View Full Version : Batman: Dark Knight extended director's cut...

29-Aug-2008, 10:27 PM
...now Minion has exploded in his pants... :rolleyes:

Supposedly the first cut/pass of the film was 3hrs long... So it seems likely we'll be getting an extended directors cut surely?

29-Aug-2008, 10:35 PM
...now Minion has exploded in his pants... :rolleyes:

Supposedly the first cut/pass of the film was 3hrs long... So it seems likely we'll be getting an extended directors cut surely?

Seriously, at the end of the movie I wanted more to come.

Both versions on a DVD with a bundle of kick ass extras would be VERY NICE indeed.


And indeed, I've gotta change these exploded pants, so if you don't mind...:D

*Butters voice on* Awww...it's all sticky...

30-Aug-2008, 12:35 AM
Rumor. Highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt it.

Nolan has gone on record many times before saying that the theatrical cuts of his films ARE his director's cut. Unless the studio does something foolish and goes behind his back, this won't happen.

Besides, I've read the script and there are only a few extra scenes that don't add up to jack. Like the Joker and his goons walking out of Wayne's Penthouse. Nothing worth it, and it's basically alternate angles and such.

30-Aug-2008, 02:20 AM
I don't think I'd want a longer cut of this film. Everything in it worked perfectly and knowing Nolan, he probably cut stuff out for a reason. However I would want it on the dvd in the special features with commentary.

Make that a commentary with Bale in Batman voice.

30-Aug-2008, 03:20 AM
I don't think I'd want a longer cut of this film. Everything in it worked perfectly and knowing Nolan, he probably cut stuff out for a reason.

Yeah,I think it's good the way it is.

30-Aug-2008, 10:46 AM
Well, as he's got bugger all to put in then ... whack it on the doovde, cos we wanna see it out of interest.

But if there was a DC of TDK in the wings, I'd totally watch it and probably spoodge all over the place, but TDK was plenty good enough already and certainly worth the extra load in the washing machine. :lol:

I hope they stick out a really good double disc DVD with lots of cool extras and making of stuff and so on.


lol, a commentary from Bale as Batman would be hilarious, like Batman on his day off, but in character, just chillin'. :D

30-Aug-2008, 11:07 AM
Make that a commentary with Bale in Batman voice.

or better yet just get kevin conroy to dub over all of bales lines since he IS the voice of batman:sneaky:

30-Aug-2008, 01:11 PM
Make that a commentary with Bale in Batman voice.

That would be funny.

Chic Freak
31-Aug-2008, 11:54 AM
Besides, I've read the script and there are only a few extra scenes that don't add up to jack. Like the Joker and his goons walking out of Wayne's Penthouse.

Any extra Joker footage is good footage :thumbsup:

31-Aug-2008, 12:08 PM
They need to shorten this movie. It is way too long, and when Heath isn't on screen there is nothing all that special about it.

If they are going to re-edit it, then cut out some of the worthless batman and bruce footage and add in some extra Heath footage, maybe it will make it a better movie.

Heath Ledger is the true star of that movie. He ran circles around everyone and in my opinion saved what i consider a mediocre flick.

31-Aug-2008, 12:13 PM
They need to shorten this movie. It is way too long, and when Heath isn't on screen there is nothing all that special about it.
That's what I thought. Excellent film but a good 30 minutes overlong for my liking.

Chic Freak
31-Aug-2008, 12:54 PM
Have to disagree there actually, I was on the edge of my seat for the whole thing and was amazed at how quickly it seemed to fly by. It didn't feel as long as it was to me.

I do agree that it would probably have been fairly mediocre if it hadn't been for Ledger though. I found Batman himself pretty boring, which is a shame as the character has the potential to be such a fascinating person.

31-Aug-2008, 01:23 PM
They need to shorten this movie. It is way too long, and when Heath isn't on screen there is nothing all that special about it.

Amen. Some filmmakers just need to realize that sometimes less is more. I won't say there was plenty in there they could have cut out. But there were definetly scenes that I could have been without. Like the whole Hong Kong trip.

31-Aug-2008, 01:42 PM
Amen. Some filmmakers just need to realize that sometimes less is more. I won't say there was plenty in there they could have cut out. But there were definetly scenes that I could have been without. Like the whole Hong Kong trip.

Exactly, they could have just shown him tied up in front of the police station. The HONG TRIP was just an exucse for the plane stunt.

31-Aug-2008, 05:33 PM
Amen. Some filmmakers just need to realize that sometimes less is more. I won't say there was plenty in there they could have cut out. But there were definetly scenes that I could have been without. Like the whole Hong Kong trip.

The opposite is often true though...

Look at the LOTR, Aliens, and best example of all, The Abyss... The extended versions are excellent...

31-Aug-2008, 09:00 PM
Have to disagree there actually, I was on the edge of my seat for the whole thing and was amazed at how quickly it seemed to fly by. It didn't feel as long as it was to me.


I was exactly the same. Half way through, I wished it was only a quarter way through, and at the end of the movie - right when Bruce Wayne's being all hated hero, I was gagging for MORE of the film.

I absolutely loved it.

