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Thread: there are still laws about blasphemy???

  1. #1
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    there are still laws about blasphemy???

    and apparently there are still buttwarts in britian trying to enforce them.

    i thought that idiotic crap like this went out with witch dunking and laws against dancing on sunday. i don't know whether to laugh or cry - wait i'll do both, laugh at the morons trying to prosecute someone for this "crime" and cry that said morons could even get a toenail into a courtroom.

    read about the cavalcade of idiocy that is the "christian voice." and i thought america had the market cornered on this sort of religious inanity:

    and all over jerry springer. what a frakking shame in this day and age that people have to waste their time with this sheyat.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #2
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Hahahahaha.....that's hilarious.

    So many people have such absolute belief in something they can't even find a SHRED of proof to support. Blind religion. Some idiots even kill in the name of their baseless, proofless "beliefs".

    Yet, if you try to tell them "the newspaper says high tide will be at 5:28 PM tomorrow", they'll fight you tooth and nail about it, and claim it's false.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Christian Voice are a disgusting group, the things they say about gay people are awful.

    They're a distinctly unpleasant group, and the leader is particularly nasty and pathetic.

    I'd completely forgotten about this case until it was on the news again last night saying it had been dropped, and damn straight.

    I mean for crying out loud, how does the JS Opera stop people from praying or going to church or believing something? If you don't like it, don't watch it...and certainly don't protest without seeing it for yourself and just going on "someone told me", because "someone told me" always makes it sound far worse than it actually is.

    It was the same with Mary Whitehouse, some old bint from back in the day who used to run what is now known as MediaWatchUK, another bunch of pathetic losers who complain about nipples and think anyone who watches porn should be banged up for years in jail. Another bunch of trembling ninnies trying to spoil everybody else's fun.

    Mind you, Christian Voice are no Phelps family......they're still twats though.

    There's a bunch of nutter MP's at the moment actually, who are trying to bring in some bill that would hold the BBFC (who rate all media in the UK) accountable to the government (which they already are, if the idiots would bother to check)...but basically, said nutters want to force the BBFC's hand in censorship. They don't like the fact that the BBFC have liberalised significantly over the last 8 years...but said bunch of nutters tried this same thing 10 years ago, and they got ass-rammed and it all fell apart for them. It should be the same again this time around, because there's something what was it again...damn it, I know this one...oh yeah - FREEDOM OF SPEECH & EXPRESSION.

    This can of nutter MPs are the sort who think films inspire reality, when in fact it's completely the other way around, films respond to reality. They were complaining about Green Street and some other football hooligan film (both rated 18 I believe), but an adults-only rating wasn't enough for them by the looks of things...losers.

    Well believe it or not, football hooliganism was around long before Green Street, as violence was long before films ever existed - ya f*ckin' numpties!

    It isn't violent films that get me angry, it's wankers like those nutter MPs, or Christian Voice or whomever tries to spoil the fun of everybody with draconian, doily-fringed psycho-wannabe-laws such as I've mentioned.

    Losers, goddamn...

  4. #4
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    jesus- the phelps family what a bunch of inbred, bottomfeeding, scum sucking dirtbags those "people" are.

    all fundamentalist christians must hang anyway. they are ALL dangerous, every last one without exception.

    mary whitehouse- what a whore-baited cu*tslag she was. good riddance. i have read about her campaign against doctor who and it has to rate as one of the most ridiculous things i have ever heard about.

    this whole issue just climbs up on my tits and makes a complete nusiance of itself.

    the only acceptable form of censorship is self-censorship by the artist. the govt. has absolutely no right in making decisions about what anyone hears, sees, or reads. as far a children go- that is for their parent's to decide. i am perfectly capable of deciding that something is too adult, too violent, too sexual for my son. i do not need anyone's help-least of all the govt's, a govt. which i revile and hate in the first place.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #5
    Chasing Prey

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    oh man....mary whitehouse....what an evil cow she was....conservatism is what's going to ruin the world...there are so many of these nutbags in priviledged positions, its scary...

    Personally I've always wanted to outright ban religion altogether - once the rioting stops the world would be a much better place....

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    this whole issue just climbs up on my tits and makes a complete nuisance of itself.
    Not to belittle the issue at hand, but that's the funniest f*ckin' thing I've heard all day, all week even. Bravo, Sir.

    Any fundamentalism is shady as fook in my opinion.

    There was an interesting thing I heard, apparently on the news and that, they're thinking of referring to Islamic Fundamentalists (you know, wankers like Hamza etc, and terrorists) as "Un-Islamic" ... which to be honest I think is actually a fair and good idea. Even if only a little, it might help towards not lumping in normal, decent Muslims with the few nutbags out singles the wacko's out.

    *goes back to chuckling about that quote* classic.


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