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22-May-2006, 06:37 PM
Is anyone actually excited about this? Since the movie is coming out this Friday I was just wondering about people's opinions on this movie. There seems to be a lot going for it but it also seems to have its problems.

Part 1 and Part 2 were good build ups to Part 3.
Most of the cast is in it, not many characters were re-cast.
Frasier is Beast
The writers supposedly have balls by killing of a few people.
It has mixed/postive reviews so far

Bryan Singer was replaced by Brett Ratner
Halle Berry is still here
It seems like it was rushed
Brett Ratner is directing

22-May-2006, 08:41 PM
I think you forgot to mention Brett Ranter...

I'm going to go and see it, but I ain't excited. I'm a big X-Men comic book fan so I'm going to hate it anyway. Didn't mind the other 2 films, but then they didn't attempt a a major comic book story line.

22-May-2006, 09:05 PM
I'm looking forward to the film. The source material is legendary.

Uncanny X-Men 130-140 are some of my favorite issues. Back in the good old days with John Byrne artwork.

Any word if the Sentinels show up in X3? That would be wicked.

If they did an X4 film, I'd like to see 'Days of Future Past' from issues 141 and 142

23-May-2006, 03:25 AM
Any word if the Sentinels show up in X3? That would be wicked.

yes they are indeed in the film :)

the clip I saw looked a bit crappy tho' so... *shrug*

23-May-2006, 03:58 AM
I am excited about it, from what I have seen so far it looks like it will be awesome. I don't think it was rushed, they took a couple years to make it. As for Brett Ratner directing, none of his movies that I have seen were bad, in fact, I liked Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2 quite a bit. Sure, he hasn't made a great movie yet, but who knows, this could be the one.

23-May-2006, 02:25 PM
It's released here tomorrow (Wednesday). They air X2 tonight. I'm considering popping in X-Men in the video, watching it and then watching X2 tonight and finally round it off by going to the movies tomorrow.

23-May-2006, 02:51 PM
I read a review of "The Last Stand" from it's premier at Cannes and from what I've read.....brace yourselves for dissapointment.

I heard it's basically just one big action sequence. Not only that, but it introduces ALOT of new mutants without any time for the characters to develop(the film is only alittle over 90 minutes).

And one other thing....from what I've read in the review, this probably won't be the "Last Stand";)

23-May-2006, 02:59 PM
My girlfriend is dragging me to it.
I don't mind.
Hell,....after some of the flicks I expose to her, I deserrve anything she pulls out of her cute little butt. (movies, that is) - )oh, and she do gots a cute little boohiney!! wooot woot!)
I will say this, she's not into all those weepy chicka Flickas! (well, maybe this one that I HAD to walk out of the room over, something about a love-letter)
I just hope they don't do the "Jump on the Band Wagon with all the OVERUSED CGI gimmicks in this one.)
So, I'm taking her the the Phil Lesh and Friends show......here in KC!!! woot woot!

23-May-2006, 04:41 PM
messing around with phoenix is a mistake

the byrne/claremont issues were the best

proteus was a chilling foe
the seduction of jean grey from phoenix to the black queen
to dark phoenix was masterful

the glory days of the xmen were long ago

23-May-2006, 04:47 PM
My girlfriend is dragging me to it.
I don't mind.
Hell,....after some of the flicks I expose to her, I deserrve anything she pulls out of her cute little butt. (movies, that is) - )oh, and she do gots a cute little boohiney!! wooot woot!)
I will say this, she's not into all those weepy chicka Flickas! (well, maybe this one that I HAD to walk out of the room over, something about a love-letter)
I just hope they don't do the "Jump on the Band Wagon with all the OVERUSED CGI gimmicks in this one.)
So, I'm taking her the the Phil Lesh and Friends show......here in KC!!! woot woot!

Yeah, you should be grateful that she wants to see "X - Men" instead of an even more crap film like "Uptown Girls" or some chick flick like that. I used to hate that about my girlfriend. Luckily we split up a few months back and I can see the films that I want to see:D

Hey Adreno, I heard on the radio this morning that Widespread has a new cd coming out June 13th. Did you hear about it? They played the first single from it and it was pretty sweet. Sounded darker than most Widespread, though. I can't wait.

I'm sure they'll be playing here soon, too. They usually play here in ATL(their from Athens, Ga.) for about 3-4 nights in a row.....good stuff.

23-May-2006, 05:56 PM
I just hope they don't do the "Jump on the Band Wagon with all the OVERUSED CGI gimmicks in this one.)

From what I've read there's a lot or wirework in this one and CGI was actually limited.

Moon Knight
23-May-2006, 06:09 PM
I can't wait for this. So what if there is too many characters, I mean...c'mon, it's the third film. What I want from a third film in a comic book franchise is action and plenty of it.

