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Thread: Shredded on Other Forums...

  1. #1
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Shredded on Other Forums...

    You know I really got to hand it you all of you, you all least you are all supportive in your own right.

    Sometimes I will find other forums, and find posts about Night and just cringe ---> LIKE THIS ONE

    I am not gonna tell somebody not to voice their opinion, but holy crap. I think a few people might be taking this a little to personally, its enough to drive me to insanity lol.

    So I think this might be what happens in the future, since I can't convince people through the power of words that this movie was made for fun. I am going to post this movie online like I did with Escalation, free of charge, you can watch it whenever the hell you want. And if there are still people out there who want to buy a copy of it, then sure. So there it is, that are my thoughts at this current time...anyone got any thoughts or feelings on this?

  2. #2
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    I am a member there as well. your trailer is not a joke. They are for trashing a movie they have not seen yet. For a low budget film I think it looks awesome and the trailer looks very professional. Do not listen to them. You have talent. Those guys are probably 45 year old virgins living in their mothers basement. Well anyways I posted a note in your defense
    Last edited by HLS; 17-Feb-2007 at 02:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Erm, why are you listening to the views of people on that tin pot site. Sure I could throw in my ideas but at the end of the day, you do what feels right. There are benefits on both sides (money on the dvd side, recognition on the web side) and I would hate to have to call it. Maybe you should release it on dvd (get a little bit of that moolah back) and then release it free on the web a while later. At least you've told everybody and given them the option.

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat Tofu's Avatar

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    Hi, all. Long-time lurker, first-time poster.

    livingdeadboy, if you want my honest opinion... let 'em shred. I agree with every sentiment expressed here. Your trailer looks awesome, I'm stoked about the movie, and just about everybody else on those other forums seem like knee-jerk reactionaries, rather than giving real, honest criticism (although, to be honest, I didn't read the *entire* thread... I got disgusted after the fourth post or so and closed it out, heh).

    All I gotta say is, as a young budding filmmaker myself, I could only hope to produce something half as awesome as NOTLD07 is looking. Congrats.

    I won't give any advice on whether you should release it free or not, because I honestly don't know what I'd do in your situation either. I will say that even if you did release it free, you'd still have one DVD purchase coming from me.

    Can't wait!

  5. #5
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    There are going to be people that like your movie and people that hate it thats it!
    You made it cause you wanted to make it dont go by people just seeing the trailer...trailers by themselves for me are deceiving anyway! You can hate the trailer and it can be an awesome movie!
    You have worked hard on your movie dont let people bring you down now!!!
    If you are that unsure of it maybe you should do what others did...send a few copies to people you trust that would give good feedback before you go giving it out there for free to everyone!
    Then go from there!
    Hon dont let a few people that slammed you set you back like this in my opinion and I am just a consumer and long time lover of zombie movies...You keep on keeping on!!!!! Dont let anyone push you back you are doing good work!!!!!

  6. #6
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    I dont like this change in your attiude
    you are letting those people get to you badly

    you worked hard on the film
    and you never pretended to be doing this
    film for anything other than for fun
    and cuz you like the movie

    the people on the other site are
    saying that you are lying and you are only in for the money
    i guess they cant think beyond those terms themselves
    so they have to assign them to everyone else too

    i am not going to put down the site or the people there
    but they complain and insult quite a bit
    just the little i have read they have insulted not only you and hls
    but rubenstien, spiderman 3, trailers for indie movies and
    in a roundabout way even deadlands

    this guy john titor who is in charge
    well more power to him i guess
    the fact he calls himself john titor is in itself very telling
    (if you dont know who john titor is check it out)
    he says heidi isnt accurate in her opinion because she has never seen the film, however- she has communicated with the film maker, reese, directly thru these posts
    Have any of them ever contacted you
    or are they all second hand info?
    id really like to know

    so no hls hasnt seen the film either is true
    but she has spoken with the film maker and knows more about the
    thing than they do.
    to say that they shouldnt slam it cuz they havent seen it
    and to give it a chance is hardly wrong even if she hasnt seen it herself.