I don't think though that the film would be mediocre without Ledger though, I really really don't. Yes Ledger was absolutely amazing - but so was Bale, so was Freeman and very importantly (cos he's been criminally overlooked) Eckhart was bloody great as Dent.

Batman Begins didn't have Ledger and that was awesome. :D

I thought the length of TDK was ideal. If it was shorter I bet a bunch of people would be complaining about not having enough time to get into all the characters, heck, I bet there's some people who bitch about the long running time (it's only 2.5 hours, come on...chillax :D) and 'lack' of character development.

As much as I enjoyed Spider-Man 3, TDK had none of the character development short comings that SM3 did.

Anyway, that's my head-thoughts on it like, yeah...:)

Chic Freak
31-Aug-2008, 09:07 PM
Batman Begins didn't have Ledger and that was awesome. :D

See, I think Batman Begins was a bit over-hyped. I did enjoy it but didn't feel inspired to watch it a second time and to me it wasn't a patch on Batman, Batman Returns or the excellent Batman: The Animated Series cartoons, whereas I think TDK can hold its head high with all of the above, and Ledger's interpretation of the Joker can certainly rival Jack Nicholson's.

31-Aug-2008, 09:19 PM
See, I think Batman Begins was a bit over-hyped. I did enjoy it but didn't feel inspired to watch it a second time and to me it wasn't a patch on Batman, Batman Returns


31-Aug-2008, 09:29 PM
The opposite is often true though...

Look at the LOTR, Aliens, and best example of all, The Abyss... The extended versions are excellent...

Often? LOTR suffered from being already too long, the extended cuts only made it worse.

The opposite is very rarely true. Some films need the time. But most films (or scripts) rather take too much time developing things that the audience have long since seen coming.

I thought the length of TDK was ideal. If it was shorter I bet a bunch of people would be complaining about not having enough time to get into all the characters, heck, I bet there's some people who bitch about the long running time (it's only 2.5 hours, come on...chillax ) and 'lack' of character development.

I don't buy that. They could have just rewritten the script to be slightly shorter. Like the Hong Kong trip. It was an action scene that took an unnecessary amount of time to get started, and in the end the sub plot didn't really lead anywhere. Sure, it got the main plot moving. But all that was actually NEEDED was for that guy to be captured. And it turned out he wasn't a major character after all. Why did he even have to GO to Hong Kong? Just have Batman snatch him in Chicago. Problem solved, and you've saved 15 minutes.

31-Aug-2008, 10:18 PM
The Hong Kong trip was a device used to further ground this series in reality. They wanted to portray the batman as a global threat rather than a threat only in one, fictional city. I loved it.

I think the pace, length, and editing are all superb. As others have stated, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and never once thought to look at my watch. I was actually wanting more. Especially after Gordon's speach at the end. It gives me chills every time.

As for the film failing without Ledger? Not at all, imo. Ledger was incredible to say the least, but the film still would have been stunning without him. Just as MZ said - why no love for Eckhart as Harvey Dent???? The story of TDK is really about Dent, not the Joker. And Eckhart was fantastic. Perfect character and story arc. The true story and shinning star of TDK...

As for the extended DVD, I really hope it doesn't happen. Maybe some deleted scenes in the Special Features, but i'm about 99% sure that Nolan will not add any footage back into the film. He's never done it before and wouldn't do it again. The only time one of his films has been changed is the option to view Momento in chronological order. Which actually ruins the point of the film anyway, so I never understood it...:confused:

31-Aug-2008, 10:27 PM
The Dark Knight just passed $500,000,000, but news from overseas is that it FLOPPED, yes FLOPPED, in Japan.

31-Aug-2008, 10:33 PM
The Dark Knight just passed $500,000,000, but news from overseas is that it FLOPPED, yes FLOPPED, in Japan.

Hrmm. And yet I bet everyone over there will flock to see Nicholas Cage and his wig in Bangkok Dangerous.:p

Japan's loss...

31-Aug-2008, 10:35 PM
I am sorry but Nic Cage hasn't made any really worth while movies in a long time. Not since National treasure 1. His last really good film where he showed his acting chops was Leaving Las vegas.

01-Sep-2008, 12:01 AM
I am sorry but Nic Cage hasn't made any really worth while movies in a long time. Not since National treasure 1. His last really good film where he showed his acting chops was Leaving Las vegas.

I agree.

01-Sep-2008, 01:31 AM
I am wondering if it is the scripts hollywood is giving these guys or something, but the overall quality of films in the last 10 years has been ****.

I could remember having a huge VHS collection, and being excited to head the video store to rent movies, in the last 2 years my rental trips have been cut by 90%. Besides the 4 movies I rented for the weekend, prior to that it had been 1-2 months since I last rented. 10 years ago I was amking trips to the video store 2-3 a week.

01-Sep-2008, 01:45 AM
I am wondering if it is the scripts hollywood is giving these guys or something, but the overall quality of films in the last 10 years has been ****.

I could remember having a huge VHS collection, and being excited to head the video store to rent movies, in the last 2 years my rental trips have been cut by 90%. Besides the 4 movies I rented for the weekend, prior to that it had been 1-2 months since I last rented. 10 years ago I was amking trips to the video store 2-3 a week.