I think peeps already hate this film even before watching it because Bryan Singer aint no longer involved. So what, the second film was great and will probally go down as the best one, but as long as the action scenes are well done and the actiing is good, well, I'll be happy.

Oh yeah, and let's finally have Iceman freeze himself up in classic Iceman form.

23-May-2006, 06:48 PM
I think the reason people are so upset about Bryan Singer not being involved is because his movies focused on character and had action when it was needed. Brett Ratner doesn't have a good background with character so it just seems like people are expecting this one lack character.

23-May-2006, 07:03 PM
I think the reason people are so upset about Bryan Singer not being involved is because his movies focused on character and had action when it was needed. Brett Ratner doesn't have a good background with character so it just seems like people are expecting this one lack character.

That's exactly what I've heard about it. I'll go check it out with an open mind, of course. It seems like it could be pretty sweet.

I'm sure the length will hurt the film alittle. I mean, just from the trailers and pictures it looks like it introduces about 10 new main-character mutants and the film is only an hour and a half with alot of action.:( I'm all for action but I can't enjoy it if I don't care for the characters because of bad development.

But uhh....Brett "Rush Hour" Ratner probably wasn't a good thing(I did enjoy "Red Dragon", however). I'm glad that Singer is helming "Superman Returns", though. From what I've heard/seen, that's sure to be an instant classic.

There still may be some hope for X-3. If it does suck...hopefully they'll get a new director for the fourth film(or stop the franchise all together - who am I kidding? They'll never do that as long as kids give them money)...

23-May-2006, 07:11 PM
That's exactly what I've heard about it. I'll go check it out with an open mind, of course. It seems like it could be pretty sweet.

I really can't wait to see this because I've been waiting since X2 came out. I'm good at keeping an open mind but the trailer looks good and I'm just afraid of getting my hopes up.

23-May-2006, 07:14 PM
I really can't wait to see this because I've been waiting since X2 came out. I'm good at keeping an open mind but the trailer looks good and I'm just afraid of getting my hopes up.

Yeah, I was extremely impressed with the first two. I never got into the "X-Men" comics/cartoons/whatever else there is, so it was an all new super hero franchise to me.

24-May-2006, 03:33 PM
I enjoyed the first flick, I was not impressed with the second but this one looks like it is going to be a good one and I look forward to it.

24-May-2006, 03:56 PM

It's a good film. I just got back from watching it. It's better than Part 2, which was good in it's own right, and will probably have a better replay value than both two flicks.

I was worried when I heard that the film focused to much on action. Let it be said that this is NOT true. The film features more action than the first two, but not alot more. Infact, I think it's got a perfect mix of story and action. The part about there being to many characters didn't bother me at all, because only a few of them are supposed to be main characters anyway. The previews made it out as if the film tried to establish to many, and the film suffered as a result. Yes, there are alot of characters in this film, but aren't there in every film? Only a few characters get the "main character" treatment, and even so they were well developed I felt. It doesn't suffer from the "too many characters!" syndrome that Dawn 04 did, mainly because the director knew how many characters to focus on and then focused on them. A few characters could easily have been cut, but still they do no harm.

Only thing about the characters I would want to change is that, if the film would have been longer, they should have added more scenes focusing on the old bad guys: Magneto, Pyro and Mystique. They are still there, but especially Pyro and Mystique feel cut down. Also, the fight between Pyro and Iceman isn't that great.

The action is great. It's just perfect, except for one detail. For you X-Man fans, you probably know that both Magneto and Jean Grey (yes, she's back, didn't you watch the trailers?) can lift heavy machinery and such. This results in one to many action scenes where it's all out chaos, things flying around, and total wreckage for a few minutes. Very loud, and not very adrenaline pumping. But other than that, the fights were good. Wolverine got his share of clawing action, Beast was really cool (but I would have liked to see more of him fight), and the rumours that the film focuses to much on Storm is not true. I read that she complained that she didn't develop enough in the previous films, well guess what, she the film puts no bigger focus on her in this film than in the previous films (Which I think is good).

Storywise, it is good. The film focuses alot on the political situation regarding mutants, which has warmed up considerably since the last two films where mutants were regarded as a plague. Now they are more accepted, but there is still trouble brewing. Most of this trouble comes from Magneto, however. I also liked the plot because it takes liberties with old and new characters. Just because someone survived one, or both of the previous films, doesn't mean they will survive this one. Infact, there are quite a few that don't. That kind of writing always keeps you on edge, wondering what could happen next.

Also the ending. The very last scene should have been cut short. Instead, we're left with another "The end...?" ending. Where they open up the possibility of another sequel. Why call it The Last Stand, if it's NOT the last stand!?

Overall, a good film. Better than X2 (which was good), and this is really a good comic book/action film.