    you know reese i have been in touch with you
    and I d like to let everyone here know
    that this young man is very cool
    he is intelligent and has a passion for what he does

    i warned you reese
    that you would get this type of reaction from people

    dont let it get to you as it obviously has

    the people on this site would have gladly
    trashed you and your film if they thought it deserved it

    instead you got a dedicated forum
    with a whole bunch of true zombie fans
    encouraging you and looking foward to seeing it
    that is what separates this site from others
    anyone can put someone else down
    try to be supportive to one of your own is harder

    we are here for you reese
    and if i had to choose between which 2 sites id rather have
    on my side--well id want this place over that one

    they are entitled to thier opinions,
    even though they are all insults about everything
    make yourself feel more important by putting others down
    is the theme there
    long may they enjoy that philosophy

    reese dont make me come out to canada to slap you
    dont lose faith now

    we are here for you man

  7. #7
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    And I was nice about my post over there too. I even stated that I was not trying to come accross bad. I Just that I think its unfair to get rude over something they never saw or know nothing about. There is nothing wrong with negative critism but there is a way to be professional about it. They were just being jerks for they had nothing better to do. Even if it is low budget I wish i just had half the talent that Reese, JJ and MZ have.
    I, in general, hate low budget flicks and it takes alot for me to say that I think you guys have talent.

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post

    I dont like this change in your attiude
    you are letting those people get to you badly

    you worked hard on the film
    and you never pretended to be doing this
    film for anything other than for fun
    and cuz you like the movie

    the people on the other site are
    saying that you are lying and you are only in for the money
    i guess they cant think beyond those terms themselves
    so they have to assign them to everyone else too

    i am not going to put down the site or the people there
    but they complain and insult quite a bit
    just the little i have read they have insulted not only you and hls
    but rubenstien, spiderman 3, trailers for indie movies and
    in a roundabout way even deadlands

    this guy john titor who is in charge
    well more power to him i guess
    the fact he calls himself john titor is in itself very telling
    (if you dont know who john titor is check it out)
    he says heidi isnt accurate in her opinion because she has never seen the film, however- she has communicated with the film maker, reese, directly thru these posts
    Have any of them ever contacted you
    or are they all second hand info?
    id really like to know

    so no hls hasnt seen the film either is true
    but she has spoken with the film maker and knows more about the
    thing than they do.
    to say that they shouldnt slam it cuz they havent seen it
    and to give it a chance is hardly wrong even if she hasnt seen it herself.

    you know reese i have been in touch with you
    and I d like to let everyone here know
    that this young man is very cool
    he is intelligent and has a passion for what he does

    i warned you reese
    that you would get this type of reaction from people

    dont let it get to you as it obviously has

    the people on this site would have gladly
    trashed you and your film if they thought it deserved it

    instead you got a dedicated forum
    with a whole bunch of true zombie fans
    encouraging you and looking foward to seeing it
    that is what separates this site from others
    anyone can put someone else down
    try to be supportive to one of your own is harder

    we are here for you reese
    and if i had to choose between which 2 sites id rather have
    on my side--well id want this place over that one

    they are entitled to thier opinions,
    even though they are all insults about everything
    make yourself feel more important by putting others down
    is the theme there
    long may they enjoy that philosophy

    reese dont make me come out to canada to slap you
    dont lose faith now

    we are here for you man
    I been here for about 2 1/2 years or so and I think hpotd has grown up a great deal. People here on the most part are mature and supportive and intelligent. Stick with us and we will cheer you up
    Last edited by HLS; 17-Feb-2007 at 08:11 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  8. #8
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Kor and HLS BRAVO!!!! AGREED!!!
    Kor you said it all baby!!!
    NOW dont let them Shred you anymore and if that site bothers you so much dont go there, dont let all your hard work go down the drain!!!
    Remember ALL of us HERE are are HERE for you!!!
    There are alot of filmmakers here you can contact that you can talk to that will help you get thru these feeling you are having about your film...I am sure they go thru the same thing!!!
    Like I have said before when someone put Dj's movie down...people that put down a filmmakers film need to go and pick up the camera themselves and just see how hard it is making a flick!!!
    Heck, an idea for you filmmakers! ya need to just make a couple of hours attached to your film just to show these jokers just how hard it is to make your film!

