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Thread: Boo****es

  1. #1
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    The Mighty boosh any fans lurking on the forums? For you who havent seen it..I dont think its known outside of the UK not yet at least. The mighty boosh is a surreal series involving two insane charecters Howard "Dark side of the" Moon and the star spangled bitch Vince Noir.

    Its like a modern monty python or thats how I view it. The youth love it, it went to places nothing has been before, its a pure classic and its going to be fondly remembered by this generation.

    If you havent heard out of it look it up, good for a laugh. Besides anything involving a green *singing* cockney cant be bad!

    Also some Boosh quotes!

    Vince Noir: C'mon, Howard, let's get out of here.
    Howard Moon: Stop tugging at my mink!

    Edit: The title was worshippers of boosh but hey guess this will get some threads just because the name got censored, oi.
    Vince Noir: Mink? That's a bit off, isn't it? You're supposed to be a zookeeper.
    Howard Moon: Yeah, well, it's a different law in the tundra, Vince. It's kill or be killed.
    Vince Noir: What, by a mink?
    Howard Moon: They get very big out here.
    [gesturing at floor-length mink coat]
    Howard Moon: This whole thing is just one mink.
    Vince Noir: That's not right. I know, I read a pamphlet.
    Howard Moon: So? I once glanced at a hedge. What's your point?
    Vince Noir: No, it was a mink pamphlet. "Minky Monthly". There were millions of them on the front, dancing around. It said that it takes about ninety mink just to make a small ladies glove.
    Howard Moon: That's 'cause they're really crap at sewing.
    -- ------------
    Howard Moon: The wind is my only friend.
    Wind: [whistling] I hate you.
    Lucien: You should never go out on Black Lake when the moon be full.
    Vince Noir: Why?
    Lucien: Because there's somethin' out there... somethin' evil... somethin' that goes by the name of Old Gregg...
    [creepy music]
    Vince Noir: ...who?
    Lucien: Ol' Gregg. Legendary fish. Some say he's half man, half fish. Others say it's more of a seventy-thirty split. Whatever the percentage, he's one fishy bastard.
    Colin: Some say he's a ghost. Can't catch what don't exists. Hook goes right through 'im.
    Lucien: Some say he's acquired the taste of human meat, won't respond to conventional bait. Only way to hook him is to use a child's toe.
    The Moon: And some say, Old Gregg is like a, a big fish finger, but big! Like um, like a garage. As big as a garage. Imagine that fish finger, when you can see it is as big as a garage, oh! It isn't small, it's the big one! Like that.
    Why arent you laughing?

  2. #2
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Oh yes,the boosh DVD is in the collection,and the tv series was class!

  3. #3
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Series three is coming up although once again they scrapped the set from the previous series
    Why arent you laughing?

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    simply walking into mordor
    the boosh is ****ing legendary, and to be honest i dont think it would go down well in the us, though i reckon people on this forum would love it though.

    this is easily my favourite rccuring skit, the moon.

    and heres a full ep.


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