I've found that the indie films are making for better rentals. Actually, with the "3 for $20" and "4 for $20" deals they have now at Blockbuster.....It's better just to buy them in bulk a week or so after they're released rather than rent them.

But I agree....major films have been on the decline recently because audiences want mindless crap like "Saw 2,743" and "Disaster Movie"...

01-Sep-2008, 06:02 AM
The Dark Knight just passed $500,000,000, but news from overseas is that it FLOPPED, yes FLOPPED, in Japan.

Thats because it didn't have underage school girls covered in cum and being raped by tentacles in The Dark Knight.

You can't please everyone...

01-Sep-2008, 09:50 AM
Thats because it didn't have underage school girls covered in cum and being raped by tentacles in The Dark Knight.

You can't please everyone...

Japan always goes its own way with these sort of things, but I can tell you something, it rocked arse here in the UK - and us Brits have taste. :cool:

Dark Knight was f*ckin' awesome, end of. :D

01-Sep-2008, 11:09 AM
Japan has to top america when it comes to ****ED up porn. They have some **** over there that just crosses the line.

01-Sep-2008, 12:03 PM
The Hong Kong trip was a device used to further ground this series in reality. They wanted to portray the batman as a global threat rather than a threat only in one, fictional city. I loved it.

There were of course numerous other issues they could have presented instead, but didn't. Why? Because you have to limit yourself somewhere. And the Hong Kong scene is one thing they should have limited themselves.

01-Sep-2008, 05:25 PM
Look at the LOTR, Aliens, and best example of all, The Abyss... The extended versions are excellent...

I'd add Terminator 2 to that list as well, but when you think about it, Aliens, Abyss, and T2 are all Cameron films. I think some directors can just deliver a good movie no matter what they decide to cut out or add in.

01-Sep-2008, 05:36 PM
I'd add Terminator 2 to that list as well, but when you think about it, Aliens, Abyss, and T2 are all Cameron films. I think some directors can just deliver a good movie no matter what they decide to cut out or add in.

Of course there are many others, as well. Donnie Darko, Alien, Apocalypse Now, Leon AKA The Professional, The Frighteners, Superman II: The Donner Cut, etc.

Yeah....I just wanted to go through my collection and see which director's cuts I liked.:p

01-Sep-2008, 05:51 PM
Of course there are many others, as well. Donnie Darko, Alien, Apocalypse Now, Leon AKA The Professional, The Frighteners, Superman II: The Donner Cut, etc.

Yeah....I just wanted to go through my collection and see which director's cuts I liked.:p

I agree with some of those picks, except I just did not like Donnie Darko, Alien I thought was good the way it was but the new footage didn't really add or take anything away from the movie, and I would add the workprint version of Alien 3. The theatrical version was just a disaster and the workprint just showed that David Fincher was doing his best to save a rather unnecessary sequel.

01-Sep-2008, 05:56 PM
Ah dude, the work print of Alien 3 is awesome.

I still like the theatrical, because it was the first one I saw, and have seen several times, and dates back for me to when I was a teenager, so it's kind of a nostalgia trip.

However - recently getting the DVD and seeing the Fincher version was WAY better and made LOADS more sense, plus it just felt far more 'up there' with the first two (not in the same league, but closer than the theatrical cut at least).

01-Sep-2008, 06:01 PM
Ah dude, the work print of Alien 3 is awesome.

I still like the theatrical, because it was the first one I saw, and have seen several times, and dates back for me to when I was a teenager, so it's kind of a nostalgia trip.

However - recently getting the DVD and seeing the Fincher version was WAY better and made LOADS more sense, plus it just felt far more 'up there' with the first two (not in the same league, but closer than the theatrical cut at least).

what I don't understand is why they cut the scene when the prisoner lets the alien out of the trap. That was one plothole I never understood until the work print was released. I do love the workprint, but it was definitely the low point of the series until Resurrection came out, plus Ridley Scott and James Cameron are two tough acts to follow.

01-Sep-2008, 06:02 PM
Guys, guys....

I haven't seen the "Assembly Cut" of Alien 3, but it's NOT David Fincher's. He refused to have any part of it. In fact, he denounces the film and says it's not his film at all. So this new cut is something that the studio put together.

I'm not saying it's bad. I haven't seen it. I'm just saying that it's not Fincher's and if he had 100% control from the beginning, there's no doubt in my mind that Alien 3 would have ranked up there with the first two.

01-Sep-2008, 06:11 PM
Actually Fincher gave the release of the assembly cut release his blessing, but refused to touch it. Fair play tbh, I like the film, but they messed him about so much, I doubt he wants to revisit that project.

An extended Dark Knight would be good, one of the few (but nonetheless significant) flaws the film had was that the pacing was very fast, there are scenes that are mere seconds long, and atcually have exchanges in them.

Although the dynamic of the film as a whole accomodates this to a certain degree, it does leave it feeling a little rushed in places. I hate to badmouth it without citing examples, but i'll have to wait for the dvd before I can nitpick specifics.

So aye, whether it happens or not, I like the idea