24-May-2006, 06:02 PM
It's a good film. I just got back from watching it. It's better than Part 2, which was good in it's own right, and will probably have a better replay value than both two flicks.

Better than X2? Praise indeed!!!

24-May-2006, 06:04 PM
Better than X2? Praise indeed!!!

I rewatched X2 yesterday, knowing I was going to see X3 today, and I found X2 to be alright but not that great overall. X3 isn't a milestone either, but if you in with the same expectations you had for X-Men and X2, you'll be in for a ride.

24-May-2006, 07:20 PM
I rewatched X2 yesterday, knowing I was going to see X3 today, and I found X2 to be alright but not that great overall. X3 isn't a milestone either, but if you in with the same expectations you had for X-Men and X2, you'll be in for a ride.

I think X2 is considered a great movie because it was what more people had in mind when they saw the first movie, so people automatically considered it to be better than X1. They're both good movies, but I think you really have to like the characters to consider them to be great.

24-May-2006, 10:14 PM
I think X2 is considered a great movie because it was what more people had in mind when they saw the first movie, so people automatically considered it to be better than X1. They're both good movies, but I think you really have to like the characters to consider them to be great.

That's a good observation, and I can probably agree to it. This is that kind of film.

If you like Wolverine, Storm, Magneto and Kesley Grammer you will love this film.

29-May-2006, 01:06 AM
Went to Xmen: Last Stand. It's a fair comic book action movie. Better than Hulk or Daredevil, but not as good as the earlier X-Men movies or Spiderman.

=============== Spoiler Alert ==============================
As mentioned above there were definate script issues. Too much focus on introducing numerous new mutants instead of developing existing characters. The film attempted to cover too much ground in too short of time. The 'mutant cure' subplot along with Magneto's efforts was enough to carry the movie.

Unfortunatey the 'Phoenix' subplot grafted in had mixed results. While it was foreshadowed in the previous movies, it was handled in a clumsy fashion. By removing major characters there is a massive empty space halfway through the film. The lack of character development made the replacement X-Men members Shadowcat and Colossus simple cardboard cutouts. Storm and Wolverine alone just weren't interesting enough to carry the second half of the film.

Would liked the film to address the moral issue of taking the 'cure'. There should have been more debate, instead of a simple "there is nothing wrong with me" speech by the main characters. This was a perfect opportunity to examine the role of government and individual rights. For example - if it was possible to deactivate the powers of Magneto or Juggernaut would it be moral to do so?

What if during a riot outside the glass tower private security forces fired on both the protesting mutants and those standing in line for the 'mutant cure' with the darts? Showing the anguish of those losing powers compared to those who see the 'cure' as a blessing would have been a great juxtaposition. Not to mention give the evil mutants motivation to attack, and put the governments mutant policy and future actions in question.

During the final battle sequence, kept wondering why the film went with the massive attack scenario. The tactics used by the mutants were ignorant, certainly not worthy of the Master of Magnetism. It seemed like the final 1/3 of the script was written by someone not fully aware of the true capabilities of the comic book characters. Magneto could have taken down that base by himself. Simply pick up the Golden Gate Bridge, crush it into a large sphere, then drop it on the island repeatedly. Once all resistance is crushed, then send in the Brotherhood.

Gathering a Marvel Comics mutant army who didn't really take advantage of their superpowers was lame. In the Marvel Universe if you put 100 mutants of various powers together in one place - there would be an immediate response from the authorities. Not to mention other super hero groups. During the final battle sequence half expected the Avengers & Dr. Strange, Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D., Iron Man and the Mighty Thor, or the Fantastic Four to show up.

It was a fair comic book movie, but it was also a lost opportunity. So much more could have been done with the third film in the franchise.

29-May-2006, 01:12 AM
i'm actually downloading this movie as we speak. i expect it to be pretty entertaining...

29-May-2006, 01:20 AM
I agree with a lot of Eyebiter's observations. I didn't appreciate the film much, and thought it was a let down, especially compared to X2.

The scripting was clumsy, the film too short, the action too forced, and, while the writer takes some interesting directions with the way the plot unfolds, I tend to think of them as less daring and more desperate.

This was, unfortunately, about what I expected out of the film.

29-May-2006, 03:01 AM
I agree with a lot of Eyebiter's observations. I didn't appreciate the film much, and thought it was a let down, especially compared to X2.

The scripting was clumsy, the film too short, the action too forced, and, while the writer takes some interesting directions with the way the plot unfolds, I tend to think of them as less daring and more desperate.

This was, unfortunately, about what I expected out of the film.

I liked the movie. Of course I felt let down by it and the second half was made very clumsy. It just seemed a bit jumpy and rushed. If they spent another 20 or 30 minutes to let things just happen the movie would've been a lot better. I must say though that I don't blame Brett Ratner for the movie. After Bryan Singer developing it and Matthew Vaughn doing the prep, Ratner was basically given the script with mostly other directors notes just before filming and told to go with it. I think if he had actually had a little more time to oragnize it and put his own touch on it, the movie really would've turned out better. Overall the movie was good, but rushed and not thought through.