  9. #9
    Totally agreed. Reese, not long ago you was talking about theater screenings, now your talking about You Tube. F**k the haters, they're all pussies. How long has it taken you now to get to this stage? A lot of people love this movie so why not give it/you the respect it/you deserves. Tear ass man.

  10. #10
    Just been bitten ngm231's Avatar

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    dude people dont know what their talkin about.. F**kem dont listen to their bs... ive got a 20 in my wallet waiting to buy a copy..

  11. #11
    Fresh Meat Fleshmunch's Avatar

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    I just watched the new trailer and it's bad. You've committed a cardinal sin, adding crappy heavy metal music. Reese, that is a sign of a bad amateur movie. An unwatchably bad amateur movie. Todd Sheets fills his zombie movies with terrible heavy metal music, thanks Batman and Jesus in his credits, and has no talent whatsoever. Please tell me you just F-ed up and used that music as a favor to a friend in a band, that you didn't put that garbage on your soundtrack! I don't hate heavy metal music (although I hate it in horror movies), but I do hate BAD metal, and that, my friend, is some of the worst, most obnoxiously irritating crap I've ever heard. Dump that music and your movie will improve, at least enough to not make people hit the "eject" button right away. Horror movies should have horror music, not horrible music. There's a difference. Look at the NotLD 30th anniversary edition--they added crap music to that and got trashed for it (among all their other mistakes, like ever doing the new edition in the first place).

    Other problems with the trailer are too many to mention, but to name a few: the freeze frames are bad, the titles look weak and are poorly written, the whole thing is too long, there's not enough action, it fails to tell the audience how your film is new and different, and did I mention the music? It renders it unwatchable. Not everybody who likes horror likes heavy metal, and not everybody who likes heavy metal likes it in their horror movies. You just aliennated a big percentage of your audience, choosing to play to the "pinhead" crowd (and I'm not talking Hellraiser!). This is in addition to the people you aliennated by calling your film NotLD...

    I'm not a fan of your remake and won't bother to get into all the reasons why I think it is a terrible idea, that's been done to death elsewhere. Instead, I thought I'd swallow my venom (as much as possible) and offer some constructive criticism on your new trailer, because you are hurting your film's image further by releasing crap trailers like that... You could have the best film ever, but with that trailer, people would pay NOT to see it. Anyone who tells you that trailer is "good" or "kicks ass" is blowing smoke up your butt or delusional. Throw that trailer away and strip out any music by that band that you may have put in your movie. They suck and will hurt your film.

    I don't remember your original trailer looking (or sounding) as bad as this. You only need one good trailer, not a bunch of bad ones. Quality over quantity.
    Last edited by Fleshmunch; 18-Feb-2007 at 02:39 PM. Reason: Because I'm a nice guy.

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    ^ i think everyone is sick of metal in zombie films, as for naysayers in general, if you have done your own thing for fun, screw em, youve made a film, people bitchin' aint gonna un-make it, unless theyve done one OR even seen it they cant bitch, id hold my bitching till ive at least seen a film.

    EDIT - somethign i should post, look up hellsing on zombie nation, yes thats me there too, with like 25 posts, that forum sucks balls, its allways just twogunbob and that jhon ****ing titor "the fastest man alive" bitching at everyone like ****ing cesear.
    in short screw that forum, i hate the damn place and havent been there for like a year at least, since it got hacked again anyway.
    Last edited by Danny; 18-Feb-2007 at 09:58 AM.

