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Thread: Oh no, please don't let this be Alan Wake...

  1. #1

    Oh no, please don't let this be Alan Wake...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gamespot
    Microsoft axing big-name project?

    Source: The latest 1Up podcast, during which EGM executive editor Shane Bettenhausen teases that he knows of "a big Microsoft first-party title that's been in the works for a very long time that people are very excited for sounds like it's being cancelled."

    What we heard: At the end of's latest podcast, Bettenhausen tossed out the rumor with little background or explanation. Telling his fellow podcasters that he'd heard the rumor "from all over" and saying they had "a 97 percent chance of being true," Bettenhausen teased audiences with the information but refused to go into any more detail on what he had heard. Given an unsubstantiated and unsourced rumor, the Internet did what it is wont to do and began speculating wildly about Microsoft-published games that could conceivably fit the given criteria.

    Rare's new Banjo Kazooie project was among the first games floated, but the UK developer was quick to shoot down such speculation, proactively reaching out to gaming press. "It's definitely not Banjo," a Rare employee told GameSpot. "That said, I haven't heard these rumours internally, so it could all be hot air for all I know."

    Next up on the list was Silicon Knights' Too Human. Given the prolonged development cycle of the game and the legal battle being waged between Silicon Knights and Epic Games over the former's licensing of the latter's Unreal Engine 3, such a cancellation would not be entirely surprising. However, when contacted by GameSpot, a Silicon Knights representative shot that suggestion down as well, saying, "It is definitely not Too Human."

    Another game that would certainly fit the "long-awaited" label of the rumor is Remedy Entertainment's Alan Wake. Originally announced in 2005, Alan Wake has remained on many gamers' lists of most-anticipated titles despite keeping a very low profile since its original announcement. Troubled development would explain why so little of Alan Wake has surfaced in the last two years, but again, the developer was quick to shut down the notion of it being canceled. In a post on the studio's official forums, a Remedy representative assured fans the rumor "has nothing to do with Alan Wake..."

    Peter Molyneux is known for having his ambitious and heavily hyped game designs overstretch his studio's ability (or perhaps any studio's, for that matter) to make them a reality. While he always seems to find a way to get a game finished and out the door, it's conceivable that Microsoft could pull the rug out from one of his titles if it appeared to be unsalvageable. Fable 2 didn't appear to be in such a state the last time it was shown off to the press, but just in case fans were worried, Lionhead's community manager debunked the idea on the game's official forums, simply saying, "It's not Fable 2, I can tell you that much."

    An Ensemble Studios poster on the official Halo Wars forums didn't specifically deny that the high-profile real-time strategy spin-off of Microsoft's sci-fi cash cow was canceled. However, he did post a picture of a man in a tinfoil hat in the thread on the subject, showing exactly what was thought of the suggestion.

    As of press time, representatives with Cryptic Studios, developer of Microsoft's upcoming Marvel Universe massively multiplayer online game had not responded to a request for comment, and a browsing of the studio's forums failed to turn up any Cryptic-penned posts on the matter. However, a MMOG attached to a license as powerful as the Marvel Universe will likely get every chance to succeed, and Cryptic's recent sale of its interest in City of Heroes and City of Villains to NCsoft suggests the developer's other projects are going well enough that it doesn't need a safety net to fall back on.

    Developer denials aside, 'tis the season for publishers to evaluate their slate of projects for the coming year and determine if there's any dead weight that needs to be cut loose. Ideally, the people who have devoted years of their lives to a project should know if it's going the way of the dodo before word leaks out to the press (and certainly before anyone in the press leaks that rumor out to the world), so it should be safe to take these developers at their word.

    It's possible that final decisions on Microsoft's lineup haven't been made yet, and Bettenhausen's tease is based on what a handful of people involved in the process expect to happen. Though he certainly believes the rumor to be true, he admits there's a slim chance his info is wrong. Combine that with 1Up News' complete silence on the matter, and it appears that whatever information Bettenhausen and the Web site have isn't quite concrete enough to run with yet.

    The official story: "No comment." - A Microsoft representative.
    Okay, place your bets!

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hopefully it's all ball sweat and means nothing, but they'd be damned fools to cancel Alan Wake this far into production - heck - STALKER was in production for YEARS and it came out, why?

