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Thread: Break up of the uk...

  1. #1
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Break up of the uk...

    What do you lot make of it?its in the news today that scotland and wales want to be independent of england,i dont really see it as a problem,as long as us english dont have to put money into them & it doesnt result in military confrontation over where the borders lie!And of course as long as scottish MP's have absolutely no say in english politics a la gordon brown

  2. #2
    Dying Graebel's Avatar

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    I thought Mel Gibson already made Scotland free?

    Seriously though, do people in the U.K. actually care? I mean I work with a doctor who is Scottish and she never says she's from the U.K., its always that her family is Scottish. So it doesn't seem like there's much of a national pride thing going on.
    A penny for the old guy.

  3. #3
    Just been bitten scotty Boy's Avatar

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    It wouldnt bother me one bit i alwyas say im English rather than British for some odd reason.

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm Scottish by birth and blood, but I've spent most of my life in England as we had to move down to England.

    I'd totally support Scotland and Wales separating politically from England. It's utterly retarded that there are so many Scottish MPs (mainly in Labour *grumbles*) exerting influence over English politics when the very measures they force here aren't enforced or paid attention to there. It's stupid. They have their own parliament, but if they don't govern themselves fully, why bother?

    Separate the countries that make up Britain politically, yeah. Makes sense to me, it's stupid that all these Scottish MPs who don't even live in England are controlling how things happen in England. It's stupid and unfair. Separating would also crumble this Darth Brown like grip over British politics once and for all, the climates of Scotland and England being completely different.

    I'm ashamed to say there's so many socialist wankers in Scottish politics who just whine and complain and remain wedged in the past.

    It's weird, I'm Scottish by birth and blood, but because of the sh*tty economy in the early 90s (grey-man Major be damned) my family had to move to England to find work, therefore raping me of my formative years in my "homeland". So I'm neither Scottish or English in a's an aggravating position to be in.

    To round up - politically separate the countries of Britain, they're different countries as it stands anyway. The way we are at the moment is kind of like 'what if Germany could manipulate the politics of France' with Spain sitting around speaking another language ... this in an analogy word where France and Germany speak the same language.

    We should still remain Britain, but equally stand as three (or four-ish, including Northern Ireland) separate countries which each have their own political systems. So while in England it could be a Conservative government, in Scotland it could be, say, *sigh* Socialists or whatever.

    It'd be a good move, try and reclaim individual identities a bit more in this day and age of Tony bleedin' Blair forcing everyone to join the EU (which should only be about setting up simple, basic standards of living practice - i.e. don't enslave your/other people, don't dictate over your people, don't kill the homeless or whatever other basic standards of reasonable living).

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    really?, wales and scotland, NOT northern island?, huh.

    now see, if that happens would anyone in either of these 3 countrys that make up our little island actually give that much of a crap, hey independance is a good thing, most of the time, sometimes it can go bad, but even though i would call myself an englishman not a "member of the united kingdom" ive allways thought of england wales and scotland more like u.s states, you can drive there in a couple of hours, the language is the same, its the same island and the people are the same, albiet with less cahvs the more north you go, so ive allways thought of this country as just that, one country were we all live so if they do get independance, what difference would it make to everyday life?, as for confrontations i very much doubt mz would be drafted home to fight for scotland as they try to take england or something, but im gonna watch sales of blue face paint.

    just ni case

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol Hellsing.

    I think the point would be that general life wouldn't change that much, it'd be a basically political move to give political independence for each country - Northern Ireland is a whole other box-o-pandora, so I'll leave that non-bargepole-poked for now.

    Basically, why should Scottish MPs have a say over how things are done in England before they run off home to Scotland. This sort of thing would be gotten rid of and Labour wouldn't be run by a bunch of Scottish wankers - yes, the bad apple Scots - like Darth Wanker Brown.

    Scotland - the people - on one side you have the cheery, ever-so-nice voice on the end of a telephone or voice over ... on the other you have the dour, grumbling and sour-puss face of wanker brown f*cking everybody's life up...*yeesh*

    It'd be an important separation to make, and I'd say a worthwhile one.

  7. #7
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Only thing is you will then have even more duplication of government services. If you think the bureaucracy is bad in your country now, think what will happen if you have three national governments instead of one.

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Surely it'd just be a matter of splitting what we already have by means of the border lines of each country. Civil Servants in England cover England, those in Scotland do that and so on.


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