View Full Version : Wow! Woman missed flight 447 cos she was late...

14-Jun-2009, 11:17 AM
A lucky woman, who turned up too late to get onto Air France plane flight 447 (that crashed last week), has been killed in a car crash.

Sounds like a scenario for Final Destination where death was just out to get her!

14-Jun-2009, 12:14 PM
Chalk one up for the crowd that likes to promote the death statistics in vehicles being greater than airplanes.

14-Jun-2009, 12:33 PM
funnily enough there is a new final destination movie coming out called "THE FINAL DESTINATION". not too on topic but ho-hum.

14-Jun-2009, 01:18 PM
Chalk one up for the crowd that likes to promote the death statistics in vehicles being greater than airplanes.

Ha, yeah....that statistic is such bullshit anyway....its EQUALLY dangerous to be in either - you don't usually spend 18 hours in a car, but you do in an airplane. Spend 18 hours in either and you're just as likely to face a dangerous or deadly situation. The truth is, you're probably more likely to survive a car crash - but the frequency of which they could occur to the average human is exactly the same given the time frames in which people occupy them.

14-Jun-2009, 03:14 PM
Airplanes man....they creep me out!

I love flying to places,but if you actually think about it while your up in the air its pretty scary!especially when wandering down the aisle on the plane & thinking theres nothing underneath you at all! :eek:
When i flew to mallorca last september there was people on the flight crying & panicking both on take off & landing,even though nothing abnormal happened,guess they were having the "MR T" effect :lol: coming back was a different story though as we landed at tees durham airport in extremely heavy rain & the plane skidded a bit towards the side of the runway when we touched down,perfectly normal thing for the pilot i expect & we werent in any danger but as a passenger it makes your heart skip a beat!

14-Jun-2009, 04:06 PM
Airplanes man....they creep me out!
Yeah, I'm gonna be on one later next month. The first time I've been on one since I was a kid. It's only an hour's flight but my arse is still proper flapping! :stunned:

14-Jun-2009, 04:47 PM
Its pretty awesome once you've taxied down the runway & theres that huge surge of power as you get to take off speed though,then you look out of the window and the ground looks at a mad angle as the plane tilts back & to one side!you cant beat that view above the clouds either where its perfectly clear & you can see the jet stream coming off the wings :cool: i'd never flown till i was almost 25 so never experienced it as a kid,probably far scarier as an adult as your more aware of what can go wrong!

14-Jun-2009, 06:42 PM
Its pretty awesome once you've taxied down the runway & theres that huge surge of power as you get to take off speed though,then you look out of the window and the ground looks at a mad angle as the plane tilts back & to one side!you cant beat that view above the clouds either where its perfectly clear & you can see the jet stream coming off the wings :cool: i'd never flown till i was almost 25 so never experienced it as a kid,probably far scarier as an adult as your more aware of what can go wrong!

Wait till we're all in scram jets flying at 10,000mph :)

14-Jun-2009, 11:09 PM
Wow thats really lucky and then really unlucky

15-Jun-2009, 02:08 AM
Kinda reminds me of that one Twilight Zone episode. Remember that one? With the elevator? It's sort of old... spooky.

15-Jun-2009, 09:43 AM
I've still not been in a plane - ever. I've not even been on the Eurostar either. I don't really do a lot of travelling ... but I can't afford to anyway, so...

If I could afford to go somewhere - I'd go to Canada.


Also, damn straight that's a dose of sheer luck and then sheer bad luck for that lady. :eek:

15-Jun-2009, 02:04 PM
Chalk one up for the crowd that likes to promote the death statistics in vehicles being greater than airplanes.

So, true. This sounds like a wet dream for whatever cabal of marketers the FAA has set up under some interest group spinning statistics and trying to figure out how to tactfully use this tragedy to maximum advantage.

In the end it's just shit luck for this poor woman and her loved ones. I can't imagine almost losing of a loved one (Wife, Mother or daughter), who had been spared by providence (blind luck, an act of god or whatever you'd want to call it), just to have her die a week or two later.

Hopefully, she did something with that short window of time. Maybe in the light of such a close call she was motivated to take stock of her life and take some action or move in some positive direction in that time that she had left that she may otherwise not have done, had she not almost been on that plane.

darth los
15-Jun-2009, 03:01 PM
Kinda reminds me of that one Twilight Zone episode. Remember that one? With the elevator? It's sort of old... spooky.

..."Room for one more Honey". :dead:

One of my favs dude. :thumbsup:


15-Jun-2009, 03:28 PM
Death walks behind you...

15-Jun-2009, 03:56 PM
Linkage? I've believed some tall stories in my time but this would rank at the very top if I did without proof.