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Thread: Capital punishment reinstated

  1. #1

    Capital punishment reinstated

    This April, Flagship Studios will finally release Diablo's spiritual sequel Hellgate: London. A third and first person Shooter/RPG which apparently utilises a high degree of random generation to allow for a unique gaming experience and a higher level of replayability.

    Hellgate: London takes place in 2038, 18 years after start of the war. London has been invaded by demons from Hell. These particular hellions are a tireless lot, and have been looking for a way into our universe for a long time. Up until recently, humans have had many champions looking to hold back the flood. Various real-world events are referenced in the background of the Hellgate story as averted crossover attempts. The Crusades were actually undertaken to fight back the minions of Hell, as was the charring of London in the great fire to wipe out the Plague. According to the fiction, the famous Knights Templar were the keepers of knowledge on how to battle these demonic forces. Unfortunately, these heroes underwent a charring of their own at the hands of a jealous King Phillip IV, who hated the power they held in the world at large. While the Knights Templar survived as an organization, their numbers were severely diminished and were forced to remain in hiding to stay alive.

    As time passed and technology progressed, the old ways began to fade from memory and the secrets of the arcane were lost. When the demons attacked again, they found their enemies unprepared. Ordinary weapons were no use against the demons, who could shrug off a RPG round. The Templars offered their special services to the military, but the leaders balked, refusing to believe in the new truths. Hell quickly took the victory in the battle for Earth. The Burn, a decades-long process of "hellaforming" or turning our world into theirs, has begun.

    However all is not lost, as various groups have been preparing for just such an eventuality. Freemasons built the London Underground to be demon resistant, and as such the stations now act as bases, "safe zones" for would-be defenders. These defenders are armed with a fusion of modern weaponry and arcane magic such as flamethrowers that throw Greek fire. In the game, you play one of these defenders.

    Apparently this game will be set in a one big gaming world and features real life London locations with buildings of interest such as St Paul's Cathedral and Big Ben. Looks mighty interesting to me. Anyone?
    Last edited by capncnut; 23-Feb-2007 at 10:52 PM.

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    simply walking into mordor
    meh, simple as ,ive sen at least a dozen games do the same damn thing, nothing special in my opinion, if i want the same basic story ill get doom or hunter the reckoning.

  3. #3
    Yeah but Diablo kicked ass!

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    simply walking into mordor
    ive never played it, in fact the only pc games i really enjoyed were black and white, maple story and warcraft 3, im much more of a console gamer

  5. #5
    Diablo was on Psone man.

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    simply walking into mordor
    i didnt get a psone till like afte rfinal fantasy 9 came out so i missed a hell'uva lot of titles was it more around the 96-99 era of the ps?

  7. #7
    I think it was out in 98 or something like that. Oh man, if you see it in GameStation on the cheap, definitely pick it up. Classic 18 rated dungeon type RPG with shedloads of blood. I remember being blown away by how in depth it was at the time. Damn hard too and took a long time to crack.
    Last edited by capncnut; 28-Feb-2007 at 02:35 PM.

  8. #8
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Diablo was definetly a good game for it's genre. But I still wasn't particulary fond of it. It was to much repetition for me.

    But for Diablo fans out there, I'm sure there'll be some drooling. I hope it succeeds.

  9. #9
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    Looks and sounds good, I heard this was supposed to be an MMORPG/FPS.

  10. #10
    Something like that.

    Hellgate: London combines the depth of role-playing games with the action of first-person titles, while attempting to offer high replayability and an individualized gaming experience through dynamically created levels, monsters, items, and events. Players create a hero and then battle, with or without other players, through innumerable hordes of demons while completing quests and advancing through experience levels and branching skill paths. The developers have revealed the game will employ an advanced skill and spell system. It will also be highly item based, with customizable and randomly generated items for replayability and unique characters. Multiplayer will concentrate mostly on cooperative play.

    The game will play in a single unified world, where players can meet and organize for team play and quests in safe zones. The world will not be split in "shards" or servers, but rather play like a MMOG with heavy instancing, such as Guild Wars. The game doesn't exclude solo gaming, and this will be possible as well if the player choose so. Difficulty will be balanced much like it is in Diablo II, where the opposition grows stronger as more players play in the instanced areas.


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