29-May-2006, 04:36 AM
Well... I had pretty high expectations. X-3 undershot what I wanted it to be, but it was a fun popcorn movie. I'd put it as equal with X-2 overall. As far as the action sequences, it's a little better than X-2.

As a disclaimer, I'm not a superhero comic fan (I preferred Sgt. Rock and horror comics as a kid), so I can't give a legit fan's opinion. However, as far as judging the franchise as a movie trio, I'm pretty happy.

Heck, I like any genre movies, even the bad ones, so I'm sure going to recommend X-3! I can't wait for the Wolverine etiology flick, that's in the works!

By the way, I saw it with a special effects designer, and he was blown away by the CGI. It was pretty seamless.


Why the heck did they have to use that friggin' bridge to get to Alcatraz. What a drama queen... Would have been a lot more believable if they'd chosen any other solution. Not to mention the sacrifice of the "pawns" -- that's just silly.

29-May-2006, 08:53 AM
just finished watching it - good, but felt a little rushed ... plus they kill off cyclops in the first five minutes before letting professor x bite it too! worth the time to watch, though...

29-May-2006, 01:56 PM
the film must be pretty good. I have seen may positive reviews and not too mention it took in a healthy $107,000,000 this weekend. Very impressive. Too be honest I think it looks better than X2. I am probably going to go catch it tonight.

29-May-2006, 02:16 PM
the film must be pretty good. I have seen may positive reviews and not too mention it took in a healthy $107,000,000 this weekend. Very impressive. Too be honest I think it looks better than X2. I am probably going to go catch it tonight.

I saw it last night. I liked it a lot. It was better than the second movie.

29-May-2006, 03:02 PM
just finished watching it - good, but felt a little rushed ... plus they kill off cyclops in the first five minutes before letting professor x bite it too! worth the time to watch, though...

Spoiler Much!!!!! :eek:

If anyone wants to mention a spoiler, use the spoiler command. It's just the same as [img] or [quote]...just use instead. For example:

[spoiler] Nightcrawler isn't in it, wtf with that?

Anyway, I've watched the movie and thought it was OK. I can't believe Vinnie says "I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!" :D

Did anyone watch it right to the end past the credits? Apparently there is a little more right at the end. (http://edge.i-hacked.com/message-to-x3-moviegoers) Let me know what it is.

29-May-2006, 04:26 PM
what took place after the credits

prof. xavier is still alive, the scene earlier in the movie with him disussing ethics while watching a video about the brain dead man on life support was a hint at what would happen, xavier placed his mind in the mans body

29-May-2006, 05:59 PM
I saw it Saturday night at Bengies Drive-In. http://www.bengies.com

I thought it was pretty entertaining.

29-May-2006, 08:05 PM
Is the Subtext still in this one that was in the other two? I'm a big comics geek and I thought the first 'X' movies did a great thing by really playing on the subtext of X-men (Homosexuality, Jews, Blacks, Nerds). From What I've read this one dissapoints and is getting pretty much trashed.

29-May-2006, 10:29 PM
Is the Subtext still in this one that was in the other two? I'm a big comics geek and I thought the first 'X' movies did a great thing by really playing on the subtext of X-men (Homosexuality, Jews, Blacks, Nerds). From What I've read this one dissapoints and is getting pretty much trashed.

I thought that in that department, this film was the best. It brings up some really important issues, but have mutants fight it out with powers.

30-May-2006, 03:47 PM
Better than X2? Praise indeed!!!

it's not.

x3 was watchable but it felt like it was just a number of overall set peices linked together without any overall plot.

the compressed schedule they shot it under does show. and the big "deaths" that have been mentioned heer are there were about as limp as they can get.

all in all i was more impressed with the trailer for "Ghost rider" than i was with all of x3.

Would liked the film to address the moral issue of taking the 'cure'. There should have been more debate, instead of a simple "there is nothing wrong with me" speech by the main characters. This was a perfect opportunity to examine the role of government and individual rights. For example - if it was possible to deactivate the powers of Magneto or Juggernaut would it be moral to do so?

What if during a riot outside the glass tower private security forces fired on both the protesting mutants and those standing in line for the 'mutant cure' with the darts? Showing the anguish of those losing powers compared to those who see the 'cure' as a blessing would have been a great juxtaposition. Not to mention give the evil mutants motivation to attack, and put the governments mutant policy and future actions in question.

It was a fair comic book movie, but it was also a lost opportunity. So much more could have been done with the third film in the franchise.

brilliant synopsis, this pretty much covers the entire movie for me.