  13. #13
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fleshmunch View Post
    I just watched the new trailer and it's bad. You've committed a cardinal sin, adding crappy heavy metal music. Reese, that is a sign of a bad amateur movie. An unwatchably bad amateur movie. Todd Sheets fills his zombie movies with terrible heavy metal music, thanks Batman and Jesus in his credits, and has no talent whatsoever. Please tell me you just F-ed up and used that music as a favor to a friend in a band, that you didn't put that garbage on your soundtrack! I don't hate heavy metal music (although I hate it in horror movies), but I do hate BAD metal, and that, my friend, is some of the worst, most obnoxiously irritating crap I've ever heard. Dump that music and your movie will improve, at least enough to not make people hit the "eject" button right away. Horror movies should have horror music, not horrible music. There's a difference. Look at the NotLD 30th anniversary edition--they added crap music to that and got trashed for it (among all their other mistakes, like ever doing the new edition in the first place).

    Other problems with the trailer are too many to mention, but to name a few: the freeze frames are bad, the titles look weak and are poorly written, the whole thing is too long, there's not enough action, it fails to tell the audience how your film is new and different, and did I mention the music? It renders it unwatchable. Not everybody who likes horror likes heavy metal, and not everybody who likes heavy metal likes it in their horror movies. You just aliennated a big percentage of your audience, choosing to play to the "pinhead" crowd (and I'm not talking Hellraiser!). This is in addition to the people you aliennated by calling your film NotLD...

    I'm not a fan of your remake and won't bother to get into all the reasons why I think it is a terrible idea, but I thought I'd offer some constructive criticism on your new trailer, because you are hurting your film's image further by releasing crap trailers like that...
    If your talking about that little intro on the main page of the website, I didn't make that, nor did I have anything to do with it, so wasted two paragraphs of my precious morning reading time on something I didn't make.

    Oh yeah and there is a difference between constructive criticism and pure a** rape, which the above is. Stop tearing down, what you couldn't do in a lifetime. Unless you can, which I doubt, cause you wouldn't be hear tearing me a knew one. Please don't respond to this, in fact I've already wasted my time, by dropping to your level and arguing against your nazi tirade.

    So anyways, have a good day.

    your number one fan, Reese
    Last edited by livingdeadboy; 18-Feb-2007 at 02:38 PM.

  14. #14
    Fresh Meat Fleshmunch's Avatar

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    It doesn't matter who did that trailer or "intro," or why. It hurts your film's reputation by having it up. Honest to god, I was trying to help you and maybe I was a dick about it because I am so morally opposed to what you are doing with this remake, but there is value in the advice I've given. Value which you could see if you could look past your anger and frustration. But whatever. I tried.

    I'm going to bow out of this now to let the well-wishers have at it.

  15. #15
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I'm in the middle. Personally, I'm not psyched in the least about another Night of the Living Dead film, and I'm not going to watch this one. May come off as rude, but hey. On the other hand, if that's what you want to do then do it. You're not forcing me to watch it, so I don't give a damn.

    As for them trashing you on another forum you pretty much need to realize that you can't escape that. Whatever you do. Heck, I do what they do all the time. What if Zack Snyder walked onto this board and saw what we wrote about 300? Would he go to the official forums for that movie and start a thread about how he feels unfairly treated? No. Negative reviews, views and implications are abound. They're everywhere in everything we do. I haven't seen 300, but I'm still 99% sure it will suck ass. It looks like ****ing **** and they butchered a really good story - of course I'm pissed! And they have every right to be pissed at you for what they percieve as you doing the same.

    I'm not taking sides here, tho. I've already stated that I'm not psyched about another NOTLD remake, but then again I have no reason to support them.

    On the heavy metal side, if you LIKE heavy metal and you WANT it in your film. Then put it in your film. It's your film, and if metal suits it then put it in. Personally, I think heavy metal can be kickass in a zombiefilm given the right circumstances. Why would it be any worse than cheesy synthesisers?


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