    1) Good game
    2) Highly anticipated
    3) Loads of people wanted a slice of their pie

    Same with Alan Wake, it's a cash cow waiting to happen, they'd be damned fools of the highest order to cancel it. I've got my copy pre-ordered already, and has been for a couple of months now.

    Give me my Alan Wake!!!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Hopefully it's all ball sweat and means nothing...
    Yeah, I'm telling myself that as well. Thing is, what real footage of it have we seen? All trailers and no gameplay. Apart from that Intel demonstration a few YEARS back, we've had nothing to go on and that makes me very nervous. Also, what's the release date? There ain't one. Simple as that.

    Remedy has remained vague about Alan Wake, unwilling to give any info regarding the date of its release. When asked about a release date, Remedy representatives respond, "When it's done". In a recent interview on the GamerScore Blog, it was said that Alan Wake is slated to be released in 2008, although there wasn't a time frame stated.
    It fits the criteria of this rumour totally, I only hope I am wrong...

    EDIT: Just went to the Alan Wake forum and one of the staff has confirmed that it is 100% NOT Alan Wake that's slated to be cancelled. Phew!

    One thing it does prove though, some game IS gonna get the chop 'cos even developers are talking about it now. I wonder what game it is?
    Last edited by capncnut; 13-Nov-2007 at 11:07 AM.

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Some people think it's Halo Wars, which who knows, could be.

    Praise whoever that Alan Wake is still proceeding. I guess it's just one of those games where they don't wanna blow their load too soon or show too much before it's out, because you can easily get people kinda burned out from just the footage and they don't wanna bother with the game, or just get it pre-owned so the stats don't count.

    Was there much in the way of info/pics/movies for Max Payne 2 when that was in development? I can't remember, that one kinda snuck up on me...and a f*cking great game it was too. Even today it still looks really good.

    Speaking of Max Payne - apparently Mark Wahlberg is tipped to be playing the man himself in the movie version ... interesting...I just hope they make a solid movie out of it instead of another load of pish-tosh. At the very least, Uwe Boll-ock didn't get his mits on it!

  5. #5
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    The first screen shot i saw for alan wake was at least 2 years ago,imagine how pissed off you'd be if you were one of the team who had devoted all that time to it! hopefully it will still come out!then again how long was romeros "city of the dead" teasing us for before it too was cancelled?quite a while & the game looked almost finished on the last trailer for it i saw just before they dropped it!

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Mind you, I think the potential audience for Alan Wake (confirmed by the dev team to still be fine and proceeding) is far bigger than what the potential audience for City of the Dead was, which is a shame for the latter, I'd have played it.

    And Alan Wake is much bigger budget than City of the Dead was, I have no actual numbers, but it'll just be so.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    And Alan Wake is much bigger budget than City of the Dead was, I have no actual numbers...
    Alan Wake has the potential to make Resident Evil 5 look like Children of the Living Dead in terms of budget.

    <imagines CotLD as a videogame with Abbot Hayes as the final boss>

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    remedy allready denied this 3 days ago, as did lionhead for fable, the guys for halo wars and metal gear.

    my bet is too human or huxely.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    my bet is too human or huxely.
    HUXLEY! Yeah, my money is on Huxley all the way. What a shame really, didn't look too bad in that Hellboy/Clive Barker-ish way.

  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I heard "Huxley" and immediately thought "Pig"...anyone remember that classic kids animated show? Brilliant show it was.

    Ahhhh Alan Wake...

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    huley was toted as the first mmofps, which in the days of xbox live is game plug speak for "no, we couldnt be arsed to make a campgain mode".

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ahhhh Alan Wake...
    Yes, lets praise the titan cock that is Alan Wake.


    Uh... uh... oohhhhh. Alan f**king Wake!

  13. #13
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i dont get how you could think, aside form the lack of news, that this could be cancelled, its so far in development and at such an advanced point that the graphics, enviroments and weather and lighting put everything to shame.

    ...this calls for some screenies i reckon.

    ^ from early '06

    and this interesting picture on the weather system appaearing at random.

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post

    Duuuuuuuude...*lights up a smoke*

    *gags...realises I don't smoke*

    *goes back to gawping at Alan Wake*


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