View Full Version : I forgot Obama was black...

29-Jan-2010, 01:25 AM
so sayeth Chris Matthews. I'd love to slap this guy right in the face - not because of these remarks, but because he's Chris Matthews.


29-Jan-2010, 01:35 AM
that guy is a complete and total jackass.

i found this interesting:

A note to other liberals like Chris Matthews: Please stop saying that a post-racial America means that blackness disappears. While I can't speak for everyone, I can personally say that I don't want the beauty of blackness to go away. Instead, I would rather have blackness be respected

indeed. instead of sweeping all this under the carpet using the dubious epithet "post-racial", let's acknowledge our differences. it's far more honest and far more respectful. the future of this country is going to be built around white, black, and hispanic working together. to pretend that the differences between our races don't matter is to stick one's head in the proverbial sand.

darth los
29-Jan-2010, 03:41 PM
I like matthews because he's virtually the only one who gives a tough interview and just doesn't let pols stick to their talking points. He actualy busts their balls.

We need more like him.


01-Feb-2010, 02:06 PM
Obama is BLACK...

What What What???!!!???
