ha I didnt get to pick the music, the skydive centre added it to the video after the jump!
    I thought it was madness before I did it, but found it to be one of the best experiences I've ever had, and I couldnt have felt safer or in better hands!

  15. #15
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    ha ha I didnt get to pick the music, the skydive centre added it to the video after the jump!
    I thought it was madness before I did it, but found it to be one of the best experiences I've ever had, and I couldnt have felt safer or in better hands!
    That's funny, I was kinda laughing to myself about the music when my daughter popped her head out the room to say, "Dad, that's Justice." or something like that.
    Anyhoo, I'd have a deathgrip on those doors. No way I'd be going out them without a fight.
    Deathly afraid, but would still like to balls out on it once before I die.
    I'll need alcohol, loads of it, and a diaper.


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