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Thread: Dead Moon

  1. #1
    Mall Security capncnut's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Dead Moon

    Been very busy lately - a publication here, a website there - but the latest project might whet your flesh-eating whistles. Dead Moon is a comic from Angry Art Press and puts a new spin on the zombies. It's written by Raymond Dowaliby (owner of Scars magazine, who I write for), Tom Towles (NotLD '90, The Devil's Rejects) and Jason Craig (Freddy vs Jason vs Ash).

    DEAD MOON centers around female protagonist, 'Lucine.' A former operative for the Armenian Resistance: a notoriously savage gun and money runner for the underground's fight against the violent Turkish regime. Known in covert circles as "The American Fixer."

    Lucine conquered an aggressive form of breast cancer as an unwitting guinea pig for a radical new form of chemotherapy developed by Doctor Todesengel in Germany. Dr. Todesengel is none other than the grandson of the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele (AKA "The Angel of Death," so named for his fondness for torturous experiments inflicted on Jews during the Holocaust.) During this harrowing treatment, he also ensured that Lucine would be host for a vaccine he has been testing for decades.

    Todesengel is also responsible for the creation of 90% of the world's pharmaceutical supply. Ultimately devising a plan to combine his pharmaceuticals with "The Catalyst" and contaminate the water supply in every major city. The result is a zombie apocalypse, re-animating the recently dead who in turn infect victims via blood-thirsty bites. Lucine stumbles upon a group of six survivors she reluctantly allows to come along in their fight to survive. What Todesengel never anticipated was Lucine ingesting his other assorted drug concoctions by way of exposure to zombie flesh.

    This transforms Lucine into the first zombie/human hybrid and with this discovery comes power and drawbacks. She will attempt to comprehend her neo-biological origins and battle her way to a vaccine - losing friends, family and a part of her own humanity - along the way.
    Ray and I have been talking a lot lately and he's now got me doing various promotional and street team stuff, as well as administrating the the affiliate Facebook group. We'd like to get as many zomb-heads spreading the word for what's shaping up to be a nifty little horror comic put out by an independent publication. If any of you are on Facebook, feel free to make with the likey. There's more YouTube videos too if you hunt around. Cheers!

    Dead Moon @ Facebook
    Angry Art Press
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    The George A. Romero Fan Assembly @ Facebook:


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