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Thread: a moment on twins...

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    a moment on twins...

    Have you ever heard the expression everyone has a twin? I never bought into it because I figure i'm sure there's a couple like my parents who live elsewhere and had a kid and she looked like me. But then we moved to Ohio and there was a ton of people who kept asking me if they knew me and I was like uh no. I still wasn't so sure... Then I get my first summer job and my bosses husband looked like my ex-beaus dad. I mean EXACTLY. Same hair, mannerisms, teeth, eye color, everything. Turned out they were both adopted and Bruce got all excited that he may have had a twin brother. My ex and his dad wound up flying up to Canada and met up with Bruce and it was amazing they became really good friends and wound up finding out they weren't twins. But they looked identical. They're still friends...

    Now here I am minding my own peace when I see the coroner for some city or state on TV and he not only looks like this guy I know... but he talks like him too! That may not be so strange... unless you consider the guy I know has a handlebar moustache, weird way of talking, imperfect teeth, lil overweight, odd mannerisms... the coroner was exactly the same!

    So this leads me to wonder... maybe everyone has a twin...

    And then there's peculiar things about twins... I watched some show on the discovery channel once where two twin girls were seperated at birth and adopted to families on opposite sides of the country... they met through mututal friends they made at university who swore they looked alike and much to everyone amazement... their bedrooms were exactly the same. Furniture was positioned the same way. Accessories were the same. Etc. Maybe i'm reaching on that one...

    But twins also are alleged to have a sixth sense about if the other one is in trouble... etc and its just strange...

    anyone have thoughts on twins?
    You smell that? That's the smell of spring, and I love it. You know what I love to do in spring? I love to come out into the woods, to walk amongst the budding trees, to smell and taste the hint of renewal that hovers in the air like a heady perfume, and to listen to the song of the birds who have returned from their long sojourn south. And bury the people I killed during the winter...

  2. #2
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Identical Twins are literally clones of each other (goes to show how much genetics plays a role in our personality, habits, mannerisms ,disposition etc etc).........

    Fraternal twins are like any other siblings.....

    And then there are Semi-identical Twins
    Semi-identical twins are formed from one fertilized egg (simliar to identical twins) but develop differently, because of different genes being activated. These "half-identical twins" occur when one egg is fertilised by two sperm and then splits in two. The results is a set of twins with identical genes from the mother's side, but different ones from the father's side. Cells in each foetus carry genes from either sperm, resulting in chimeras.
    (I edited a bit of this to make more sense)

    And chimeras are freaking awsome!!!.....Sometimes when chimeras have children their kids are more related to other family members than they are to the actual people who gave birth to them.... Its neat!!

    Those are my brief thoughts on twins!
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  3. #3
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Aw man. I thought this was a thread about boobs. What a gip. I'll see my way out now.

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    actually years back when i as about , i dunno 7 maybe a few freinds in my class at school asked me "hey cool you got a letter in the latest issue of the power rangers magazine" ,i had never heard of the magazine (i read spiderman as a kid) but my brother did so i grab the latest issue and chekc out the letters section and this kid called "daniel" (which technically i am but have been called danny since 1st grade since daniel sounds like the name of a cultist in my opinion) and theres a picture and holy **** the kid as my freakin' double with the same freakin' name only he was a year older than me.

    that was freaky.


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